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Milk: The White Lie We've All Been Sold

May 02, 2024
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for all the good, healthy things found in humanity's most nearly perfect food, good, fresh, healthy


. The year is 1981. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the number one movie and everyone is wearing heaters. You have this former converted actor. politician who is now president and loves the free market and has a big problem, it wasn't the national debt or some big foreign policy problem, although he had many of those, his problem was too much cheese, the government was sitting on this gigantic reserve of processed cheese that was in a cave in Kansas hundreds of millions of pounds and was starting to get kind of disgusting, we have 60 million of these, we can't find a market for which there was so much cheese that one official said the The best it can be to do would be to throw it into the ocean.
milk the white lie we ve all been sold
So Reagan decides to give it to the poor of the United States. The cheese had to leave the caves and enter the American welfare system. The big cheese giveaway started today in California. to cheapen the surplus as cheese flowed to the underserved, it became a symbol of the feel-good experience and soon government cheese was appearing in movies and hip-hop lyrics by artists who grew up with that product after that cheese from the government that we ate steak. I eat cheese with powdered milk, what else can a bully do when you eat government cheese? By the way, I'm not allowed to play a lot of those songs because if I do it would be like copyright infringement and even though it's fair use I'll probably get flagged and I won't make any money from this video so we left a list of giant playback of all the songs about government cheese in the feeds, sorry, okay, but how did we end up with a surplus of literal caves full of highly processed cheese in the first place and while we're at it, why Did you drink so much milk when you were a child?
milk the white lie we ve all been sold

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milk the white lie we ve all been sold...

