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Minecraft, But It’s One Realistic Raft

May 02, 2024
I'm stuck on a


, but the closer I get to Freedom, the more


my game becomes. Oh, where am I? Why am I in the middle of an ocean and why do the textures look so ugly? They are so un


, brother, new goal expand. The


waits, why would I do that? Because this raft is stranded 10,000 blocks from home and the only way to travel that far is with real engines, except right now Minecraft is too unreal for that, that's a log we can use to expand the raft I'm coming for you for I see something why everything is thrown no no no I can't see again if I try to swim to get the objects that current will take me right to the bottom of the ocean and I will drown so that is not an option.
minecraft but it s one realistic raft
I need another way to get items. What if the barrels have loot for us? Oh, there's got to be some pirate loot here, give it to me, wait. I don't have anything. Are you serious? Oh wait, no. Isn't that what a fishing rod looks like? I've played a lot of Minecraft before, dude, look at that ad, this is so realistic, okay, come on, we've got that board, we've got it, oh my god, it's so hard, yeah, okay, we've got the board, but the logs are really what we want, good friend, this is amazing, we are getting items very fast and no, no, no, get it, woo, yeah, okay, I think we have enough to expand this badass, let's keep going, baby, it's been expanded the cute badass.
minecraft but it s one realistic raft

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minecraft but it s one realistic raft...

Yes, and it also gave us the objective. We need to save a village. How am I going to do that? What is this item? We just had fish traps. It's those waves, but our raft isn't moving at all. This sail is broken, so if you fix it, then maybe we start getting out of here a little faster than well, without moving at all, maybe a little thread to make the wool ride up, let's get the thread, baby oh man check it out my fishing rod now literally has its own realistic rope too but it doesn't go as far oh no oh no guys did you see I grabbed it and then it disconnected from my fishing rod and dove into the water?
minecraft but it s one realistic raft
The problem the more realistic my raft becomes It's harder to update it like in real life, no no don't tell me this is what I think no guys it just became a lot harder to grab objects that sink into the ocean floor, unless maybe we can use the fish traps. to collect the items and maybe at the same time save the villager, so let's place one there, oh oh, and if we space them out, we'll get the maximum surface area there. How do these things work? What if I just click? Oh man, look at that, it opens them up and then I can take out the items inside of them.
minecraft but it s one realistic raft
This is much better than the fishing rod man. Like, like, oh dude, wait, dude, what are you doing here? get rejected by his entire village wait a minute we have to save him oh no he's coming towards us I have enough blocks yes I do come on let's go let's go build build build wait I just noticed look the little blocks are like 3D and the fences, oh wait, I should have been looking at the blocks, they should be trying to save this man's life, come on, yeah, I think we got him, I think we got him, hey, we saved the villager, what did we get? some kind of crafting table, what just happened with the clouds and dude, everything is so dark and edgy now it feels like real life and this crafting table, look at the tools, they are literally 3D like you could rip them off and use them , wait.
I get distracted, what is this guy doing? Maybe I could change something that could help us escape. It's just that a boat propeller engine, a boat fragment gives us a boat engine, how am I going to get any of those parts? Maybe we can craft them at the crafting table maybe that's what makes this special, let's see what the guy is, shark dagger, diving mask, stun gun. I don't see the boat engine stuff, but maybe we'll unlock it, the more realistic we are, I want to get myself a stun gun. I like it. the sound of that I want to improve our sail because hopefully then we can at least start moving out of here there's a lot of wool to put that in there and set it all up, man, that's what I call a realistic sale.
Well, I hope now we should move at least a little faster. Oh, I just realized your goal is to recover the wreck, maybe that's where we can find the ship part. Well, where is our shipwreck? It was the ocean at this depth because I don't remember. That and the waves those waves are like twice as big if I go out there it might break me to pieces bro oh there's our shipwreck except it's too far away I'll literally drown unless I can create something to help me stay underwater wait wait a minute that diving helmet I can make it oh I can glass and iron I need a lot more iron let us loot a little more thank you thank you thank you come on surely now we have enough items to make it yes, we give Yo, that SC mask, little man, I really hope this works, Dude, I look great, ready to swim, jump in, baby, dude, it's still really dark out here in the ocean, wait, what are those jellyfish, dude, that's a mini giant squid octopus? lots of new ocean creatures down here come on, come on, what's that? oh oh, it's a Sharow ow guys, what's that effect?
I'm bleeding, get on the raft, come on, come on, oh, he's right behind me, he's right behind me, quick, quick, quick. we're in the river we're safe we're safe hold on BR just hey hey hey no no no he's biting the raft he's biting the raft fast we're going to sink we're going to sink put it back put it back friend friend where is he where is he where is he? get out, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, I heard a shark hit, its nose hurts, get off, come on, are we afraid of it?, it worked, it really worked, but we I need to think of something to stop the shark chase us, wait a minute, there was another element we could create.
Do you remember what the stun gun was? We need three gold coins and some Redstone dust. Maybe by now they are our fish traps. We'll have picked it up, let's see if we got it, yeah we got it, let's get this thing handmade and in action baby, okay, stun gun, give me one of those, oh Sharky Sharky, where are you? Oh, here it comes, again, come on, no, how did I do it? I miss him bro, come on we gotta get him, yeah we got him, look at him, he's literally stuck in place, this is our chance, we gotta go, we gotta get those remains of a chest, here we go, what do we got?
Do we have a block of gunpowder charcoal? There's also another chest around here, let's see what we have, a block of raw gold, hey, and a ship propeller, that's the item we were looking for, but the task is not completed yet, there must be more remains down here, oh, there there is. Another chest here a key a key for Gold wait a minute we haven't completed the wreck yet we must be missing something else here guys where is this thing? Wait, I didn't check this floor, there's another chest here, okay? We have some emeralds, hard sea powder, and a harpoon strong enough to catch whales.
Well, we did it. It became much darker and the sea pickles shine. Well, look at that. I have a custom swimming animation. well that's so cool look at the clouds up there bro that's amazing this is what I call high quality guys even the waves oh that's beautiful I mean they look scary but that's beautiful, wait a minute, the shark is back, the shark is back. No, no, no, no, wait, but if we punish him, he'll keep coming back unless I pick up Harpoon Gun, oh man, that was VI, that was brutal, what did he drop?
What is this? I'm so confused we have to see what. This thing is a shark tooth, wait, that's not the only object. I have a grappling hook. Where did I get this from? But I'm also in the middle of an ocean. How is this going to help me? Oh, that's how it's going to help me. That's L baby, drop the anchor Mr. Villager, stay here and protect the rft, make sure it doesn't float away. This is not the land where my house is, but it could help us complete this goal and I want to see some tragedy.
You know what I'm living in my pirate life in the ER right now, come on honey, wait guys, look at this. I crouch, but if I crouch and run towards C, I hit the greedy one. I'm hitting the greedy. I'm hitting the greedy one in the cave. okay, okay, that cave, look there's a red stone down there, there's definitely a hidden treasure, if I've ever seen one, oh we gotta do it again, come on buddy, this must have been left by someone kind of old. civilization maybe the Aztecs, not even, but this is cool, hit the thin one, we're going well over the top, oh man, there are traps here, we have to be careful, that's it, that's the treasure chest, it's time to go after what we came to look for.
How the hell am I going to get there, buddy, that's so far away unless I wait a minute? The grappling hook is good, done. Note. Fire. We have made contact. Ed. We did it. Give me the treasure. Give me the treasure. Baby, open up. You need a key, oh I'm stupid, the golden key inside, come on baby, more shark, that's it, oh wait, we have a team, we have another part of our boat engine, we just need one more part and we'll be back to home, baby. and it became darker, why does every time it becomes more realistic the world becomes much darker, but look, the lava is like reflecting on the cobblestone?
That's crazy. Okay, we gotta get out of here because wait guys, look at the target. defend the raft what's going on with my raft out we go and we're out where did our raft go he's gone gone gone gone where is he oh he's over there he's gone he's sitting there going he's not afraid of him and all these beautiful leaves, oh bro look how pretty the leaves are dude they literally don't even look like


