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Minecraft, But The Chunks Are Deleted Every Time...

Feb 27, 2020
We had to go back I had so much food well I'm just going to go back my things are not that far down it's irrelevant it's completely down but I don't need them we need them I'm going to go down where is the water? yeah, okay, did you get my stuff? No, I have no idea where it is. How much food did you have though? I'm 15. We're going to have to use a bow to kill llamas, otherwise we'll have to bring a lot of blocks with us, otherwise we're totally muffins, actually. We're totally flipped, we're totally moose, I get it, oh you.
minecraft but the chunks are deleted every time
We're laughing at


different word I say, we're completely crippled, I'm not laughing anymore, it's okay, if we don't get it, you're already laughing, it's okay, if we don't get it, I'm facing this cross block to assert the dominion is fine, if we don't kill them, it's fine, if we don't, if we don't like it, it's fine, if we enter the trunk with the flames and, as if it breaks, the spawn will be totally confused, I'm going to mine, a little cardboard, I'm going to extract some cobblestone, remind me a little too, oh, it's night, we sleep, yes, at least I should, it's not night, how come it's not night?, oh, there there, he said you can't rest now, the bed is too far away, well, then how do I click on it?
minecraft but the chunks are deleted every time

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minecraft but the chunks are deleted every time...

Mojang unsolved mystery the unsolved mystery of why the bed is too far wait, okay, ready, wait, come out, ready, yeah, three, two, one, it was so perfectly


d, it wasn't perfect timing, okay, runs. Wait, wait, wait, where are you? I'm burning you. Yes, I just got burned today. You must be kidding. It didn't even take two seconds. You ordered all that preparation and you just died. I just walked in because I literally just walked. it just took me down, yeah, I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm in the game with a spectator and watching now, come on, there's got to be something, oh no, like, literally, I just turned around and it's already taken out. the block I was on like how did you not die? oh my god, okay, dream, just find one for me, find one, oh you know what, no, oh my god, I mean, we have some things.
minecraft but the chunks are deleted every time

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