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Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) - Full Story | Comicstorian

Jun 03, 2021
welcome to the complete series of stories that you see here in comic


and we bring you daily videos that update you on various parts of the


within your favorite pop culture icons from comics, video games and movies, many times this leads to one to two years. years to do a


story since we're waiting for multiple releases within the comics or the games or whatever, we basically can't do it all at once, so once these videos are finally finished we'll combine them all into one event Epic on a movie level. For you, we simply make it easy for you to access all the videos within the playlist a while ago, during the original sin event, Thor was deemed unworthy due to a word that Nick Fury had said to him, he dropped the hammer and then They picked it up. by Jane Foster who became Thor and this is the Thor comic starring Jane Foster during this period and she went on her own adventures and we were ready for the War of the Realms so if you go into the War of the Realms , this is kind of important because this also contains Thor's unworthy story, since this happened during the event, so we didn't really know where else to put it if you're just generally wandering around where you are, this is the comic stories channel on the that we make audio. dramas from the history of your favorite pop culture icons here every day, but at this point let's get into the Jane Foster Thor story that took us almost two years to cover in its entirety.
mighty thor jane foster   full story comicstorian
I hope you enjoy it. There has been a question for everyone. tongues like the day a new character, Thor, was introduced, but not the Thor you know you see at the end of the original sin event and in our video, Thor was deemed unworthy of his bulk because of something Nick Fury told him . and he lost control of the hammer, he landed on the moon and no one has been able to lift it properly. Almost no one, father Odin and mother Freya, tried in vain, all of Thor's friends even tried in vain and Thor. He himself tried for weeks without success, a person was able to think of a new Thor, a female Thor who is not called female Thor or even Thor.
mighty thor jane foster   full story comicstorian

More Interesting Facts About,

mighty thor jane foster full story comicstorian...

Rita as Spider-Man tried to call her, she is only called Thor and no one. She knows her identity because it is one of her care


y kept secrets. The original Thor is now called the son of Odin and wields a powerful axe. At first he demanded to know who took the hammer from her, but when he saw that she was only fighting for justice, he understood why Mole almost chose her and didn't allow her to pick up the hammer again. He accepts that she's worthy of her and he's not, but he's not done trying to fix her own worth yet and thinks the first step is finding out who.
mighty thor jane foster   full story comicstorian
This person who can wield her hammer is that if she does not tell him her identity, then he will traverse the ten realms until someone tells him that many nights he returns to the place on the moon where he dropped the hammer only to look where. Once it was Why is she worthy of it? Why Odin's son Volstagg's friend comes to see if he's okay because you're shouting at yourself at the moon, as he says, but Odin the son just turns to him unless you were here to tell me the name. of the woman under Thor's helmet, I don't care what you have to say, Senator Volstagg, but a Volstagg is not here to talk about the new Thor, he is here to let ed and his son know that Jane Foster has collapsed.
mighty thor jane foster   full story comicstorian
You see, Jane Foster was diagnosed with breast cancer and she has been residing in Asgard under his care since she refused any magical treatment on him. By doing this the way they handle it on Midgard, she is human and she will suffer like humans because magic has a price she doesn't trust. No matter how much Odin Sun begs her, she continues to refuse, so they hug and she asks him: Are you really called Odin's son? You are much more than your father's son. When you're okay, you can call me whatever you want. He says as he holds her closer I'm going to remember Lord Thunder breaks when Odin's son walks away, he pulls out a list and crosses off Jane Foster's name, this is his list of everyone who could possibly be the new Thor and Jane is too ill to take on that role, so his next stop is Agent Coulson to demand the answer who Thor is, but Coulson doesn't know either, in fact, he hoped that Odin's son could inform him and, in response, his eldest son . he smashes his ax into Coulson's computer, though if you need time to think about it, that's fine too.
Coulson says where Agent Solomon is. Odin's son demands to meet Agent Solomon. He has been on leave for at least a few weeks. Wouldn't you think she's a new Thor, you and Odin Sunjai glare at him, we could probably call her, do you want to call her, let's call her agent Solomon, this is the shield command, come in please, interestingly, no one has seen the agent Solomon in about five days since he went to the moon to find his hero Thor, so what's up with this new Thor? What are you doing right? His first battles have been against Minotaur and Melek f and they seem to be making an alliance, so she is here to stop him while the mother of all approaches the all- father, this is crazy, tell me the whispers of your guards are false, Tell me you didn't put your deranged murderous brother in control of the most dangerous weapon known to the gods, but Odin doesn't flinch at this accusation.
Cole does my bidding lately. I dare say he has shown more loyalty than you. He threatens any response. She slaps him, but he barely flinches. You should not have done that. We will see the hammer return to Asgard no matter the cost. Back to Thor just as she's getting ready to go on the rampage. a Minotaur and Malekith, the destroyer, lands on top of her and knocks her down, but this is a tent, make no mistake, and she leaps into the air ready for battle only to be knocked down by the destroyer once again, not to be trifled with.
Thor. battle and the two fall from the Minotaur's floating Kingdom, alas, a tent falls to the ground, she drops the ball nearby, but looks up to see the destroyer still advancing now with the ear melted in his hands, but I need to remind you that This is Thor and she jump headbutting the destroyer while the battle continues elsewhere. Odin's son receives a call from his mother while he is flying through the skies of Midgard. She uses the magic of the Bifrost, teleports to Odin's son and informs him that his father is there. Trying to kill because she needs his help and anyone else he can think of and he responds with my ax is yours mother and I already have a list of those who can fight alongside us and Thor returns to Thor, she is being beaten by his own hammer. but bloody and vegan she stands up, that will be the last time you hit me with my familiar hammer and she stands up and starts screaming a moment here, the destroyer is not worthy and can only hold it because it is technically a machine, so Thor uses his control over Mulliner to launch the destroyer across the entire battlefield, bouncing it off every wall and surface there, then, as the goddess of thunder, he summons the power of lightning to throw everything at the destroyer, the explosion is massive and then the hammer returns to Thor where she gives it a kiss.
The problem with the good hammer is that this is the destroyer, one of Thor's greatest enemies and an unstoppable machine. She continues walking forward and Thor thinks to herself that she can't end this way. I will not be a footnote in the story of Thor I will not be Thor for five days and then I will die when suddenly the Bifrost opens and out comes the son of Odin and everyone he had on his list of possible new Thors, you will not be alone, this Thor sews where is the Prince? Odin son of Asgard and his mother, the entire group of women he brought with him jump into the fray and begin to defeat the destroyer and there are many of them too many for the destroyer while Thor insists that she had this and does not require help eventually freya all of them mother jumps on the destroyer and stabs it right in the face flame turns to Odin in the throne room your wife just stabbed me in the face if you didn't know but the destroyer then grabs Freya by the neck and fires another burst into the air.
The son of Odin and Thor jump to protect Lady Freya and she looks the destroyer in her eyes. Do you see what you have wrought? Lord husband, look at your


works, but the legacy of Odin, then Odin turns his head. from its observation orbit let it go call what lets it go and leaves the battlefield damn you woman for playing the villain with that the destroyer takes off and leaves everyone there Thor thanks everyone for what they have done this day as they begin to clean up on the battlefield, SIF then turns to Thor before she leaves, you want my advice, lose the hammer and the companion, the son of Odin, he shouts questioningly, both will surely bring you knots, but there is trouble and SIF He leaves with everyone else, leaving only Odin's son and Thor's son.
She turns to Thor just to make it clear I am NOT your partner, there are no more secrets. I know who you are, you are Agent Rosalind Solomon and if you admit to me that you are that person, I will tell you when Nicholas Fury told me. that left me unworthy please tell me the truth Thor stumbles as he finds his words I I when out of nowhere Agent Solomon arrives, he drops down with Odinson and Thor and starts yelling at Thor, you almost got me killed, lady, I was in that island when you started In this fight, the son of Odin just stands there in shock, so Thor is not the Asian Solomon, he just gapes at a repetition and says that Solomon Thor sees this as his chance and she takes off towards the heavens once Odinson leaves standing there to talk to him.
Rozlyn Thor then returns to an undisclosed location in Asgard, where he turns and throws Molnár into space to wait for his call again as he begins to revert to his true self. She thinks to herself that this is how it must be if Odin Jr. and everyone really knew who she was, they would never allow her to remain Thor, but the world needs a Thor and that's what matters. They need a God who understands what it means to be humble to be mortal and to be the last of the magic of mul close. she leaves Thor, falls to the ground for a week and we see that Thor is actually Shane Foster.
She sits in the hospital receiving her normal chemotherapy. It started as a lump in her breast and then spread to her lymph nodes and possibly his liver. She returns. over and over again for treatment as the doctors can't understand why the treatment isn't working, but there is a reason she can't tell them that a nurse is coming to see Jane to make sure she has someone to help her. I take care of her. help her home if she says yes, a coworker, Jane, looks up to see the weather rocks on the space station built to track storms, but up on the space station, reporters began counting the weather when the They throw them on the ground looking up.
The reporters see that the station was hit by something and that something is a body through the body falling apart, so the war of the kingdoms begins before anyone can figure out what that could mean, more bodies start flying towards the space station destroying the news. cuts the transmission saying that there are minor technical difficulties, but Jane knows better and whispers that Mull, near the mystical hammer, begins to fly towards Earth faster than the falling Space Station, she goes out to grab the hammer and thinks to herself who knew dying could be so much. The amused Iron Man watches to see if the satellite starts crashing and asks Doctor Strange how we can stop this and Doctor Strange tells him no.
Thor manages to stop the satellite from causing too much damage and she helps the workers. Iron Man asks her if she knows what could have caused it and she responds with I and she flies back, she's fine, so good talk. Thor goes into space to see all the bodies floating and realizes that they are elf bodies, there is a person who could Possibly be behind this curse of Melik Apphia. Thor returns to the hospital to wake up Volstagg, as it is time to go back into hiding. Oh Jane and Volstagg are part of the Congress of Worlds and Jane represents on Midgard, the light elves begin to accuse the darkness.
