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Minecraft but the Floor is Lava

Jun 07, 2021
It burns, it's okay, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll just finish them off, guess what did you get? I didn't understand, oh my God. I hate how this is absurd I killed another one without a rod two three I don't have him you killed him you have the rod yes we have one we have one okay that's enough we can make the fire resist that's it come on, I guess let's go, let's go back, let's go to both places, I have both fire rods yes now the big question is did it work does it work?
minecraft but the floor is lava
I hope our entire theory of winning is based on this 100% of what we are doing is based on the idea. Those fire resistance potions will work, yes, we return, okay, legendary, what could be our salvation, three, two, one, it works. I'll make more potions and you can get some food. Oh, I just took damage. About what? Of all harm. There is no fire. damage okay you got me really scared okay we'll just build here we'll just build scared you forgot I have fire resistance I'm just kidding I keep jumping into


and scaring chat is cool oh I have the lapis no way yes I have lapis the end of week I'm going back I'm going back we can enchant now let's see what this diamond sword can bring me knock down in sharpness one sharpness one sure why not boom yeah, where is that beautiful thing? let's see what peak efficiency has one is better than nothing come on, I mean I guess I could just go fight Blazes now if you want to get all the Blaze dust, so we need something like eight Blaze rods to get it, almost guaranteed , yeah, almost guaranteed, we'll find it, oh, I heard Blazes, I found the generator, I'm six, how?
minecraft but the floor is lava

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minecraft but the floor is lava...

You are in? I have five so we have 11. I mean oh I guess we'll just kill them and leave just to prove a point, yeah we don't need that, we don't need any more, he keeps giving me five. resist the potions of course when we were like trading them before he refused to give us any and we got a pearl ender three pretty pearls so we got one yeah we had nine now not how many do we have ten baby ten , it's okay, you just have it? I forgot, that's the last one, oh god, oh no, oh no, I'm out of juice, I'm fine, okay though, I'm doing the eyes, they're done, so man, okay, uh, you take half , I'll take the other one. half and let's end this game sweetly yeah it's eight minutes ready and look at it let's go there minus 118 here we go okay so now you see how it used to be 93 118 and now it's minus 94 yeah which one.
minecraft but the floor is lava
It means we are getting closer, here we go, what is this strange phenomenon? Okay, okay, that's good, we're so close, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like I'm here, damn, yeah, I'm going to throw another one once on the other side. this water and it'll probably turn around and be like down, yeah, yeah, yeah, straight down from here nothing, oh, here it is, yeah, yeah, this is, oh, the end of the journey, the front staircase, Sweet, hey, you got it, come on man. that was a quick portal, okay, that one were you ready, I'm ready, I have a spawn point set, I put the bed right next to it, okay, it withstands fire, I say just in case, but hopefully we'll never see that again, you're ready, the count is down three, two, one. okay, I'll build, okay, I have one, there's only one, I have that one, I think that's all the towers, that's the perch, that's the perch, he's going good, yes, yes, that's the perch, you go to go to bed, okay, I didn't understand it, it was just okay, okay.
minecraft but the floor is lava
I'm moving towards the head, okay, okay, these decent hits, decent hits, not bad, hanger, that's perfect, yeah, that's hanger, go for it, ah, okay, yeah, oh, no I have more, I don't have more, okay, I'll go. We're running, we'll go get it, I'll take you there, let's go to Minecraft with the




, yeah man, day one was grueling, but day two crushed it, yeah, episode two, let's get the withering, yeah, I did something. grinding out of the stream I have four sand souls and three withered skeleton skulls yeah, yeah, yeah, just what we need, let's see if we can make it one, two potions of strength, health, friends food, let's do this, okay, There it goes, oh guys, one more. fired one more shot, I'll just circle around, you shoot him, I got him, okay, there we go melee, oh, I've got an enderman behind me, oh, go away, oh, he's so low, oh, there we go and there's there one more, there's one more thing we need. to do what's that can you give me and yourself a bucket of milk three two one cheers final the stone doesn't burn us there it is there we go that's it we managed to finish this super fun so be sure to check out Fundy if you want Not yet I have, thank you very much for watching everyone and I will be back tomorrow.

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