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Minecraft, But My Friend Is A Parrot...

Jun 01, 2021
Same thing, there's a fire, there's another place, oh, that's the fire, where there is they're killing me, okay, no. I'm going to live I'm going to live I'm here alone I'll go alone make the place go well there are four blades don't come in here just go through the whistle oh my God oh my God I got it I got another one they're going to shoot me I didn't even pick it up I didn't pick up the stick fire I'll get it I'll get it oh my God go in and out in and out run dream I had bones oh my God dream dream what are you doing right yeah come on oh my God I'm eight I'm eight three come on that's enough how Did you get in?
minecraft but my friend is a parrot
There are like five places there. I just zoomed in and then I had bones in my hotbar, so I had to like spam. Leave them, oh my God, it's okay, we just have to go back and we need a trade that I have. 11 gold oh come on okay look in the chest remember I still only have four seeds oh there's a merchant here oh he's helped you he's going to shoot he's going to shoot he's going to shoot you he's going to shoot , he's going to shoot you, okay, we have to get it. away from the blades I'm just negotiating there are three here so it will be negotiated very quickly I'm negotiating quickly oh they just ruined everything come on let's go okay george, I'm leaving, I'm running away, oh wait, should I? change it get off, oh my god, this was a bad idea, this was a really bad idea, unless you give me a pose right now, pull the poles, okay, it was always time to get off, get off, get off, get off, I'm Below, there are skeletons here, mine. where I'm mine, okay, I'm getting them, I want the arrows, oh, don't catch me with a straight one, I've got an arrow, okay, I've got arrows down here, mine, down here, right here, yeah, go, there's a fire, there's a fire around the corner I think watch out for the fire watch out for the blues I'm going to kill it oh there's two down there I'm just going to block it oh there's a diamond a diamond isn't enough for anything uh I'll take it just in case iron three iron is fine, there is a chest at the end of this corridor, but there are a lot of enemies you can kill.
minecraft but my friend is a parrot

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minecraft but my friend is a parrot...

Okay, there are a lot of enemies down here, but I can shoot. Oh yeah, there's a lot of stuff here, but don't die. oh there's another one there's another skeleton okay uh there's nothing here oh there's another chest here and there's nothing oh there's another chest and oh there's three obsidian oh and there's a chest oh there's sitting here and then there's another chest that I haven't checked yet but It's at the end of that corridor, I'll let you check this out, okay, don't come, nothing, okay, it's all the chests, oh, there's a lot of gold down there, oh, and there are people to trade, I'm going to trade down here, There are these three merchants, oh, perfect gift.
minecraft but my friend is a parrot
Don't come near me here, I don't want you to get angry, okay, give me parts, give me lots, oh, I have lots, I only have ten. Come on, just one more end of the pearl trade and I'm fine, I can leave you. just, okay, nothing, oh, they're mad at you, but I'm going to trade with them five more trades. Do you think we can achieve it? If not, we can just kill some endermen in the overworld. That's true. We probably don't need that many. I can find them in the I think we should go if I didn't take it out yesterday it could be yes, we should go, yeah, okay, let's go, we don't need any more to the right, our portal is right there, oh, I see. okay, nice, let's pass, let's pass, oh, what, wait, what, oh, okay, look, okay, perfect, we beat, we beat the bottom, okay, now all we have to do is find the strength, so I'm going to turn these into those ready, right? guess which way I guess it's that way, okay, that way, oh, you stole Ender's eye, I'm going to go, okay, you can keep it for now, okay, actually you can, you can use it, it's okay, I can use it, yes, probably.
minecraft but my friend is a parrot
I'll get you more seeds just so you're safe, stop wasting time with seeds unless, no, you need seeds. I don't need so many seeds. I've only used 20 in total. I'm only eight and I don't want to die at the last hurdle, okay, can you hurry up and leave? I'm literally running towards the fortress right now. I'm literally running around like I know you're a pirate in the game. That doesn't mean you're a


in real life, okay, I know you're a parent in the game, that doesn't mean you're a