The elves of the bodies floating around their space Jane agrees with them, but has to tell them that she didn't see firsthand that Thor told her about them because she is still trying to keep her identity a secret while Congress begins to point fingers. with the finger at Jane and runs away. She can do nothing but watch as everyone tries to focus on other threats in the Asgard cells. Jane goes to meet Lady Freya. Freya, the mother of all, was imprisoned for acts of treason against Odin. The All-Father, Jane, tells her how Malekith has started a war with the Lighthouse and Congress doesn't know what to do because they fear what Odin might do before he leaves, although Freya tells her to tell Thor that his duty is to l5 and the lighthouse.
Thor travels to the Bifrost Bridge but is stopped by Heimdall who tells him that he only serves the will of the Allfather, but that he is not here to stop her. Thora looks back to see Colonel Bronson's brother Odin and the Minister of Justice, but as this begins again in the vast void, the Dark Council begins to meet to discuss their next move. They know that Thor will come for them, but they have tosomeone who wants to join and help them. That's when we see Loki step forward. I say it feels good to be bad again.
Over the bridge to us, the battle between Thor and the Thunder guard continues, but Thor is starting to come out in pairs and in a desperate move, Thor asks if the Thunder guard can do this and she throws her hammer, he begins to bounce. and hit all the guards, but Cold Bronson himself deflects the attack. At that moment, all the guards begin to throw their hammers at him, but as coal enters to give him the final blow, Heimdall has stopped him. Heimdall tells him, "No, on my bridge, no one shoots Thor." through the portal he tells him coal He tells him that this is treason and that he doesn't want to arrest him, but Heimdall thought he would just get one of the good cells before they took them all.
Thor finds himself an alpha Land of Light otherwise the war between darkness and light continues as Melech watches from atop a hill as he watches lightning strike and knows the star has arrived as they begin. to discover his plan. Mora tells them that this is a job for the Sorceress in the land of the frost giants. for him to be alpha, she took some convincing, although just as this happens, Thor begins to join the fight between the light and dark elves when Loki appears before her. Loki is here just to chat, although everything Loki plays tricks on him and Thor. he hits Loki with the hammer repeatedly, his fingers get a little old, and there are bigger problems.
Odin, though he doesn't trust him, after some back and forth, Thor tells him that they can talk now and Loki tells him that he was sent here to see them both dead. looking up to grant the bat riders to arrive with bombs, so she takes off and begins to summon a huge storm as clouds begin to form. Lightning begins to flow and with the blink of an eye, boom. Ah, Loki looks up and hopes he hasn't. Don't just look at the last thunder action. Jane begins to fall from the sky and comes very close, just a little bit closer, just a little bit closer, and as the two of them begin to reach the ground, Thor stands tall calling out to Melek in this war. has come to an end when Queen Elsa calls for her master, the dark elf dogs, Melek f begins to materialize in front of Thor and the Queen asks how it can be a service, the Queen insists that all this must end, for what they must speak alone about peace.
Mel categorizes, but only if Thor stands by as Melek's queen Ethel walks away, a giant foot collapses, and Thor looks up. Loki continues, allow me to make a formal introduction. Hello dad, inside the Queen's chambers. Elsa asks Malekith what that is. He wants this war to come to an end, he states that he wants the land of the elves to be united, no more light and no more darkness, Elsa knows that the two races could never unite voluntarily and that the only way for this to happen would be the marriage. but he's heard enough, it's time for Melek to cut off the leadership and as he calls his magicians, they begin to fade, that's when Mora can be seen as one of the Queen's magicians telling them that it will be a lovely wedding outside of At the castle, everyone waits to see what happens inside and Elsa shouts that the time of war is over, now is the time for peace and to do so she and Mallika will get married.
Thor comes flying and tells him this can't happen. What spell? Did he throw it? There's probably something else you should be worried about. There is a great trial about to happen. Odin sits on his throne and Freya is awaiting his trial and he demands that she confess. María tells him that she will confess. She will confess that. she has become an enabler for her husband, allowing him to become a stubborn and narrow-minded god. She goes on to say that since she returned from the void with her brother Cul, the kingdom has moved on without him and now he has become a tyrant instead and all father Odin crashes to the ground.
I am a scarred woman from now until the end of time. She tells him to do his worst to silence her, but for the rest of them she'll need a lot more hammers right outside the chambers, the Asgardians. they gathered holding their backs like cul in the guards of the thunder and the destroyer, but SIF launches an attack on them back inside Odin begins to sentence Freya when suddenly the photographer Gras, whose door is being knocked down by lightning and there they are Loki and Thor up, another daddy Odin approaches Thor telling her to kneel, but that's not what she had in mind.
Odin tells him that it is time for us to put an end to all this, to which Thor agrees and with a powerful blow he hits Odin right in the face, now the end. the battle can begin the battle between Thor and Odin the epic fight begins to reach the moons of Saturn and Odin lands face first on one of its surfaces and then looks at a dear mole, this is all your damn fault, that's when Thor He returns with a giant piece of moon and hits it and Oded tells him to give up, take your place in the dust in it, it was like a relic.
Odin broke the rocks, he gave way to notice and he gave way for the AMIA, did he give way for cetera? he can ask them when he returns to Asgard. SIF walks away and frees Freya from her chains and asks if Freya is sure that I am freeing Loki. Freya tells everyone that they don't trust Loki, he was a spy sent to the Darkness. Council, but trust her, she decided this while everyone prepares. Cole enters with a Thunder guard and the destroyer to put an end to all of this on Alpha. I am the marriage routine.
Elsa and Malekith continue with them saying yes, but later. Elsa says she thinks to herself, she starts to think what she is doing, oh gods, the priest tells Melek that he can kiss the bride and he replies that there will be no need for that and then he calls the guards to take her away alone, Mallika then toasts each of the Dark Council members to which kingdom is next and Odin continued their battle in space with Odin finally launching Thorin into Jupiter, but before Odin can make his final attack, Thor throws her away, beaten. against Odin. and flies to hit it against Asgard, the destroyer begins to corner Freya, sit down, loki brea tells Loki to find whoever controls the destroyer so they can put an end to this.
Loki tells Freya that she was right about Mela Cap and her plans for wars across the kingdoms but she was wrong about something else. Loki pulls out his dagger and stabs Freya in the back just then Odin stops thinking something has happened. Happened as Loki moves through the wall Cole waits for him there with a sword to In his throat, he tells him that the Queen still lives, but her sword was poisoned, so in the art of poisoning Loki is really bad o really good at that. The call continues telling him that he can go back to Mela Cath and tell Melek that he. can do whatever he wants Asgard will continue to have terrible limits as long as the Boursin brothers live loki leaves for now the fighting has stopped in Asgard Odin took Freya to his most intimate sanctuary the chamber of the odinsleep kol watches over the throne and Jane begins to Go, though remember that no one won this civil war in Asgard and there is another war somewhere else.
There are ten kingdoms throughout the world. They treat everyone with their own wonders and terrors, but there is only one guardian who will rise above them all and his name is. Although we see Thor before we leave: he grunts about to tend to a screaming prisoner. Ah, he's not trying to escape, but it's like he suddenly realized that something horrible had happened and he started screaming for his mother, his mother, I guess. they don't make Thor like before, they say this is it: we look beyond the hammer of the old last into another Thor's universe and that's when we see Odin, son of Marvel's Thor, tied up and screaming to free himself, aah, Jane Foster in secret.
He took the hammer and became the new Thor, and entered into a fight against Odin, who refused to allow a new Thor to take the mantle, but after proving himself to everyone except Odin, he entered into a battle to prevent a war from occurring between the kingdoms. Her identity was about to be revealed, the hammer used magic that no one knew it had and took the form of Jane herself, allowing Jane and Thor to be in one place, although the mysteries did not end there when the hammer told Jane wanted to show her her origin and took her to the distant realms and reaches of space.
There's a crunch as the hammer propels Thor through breakneck speeds and crashes into a building, knocking down a wall and showing Thor a library, the man he can. He's just supposed to be the librarian floating towards them demanding to know why Thor would crash into his wall before answering his own question. Could Thor be too arrogant to use the door? Thor asks where they are currently while looking at all the books in total and a librarian informs him that we are in the heaven of heavens and the center of infinity, home of the Parliament of the Pantheon and a sacred high court built four billion years ago. by the first Elder Gods, it is a place of divine communion. and government looking around continuing his amazed look Thor can't believe how many gods are here and the librarian asks him tell me girl why are you here keeping his stern look the librarian looks at the hammer while Thor tells him that she believes to be alive, to Thor's surprise, Librarian Snickers tells him to follow him.
He pulls out a book from the deepest, darkest part of the library, a place where only one candle remains lit, though he looks at the title of the book. The Librarian reads it to her The Storm He Did Not Raise Her The story of bloodshed and war that began eons ago, a time when a young warrior named Yulik united the rock troll clans and invaded the kingdom of the gates. It would have been a short time. -lived the battle if it were not for Odin, the father of all, who led the armies of Asgard in the fight, he did not do it to save the gates, but he saved their minds and their forges, of course he won with great ease to give him back the money.
The gates presented him with a gift as a token of his gratitude, a raw Ubu nugget, the rarest of all medals and Mystic Realms. In fact, it was so strong that it was unsuitable and even the forged gates could not turn it into a weapon for Odin to contemplate. the rock from him, but he felt it was appropriate every time he looked at this completely useless thing, he would remember the doors. The rumor is that Ubu was a relic of the creation of the universe, a piece of the rock of creation itself, but it is not.
The only thing that survived all this time, I know there was also the tent and it was also called the storm god or the mother of thunder when the space sharks fled an area, you knew it would come, but have you waited for that? It was too late, this is a sentient superstorm in space and one day the storm's judgment would come to Asgard. The Asgardians didn't know what to do, although they had won many battles, they had never faced a storm. Fortunately, Odin was the all-father and the battle raged for many days, in the end it was Odinforce that won and all of them, father, had trapped the entire storm inside a worthless piece of rock given to him by the gates.
