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Minecraft, But Every Mob Is Hostile And Giant...

May 30, 2021
so I made myself a different towel and I will slowly hand it to you. Okay, I'll stop and swim to that tower, oh man, I don't know if that's it. a good idea I don't know if that's a good idea oh god that's a bad idea oh my god I hit an enderman I made it I'm just leaving I'm just leaving please please please don't do it. Come on, come on, yeah, you made it, okay, I made it, I've lost like half of me, let's shoot this, can we even hit the guys here? oh, we have to attack this, it's going to be a little difficult because so far away You know what I'm going to build a bridge, okay, let me know, let me know if the dragon is on me or something, I got it, I got a nice one, okay, I'll try to do it. get that one over there, I got it good, there's another one right here, I got it good, two more to go see these enderman, look at the ones on the towel, look at those, how did they get there?
minecraft but every mob is hostile and giant
Okay I think maybe we could shoot one or you can pass them through the gaps I don't know oh no way that's awesome okay yeah well a silver one I think they're all ready okay we can shoot the dragon oh it's hitting yeah do it now do it now another shot yes buddy that's awesome alright nice oh it's punch get some shots yes one oh nice there you go here it comes here it comes yes another one oh we're doing this big damage come on yeah oh there you go it's almost halfway through way Actually, let's do this, yeah, another chance.
minecraft but every mob is hostile and giant

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minecraft but every mob is hostile and giant...

We are very high right now. Well, I literally have seven. I'm going to make all these calendars. Well, now it's perfect. Oh my god, I accidentally killed you. Very sorry. Oh my god, it's okay. Even your gossip it's up to you to make those shorts count take this you see that uh I threw myself like down the tower they can hit me from the top almost there oh my god it's getting really close, really close, wait, are you getting it? Hello friend, us? We're so close We're so close Apple Do it, kill it, I'm going to do it.
minecraft but every mob is hostile and giant
This is taking too long. It's been like four hours. We've been playing for about four hours. It's very difficult, but I can't believe it. We've made it this far, come on, I think this is the hardest challenge I've ever done, I just don't even go, come on, quick, I'm by the portal, you can do this, okay, okay, okay and yeah. We did it, come on, oh my god, we did it, we actually did it, dude, I'm still dying, but it's okay, the dragon is done, oh my god, all we have to do is enter the portal, oh there it is , yes, oh my god.
minecraft but every mob is hostile and giant
I don't think the song has ever been rejected so bright it shines so so bright holy shit come on let me in oh god oh god I'm in come on come on we did it we did that that's actually just oh god . My brain hurts, thanks


one for watching, big thanks to Taffle for joining that four hour long Minecraft challenge. I'm going to be speedrunning live on Twitch right after this video, so come say hi and see if you can see it in the future. I stream almost


day so go ahead and keep going and yeah I'll see you later peace.

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