in real life, dream, dream, dream, dream about the parrot, yeah, it's a parrot super dumb, use it, oh yeah, take your parrot, let's go. come in okay so keep it up oh look you're still on my shoulder I'm swimming yeah wait what does it look so weird what oh my god wait what oh your head what is it oh my god oh this is epic I love being on your shoulder I'm going to sit here and I won't do anything just keep going just keep going just keep going I'm going to go oh it's almost night I wish we could hurry up and find this we're pretty far away it could be like in this ocean somewhere where you are I'm ahead I don't know no It's in this ocean we should throw it right on the edge although I would throw it as if I were to go here and throw it oh it's upside down oh it's on its side wait on its side no, it's here, here, here, you're 100 sure 99 throw another one if you want, let's have more and we don't have it, but let's have an extra one just to confirm the one here, I bet you. it's going right there please don't break oh it's right here actually it's right here you're a genius you're here don't break don't break okay it didn't break so break right here okay, I'm digging down, okay, let's go down together, We dream, let's take one small step for George and we dream of one giant leap to find the fortress, let's not fall and die, although I have a bucket of water, so, oh, actually I might not be here, we might. be a little off, that's true, we can just dig, go to y30 and then dig, I don't think it's been hit, I hear a skeleton on the right, oh there's a bat over here, left, left, just come here and dig, george, right here, dig right. right, it's oh yeah, I knew it, I knew it, it's here, I know it well, we both knew it, but I heard it, I didn't believe it, okay, be careful, be careful, I'm feeding you, give me food, okay, be careful with the chests , maybe I need more pearls, I'm flying around, oh, I'm just heading up, they're here, I'm stuck here, George, wait, it's the room is here, the room is here, where it's okay, underwear, pass this , the room is literally here, it is here.
I don't know because listen, wait, no, I heard those bats, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, wait. back it was me opening the door no it doesn't come back it has to be this way I found a chest oh there's nothing in it wait what I heard oh there's a dream of diamond and iron that I heard I found it I found the wrong series it's two eyes, it's two Eyes, are you serious? yeah, wait where did I hear still back here hey george to your right you're right you're right this way oh I see you you're on top of me I transported things to this chest but there's like things from the other chest in this chest, oh, okay, diamond, I'll take it, okay, cool, wait, where's the room?
It's right here it's a two eyes, two eyes, okay, I'm breaking, I'm breaking the generator, okay, we literally made it, we made it and We don't need any more stacks, do we need to do anything else before we continue? I don't know if you have how many seeds you have. I have 24 seeds, that's enough. I have four beds. I'm making a perfect diamond sword. I think we're ready eye-seller was running late okay where are you wait where are you oh are you there no don't hit me seriously I'm so scared we're so close to the end we're at the end we're at the end we're literally at the end that close from the end we are looking at this george look at this wait oh no wait how long is half a heart going to be enough okay, wait no, no, don't do it don't do it again don't do it again just wait why not just because you risk die like I don't risk dying I'm going to shoot them and then if I run out of arrows then you can get, you can get the remaining ones, okay, okay, because all it takes is just one thing to blow you up and then it's over, the video is over, so be careful, okay, I'm destroying them, oh, that was a good hit, okay, good watch.
Outside, you're looking at the enderman oh oh, okay, it's only half working, okay, wait, let me hear you, come down, come down, calm down, calm down, wait, no, I'll kill them, I'll kill them, I'm coming. I can't reach it, wait, let me jump, are you okay, you got me good, break the other one, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, do it, do it, don't explode, please, oh, that's good, it just happened, the dragon, the last. Oh, let me, okay, I'll try to get it, I'm trying to get it higher. Well, where's the last one up there? Oh wow, okay, what an opportunity.
There are none left. Okay, perfect. I'm getting it. Wait, can you press? dragon or he's going to kill you in reality don't even try it don't try it no no no don't dream please you're going to die he's going to hit you and kill you don't go away you were hurt how much Understand me, I'm in the middle of my heart, okay, oh, be careful, be careful watch out, what's wrong, what's wrong, run, mom, just please, kill me, dragon, hit me where I don't see you, I'm in the middle, okay, come here, just eat quickly, quickly, oh.
My zombies are you in the end, are you okay? I need more okay, wait, okay, I'm killing the dragon, I have nine, I have nine arrows, oh I'm missing everything, don't go near the dragon because he will kill you. "No, no, no, I'm ruining, is it falling? Wait, I almost just died, wait, oh my God, oh my God, you're not going to get a train of enemies because I'm flying, they can." I can't reach you alone please dream don't get close to the Enderman crowd I'm trying now oh it's going down it's going down um I'm making the bed I'm making the bed uh bed oh wait there's no bed on this side oh I screwed up I can't do it what am I doing I did it oh another one in the head okay with the sword with the sword wait okay I was a little wrong but it's okay dream I'm dying for these endermen wait oh no oh no, no, no, no, no, everyone They're after me, wait, oh it's just one, it's just one, oh my god, there's so many here, give me a shoulder, they'll attack you, okay, are you on my shoulder, are you safe, yeah, oh them? cut, they can't understand your dream, just get off of me, get off of my shoulder, seriously, get off of my shoulder, get out of the flow, seriously, get off of my shoulder, get off, they're coming for me, get off, just get off of me shoulder, dreams seriously, they are not.
You're okay, it's not a dream, I can't, I can't do anything if everyone follows me like this


, I'm serious, I'm serious, get off the dragon is going to get off and we're going to lose it, get off my shoulder, you're okay, you need it, you need to get off and fly instantly, get off and fly, you put me on your shoulder, I'm staying on youtube, I can't kill the dragon if all these endermen are chasing me I'm serious get off the dragon is going to get off and we're going to miss it the most we're going to miss it please we're not going to miss it please I'm oh my god I dream I don't know which one is attacking me and which one is after you oh the dragon is coming down it's okay dream you're going to mess it up are you still about me?, oh my God, go, just like, don't kill me, don't kill me, oh God.
God, watch out, sleep, why are you making this a hundred times harder? It's not making it worse. My fingers are sweating like my keyboard is wet right now. I'm on your shoulder. No, that dream. Please hide and get away from me. Just kill the enemy. attacking you oh it's going down she's going down dream oh my god why are you doing this I'm going to kill the enderman that's attacking you I don't know which one it is there's a hundred of them oh this is it oh Come on I'm oh my god I'm in for one more hit on the dragon boat I have no beds and I have no arrows.
I don't have arrows. There are a million enderman. Please get off my shoulder. What is it? wrong with you oh my god, they're going to call me, they're going to kill me, just keep running straight, pour water, you got water, oh my god, okay, I say, wait for the dragon to come down, okay, leave me right in the half. the middle is fine, the dragon is going to go down and then everything will be fine she is going down why don't I see the particles? okay, I'm going, I'm going, oh my God, this is it, this is it, dream, this is the end. oh god oh my god oh yes cute yes let's go oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god get the pig in the portal yeah

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