He returned the gift to the doors with a demand. now they forged it into a powerful weapon, the most powerful and thus was created Thor's hammer, the weapon of thunder, except that a storm raged within the hammer and refused to allow the one who had caught it to stop. Well, in the end he had won. lost because he could not wield the hammer without an enormous amount of destruction and so Odin locked him inside his vault during the day to find another that the storm itself deemed worthy. The librarian closed his book in the store and asked him if The Hammer was actually alive, but sadly he told him that maybe he was once, but not even the most powerful storm could have survived that long trapped in that hammer. .
Thor reached out to tell her that he was speaking to her, and then when she grabbed his handle, he launched her like a rocket. into space again to take her to places unknown a war is brewing and she is needed to be in it the librarian knew it would come along with death and destruction Thor's journey is just beginning to truly begin what happened to Odin's son the name who is now called the original Thor, got drunk and finally ended up getting lost in space, no one has seen him and then the unknown is a space aboard a ship bound for who knows where someone is not having a good time.
The day when the son of Odin remembers the days gone by in his life, the days he spent obliterating comets from one end of the cosmos to the other with thunder and hammers as his only comrades, he is no longer that God, however, now He is unworthy, now his days are. He spends his time fighting with fists, feet and teeth if necessary, every day he fights and fails and fights again. Aliens of different shapes and sizes attack him and he counterattacks with all his considerable strength. More aliens arrive and their weapons crackle with Odin's son's energy drops as they hit him again and again and as he struggles to get to his feet, Odin's son remembers a time when he would have thrown these men aside with a blow of his hammer and swears that that moment will return, he swears it. that by the gods extendshis hand to reach for a hammer three months earlier on the moon, the cold and desolate son of Odin stands in it staring into a crater and pours a horn of mead to drink down his throat.
Strange reports of vandalized and half-eaten satellites have brought him here, if anything but me emerges from this crater, he eats it Odin sent orders as powerful as the guardian goat tooth Nasher and leaps towards it, lands with a crash and is met with a horde of trolls, let's skip the jokes and start with a bang. Braces' orders as he breaks free are learned from behind him and he goes into battle, but before he can attack the troll, he is knocked down by Yulik, the king of the trolls, whom he licked. A hammerless Thor like a fangless snake a little more than a worm I have no hammer but not without fangs The son of Odin responds as a toothy Nasha charges at you from behind and you throw the powerful troll away, allowing the son of Odin to open up.
I pass through the group of trolls. He is thrown next to the son of Odin, who promises you look that he will pay for laying hands on his goat with a laugh Yulik knocks down the walls of the crater on the son of Odin to bury him and allow the trolls a chance to escape. . I may not be the God I once was but I am still the son of Odin thinks Odinson as he lifts the stones with his bare hands I can handle an insignificant moon the Charles begin to escape sailing into space and the son of Odin throws his ax With his considerable force towards him, he sails through the air and fails, spinning towards the unknown immensity of deep space.
The members of the jury laugh and sail away. The son of Odin is left defeated. His shoulders slump as he slides towards the ground and he remembers that this is where he is. where it happened this is where he fell this is where he became unworthy there is another the stranger in a black cloak wrapped in chains tells the son of Odin who are you once there was a watcher now there is only me I am the invisible I see everything the stranger speaks and riddles telling Odinson past events and he tells them once again that there is another hammer, the hammer of a dead world and a dead


, the stranger tells Odin's son where he can find his hammer and without hesitation Odinson He mounts his Nasher and rides through the skies of old Asgard. or where the gods once dwelt, the son of Odin stops short of reaching Asgard, where he once stood, and discovers that there is nothing but asteroids floating in his empty space.
He watches in disbelief until he is disturbed by thunder and lightning and in front of him stands his old friend beta ray bill I know where he was taken I know who stole him before ona's so I can ask more questions beta ray kneels before him son of Odin has lost his hammer so beta ray begs him to take it the powerful storm bringer forged by Odin himself with the power to rival even that of the moment ear forged and gifted to the powerful warrior beta ray take my hammer for please save it it would be my honor pray that a kneeling beta ray rise my friend it is no longer me Thor and the storm bringer belong To you, the son of Odin believes that he is not even worthy of Beta Ray's friendship.
Beta Ray knows who has robbed old Asgard, but before he can pronounce the thief's name, he is attacked by enemy ships from space. For them. Let's talk to them. these thieves and with all his considerable strength, the son of Odin throws his powerful ax and one of the enemy ships destroys it in a single blow, the two powerful warriors leap into battle and the beta ray invokes the power of the storm bringer crushing the ships with beams as their the battle breaks out in the beta ray points to the starship in the distance indicating that this is where they have taken old Asgard, without hesitation the son of Odin rides towards the ship in the Nasher as the beta ray He shouts for him to wait on board the ship, they shout They are approaching and in the distance they are waiting for me in the glass of the room that houses a giant spear.
The ship's master reaches out his hand, flips a switch on the huge sphere, opens the bay doors, commands, and the sphere floats in space. and his calm a massive explosion of rus from the sphere that throws Odinson out of the teeth Nasher Odin son dreams dreams of hammers that are crushing him but he the weight of his unworthiness dreams of whispers dreams of a figure shrouded in living darkness he He wakes up and finds himself chained in a huge room surrounded by strange creatures locked in small cages and in front of him sits his captor, the collector, you have tried to put me in a cage before the collector, but the collector tells him that he will not put him in a. cage, is taking him home, drops Odinson into the once powerful realm of old Asgard, why does Asgard still question the son of Odin not as God but what resides in him or is he dishonest based on what he sees and finds a huge hammer in a crater with a family inscription on the side next to Odin's beard there is another one the collector looks at it he tells him telling me how to pick it up and Odin's son rejects a child and leaves the prison and the collector tells him to tell me Olivia hammer or watch he dies and then starts counting five, you fool, you must be worthy.
Odinson exclaims as the count continues for Odin Jr., please, three and then thread: I will kill you for this collector, one with a thunderbolt, lightning explodes from the hammer and destroys the man he threatens. The prisoner's energy crackles around the craftsman as he walks towards him, showing him images of another Thor from another realm, a supreme Thor who fought with the same fury and thunder in his veins. Odin's son extends his hand and the collector shoots him from behind. will be mine Son of Odin every day The son of Odin fights against the collector's men fighting for the hammer of the definitive Thor that he reaches into his hand.
He has taken down four. There are too many. They stand over him victoriously and drag him back to his cell. He finds himself once again in his cage He hears a voice Hey boy beard let me eat some of your fingers Calls a voice from the cell next to him All you can do is lose the fight fighting You don't need fingers That's what the voice belongs to Hell enough angry hell no, no, the ten kingdoms like Death River, the devil dog whose real name is story, you are bad at escaping by throwing notes and there is no way to get off the ship.
She wouldn't jerk at his chains. Don't have. To get to the ship I just need to reach my hammer, he breaks the chains of these and launches himself at the energy bars of the cell, here we go again, the guards point, but before they can react, the rays pass through them and beta ray bill stands in the middle of the crackling lightning son of Odin, my brother, are you ready to summon the Thunder? Hurry up, I will murder many murders for you. Beta Ray has seen old Asgard in a hammer and offers to take Odinson there, but with a mention of the hammer, Odinson gets a murderous look in his eyes, turns around and leaves in beta.
Ray, the header is mine. Beta Ray tries to defend himself as he pleads with Odinson. He was overcome by war madness. Odinson knows that he has overcome the berserker rage, but he cannot help but throw Beta Ray through the spike, causing him to release the storm. bearer in his wrath or the Sun reaches for him longing to be whole again longing to be Thor but before he can Proxima midnight strikes him and the black swan attacks beta rain the two warriors reunite and beta lightning calls his


hammer towards him . Are you ready, son of Odin, a coral is the response of the son of Odin before the battle can continue, the mysterious cloaked figure teleports the disciples of Thanos leaving the two warriors alone, however, on the ship, the collector He stands with his men looking at the powerful hammer every day, the storm that surrounds the hammer becomes more powerful and will soon destroy the entire ship and the collector does not care, suddenly Thanos his disciples electrically point the hammer at Thanos himself and while They fight, the mysterious hooded individual silently slides towards him reaching for the hammer.
Thunder crashes and lightning separates everyone from power Odin's son grabs his ax and walks across the ship with his goat tooth Nasher, the hellhound, Thorry and the beta lightning spike at his side I don't need a Hammer, don't raise hell this day, I claim one, anyway, so I swear. The unworthy Thor Black Swan walks through the raging storm that surrounds the hammer of the ultimate universe, however before she can reach it, the lightning strikes her far away, those who wish to wield the hammer stand around her and cannot reach it. when he comes out of the storm. steps Odin son I have come to claim what is mine step aside I will be ready to bleed he is as important as the rest of us kill him declares the mysterious cloaked figure and the battle breaks out upon Thor swings his mighty ax and used as a fourth arm as a shield against attacks in Proxima midnight beta ray bill throws storm at Black Swamp promising him a cell next to Thanos and the collector runs while NASA chases him through the air Thorry is ready to face the mysterious stranger from the cape and he shouts: what are you doing here, leave doctor?
I order you and with an eruption of flame from his mouth he shouts, do not order anything after a final blow knocks Proxima to the ground at midnight. The son of Odin walks away through the storm to stand before the mighty hammer he will finally feel it it will be a whisper the chains wrap around his neck before you can even graze with a handle it is mine son of Odin all of you are the screams of the collector I see less Odin fired and the son of Odin swings a zach cutting the chains fall to the ground again, frees Truth Nasir and continues the fight, the collector continues to rent, they are all my property, look just in time to see that Odin said, knocks him through the air and they both fell to the ground a long time ago, Thor. he was knocked down by a whisper to get back up to be worthy he needs to be stronger than the whispers and finally he reaches out because he also needs a hammer what started with a whisper now ends with thunder energy crackles when he grabbed the hammer sorry even if he It's about me universe that I will never know the hammer still knows me the son of George Odin beta ray knocks on his door the god of thunder t years that is under his ears and this is not my hammer and he lets it go The disciples of Thanos They stop looking at the son of Odin.
