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Minato vs. Pain

Jun 24, 2024
How are you doing? Everyone, take advantage of Gaga and welcome to today's video. We have another confrontation against everyone. It's one that's been requested like a billion times. Everyone's been asking about me. Neto against Pain for as long as I can remember and in the past I never came across this. battle how intriguing I looked at it and thought, yeah that wouldn't be so cool, no one would watch a video about that and I'm kicking myself right now because I thought about it more today and wondered why I didn't do it. So, it would have been an amazing fight to watch and it's one that I definitely like to talk about, so that's what we're doing today.
minato vs pain
I've talked about grief in many verse videos in the past, but the way you interact with it. Naruto is very different from how he interacts with many of his other potential opponents; with most people, he has a handful of attacks that can end the fight immediately, like Chewbacca Tensei and the chaotic Shinra Tensei, and things like that won't be super effective against minute because the guy can teleport depending on the range he uses both of the chaotic Shinra Tensei like the chiba Kooten. Sake can take a long time to reach its target, long enough to mean a complete warp away from the battlefield and then returning through the When it returned, the six paths of


would be noticeably weaker due to Nagato severely cutting off the chakra supply and the rest of the fight would be much easier for him, as a result the


paths can't be as aggressive against Minato as they can.
minato vs pain

More Interesting Facts About,

minato vs pain...

