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Milton Jones - Music Hall Meltdown

Apr 27, 2024
I just got back from Australia thank you it's great to be back while I was there I learned some Aboriginal words like what a boo to come back because when you throw in a regular meringue I just got back from Holland thank you it's great to be back. Well there I was, at a fish restaurant, a guy at the next table started coughing, I ignored him and then he started choking. I still ignored him and then he started choking very, very hard, so in the end I got up and hit him. very hard back anyway turns out I was only speaking Dutch, which also works with Welsh, so I called the spiritual leader of Tibet and he sent me a big goat with a long neck.
milton jones   music hall meltdown
It turns out that he had called daily call, do you have? a conversation with someone and towards the end they say well I'll let you go you think so thank you oh I see what you're saying you're trying to make me think you think I have better things to do but you're actually saying you have better things to do well the next time someone says to you I'll let you go say don't close the door if he suddenly lunges for the window grab him by the ankles and while you're hanging four stories above the parking lot screaming this was all a terrible mistake okay I'll let you go if make it illegal to wear the veil at work.
milton jones   music hall meltdown

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milton jones music hall meltdown...

Beekeepers are going to be furious about the pollen count. It's a difficult job, especially the one I have. hay fever a sneeze you have to start over I didn't have a very good summer last year I set up a colonic irrigation clinic but the hose ban hit us hard amazing to think isn't it every Scotsman started out as a Scotch egg , cold and ginger, any Scotsman here, yes, I too have a bit of Scottish blood in a kitchen knife, I enjoy playing Scottish


on my iPod, I'm very English, really, I even ordered a book on the internet about how not to have absolutely nothing. what to do with your neighbors unfortunately I was out when they delivered it militant feminists I take my hat off to them they don't like those old ladies in wheelchairs with blankets over their legs I don't think so retired mermaids the worst job I've ever done Of course, I was a pathologist United Nations forensic expert.
milton jones   music hall meltdown
I remember discovering the mass grave of a thousand snowmen. Unfortunately it turned out to be a field full of carrots. Well, it's been great being here. To be honest, people say that too. them, what do you mean by being honest? I mean, everything you've been saying so far hasn't been honest. Well, how can we trust what you're going to say now? Anyway, you've been a great audience, but to be honest, I'll let you go just fine. My life hasn't been entirely wasted after all. I was the man who discovered DNA. I wasn't going to call it that, but I was giving a lecture to The royal society, I said, gentlemen, I think it has already discovered the genetic fingerprint of all human life very well.
milton jones   music hall meltdown

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