We are taking the hammer from Santos. This isn't my hammer, but it's Thor's hammer and it's not going anywhere with people like you. Energy crackles around Odin's. He bellows, raising his fist in the air, he brings it down with the power of lightning, launching his enemies away in one way, taking the lightning out of the collectors' ship, the hammer belongs to me and you are going to return to your cage, Asgardian, the collector shouts as he leaves. The wreckage of a ship, he is surprised to see Thor II leading the other prisoners away from their now empty cages.
I'm NOT going to take the hammer, but I am going to get my house back. Says the son of Odin as he lifts the collector and throws it to the ledge, how will we get back to Asgard? questions beta ray yes, no need for energy once again ripples the mighty hammer and old Asgard disappears old Asgard is once again where it should be an Odin sent in beta ray bill stand together Odin son knows this is not his hair In an uprising the hammer will call out to its owner as its call to the new Thor do you believe in your worth again you ask bill no God is worthy that was the meaning of the whisper they brought down Thor the gods are vain and vengeful they are not worthy of the adoration that humans give them, the son of Odin no longer carries his hammer because he really believes it, so the two warriors rest the day and drink, the hammers were not raised, yet the battle ended, they won and the sagas ended, but it has not reached its end, the days pass and the hammer sits and out of the darkness someone comes, they have heard the whispers of the hammer like lightning and when they reach out and grab hold, now is the time for war.
Thor, the gods of Asgard, have many enemies, as gods tend to do, but even the boldest know not to attack the Golden City, for those walls are guarded by the all-seeing eye of Heimdall. It is said that he could see a single worm. in a field of freshly fallen snow a thousand worlds away, although you can see things to distant galaxies, you must blink, if one were fast enough to cross that vast space in the blink of an eye, well, as Heimdall would say that no, suddenly a powerful force appears. he shoots through the skies with a muffled voice telling him to stand down, his fight is not with him as Heimdall stands up, he tells the being that he knows him, he has watched his exploits across the spaceways, it was thought which was supposed to be one of Honor and the gladiator floats down telling him that he has been called many ways but today he is the Magister of the Shiites and is currently on a mission from his gods while Heimdall fights with the gladiator, another is heard knocking sound, but it comes from Jane Foster's door. in the residential halls of Asgard eeeh Jane opens the door to ask for a stop and since she thinks this should be good she asks him what she can do for him today Cole says that even though he is supposed to represent his beloved little ball of clay, she has been absent from the Congress of the ninedays of the world this month, he has also come to her and for that, as of now, he currently has two options regarding his stay here: get rid of this pesky cancer or lose his seat in Congress if he fails to do either these things or if he finally has the decency to spare them their pathetic suffering and die, a replacement will come to take his place when Cole leaves Jane Shia.
This is not over, Congress will not show up, but before it can end. He interrupts her by telling her that he overestimates the number of friends he has there at that moment. A guard runs up to Cole and tells him that they just received news that there has been a disturbance in the Bifrost while Gardea is under attack. Jane goes back to her room. , looking at a mole, almost says that she knows he's killing her, but she's glad to see him because she subtly feels like directing something very, very hard. Back at the main doors, Khalid runs in yelling at Heimdall to report what just happened.
What kind of enemy would dare try to confront the immovable Heimdall? Heimdall pushes a rock that was above him indicating that he is unstoppable. Everyone looks up to see the gladiator standing there and just as they see him, he sends a radio to go and open the Stargate's pink lights begin to glow as they begin to appear and Cole calls all of the Thunder guards to get ready, They are being invaded. The gladiator tells them no, they are being conquered in just a few moments. The gladiator forces begin to swarm as Gardea lies down. Spending everything in sight, the Warriors of Asgard fight, but their combined strength is no match for the gladiatorial invasion.
Cole manages to land a blow on the gladiator's son, Kubark, causing the gladiator to focus completely on him, but before the gladiator can save his son, a giant beam of lightning and Jane floats there telling them whatever. What is this, it just ended. The gladiator looks at her telling her that she is right and then radios the neurocell ready when Kubark has taken the gladiator and then directs her attacks on Jane Foster Thorne. him easily knocking her through the building. Thor tries to defend himself, but just like the others, his strength is nowhere near that of the gladiators, he picks it up from the rubble by radio transmitting the power of the teleporters to now participate in the same pink light that surrounds them. two and disappear in a short time later, Jaina begins to open up. we raise our eyes asking where they are before she there is a gladiator kneeling telling her that this place is the Makran Palace now kneel before the gods of Shiar and pray for mercy she looks directly at the two shining white gods and says if they were looking for someone for him to kneel they would have kidnapped the wrong God.
Husband Kothari says no, they do believe they have a right to God and her wife Shara tells Jane and her arrogance in Disk kutis confirms it. Kothari then says that they are Shara and Kothari. mother star and father of light creators of all space in time supreme deities for whom he drew the cosmic chosen ones breathe nebula to lie comets crying and speak with the voice of a crew that drills supernovas and today they will teach you what it really means for being a god Jane walks up the stairs asking what they want to teach her just three days ago she was holding a mortal woman as she died of cancer that ravaged her brain and all she could do was pray that there are so many gods spread out everywhere. those of the cosmos who boast of her own majesty and all power, but where is that woman now in what heaven does she reside?
She does not reside in any of them because no God bothered to listen or care now the only thing she wants to know now is why she is, even here, she has not done anything to the Shiar, but Shara begins to say that they wish to challenge her to a but before I can finish, Jane walks away telling them that now my answer is known, if you'll excuse me and even if you don't. t Gladiator says that he might want to listen, they currently have three, they are super destroyers headed for Earth's orbit, heavily camouflaged and fully armed, if he answers this challenge, they have orders to destroy the entire planet.
He hates to say it, but it is. The car is tied up and in an instant Kothari rushes up, grabbing the gladiator by the neck, hitting him on the ground, asking him to apologize to her while the two deities begin to beat the gladiator Jane because to conjure her Lightning she tells them that this ends. now or I'm going to finish you, the Lightning leans around them and Shara walks over hitting it towards Jane and as Jane starts to get up, an alien approaches saying that he's afraid he'll have to insist that they follow proper protocol here.
The alien then introduces himself as Drak for sure and says that the combat test is not scheduled until round 17. He is here from the omnipotent city to officiate this challenge to the gods, so go ahead and start later, very soon. above the throne of Shiar. world of Chandalar the first challenge is ready to begin Kothari says that in this world they are revered and worshiped by 18 billion souls who call this planet home here they will show the true power that a god can wield Shara shouts that enough talking is enough they fight as the gods do with the challenge of natural disasters.
Jane takes a moment to think about it and as she begins to understand, she watches as a giant tidal wave forms on the planet's coast. The citizens below started running and shouting asking for Shara and Kothari. to save them and Jane asks why would you do this. Kothari tells her that because even after thousands, maybe millions die for no apparent reason, they will still come to the shrines to worship us, but as the two gods continue to praise themselves, Jane takes charge. herself to try to save everyone before the wave crashes she creates a whirlwind by sucking the water and placing it on a seat Shara shouts this is not how this game is played Kothari says she is lost they have won they have proven that they are superior gods, she draws us in, I actually wouldn't be so sure that the people below are praising Thor.
Meanwhile, on the edge of Shiar controlled space, the patrol ships begin to pick up some, their ships are suddenly attacked, the commander asks what. Hit them, they are being attacked by weapons that can pierce shields and the operator says that it actually looks like something called arrows and charcoal shouts from the archers - already another volley for the rest prepared to board their ships back with the evidence, although Shara and Kothari continue to show off their powers showing how even if they destroy their own followers, they will still be loved. Every time they try to kill civilians, Jayne is there to stop them by shouting that he doesn't care if he has to lose evil, he'll just end this madness. after one last test where Jane couldn't save the people, she flies away begging them to stop the plagues, the floods, the sulfur, everything she let them finish with a combat test and Shara laughs telling her that she really wants the honor of facing .
Jayne tells them that she must first survive the doomsday challenge. Jayne shouts that if that means he can end this charade then I, Shadrach, then stops whispering that he doesn't understand that they can't unleash the final judgment. She wouldn't survive any of them. They would be a being that appears before Sharra and Kothari as Jane begins to wonder how she got to this position. We see a few days ago. We see how this happened. A being appeared before Sharra and Kothari telling them that not a single god respects or fears you. You ter I say that most of them don't even know you exist, but there is one who is Preto and Loki smiles as he tells them everywhere they pray to Thor, trust me because Loki knows when Loki turns to leave, he tells him.
He tells Mela Calf that he knows she's listening, this was easier than they imagined, so go ahead, open the black Bifrost and take it to Tjuta 9 in current times while Shara and Kothari watch as Thor tries to protect everyone, he They laugh and tell him that his score will never improve. reach theirs when he places Molnar's shots in the chamber, breaking them both in the head and Jane approaches and tells them that there will be no more challenges, but with a hammer and one hand he slams him into the ground, breaking him and telling them that he does not know why. they hate her and at this point she doesn't care anymore, they want to challenge and find out that she challenges them to stop her from bleeding them senseless, but before Jane can climb the broken stairs, Kothari attacks her saying it's over, they have One shot and turns to Shadrach telling them to make him unleash Doomsday.
Shadrack grabs his pendant quietly asking why Gore couldn't have killed them instead of his friends. Independent replies that this is the omnipotent birdie request of the city received Jane stands up screaming that she is done with mercy and now only talks to Thunder Shara tells him that one thunder won't be enough and as Jane punches Shower in the face she tells him that it's a good thing he brought Robin in it moment when gladiator and kubark are knocked out. through the walls into the hallway and Khabar says that he can't feel anything, especially his face. Seconds later, Kol crashes into a boat screaming for it to burn, and Kothari prepares to make peace with your fears.