Why were there like five of these in my refrigerator at all times? My mom would give me a big glass of milk in the morning and then I would go to school and she would serve me a carton of this stuff while I read the best-selling children's novel at the time, which was about a girl's face on a carton of milk. milk and then I would come home and my mom would give me more milk for dinner and along with this milk they served me a message a message about calcium about how milk was vital for strong bones it was not the best food for bone formation for the eight calcium for bone formation that makes one field per day Mark turns out that my mother and the school did this because they were lied to for a long time and that is what this video about the history of milk in this country that shows us is about How far the government will go to protect certain industries even at the expense of telling Americans the truth about what they eat.
milk the white lie we ve all been sold
It's a lie what gave us posters of Austin Powers and Stone Cold Steve Austin with crunchy milk mustaches, so let me show you how we, at least in America, were brainwashed with milk, it's the only milk I drink, a important food for the health of the nation. So before I get into this topic, I need to thank today's sponsor, which is one I really use and am excited about Co-Pilot. Copilot is a platform designed to make you more consistent with your training. There is a lot of focus on being fit. For me it's like getting stronger and faster or whatever, it's like I just need to move my body every day, so I'm not sad.
milk the white lie we ve all been sold
It's an app that goes on your phone and on your watch if you want and it matches you with a coach that you actually talk to and tell them what you want to do, how rigorous you want to be, what kind of things you want to work on, whether or not you have access to weights or a gym, so I met with a trainer, Devin, that we had. this conversation about what I want to work on and then he uploaded like a personalized training plan for me that I could start using the next day. It's frictionless, the user experience of the technology is really nice as you just go through each of your workouts.
There is a picture for each of them and then at the end of your workout you can give feedback to your trainer. This human element of having a person who is there and who you are accountable to and who will communicate with you changes everything. It actually makes you feel like there's someone who cares about this accountability thing, that's actually really important, so I love the human element, it's not just like an automated robot, it's actually like a real person training you. and guides you, the co-pilot found that his Clients are nine times more likely to meet their goals because of the way this platform works and I'm not surprised that it is literally meant for accountability and facilitating a frictionless experience when moving your body .
It's not about getting better, it's just about being consistent. It can also be improved in the process. There is a link in my description which is Johnny Harris. If you click that link, you'll get a free trial with your own expert fitness and health trainer. You will be able to see if it works to help you. You move your body and if you are like me, that is vital for a happy life, thank you copilot for supporting this video. Let's dive into the milk. I'm not anti-milk. I love milk. Milk, in fact, is quite magical.
Think about it. Milk is the first thing we drink when we are born, it literally keeps us alive. And if you want to talk about evolution and human civilization, like milk is a big part of this, we started domesticating animals and we realized that the fatty, nutritious milk intended for this baby could also be used for these babies, but Human bodies couldn't digest milk after childhood, they didn't have the enzymes to do so, especially milk from another animal, but the beautiful thing about human bodies is that they can change over time. A key source of livelihood for people living in certain parts of the world like Northern Europe, they depended on their animals during the harsh cold winters, they could not grow the same crops as nomadic people like the Sahara who depended on milk during hot summers and they did this for a few thousand years, their genes actually suddenly changed, they had enzymes that could help break down and digest milk, as if forcing evolution to make them tolerant to milk that was good for them and that's why that this map exists.
There are some weaknesses in the methodology on how. This map was made but it captures a real point here, which is that everyone in the world digests milk differently. The bluer your country is on this map, the more people can digest milk, so yes, you have northern Europe with like 80 or 90 of the population can digest lactose and because of those nomadic tribes that got used to drinking milk , that's why Niger is blue here, while in places like Asia most bodies drink milk and say, dude, WTF, why are you putting baby food in my adult? body we don't digest this after the age of six get it out of here humans would find a way around this by taking the digestive enzyme from the belly of a cow called rennet and mixing it with milk this would start to break down the milk and then they could put it in caves and leave it ferment and soon you will be storing your milk and making it delicious too.
This is the birth of things like cheese and yogurt. We also turned milk into things like butter that would last. longer and is, without a doubt, one of the most delicious things humans have ever invented, but no one consumed raw milk, the substance that comes directly from the belly of the cow, except children and, frankly, that does not It was the safest because milk spoils very quickly when it sits there, it becomes a cozy feeding place for microorganisms, which again was great for making cheese, but kids drinking this stuff was a little risky. and it all changed when this guy found a way to heat the milk and kill all the dangerous pathogens, made it much safer and easier to extend the shelf life.
He called it pasteurization, named after the guy's last name. Am I the only one who thought pasteurization came from cow grass, but I was actually just a Frenchman? The guy's last name, no one else thought I'm literally the only one okay, so despite all these problems, the milk is canceled every week thanks to pasteurization and now the kids can continue drinking it. Okay, the evolution and digestion part of this video is now. finished, let's move on to economics and government policy and now we are in the United States in the 1900s and technology has given humans new food options like margarine that threatened to compete with butter.
Dairy companies realized they needed to defend their product, they needed to prove that butter was better so they started doing science this is the era of dairy science it gets pretty juicy like this study showing that when they were given dairy The rats actually got stronger and bigger and it must be because of a vitamin inside the milk A New concept, let's call it vitamin A because it's the first vitamin we discovered, so yeah, this is where vitamins come from, like We had them before 1912. And now the dairy companies love it, they have a scientific article that says that milk corrects. dietary deficiencies end of quote and this is a little aggressive it is the greatest factor for the protection of humanity that does not sound sensational or biased in any way it sounds very scientific the greatest factor for the protection of humanity dairy companies are not going to be asleep at the wheel while other forms of nutrition and fats try to displace them, so they form a cooperative council, the National Dairy Council, which promotes all things dairy and begin to send a strong message to the American people that dairy They're not just a nice to have, it's scientifically proven to be vital to health, but let's keep a little perspective here.
Animal milk went from something humans couldn't consume after the age of six to something some of us developed a gene for. digest until then something that was like a hotbed of pathogens and we solved it with pasteurization, but now, in the early 1900s, in the United States, milk was a perfect magical


drink that could cure all things, all this was happening just in time for a moment. That would change everything both for the world and for the place that milk occupies in it. It is not an army that we must form for war, it is a nation during World War I.


iers were fighting, they were sick, they were malnourished, but luckily for them, the United States was ready with a perfect product to improve your health melted we need more milk never enough milk for everyone now we were able to condense milk into powder form now it could last for years on a shelf without refrigeration this really helped raise the bar for milk now the magic drink It was a magic powder that could help our uniformed men fight the bad guys. Milk was now associated with patriotism and freedom in America. If you want a way to make your product popular and famous, just link it with America. now with its big new client, the United States government.
Farmers completely switched their businesses to dairy. They needed to meet this demand, but the war ended, the men in uniform returned home, and these farmers were left with a massive glut of dairy products that the government doesn't want. hurt the great patriotic dairy industry, so instead of telling dairy farmers to go back to producing less, they convinced people to drink whole milk richer in all the proteins, minerals and B vitamins, and this is where we really start Let's see this vital network of relationships between dairy farmers, the United States government through the Department of Agriculture, scientists and advertisers, it is a network of relationships that cements the place of milk in our culture, it is the reason why The advertiser's dream is a magical


