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Minecraft Bedrock PVP Sucks... So I Mastered It

Apr 12, 2024
Playing pvp in Minecraft has changed so much over time that it's kind of crazy growing up. I had a lot of fun playing Minecraft battle mode on my PlayStation 3. Every time I do PvP now I don't have fun, that's a problem because PvP is not one of my strong points and people know what you think of my PvP skills on Minecraft. They are rubbish, absolutely f-level rubbish, as we will see about that friend. I'm going to master PvP now, what version of PvP is there? 1.8. 1.19 and then there's Bedrock, honestly I hated it, I didn't think there was much to the PvP in this edition but apparently there is, did you know that in Bedrock there are jump reset jumpers, select reset combo moves, why do they go up so high now right?
minecraft bedrock pvp sucks so i mastered it
I know how to do all that, but I know someone who can help. Oh God, no, I'm not helping you. Do you know what that means? It's time for a backup plan. Step one. Find someone else to train me. Teach me to be good. Well, that guy doesn't look like evidence and that's because it's ice. I don't know who that guy is. Ice is known in the Bedrock community as the best Bridger, he invented the ice bridge. He has a solid 6.34k subscribers and he is my new one. Master mentor and spiritual leader say hello to the ice, okay, anyway, step two, identify my weaknesses, which is everything, step three, find a PvP server to train and then eat, sleep, Minecraft, repeat step four, fight this guy, step five, hopefully, he doesn't hate me. start step three welcome to zeka then zekwa zika.
minecraft bedrock pvp sucks so i mastered it

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minecraft bedrock pvp sucks so i mastered it...

I don't know how to pronounce it now. This server offers a lot of training. None of which I will use. Instead, I will train on my own. Here are my goals. First, get better. in Jump it resets as it cancels my recoil when I jump, does that sound silly? Well this is how the second objective of Bedrock Works improves on combos this is self explanatory keep people in the air don't stay in the air now if I can do that Two things will be obvious and honestly I feel pretty confident , at least I know how to keep my distance.
minecraft bedrock pvp sucks so i mastered it
I know, I know this looks really bad and chances are you haven't noticed that I'm down by 21 hits. Basically, they are destroying me and that's not even the worst part, the worst part is that this happened multiple times. I think it's obvious. I'm not getting better at combos now. I thought we were going to stay in Zekka the entire time until I said this. I think I think what you should do now is like we should play Hype Sumo because it's like you have to click for 20 minutes straight. I tried resetting the jump. I sucked. I even tried Zeca training.
minecraft bedrock pvp sucks so i mastered it
He was worn out and somehow I finished. I'm practicing my CPS on a tree, don't ask how that happened, it just happened guys, I don't want to do it, but I think it's time to say goodbye, welcome, we're in the hive, yeah, I think it's time to remember each other. the targets edit me like they flash on the screen or do something interesting thank you thank you thank you first let's try to match let's see what I'm doing there's a lot of shot selection that's why I can like the selected shots okay guys. this is select hit 101.
First you let your opponent take the first hit, then when you land you tap and hit with emphasis on the hit and then all you have to do is double tap and boom, they're in a combo and that is. I selected 101, now how well did I apply it? See I made a rookie mistake thinking the faster you click the better and just like I did on zeka I tried resetting the jump it still didn't work apparently there is an alternative method to reset the jump and I didn't know this until he said Ice or you just play time, you get like there's like 100 here, a 115 BPM metronome that's weirdly specific and will probably cause permanent damage to my hearing.
Will it work, guys, do we complete our goal? Complete my goals abroad. I want to practice and see how good I've become, but there's a little problem. The ice is dead. I'm just kidding, he's on vacation so I need to find someone else and I know exactly the guy. Hi Andrew. hello super, say hello to my friend Andrew, he is one of the best Bedrock pvps best friends and one of my subscribers, be like Andrew, subscribe anyway in an ideal 1v1, both players need full diamond gear before fight, this is known as a gentlemen's agreement, my strategy to be obvious depends on knowing what I need, since I will probably take a lot of hits, getting Redstone to get more hearts is super important.
I'll need a lot of projectiles to combine and create distance between us, the good thing for me is that if I get to the middle. First on the island, I get snowballs, golden apples, books of life, and enchanted diamond armor from Ender chess, all for free, but that's an ideal 1v1 and that's why we practiced when I started my practice game. I realized I was wrong immediately. I shouldn't be doing what I just stopped, looted the final chest and found these things, Andrew and I followed our Gentleman's Agreement, yeah buddy, let's team up, yeah, get it, get it, get it, and then we start actually PvP, oh, shoot, oh god, your screen is crazy, oh, me.
I was just playing buddy plus it actually scared me he jumped here oh no he's snowballs oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot did you catch no I died guys we did it we've completed all the training I've never had so much fun playing this game and even just making a video, when was the last time I did that? Having fun at Bedrock may sound crazy and it probably is, but I had fun and that's all that matters, take it however you want and whether I win or lose, thanks for this. I'm going to go fight. Obviously now all this silly training you've been doing, okay, it doesn't beat the years of experience I have, you know that, okay, come on, oh, he's already panicking, oh my god, he's already so weak. back here brother oh Lord no no oh my God there is no way oh no oh my God said half a heart super oh and I got lost it's so annoying I'm so bad I'm so low ah I tripped on a rock oh you're dead here no someone oh no no You're going to die to play up I don't care you're dead you're dead I think I just saw I need to get checked out oh I see you hello blood that's a no whoa Whoa, I dropped my sword, he dropped his sword abroad .

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