Jane looks up and asks why he is here and Cole tells her. She saved his life by the looks of it, then asks why and Cole says because no one but me can test that hammer from their cold dead heads, lightning because there's a whirlpool around the hammer and Jane says there's no one who can. is going to be. Taking it off yet, at least not until it's been down the throat of the shower a few hundred times, I call the last one to tell him that now she's finally talking like this as a guardian and Qatari tells them look, you've brought friends, maybe now this challenge of the gods will indeed be defiant, meanwhile, in a nameless world, somewhere in the darkest corners of the cosmos, a raging fire burns and from it spits a hand that makes its way towards the earth, a child sits on a small island and says how and can It was a surprise, but the people of this planet are absolute idiots, the island begins to rumble and Quinten, the omega level telepath, tells the sensitive island Krakoa that he knows what it is thinking Literally, this place has just been born.
Suddenly, a magical portal opens in Jaina. kubark comes out kubark tells Quinton that the universe needs his help and yes, that surprises him as much as it surprises him. Quinton barely recognizes them, telling them that's right, it sounds funny, now he gets off my island. Jane asks, this is the Savior you spoke of. wasting time here Quinton gets up telling the group that he would love to help them with anything but he doesn't so if they can leave he will speak alone in peace Jane says that they can't continue anymore they should go back preventing the Phoenix from destroying the but before it could finish Quinton says wait, wait, wait, wait, did you tell the Phoenix just hours before that the battle between the Asgardians, the Shiites had started while they were fighting Shadrack, he stopped everyone saying that they should not fight a challenge? has been made in that challenge as victor, the winner is to store everyone in the room, he stops at both Shara and Kothari, he asks how is this possible.
Thor has lost most of the shadrach and then says that yes, Thor failed miserably in those challenges, they gave him extra points. At their end, something the record keepers of the omnipotent city had never recorded before, Thor inspired another God to fight in their defense, they crossed the cosmos to wage war, in his name begins the state that that no That's the case, we came here because we were humiliated, but SIF tells him to shut his mouth or he will eat his sword in a fit of rage. Kothari Shells: The gladiator tells you to warn the battlecruisers in Earth orbit and to fire immediately.
The gladiator tells them that after all, I've actually seen him today, I don't think he can do that before Kothari can unleash holy wrath on him. Shara stops them saying that none of them deserve to live in her universe now kiss her, kiss her and all creation while the fires of her love burned. Shara and Kothari summon the great force in the Shiar Pantheon, the sister of the gods, although once she has summoned only death and destruction, she is called Phalke in the destroyer of worlds, Phoenix Jane can sense it just as the hammer does. that the cosmos itself is burning and that she must stop it as Jane flies off to face the end she is thrown back into the palace and Shara and Kothari laugh at her attempts to save everyone just as the laughter gets louder and her punches Kothari and Shara turn around. towards him and just before he can do anything Kubark flies in hitting them both, the two gods are now defeated and everyone is wondering what they are doing now, there is no way to stop the Phoenix and Gabbar tells everyone that he wouldn't say he knows. . a boy now in the current time they all travel on Cole's boat while Jane asks Quinton if he has any experience with the Phoenix force.
Quinton says yes, well, and in the future, well, I'm destined to wield the power of the Phoenix. Domingo, assuming that future actually comes to fruition, the call says noIt matters, the pink haired one, the destroyer will take care of this little fire dove and a second later, the destroyer is defeated. Quinton tells him to call like metal while the destroyer rings, nothing can destroy the Phoenix because the Phoenix is ​​destruction Jane grabs her hammer telling them that they will die trying Quinton says most likely but hey, at least I'm not bored now everyone jumps together boat in an effort to try and hurt the Phoenix but you don't just hurt - something like that James Chad says his hammer blows have no effect how do they even fight a living fire creature?
Quintin fires his psychic shotgun telling her that not even I can reach him the only way we can stop him is to contact him directly at that moment Jane sees the world turn white and her without her hammer as Jane asks where she is - Phoenix tells her that she is a Silly question but then again, you are one of the silliest creatures I have ever encountered. Phoenix continues. I have brought you here in your small dying form to have a conversation and to make you an offer to relieve you of your many heavy burdens and one very particularly heavy burden.
Jane thinks about it and asks the hammer about it. Phoenix wants the hammer the Phoenix tells him if you want to save the other gods from my flames and all you have to do is hand it to Miller just holding it is killing you won't you allow that burden to be lifted? Jane says wait, she wants to eat the hammer. If she does not consume the power of the god Tempest because she is afraid of him, then it would seem that the Phoenix is ​​wrong to say that she is a fool. Fenix ​​hits Jane screaming as he tried to help her, he offered her a chance to die with dignity. there will be no other chance to just suffer at that moment - the hammer appears in her hand and Jane swings it asking if you want to eat it, you can take a bite and as it comes out, the Phoenix screams in pain while Quintin asks how he did it then. he says you know what it doesn't matter just do whatever it was again Jane gathers all of Mull's strength stating that he won't die in his bed, he will die like a god and as Jane releases the powers of the space hurricane, Quentin's vision changes and he enters. the white to the world the Phoenix look I'm asking what you think you're doing here it's not the time for you yet you're not ready to be my avatar you're going to defect no, definitely not, that's why I'm about to do it will really piss off a lot of people of people and that's just one of the reasons you'll want to say yes outside Jane continues to fight the flames telling the hammer to stay strong the Phoenix fears them voice then tells him just not about the hammer, all acts This is Thor Thor Odinson Rises down telling them that only one Thor was a pain in their burning hindquarters good luck dealing with two Thor releases a storm between the two they begin to break up the Phoenix separates when the tent begins to take over Thor is He realizes that there is something more here, another voice tells him yes, you could say that.
Quinton appears before them imbued with the power of the Phoenix and when the cosmos is saved from total destruction, the guardian gods have returned to what they know best. do by celebrating their victory, however, the celebration was short-lived as it was time for the Congress of the Worlds to meet. Carl arrives and tells Jane that his time is up and has given her until the end of the week to get rid of her cancer or quit. Volstagg tries to tell Jane that he is fine, but Jane says that Cole is actually right, his health has begun to affect his work performance. and her condition is not improving, although she is resigning, she has already found a replacement and they will find that she is well prepared for the job.
She would like to introduce Rosalind Solomon, the Shield Agent, to the Congress of Worlds. Rosalyn flies in and tells them that she is safe. She will be one of her space senators and when Jane leaves Congress she finds Thor Odinson knocking on the doors of his mother's chambers. Jane tells him that Odin hasn't allowed anyone in for weeks and Odin's son shouts that he wasn't asking permission. Is she still alive there? Jane says that her mother was alive the last time she was seen, although she was in a coma. Thor asks her if it was really Loki who stabbed her, but before allowing Jane to answer, he turns around and slams on the door. she stops him telling him to look, she has her own story and she needs to tell him something she should have told him before, maybe he wants to sit down for this and just as the threat of the Phoenix has subsided for now.
There is still something else coming, the mangog, the final judgment, they say, once awakened, nothing that lives, nothing that breathes can hope to stop its wrath and the day forever while one thread has stopped, another arises within the ten kingdoms, the war is approaching and it has been slowly. affecting each of the branches of the world's trees. Alfheim is one of the recently affected kingdoms, forcing the light elves to take refuge in Knittle through the land of the gates between the high mountains of the school. The portal opens as Solomon's Senators Milk Main and Volstagg exit.
A voice calls them telling them that their king in the tree regrets not having been able to attend since he is busy working in the forges. The dwarf in front of them is stone-footed. The son of lead beard, son of wart-knuckle, will be their guide in these Worrying moments as Stonefoot begins to lead the group to camp. Volstagg says that he thought there would be a welcome feast and Stonefoot tells him that dogs don't bother with such nonsense after a few more minutes of walking. Stonefoot says that they are here for the first time in many were maternal the war is halfway over fire war in the form of the light alpha refugees everyone looks around to see the ramshackle tents filling the entire cast all with wounded elves Of all ages the foot of stone begins to walk down.
It was left to enter the doors of our ancient treaties and welcome the elves of light, but they are struggling to feed them all. The middle way is not a land of plenty unless you are referring to the or there are many or four years in which the dwarves traded with elf hime. for food but Malekith burned all the fields leaving them little to eat milk shells main that the other kingdoms must know what is happening to their people Melek ëthe must answer for his war crimes Roslin since in the Congress of the worlds he will do everything What they can help these elves as soon as possible if they do not protect the will she can promise, but while Rosalind and the main milk stone talk, some of the children run towards the fallen deer asking if it is going to eat the whole sack. full of The volume pile of food says well, now that I think about it, I had a pretty big breakfast, so how about you help yourselves what I had left over?
All children start eating in the fall. The stack tells you to consider this an appetizer. I'll ask my wife. grun wand makes goose egg omelettes for all of you and your families at that moment you all hear a loud horn and a sudden bang a fire is the camp's milk chief shouts his people outside the fence list what they are going to do , but Roslin stops him by calling Heimdall to activate the Bifrost and get them all out of here, another explosion hits the ground and knocks everyone down and dad gets up when he sees the stores on fire, the children run with tears in their eyes saying that they feel it.
They lost all the food, please don't be angry with them. The pile of balls tells them not to worry and then calls Heimdall to get them out of there with no response. The kids ask who are you talking to and he drops and says I have a. friend in heaven I fear the smoke is blocking your vision meanwhile in old Asgard the target approaches the Bifrost saying that she knows he is there and that he is angry please allow him to explain Odin said ask what is there to explain senator


or should I call you Mighty Thor Jane says she wanted to tell him how he deserved to know and hear it from her while she's still alive and Odin's son tells her I've heard it now you can go before you go Jane look at the latest Milne about Thor there says he's heard about of what he went through to keep him safe from Thanos in the collector, why didn't he try to pick him up?