liquid that is scientifically proven to be the key to the health and development of our children and this message had a very strong ally in the US Department of Agriculture, which partners with the dairy industry, so it's like after World War I and the USDA gets involved in these campaigns, the reason why I want to show you these things from the 1920s, it's not because I want to give you a history lesson, it's because I want to show you how the US Department of Agriculture behaved and how it supported dairy. industry how it fueled a lot of propaganda because when you see it here in the '20s, 100 years ago, you'll see today's version that I'll show you in a moment and you'll see those connections and Be like wow, it hasn't changed much and anyway, it It will leave you speechless, a small omen.
Look at this, so we have this milk for health educational campaign. This is effectively the government telling people what they consider healthy for everyone. There were songs about milk and plays and posters and this scary clown who told you.It said to brush your teeth and drink your milk in 1937. Kids are supposed to drink a liter of milk a day, luckily according to the video I made about the metric system we have. Measuring cups over here okay it's 1937 and the US government wants our kids to drink how much milk do I have kids and if I ever gave them that much milk and I feel like a criminal and here's the USDA doing studies to scientifically prove that this is legitimate.
It's not just the advertisers, look, the government is doing studies and publishing things and now they are weighing and measuring the children to show that after this great milk campaign the children are taller and much more and here they are with a bottle of milk and two graham crackers. for lunch like it's really becoming the substance for kids and I mean, look at this proof of it, The Smoking Gun, one of these rats had milk and the other one didn't. These rats are the same age and each of them has the same feet. Except for milk, milk fills a strong and healthy body, okay, but this is not just advertising, this is like real science, it's like South Dakota State College, which is a real university and the US Department of Agriculture. cooperate with authorized institutions, like any science that has