Against many other people, he is one of the fastest ninjas ever and is therefore incredibly slippery and difficult to hit. However, one thing that is interesting about this battle is that the flying thunder god jutsu will be problematic for Nagato in dealing with one thing. What he could easily do to combat it is use the diva's path gravitational abilities to change the positions and locations of rage hands and kunai. Poncho Tan can knock kunai out of place and Shinra Tensei can throw them to different locations throughout the battlefield. These dynamics are pretty important and worth keeping in mind when we talk about other aspects of the fight, which I'll start doing right now, so to keep things simple, I won't take Sage Mode or KCM into account at first.
minato vs pain
Gets to them later but for now this is basic Minato versus the six pain pads comparing him to Naruto it's essentially a stronger version of him with the Thunder God flying jutsu instead of Ross and shuriken while the shuriken rasen is obviously very strong flying upwards. is much more useful in a fight against pain, mainly because Minato can use it over and over again, while Naruto can only use it a handful of times when fighting against pain, it obviously also can't be absorbed by the Preta path and since is not a massive moving projectile, he is much more difficult to track, as for everything else in Mina Toes' arsenal, such as Naruto, he is a master user of both the shadow clone jutsu and the Rasengan and has been shown to He is capable of summoning Gabunta, something else worth keeping in mind. consideration is his ability to summon the Shinigami and while this may initially seem useless and stealing the soul of any of the pain paths would do nothing to Nagato, I will talk about how it could actually be useful later in the video as As I said in previous videos of mine, Payne's Arsenal is vast and versatile, but I think the most important ability he has here is the shared vision present between the six paths, this will allow him to monitor NATO teleportation much more effective than anyone without the Rinnegan, possibly. could, with the exception of perhaps Sage Mode users being sensory-type ninja thanks to the fact that as long as only one of the six paths sees where Minato ends, everyone will be safe from a surprise attack or ambush now, whether they do so. do or not.
minato vs pain
In fact, will I be able to react to him is a completely different story, since I have said that Minato is incredibly fast, one of the fastest ninjas who ever lived and it's not that the paths of pain are slow, but they are definitely not that fast. Since Minato is more, not only will they have to deal with one of him like I said, he is very good at using the shadow clone jutsu, so with enough planning and the right approach, Natto and a horde of his clones could easily overwhelm the Six Pads. of pain alone with its speed now that said pain also has many ways in which it can disturb Minato during combat, the animal's path can generate enough summons to pose a pretty serious threat to Minato and as it summons more animals , the field of view is shared. down the paths and the animal path invocations will continue to grow the deva path can use Shinra Tensei to defend against clones and the Bonzo tan to disrupt any clones that try to attack one of the other paths the Preta path can absorb the Rasengan if Minato or one of his clones tries to hit him with one and the asura path can cause a lot of trouble with all his crazy weapons and equipment, as is often the case with pain, one factor that could greatly affect the outcome of the fight is his location. , the PABs are stronger when they are in the rain village, so if Minato fights pain there, he will have a lot of problems, especially due to the usual disadvantage the pads would have when the deva path would not be able to use shabak. ooh sensei or the chaotic Shinra Tensei for fear of destroying the rain village wouldn't really matter because neither of them would be very effective against Minato anyway, on the other hand if Minato fought the pain in the leaf village no only with the pads still not being the strongest but Minato also has access to a large number of teleportation points thanks to the fact that he has most likely placed several kunai throughout the village and perhaps marked many of the Konoha z landmarks with rising flying seals, the last thing I want to discuss before we start.
Talking about how I feel the fight would play out is the importance of information, not necessarily to determine the outcome but rather to determine how each fighter would interact with each other. The series very clearly implies that fighting pain without knowing what it's capable of is a lot more dangerous than coming prepared. Of course, this idea doesn't apply exclusively to pain, but it's specifically true in his case because of how strange it is. is the set of tools provided by the Rinnegan. If Marina Toe enters the fight blindly, she will have a very hard time. Trying to figure out what's going on just like Jiraiya did, even given how smart he is, Rena Gong's powers are numerous and strange, so it's inevitable that he'll be caught off guard a handful of times before he finally understands. what is it.
On the other hand, pain can make, whether Nagato comes prepared or not is also quite important, it won't make as much difference as Intel Minato may or may not, but it will still be a pretty important factor if Nagato goes blind. Minah's toe-teleporting ability will undoubtedly catch him off guard, and as a result, at least one or two of the paths may fall if he knows what to expect; However, all he would have to do is have an idea of ​​how to do it. How fast Minato was before he was able to use the shared vision of the pain pads to create a fairly solid coordinated defense against any of his opponent's attempts to bombard him via teleportation.
Now, realistically, it's pretty hard to think of a scenario where both. they end up fighting each other because there is only a brief one year window where Nagato is crippled and currently using all six pain pads and Minato is also still alive now. If they were to fight anywhere within this time period, neither of them would. I actually know something about the other pain, he might have some superficial knowledge about me in those skills thanks to some advice from Obito, but I find it unlikely because, for me to be alive, he and Obito couldn't have fought yet and it would be a Un little difficult for Obito to sell all the moderate stick if it hurt and said yes, I know what a sample is.
He used to be my teacher now of course he might say something like oh he's Konoha he's the famous yellow flash. everyone knows he can teleport be careful if you fight him but I don't see any reason for him to mention that unless he knew Nagato would end up fighting me until at some point another thing I should mention is if they fought in this time period it would probably be a lot easier for Minato because Nagato probably wouldn't have as much experience controlling the pads using the Rinnegan, but to be fair I'll just say that doesn't apply.
This is Prime Minato versus Prime Six. pain pads Nagato is just as skilled at controlling them as he was against Jiraiya and the rest of the leaf village and Minato is at his most powerful so if this fight didn't end up failing and took place in the time period I It was specified that it would be in the rain village because Minato was given some reason to travel there, perhaps to investigate. I mean, I don't think it's very unlikely that rumors would start spreading about a kid with the Rinnegan causing an uprising in the rain village. that led to a civil war there between Hanzo and Akatsuki Jiraiya could even give me a clue before he leaves something like I used to be that voice teacher the stories about the Rinnegan are true or it would take place in the leaf village probably because Obito wants Nagato to travel there in his place, maybe even to glimpse the power of the Rinnegan, but most importantly of course for Kushina's capture, this would obviously get my attention and the two would end up fighting if they fought in the rain village, I think it's reasonable to say that they would both go into the fight completely blind and neither would have any idea of ​​the others abilities, but if they fought in the leaf village, the pain would have been like I said.
Superficial knowledge of Mina, those abilities, like the fact that she can teleport and maybe use the Rasengan or whatever, but other than that, she wouldn't know too much in the rain village, her lack of knowledge would be made up for by the increased power you receive. If they fought there and in the leaf village, their possession of knowledge would be offset by Mina Toes' home field advantage that I mentioned earlier and the fact that the roads would be weaker than when they fought in the rain village, so So now that we finally set everything up, let's start talking about how the fight would play out.
At first it would be pretty crazy to say the least, the two of you would be playing 4d chess against each other trying to figure out what your opponent is capable of and how they can exploit anything. However, the weaknesses shown in both locations Minato could gather information much more effectively than pain thanks to the hit and run tactics he could use with teleportation in the leaf village he would have access to. . to too many points of view for Pain to constantly isolate him and in the Rain Village he would at least initially have the element of surprise provided by the fact that Pain has no idea who he is fighting and while this may be a bold statement I honestly believe this alone will be enough to win the fight although it may take a while eventually you will see everything the pads have to offer and when that happens you basically win once the pain loses the element of surprise there is practically no There is nothing he can do that Minato cannot react to, especially considering his ability to use shadow clones, the Path of Naraka, which can repair damage sustained by the other five Paths, as pain has been shown to It is not very durable, it was almost destroyed. by a single Rasengan from Konohamaru and since Minato is obviously much more powerful than Konohamaru, I figured one of his Rasengan would probably do the job completely and once he gets rid of that one, while I recognize that the pain paths are strong, it's It's just a matter of time before he takes care of the rest, this is especially true if we take into consideration the sage mode and although Mina Toe claims that he is not very good at using senjutsu immediately after doing it, he closed his eyes for about two seconds and He opened them again. he stood up and was suddenly in perfect sage mode, his sin jutsu can't be that bad and if he uses it against pain I'm pretty sure it's an easy win for him, one thing I mentioned briefly before and I'm not sure if it's relevant is Mina's toes ability to summon the Shinigami now, this might not have any effect on the fight but I wanted to highlight it because I think the way it could be used in this fight is quite interesting when here he doesn't fight Orochimaru.
The shadow clone had summoned the Shinigami to seal the souls of the reincarnated first and second Hokage, now Mina, so he couldn't do this with the six paths of pain because they are not edo tensei, they do not have a soul for the reaper to steal. They are just corpses through which Nagato transmitschakra, but it may be possible, although Minato is not likely to sever the connection between Nagato and the paths with the reaper, and even if you can't do it, he will definitely find out. The paths of pain do not have a soul to steal and from that you can extrapolate that they are being controlled by an external force.
I won't talk about KCM since I'm pretty sure the result is pretty obvious. and using Edo Minato against the paths of pain is not fair. I think it would be fairer to pit him against Edo Nagato and that's a much harder fight to decide so if you want me to talk about it I can make a video about it in the future for now it should be all of those so as always , thank you all for watching the video until the end, if you have any suggestions or want to leave your thoughts on the video be sure to do so in the comments below ensure you have a great rest of the day and until my next video I will talk to you later, so i found out

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