If you're curious about that story like Thor's unworthy story and, as he says that, he says that he's afraid. not lifting the hammer but afraid that the next time she does she won't be able to let it go the cancer is spreading with no signs of slowing being part of the Congress of the worlds has given her some purpose like Jane Foster and now that she no longer has a seat, Jane Foster will be forgotten if she takes the hammer, she will remain the goddess of Thunder forever. He is afraid of losing her before he can finish when a loud explosion and the leader of the mold crashes into the On the ground, Jane looks at a hammer and says that if it is here there must be trouble and Nitta Fire, turns to run towards the hammer, but as he does so, his fragile body collapses and his vision begins to fade into the land of doors.
Volstead takes the kids. telling them they have nothing to fear, soon they will be his guardians for tortillas and a nice long nap, but his pulse technician continues, there is another explosion and that's what she sees. The Firefly rider loaded with worm bombs, the rider shouts everyone, salute. Queen of Ashes activates the bomb and the explosion sweeps the area burning everything in its path, even the flesh of God, the only thing there is to protect from the musalla hime fire is the blood of the fire goblins while it was there, run to check it out . full pile finds him covered from head to toe and fire Goblin blood and childless then in old Asgard Volstagg emerges from the Bifrost a shell of the former man he was the things he has seen, has not slept or closed his eyes or even He has eaten a bite, he has not heard the voice of his wife, nor his friends, nor his children.
He observes how his lips move, but no sound comes out, so he can hear it as the roar of the fire and something that calls him. . hammer and when Volstagg places his hand on Thor's ultimate hammer, he knows that no storm will extinguish this place. Oh, blood, behold, Lu


there in the land of the gate ashes, the riders continue to lay waste to the kingdom when suddenly they see a storm brewing and the riders shout that they salute the queen of ashes, ah, hell, but then you can hear loud thunder and lightning strikes. The riders look up to see Thor standing before the lightning strikes around him.
The clouds begin to spin. The destructive force of the lightning directs the riders and takes them all down in seconds. a giant fire bug makes war and Volstagg asks if you wanted war. I will be your pile of war balls throw the hammer, shoot through the air and towards the giant insect like the hammer. he returns the war to Thor's hands, leaps towards a group of horsemen, and claims that it will be the last war ever fought. Volstagg was known as the god whose hunger was legendary, his hunger could never be satiated no matter how much the war consumed.
Thor is hungry. Furthermore, the more he revels in the blood in his enemies' wails, the hungrier he becomes as Volstagg continues his rampage, getting hit in the back with a green blast and one voice asking what we have here and the sorceress saying another. Thor Ulrich says at least this one has a beard, we should kill him anyway. The sorceress fires another blast, but Volstagg, to flex her, stands up throwing his hammer at the sorceress and Urich attacks asking how well you can block fish like Ulrich. He hits it on the ballsacks head, there's a loud crack and Oelrichs pulls back asking how you broke my knuckle watch in the hell of that beard, ball tag rate, then he hits it again telling him picture summary.
George ball stock picks, you will manipulate him and he starts the beat saying that I have made the war untrue all because of monsters like you, although the blood in his mouth Ulrich says that what you want is ash and full-stack tells him that I go, his time will come, but right now King Ulrich. It's your moment Ulrich manages to free himself shouting that his legions of trolls will tear off that destroyed beard and Volstagg tells him very well my fists will be fed up with your damn blood a habit with his feet Volstagg raises a hammer above his head and as he lowers it, I appreciate , calls to the black cake to get her and Ulrich out of here as the sounds of burning bodies begin to fill the air.
The full deer says that they cut down an entire army to take it, but I, muniya, this is. only the beginning they must do it and at that moment Bozek realizes what he has done and says this is not Who I am Who I am I am lightning we can subtract the ground in Volstagg shouts I am the war of Thor, the god of blood stored on An Asgardian Eldon Sun takes Jane to the Medicine Room to seek help, but Jane tells him there is no magic. Odin's son says she is dead. She can feel the life draining out of her as they talk.
He doesn't care what it takes to save her. They will and then Otis. and he notices the hammer floating behind them, he says to give him the hammer and ordered some shots to keep the hammer away. It is they who are the cause of Jane's suffering. Jane takes the hammer and Oda's son tells her not to get his fingers. She touches the hammer and in a flash oflight and Jane transforms there is trouble in the realms to hammer him whisper and Jane responds without a second thought that is why she is worthy of being Thor, the goddess of thunder and why she will soon be dead Meanwhile, in the depths of Mess Wilheim, a storm begins to dig into a fire inland, the fire sprites look up to the sky to see a strange liquid falling on them and one gulps and says he thinks he heard about this before he believes they are calling him.
Moments later it rains, giant waves of water crash into their city and then it marks the first time in living memory that it rained in the Firelands, so much rain that the goblins' nests were flooded and with the rain came the thunder. and with the thunder came from Thor, except this time it wasn't the Thor you've come to know and love, it was the Thor of war, a Thor who holds a hammer not known on this earth, a Thor who is here to kill. everyone and bring back Revenge. of all those who have been lost or Volstagg is the thor of war a Volstagg walks on the lava that was once burning shouting to the ashes that a storm is coming that will end all the fire forever, suddenly the ground moves Inwards when the rocks begin to crack she appears before the bowling deck telling him that she believes that the flames of mesfet Heim are the archives of creation and death for him and his kind sends his burdens to Volstagg the war Thor she forces him to block, but her strength knocks him down with thrusts of ash.
Slamming her sword against a deer's hammer, stating that to be the queen of ashes she had to learn to paint with fire, he will be her masterpiece. As Cinder opens her mouth, a searing wave of fire hits Volstagg, knocking him to the ground and his hammer into the lava bowls. Anger reaches for his weapon and as he looks at the lava all he can see are the faces of the children here. to protect before reinforcement. I can grab the hammer. Ash lifts him up with his tail and holds him. He goes down the lava shouting that his lungs will be full of lava, they both sink and extend their hand and as he does, the last ammonia shoots down backwards, Volstagg rises gasping for air and then the fire-breathing sharks swim up, biting them. the body of the gods, the fire sprites brought up asking if they should bring the invaders the charred body and Cinder laughs saying no, we'll let the sharks have their fun, but just before Cinder could continue speaking, Volstagg He goes from the center of attacks with one of his own.
The sharks, the goblins swarm towards Volstagg and once they hold him in place, they send blows with their sword tearing the two goblin animals apart. Deer, she lifts Volstagg and tells him that he will spread his fire, oh, so slowly over his body, roasting his tender flesh, his screams will. She turns to ashes in his charred mouth, what does little Thor say? The voice then shouts at the ashes telling him that that is not Thor and some would say that he is not either. She now she let him go. Jane floats down holding the proper hammer of this one.
Universe in Cinder says it, since she can call herself whatever she wants, all they are to her are unwelcome guests in her kingdom. Jane then tells him that if that's so, then they should both get out of here and Volstagg fights screaming that he won't leave until she pays. for what she did and Cinder tells Jane look that she doesn't want to leave Jane throws her hammer down bouncing it off the nearby goblins and then the blows send her to the ground asking if what he says is not true, she attacked Aya half and he murdered her.
Children Cinder gets back up saying that no one has dared lay a hand on her since her father and that she will never lay her hands on anything again once those hands are taken away. Jane calls her hammer back and tells her that she will find it quite difficult when she fills herself with a super ax bow before Jane can swing it. Volstagg stands up and tells him that it is not your hammer that should have ashes in it. I fear that the fury of the Dead universe rages within this hammer and with it I will beat this entire kingdom into oblivion to end this war.
First I must finish them all, death to the kingdom of fire, the rock pillars begin to shake and crumble and in one of them, a fire goblin child cries for his mother while the young goblin is thrown into the air. Jane catches him telling him to calm down. This will all end soon. With luck, Shanon spins his hammer and opens a portal in the blink of an eye. When you tag it, they are teleported into nothingness. Volstagg looks around asking what you just did and Jane tells him that her hammer transported them to the void of the awning where it can no longer do any more damage.
Volstagg asks you to protect the demons from the kingdom of fire. what kind of Thor are you instead of answering? Jane asks what kind of Thor are you, the one you have terrorized innocent children with or attacked the Queen, that is not Thor's way, now, move away, fall, scream, that is why I am here, you are full of nothing. more than words and words will not end wars now step aside woman or war Thor will and you and the two gods begin to collide his thunderous blows can be heard echoing in all the kingdoms above the skies of Anaheim and throughout Niflheim parts and just as Volstagg prepares to deal the final blow to Jane, his hammer flies hitting Volstagg in the back, loosening his grip on his hammer from his defensive bubble.
Jane extends her hand toward the hammer of another world, the ultimate hammer of two universes, indicating that the storms are hers. Poultry Just as the sanity check on her, she grabs the hammer from the stack of bowls and then knocks back to hers. Volstagg's eyes widen as he looks at Jean, his eyes flashing lightning on his rage-filled body, the air around him trembles, but before Jane can swing, he looks at Mulund's other ear saying this shouldn't be here Volstagg then asks why she raised her and if she has the guts to really bring the storm the war will not be won with thunder but with blood only blood puts out the fire and if she wants to stop it she must become the raging storm of blood do you hear the hammer blows hitting Volstagg in the face and James shouts asking do you think she doesn't understand a war? you should try to fight cancer with both hammers in your hand Jane hits the two together in the kingdoms, the end of a beam of light, the force of the blow launches Volstagg through the kingdoms until he reaches the dark fairy kingdom.
Volstagg then begins to get up and looks around indicating that this is Mela's birthplace, cough, this was not a simple accident that she flies and Volstagg tells him that the hammer brought them here on purpose his hammer knows that these Dark Elves must be punished as ashes and their demons could do it together they could end this war in one day Jane begins to Feel the power of the second hammer indicating that this hammer is so angry that all he wants is for her to do his anger, she screams, then do it, let the anger out while Jane looks at the shock and otherwise says no, she has seen her anger in everyone. of their ugliness they have enough wars and that's enough Mom Pierce throws the hammer into the sky, but Volstead calls him back saying no, without rage, you would never be truly worthy of it, lightning strikes false labels, he shouts for he shows it to you. how a royal thought makes war and saves a pit V to the doctors' fairy kingdom, the ground begins to shake and tear, sucking the elves into the cracks and Jane screams oh, they have to do better than this.