leaves ok I'm getting distracted by the realistic stuff we gotta go baby what a pirate ship oh no oh it's shooting TNT in my face. villager one of you D are these your friends are these your friends are these the ones who expelled you okay, we need to create some kind of weapon we have a stun gun we have the harpoon that's not bad maybe like a sword would do be a little useful, wait shark tagger that's perfect oh you're going to fall boy you wanna come mess with me we're going to come mess with you woo guys my computer is way behind on how realistic the game is in this one moment, come on. oh oh buddy that was close that was close come on come on come on where's the ladder there it's up the ladder B the boat what are you doing on my boat hire me Hardies I'm here to steal your loot actually I just want you leave me alone, Please, that would be nice, thank you, oh, oh, oh, okay, he clearly won't let me leave him alone.
I don't want to pay for my invasion, brother, you're the one who gets out of here, okay, I really hope the shark dagger does some serious damage, where is it? alright guys let's jump on the pirate here we go oh oh look at the Shar daa guy attack animations that were epic and now I have the pirate hats and it just got more realistic dude hey look my raft finally sailed here to join us, we should join the ships to know what's going on, why are you coming to see me, stay away, wait, what will be your next order, Captain, they are not trying to kill me.
We'll do what I say, well you'll listen to me, let's take a look and see what's in the captain's qus. Anything useful. Yes, that's what I want, baby, and we can finally use it to trade with our villager and get. we, our boat motor, okay, hello my friend, look at him, he's holding it, it looks cool, okay, give him all those items, grab this thing, uh, I'm clicking the mouse and nothing's happening here , brother, I can't, I can't. put it in I don't know how to install the SE equipment unless I wait a minute maybe these guys can help me with this wait for the raw update that's my order do you think they understand oh they're going down they're going down holy?
Dude, they're all badasses making some crazy improvements here. I don't know what they did to my sale, but they upgraded the rest of my raft and who needs a sale when you have a jet engine. Well, let's see if we can. Check this out, hey chicken, I can literally turn 360. Now I can control where I want to go, it's time to go home, honey, it's a little bumpy on the road here. I can see my house landing high up, but man, this storm is getting me sick, I'm getting SE sick, guys, oh my God, we're so close, though down the road, underneath, we made it, we haven't drowned , we're getting closer, oh, the waves are calming, we're here, we're finally here.
I'm free, I was almost hit by lightning.

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