done, you have to look at the interests here, it turns out that the people who were doing this science at South Dakota State College were receiving a lot of money from the state legislature because South Dakota It's a big dairy industry, so they fund this dairy science program and suddenly all of these really positive dairy studies are coming out and again the USDA, who wants to protect their rural farmers, is helping to support and the Positive science means more dairy sales, which means supporting local rural economies. which means supporting America, which is very depressing to me, yes I know this was like the 20's and 30's, but the same thing happens today, science that is funded by certain industries with a certain agenda and in a way it clouds everything, but what happens? the economy, what happens when the Great Depression hits and now Americans can't really afford milk.
Usually this would affect the dairy industry and they would have to scale down because the demand for milk is much lower now, but the farmers were not going to allow this. It happened that they were becoming like royalty and then they responded by going on strike by throwing a bunch of milk into the streets to artificially limit the supply and make the price go up again and be like the Fu government, where are you to fix the new loyal ally of this milk? The US government steps in and passes a law that says that if the price of milk falls below the cost it takes to produce it, instead of a free market economy where milk producers would simply earn less, the government would step in and cover the cost.
The cost difference allows them to continue producing milk and now the government is really playing with the Invisible Hand, the market that helps supply and demand link together at the right price. Once you start doing it, it's very hard to go back, so then add. another world war in which even more farmers got into the milk game for him, and in the 1950s, milk became cemented in the American psyche through years of creative storytelling, a war of unstable scientific messaging, and a government that was increasingly influenced by dairy farmers, the pattern repeats itself. in the 70's the economy is collapsing Dairy farmers are struggling again and who is here to save them?
Jimmy Carter Jimmy did what American leaders did before him: he bowed to the massive dairy lobby and bailed out farmers once again. I'm all for giving farmers a moment in the form of two billion dollars going to the dairy industry to guarantee them high prices and, crucially for our story, to buy the extra milk that no one wanted, suddenly the Farmers who were bankrupt had a lot of cash and were incentivized to produce so much milk. as possible because they knew the government would buy it from them, okay, but wait, what is the government doing with all this milk?
Milk spoils very quickly, okay, say Jimmy Carter and company, instead of buying milk itself, let's also buy a bunch of things that use milk. things that can be stored and forgotten, like butter, powder, and cheese, so dairy farmers continued to produce tons of milk and cheese and at one point the government was buying a quarter of all the cheddar cheese in the United States, but not It is surprising when your big client is the United States. The government that is buying their cheese because they are not going to make a great product in the United States.
A woman who grew up with it wrote about it in an essay and described it as a poor man's Velveeta cheese. Government Cheese makes the best grilled cheese you will ever know. you have never tried in your life and this is very sad for me because dairy can be really great, as I see France with a tradition like Brie and camelbev and like Holland has gouda and we have this American cheese, pasteurized processed cheese that is rather a cheese-like substance and is not a product of a similar culture or refining a craft, it is a product of modern industrial policies aimed at protecting farmers and is what helped the United States cement its place as the home of some of the worst cheese in the world Where do you buy government cheese?
You have to be on a special mailing list. Government cheese is also the special ingredient, which is how we ended up with a surplus of horrible cheese at the Limestone Caves in Kansas. In the '70s there were 200 million extra pounds of cheese and other dairy products here and that's why the government started donating them to food banks and to America's poor, the underserved, who wouldn't buy this cheese in the first place. so they weren't misleading other customers or lowering the price, that's in part because Americans on welfare were disproportionately of nonwhite African, Asian, or Native American descent, meaning they are much more likely to be lactose intolerant.
See the section above on the evolution of milk. Gene and stuff, this cheese also flowed into the schools and prisons and now we're in the '90s, my childhood, where I drink a lot of milk every day and this is where the whole government advertising science thing gets a lot worse, in my opinion, my Mom always instilled in me to drink her milk. Drinking milk is amazing as having three glasses of milk a day helped us stay slim and fit. The thing about the government getting involved in crisis pricing things is that once you start, it's really hard to come back for some markets, that's fine, like insurance and electric utilities, the government should participate, but milk is something people can choose to buy or not, it should be left up to the Invisible Hand to decide how much people really want. how much they are willing to pay and therefore how much companies should produce, but instead the US government had created a totally distorted market with a lot of false demand and in the process incentivized farmers to produce tons of milk that no one wanted and the problem is With these policies, the surplus was getting bigger and bigger, at one point the government literally had to start paying dairy farmers to stop producing milk to slaughter their flocks, but even that wasn't working, so what's the next solution?
Well, they tried what they did. in the 20s, instead of getting farmers to produce less, let's convince people to drink more to pass a law that allows all dairy farmers to contribute to this great fund that they can use for advertising and research, which will be They are becoming the same. And the USDA, the Department of Agriculture, becomes the arbiter to make sure that they are not just doing false advertising and this is where we have campaigns like this milk that is good for the body and in the '90s the unforgettable "I got milk" campaign ". who shot Alexander Hamilton's milk, turned milk into something cool that every celebrity wanted to be a part of to the point where they are accepting much cheaper rates for these campaigns just because it was the coolest thing to do.
How do you get this wide variety of different celebrities appearing in magazines and milk ads? It's not a particular brand of milk, just milk. Well, Mr. Miller told me that he never drinks milk and these cool celebrities tell us a story that milk strengthens bones. calcium and other essential nutrients and it even helps you lose weight milk your diet loses weight meanwhile they fund all these studies that validate their claims and the USDA just lets it all happen, that's why in the 90s my mom had a bunch of these in her refrigerator and I can't blame her, what are you going to do?
The government nutrition authority is telling you that you should drink milk. They see you on all those billboards and magazines. The studies that talk about calcium and bone health, this really took hold, but if there's one thing we've learned it's that no matter how much these forces push milk toward us, people don't actually want to drink as much milk as demand anymore. milk, even during milk production. The deer started to go down, but the dairy lobby wasn't going to give in, they were going to follow the market's lead, so they started finding other ways to get us to drink milk instead of drinking it, we could eat it, so the version modern of this.
It's the dairy lobby looking for fast food restaurants to partner with them to give us all kinds of cheesy stuff you can't see, but in all these cheesy ads the dairy lobby is there pushing and pushing to include more and more cheese in these products. The dairy industry literally has its own marketing agency called Dairy Management whose goal is to make this happen. They partner with fast food chains and offer us things like Pizza Hut's three-cheese stuffed crust pizza and the summer of cheese campaign or your favorite Taco. Bell's Steak Quesadilla that has mozzarella cheddar pepper jack and cheese sauce that increased dairy sales by four percent.
This product is because it uses eight times more cheese than any other item on the menu. Eight times a tasty bite of the triumph of culinary engineering in the new steak. quesadilla today or Domino's that has a cheese pizza that has 40 percent more cheese, generates 177 million dollars in sales and the input for all this cheese an additional billion pounds of milk but of course we have to go to The schools, the schools are fantastic. place to sell dairy products so Domino's now brings pizza to 2000 schools across the country and we have emails here is an email between Pizza Hut and the dairy lobby marketing agency and they are talking about how to sell more pizza and more cheese, I mean, it's brilliant if you're a marketing person, which is these these people are advertisers, they're like people don't drink that much milk, let's just pile it on damn pizzas stuffed with crust and cheese all over America.
Oh, and by the way, these people sign their names Cheese Lord and Cheese Lady these people take dairy seriously. What I want to say here is that these people are not nutritionists as if they don't care about anything other than selling more dairy. I think the former CEO of this. The dairy marketing company is like if every pizza included one more ounce of cheese, we would sell an extra 250 million pounds of cheese a year, just one more pound down Americans' throats. I mean, again, I don't blame these people, they're fucking advertisers, they literally only care about selling things, what worries me is that they're doing this with the blessing of a government agency that I pay taxes to, it's a powerful one.
All-seeing health agency that dictates our nutritional guidelines and yet they stand by and support these campaigns for all these products that contain such excessive amounts of dairy they expect, so why is this happening? Why does the USDA side with Dairy Farmers on its website and say its job is to promote products that will better nourish Americans? They discover things like the food pyramid and are supposed to be a source of objective information about what we should eat, but wait, look at this on the same page as their mission. They also say they are supposed to cite helping Rural America Thrive and promoting agricultural production help Americans know how to nourish themselves and promote rural America which of those things is most important to them.
I mean the answer is clear, look at the nutritional guidelines they put out like this is what you should eat and look who advises them on this, yes there are some like experts and doctors from universities but alsoThere are executives from companies like Danon, a yogurt company, and a bunch of other dairy people who have no interest other than making money, and yet they're kind of in the same room as the people who decide what Americans should eat, No, that's not how it works. Dairy has