James gets up, they hit Volstagg, but when she catches the hammer with him he headbutts her pushing her back she screams Damn it, who are you, you crazy bastard, why are you doing this and Volstagg screams that he is the storm god. of blood, he is war, Thor and this is, and just at that moment a ram charges at Volstagg and the son of Odin looks down saying that you are a great fool and also a friend Volstagg put down your hammer and end this madness Jane gives him a full look and Rosalynn runs over saying it's true Volstagg is the war Thor When Odin's son and Volstagg begin to exchange blows, Jane says that it can't be possible that Volstagg is one of the kindest souls she has ever met.
Roslyn gets upset and says that Volstagg's eyes were open to the horrors of war, and she fears that's all he can see now, and Jane tells her no, he's forgotten himself, he knows. how to win Thor's war and then a crash can be heard as Jane's hammer hits the ground. She calls out to Volstagg in his human form. Jane Foster tells him that she understands. her anger and pain but this is not the answer remember who you are you are such a loving and merciful God Volstagg tells her I am war Thor and if you come any closer I will crush you just like I did with Odin's son she continues walking and that he is a devoted husband loving father dear senator of the Congress of the worlds a friend it's time for us to go home Roslin looks at the balls two hammer eggs asking what they should do with this and Odinson shouts telling them to take it back to old Asgard, no one wants you here Roslyn says she's pretty sure it's a hammer and not a dog, this isn't really going to be the case, but just then the hammer flies into the sky and Roslin says she'll never understand Thor and his hammers as one.
The war ends, another begins and Thor's war comes to an end, but it marks the beginning of the war of the kingdoms. Vanaheim's forces. Niflheim in the sky will be ready to fight their battles like rocks on ash and Malekith I will execute his. attacks at the same time, it's time we get to the end of Jane Foster, as she is shown her past. The son of Odin sees himself in his former glory during a time when he once had mul Nia karnilla, queen of the Norsemen, asks what he does. He sees an old man and his son says that what he sees is something that hurts him to the depths of his soul.
Karnilla tells him that she beholds the golden sap of the bud sprinkled with the lifeblood of the world tree. such visions are not for the weak. from the heart or the unworthy son of Odin looks away he claims it's not his place to see that but he didn't come here to be humiliated he came here because someone needed help she says it's not her who needs help but someone she needs help is obligated to protect the norns they are in the greatest danger someone seeks to kill the fates themselves if the norns fate's errors were to fall then fate dies with Mela kept in her dark cabal they would be free to forge their own futures no matter Yulik anymore He has tested the consequences on his trolls and his soldiers administer him.
Odin's son tells him that no harm will come to the Norse while the God of Thunder has blood pumping through his chest, but just as he says, the warning horn can be heard and Karnilla says. and that is the horn of the ages, they face another attack. A Sol grabs Jo and Beyond and yells for the guards to get the Norns to safety, he will take care of the trolls. Karnilla tells them that this time it's not just the trolls, their time is growing. shortened if today they must bleed then let them do it like the nordic i nordic bleed stories meanwhile in Asgard Volstagg waits to be judged for what he did while carrying him in the war while everyone wonders if Volstagg was even capable of hurting a fly there is a A crash of thunder fills the halls, everyone tries to figure out what it is and Volstagg tells them that they all have to run, then something crashes through the ceiling and before the pile is full, Thor's last Munir sits there pulsing with a flash of lightning and he completely staggers. as everyone tries to push him away while a single finger touches that war hammer, war, Thor, the god of the blood storm, is born once again in Norn, he holds Odin and fights the forces with all the strength he has while allowing Karnilla and her. no one can escape as karnilla watches the threads of fate she tells her guards that they must leave here before their lives are claimed the guards ask what is happening to her karnilla tells her that she is the queen of the nordic it is time to Let her control her own destiny for once, she then takes a dagger that cuts through the threats outside as Melek has forces pushed closer to her chambers, green threads began to extend to grab the attackers and strangle them, she tells him that today there was only a Norn and Norn as she holds him now. all their destinies in her hands, she sees where the threads took them and all the kingdoms of all the gods and all the Thors, the two Giants cut the support of their chambers and continues stating that the war of the kingdoms a battle for the stones the final host the mangog gods help them death she sees the most horrible death coming for them but before she can finish the roots give way and continue to fall the son of Odin rushes to move the stone the rubble commits suicide calling karnilla asking him if she is fine and when he reaches her he sees her broken body, she tells him that she saw all the threads of destiny, all of them and she saw death, she saw the death that is coming for her. she did her best to weave the story together, she fled as if ignored and her death is not a death he should fear, it is Jane's death, don't let Jane, but back across the cosmos, Warhammer flies towards the ruins of the old Asgard. and asks why he wears ithere you should go to Miss High High OSA a little far I'm not here but at that moment Volstagg is hit by a flying goat and falls towards the ruins with a force so great that it levels the ground. he gets back up looking at Tooth Nasher and asks Odin's son if he left him to protect the hammer, however he can't leave the hammer again, he wants this war to end, he wants to, he never asked for this, he never asked to be a Thor, but Just as Volstagg finishes the second explosion and Tooth Nasher growls charging towards whatever he landed on as he approaches, a hand reaches out and grabs Tooth Nasher by the neck pulling him into the smoke.
Volstagg says by the gods that it can't be him and a voice asks you. Your name is Thor, you are not the Thor I have ever seen through the smoke, the gog man comes out holding the tooth, Nash's body says at full power, finally, mangog has returned as God with the strength of a billion beings , an insatiable rage, which means the time has come for The Doomsday has arrived when Mangog, London's football stack, tells them that we will start with you, but rest assured, you will not be the last while the Gog men starts running. Volstagg takes it and already throws it, but the Godman's huge fist hits. on him, sending him flying back to the bowls, tax reduction when Volstagg finds out he's fighting, he stands his ground, man, God stands before him, saying, I don't know you, but you smell like an ice guardian, you're a god and that's all I need to know.
GOG man Ben grabs Volstagg by the neck throwing him through the ruins towards the nearby buildings and begins to get up telling him NO I'm just a God I'm war Thor the god of the blood storm he has a big lightning bolt he's a bang. The ground creates a storm but the ruined GOG man walks when he reaches Volstagg, he hits the balls, marks the head and the storm stops as the men God hits again and again, he says this is what happens to people who send their prayers to the ether, the gods. don't answer, what about two men who died while these gods do nothing?
The mangog rises and when the divine gardeners neglect their orchards and whole worlds wither and die, the mangog becomes enraged when they sin and they call him holy. I swell with power and then I come for them. with some of my own sins as the GOG man grabs Volstagg again the pile falls he grabs his hammer smashing it in the man's face God telling him you're no match for the Warhammer man God steps back spitting a broken tooth into a bowl sex and telling a GOG man just don't fear Hamas or the cowardly gods that hide behind as the GOG man leaps forward Volstagg crosses the hammer in demand The mouth of God telling him that the new can taste the rage of an entire dead universe the Lightning collapses leaving all of Asgard and even then the man GOG He hits the bowl with the deer because a laugh swelled from all the lightning in his stomach and tells him that he knows another dead God and releases the power of the octupole.
The explosion burns everything around him and Volstagg begins to get up telling him. This is impossible, man, Gog comes up hating Volstagg and returns to the ground telling him that I eat the impossible, I feed him with the hunger of a billion beings and yet I'm still hungry with all that rage, man, God strikes Volstagg again and again, blow after brutal blow. breaking and spilling the blood of war Thor's men gagged at home and triumph and Volstagg takes his hammer as he slowly slides towards him, he grabs his hands by the handle and the man God could grab him telling him that you can fight with the power of a The entire universe murdered, but my rage reaches deep inside, while Thor's comes from this man.
God will never break, but the same cannot be said for hammers. He lives, above all, by hooking a hammer in his hands which he squeezes, crushing both the hammer and Volstagg Tsar. As he releases pieces of the warhammer they crumble before him and God tells him: no more hammer, no more Thor and with one last blow he throws Volstagg to the edges of Asgard. Volstagg barely manages to grab the ledge before falling into space and Man Gog approaches him and asks where they are, where the odds are. The Guardians Bostock tells them they are gone and Man Gog approaches Volstagg's remaining hands and tells him you still have some bones I can break now, tell me, Volstagg shouts. and pain when the man God comes down and then a voice says his name while gaudiya mangog looks back at melech F tells them they are all, they are all your favorites, including the father of all, Odin, all waiting for you, man, GOG se comes back asking. izzy and melly kept their smile saying it's not a god the snot that worries you man gah growls telling him then you won't get in my way and he jumps while mallika says it wouldn't occur to me but once he leaves volstagg asks aid. and Melek ëthe looks over the ledge to see Volstagg returning to his normal self.
Melek finally tells him haha, hello waffle, is that the wall you're looking for? and he extends a knife over the labels of the bowl and after dropping the knife into the hand of the deer in the bowl, Malekith watches as the body of the falling deer goes into space and says: Godspeed man and goodbye, mighty Thor , now back in Midgard Jane begins to think about how good it is. doing and the forests of Anaheim protecting him from the Hulk, the rocks of doubt about the super soldiers and Jos up high fighting the storm and the mountain giant show many other things, but instead she is sitting on Midgard fighting with Hercules of Olympus, his gask says that she is ready to give up and Jane tells him that she is ready to rip his little arm off his stubborn torso.
Four lives depend on it. They both begin when John is on his throne. Among them, a warning and then he asks her to please not make Hercules start his work. He can. Let him continue for centuries over those, we don't have time, there is no point in comparing egos with Hercules, believe me. Jane tells him that this isn't about egos, it's about Olympus doing the right thing. Herc says to try to give it to Zeus. Joining his cause will not be an easy task. Skyfather Zeus is as stubborn as Oz's one-eyed father. Go Hurkman grabs Jane's hand and kisses it, indicating that there will be at least one Olympian there fighting alongside her.