shoehorned into so many of the messages our government has sent us over the years, which again, of course, my mom will say, yeah, you.
I have to drink milk, the government is telling us this is good, so yes, the dairy industry is so deeply embedded in our federal government that it is very difficult to turn it around. This false and unnatural demand we have in our country for dairy products is really difficult to accept. and the amount of money that flows to influential legislators to keep all of this going so it can't really be interrupted, but some of you were thinking we're not talking about cigarettes like this is milk, it's not a bad thing like the calcium. It's good for your bones, right, no, I mean, yes, but no, yes, calcium is good for your bones, milk has things that help you, but you can get all that from other places, there's nothing special about this white substance unless you're like a farmer in Sweden in 1532 and it's winter and you can't grow crops because less than a cup of almonds gives you so much calcium, dried figs, some cooked kale, even tofu that comes from soybeans, you can get this from a lot of different foods. and a reminder that five billion people in more than half the world don't drink milk like they're fine and that now there are even studies showing that too much milk can be bad for your bones, so no, despite all the industry-funded studies that tell us milk is the magic elixir and all the creative storytelling that is embedded in our psyche.
This is not a magical substance. This is something that was intended for babies of cows, but the fact is that I still consume a lot of dairy because milk is something magical, it is beautiful, it is delicious, it has a deep history for many cultures around the world and even here in the United States. United there is a group of dairy farmers that are respectable small family farms that have been doing this for a long time. We spend time creating really amazing products that really meet a real demand from people who really want to eat delicious cheese or milk or whatever.
I'm not saying we get rid of them. Dairy is incredibly delicious, but the dairy industry we have doesn't celebrate it. It doesn't create a market around beautiful products and things that people want, it's a false market that has been pushed to us through Real Lies through this idea that milk is essential with things that you can't get anywhere else. place. A century of smarter marketing good. I guess what I'm feeling here is a little disappointed in the government agencies we pay. our taxes to give us objective advice and guidance can sometimes lead us astray being so deeply under the influences of corporations and the old legacy industries in our country that they end up protecting them more than they protect us, that is disappointing to me, thank you, thank you foreigners. for watching it, thanks again to the co-pilot for sponsoring the video, that link in the description helps support this channel and also gives you a free trial with your own expert health and fitness trainer and thank you all for watching a video about milk, TRUE? doing food stuff now is that one of my Beats is like food and breakfast Doritos and yeah I guess I'm a food guy, we're going into a new year and we're doing a lot of cool things and I'm really grateful for all of you who they're here.
I am grateful for those at The Newsroom who are supporting us. It's our patreon where they get an extra video every month. Access to my scripts. Access to royalty-free Tom Fox music they can use. your own videos and you are supporting our operation here as we try to do good journalism on the Internet. We also have Luts and presets that we sell so you can colorize your videos and photos. I will post all my videos a week before. nebula because that's something we do now we see the link in the description for that and generally just being curious about the world and trying to create interesting stories so thank you all for being here and for your comments and thoughts. and your comments are very useful and I will see you soon in the next video, goodbye to all foreigners.

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