His name is Hercules Prince of Power later in the healing pavilion of Asgard next to the bed of the pile of healing voles. Odin's son tells Jane that he found him like this after becoming Thor of war again. Jane asks, "You're telling me something did this to him." false label while empowered as war Thor and the son of Odin says it's the same thing that had the power to tear his hammer into pieces and Terra truth Nash's head from his body what we face is something karnilla talked to her about last words, so tell me, have you heard of the man?
James says it's something he's only ever heard of and whispers that he knows it's something even the gods feel. The son of Odin tells him that he and rightly in previous battles has defeated the armies of Asgard single-handedly and his bows brought about Ragnarok through the sheer force of his will, even the all-seeing Heimdall cannot. find him, but the man who comes GOG, the gods must be ready. Jane says that when he arrives, they will face him together. but until then there is a war that ravages the kingdoms and Odin Sun stops saying that it is not for you, there is not only one war that you should face, it is the one that is being fought within you.
Jane tells him and he will let her go or lose. the only hand of her, the son of Odin, who says that he fights for the life of her mortal friend Jane Foster, does the goddess of thunder still remember her the last time I saw her? She desperately needed medical attention. Jane looks at the nearby windmill and after a moment of hesitation says there is no time to get sick that is why the hammer has chosen her son Odin tells her that doesn't mean she has to let him kill her you may not be afraid of die but you should not be afraid to live a God with a hammer will not defeat Melek's ATS army, not alone, the world needs a 4i and you have been a great Thor, you have faced every possible threat, the world needs more than just a Thor, he needs you, as Jane Foster Jaden sees. her hammer and says I and she throws the hammer into space and then says she's right Jane Foster has something to do a few moments later in front of Odin's camera Jane is knocking on the giant doors calling for him, she knows he can hear her there, It's time you do something about the war you face and if you don't face it, it's time you have a new universal father or better yet, a mother for all, the war of the kingdoms is not just a war for the elves of the Giants, it is a war that affects them all when the crowd begins to form a voice behind the screams: Jane the Shi and all these people are arrested for cetaceans.
Jane tells Coleman that's not the case. suggestion is common sense something too bad he's not the god of coal tells her she's no longer a senator she's just a half-dead mortal who doesn't belong here now leave before they treat her as the enemy of Asgard the crowd goes rogue arguing against the cold the doors to Odin's chambers burst open and he shouts loud enough he ordered his steps outside asking are you gods or petulant children are you the way the seashells rattle meowing for old father Odin has returned returning the enough time to deal with the mess my brother has made of us gaudiya a god who can't deal with a troublesome mortal doesn't deserve to be a god Jane tells him she's not the problem here his stubbornness will doom all the gods but Odin speaks above her to tell him that I should never have sent my son to Midgard.
I thought that stripping him of his powers and letting him wallow among humans would humiliate him, but humans are just arrogant and you're the most arrogant of them all, then a voice shouts from the camera claiming that Jane Foster is telling the truth, the kingdoms deserve better gods, everyone. They are worthy everyone stops to see Lady Freya leave weakly and she continued saying that Jane Foster's words have awakened something inside her now is not the time to sleep for the war of kingdoms has begun they must prove that they are worthy of being called gods must be worthy of her of the bold and brave and Lady Jane of Midgard stands at her side so they can, but when they all look back, they see that Jane has collapsed to the ground. outside the Golden Gate Times dummy says this is how it begins throughout the eons, these all-seeing eyes have seen worlds crumble and galaxies burn, but what comes next will be hard to see, suddenly there is a loud bang and the GOG man lands before him declaring Asgard. finally until all the gods in heaven and Magog have arrived to send them to hell shortly after the man's arrival GOG Jane because when she wakes up she asks where she is, she looks around seeing herself in a hospital bed and the son of Odin. he tells her that she is no longer in Asgard she is where she belongs Jane asks what happened to Odin's son says that she collapsed he had alerted Senator Solomon and Rosalynn tells him that she called everyone she could Jane turns to Sam Wilson and Steven strange and Sam tells him that he needs to hear what they have to say.
Doctor Strange tells her that she should consider this an intervention on behalf of the people who love and respect her, who refused to watch her kill herself. Odin's son then says that he knows that it is difficult to stop being in the name of all the gods, does he know that? But that is what must happen here today. Jane asks what's going on with Asgard and Roslyn stops her by stating that it's none of her business to kick cancer's ass. is all she needs to worry about, believe her when she says Asgard will be fine without her in the meantime, on the Rainbow Bridge.
I am dr. Ross's sword in the godman's chest tells her that Mrs. GOG will be stopped, so she swears that I am the dawn. Do you all see? The Gog man grabs Heimdall and slams him to the ground, breaking his sword in half, then lifts him up again and part of the sword is gone. still protruding from his chest as he says I am the dawn, you see too little for an all-seeing God, tell me, mighty Heimdall, did you foresee this man? God pushes Heimdall's head against the broken blade. Also at this moment Kol runs out with his guards. shouting to activate the Bifrost and send the Beast somewhere, Garvin man is hitting the bridge asking if you thought you could send me away, GOG man isn't going anywhere and neither are you with one last hit, the bridge starts to break again .
Although Doctor Strange begins to examine Jane and she tells him not to remember any magical cures, Doctor Strange says he understands that once Doctor Strange is done, he says that when all of this started a year ago, his initial treatments against cancer showed positivity, it was stage 1 breast. cancer, but the treatments killed the cancer cells, then something suddenly changed, the treatment was ineffective and the can was a mixed size and went from stage one to stage two and then to four. What changed is that he found a magic hammer on a moon the more she saved the worlds as a thunder goddess the more she committed suicide, themagical transformation purges the chemotherapy from your system and leaves the real cancer behind if you were to transform even one more time, dr.
Foster, are you even listening? Jane's eyes begin to stare at the hammer that is floating in the room with them in her designer shell. The hammer tells him to leave. Can't you see you're killing her and Jane while you're looking at her hammer? he says quietly that he can hear it the mangog has returned to Asgard Freya watches the declaration of destruction no matter how many soldiers they throw at it the mangog will keep coming they must release their most powerful weapon they must release the destroyer moments later back to the Gates Mangog passes by shouting at Odin to stop hiding behind his pathetic armies, but confront Jamar's Freya through the destroyer and tell her that the father of all is within;
Listening is the mother of all, who will be her destroyer today and who frees the destroyers. She explodes directly into her chest, but as she continues the fight for Asgard, Jane gets up from her bed and approaches Heather. Dr. Strange tells her that if she has to change even one more time, there will be no turning back. . Jane Foster will die. Sam yells that they have to keep the hammer away from her and Rosalind says no, it's her life. Jane is the one who will make the decision. To live or die in Asgard, the fire spreads as the destroyer tries to defeat the godman, but then she grabs the destroyer and tells him that she can see the weakness in this.
The goddess who controls him is tired, recovering from a great illness. of the evil said, she bites the head of the destroyer, tearing it from her own shoulders, mangog and then throws the body of the Destroyer into the building shouting: Odin, who is coming for him, will come to him just as he came to kill the race. who gave birth to him, will kill all the guards of Asgard and drown them in their own blood in the hospital, although Jane will reach that they had her and then she is perplexed and looks at the son of Odin telling him that they are all soldiers, now soldiers in The War of the Realms makes sure his side doesn't lose Odin, however he sits on his throne imagining what the site will look like the moment the GOG man breaks through, he thinks that not even the gods live. forever, even all fathers die if today is that day, although I regret it, I wish I had finally told my son, my heir, what he really is, but Odinson stops him by telling him that that will have to wait, old man, right now , we have a kingdom to preserve the kingdom of God. to save and man God to kill we will do it with all the blood of Thunder in our bodies and all the board and hell we could muster men God begins to make his way towards the throne room screaming at last now Asgard falls now Jack is coming for the gods, God quickly grabs Odin's son and slams him into the ground and then hits him in two ways, tries to stab him.
Odin's son then brings his ax down on him, and as he approaches, Magog hits him so hard that he does so. thrown into space, Odin stands up and as he looks up he sees the Godman holding his broken head, telling him that your kingdom is in ruins and now so will you, the Godman throws the throne onto Odin's body and then about the son of Odin. riding a tooth grinder because he lays down and screams for his father. The pinwheel truth collides with the man. God sends him to the lower levels, but he rises again. Odin begins to get up and says that the man.
God doesn't hit as hard as he remembers. He barely felt that he was a fool to give in to fear if death comes to Soviet Asgard and what a glorious death it will be as Odin, his son, fights the GOG man, all Freya can do is watch the walls of her one fall. once a big city. Freya talks to herself saying that there must be something that can be done, something that can stop the God man, but I have always told her that all she can do is run, nothing will stop him. Mother Freya turns to see Loki and he says that he is here to help with Fatih. as Midgard's sorcerer supreme he can now send her far enough away from mangog and without saying a word Freya slaps him and says how dare you show your face around here, come bury another poisoned dagger in my back.
Loki looks at his mother. and Freya screams that you lost all right to call me and he looks honestly at Freya asking me if he wanted that dagger to kill you. Do you think you'd be standing here instead of Valhalla? Melih cannot have wanted Asgard from Odin's hands. You, he knew that the all-father would keep him isolated and out of his round war. Bald Malekith Anezka was returned to see you dead. He knew you would never make that decision voluntarily, so I did it for you, but if you don't. I want my help. I understand that no God at all, the heavens could do anything to stop man.
God, not the father of all, nor the son of Odin, nor you. There are some things you can't save. Goodbye, Lady Freya, both of us in the control room. Odin and the son of Odin are thrown into this and man, GOG lands satiated. You want the Thor I remember or the All-Father for that, but they're both still pretty stubborn when it comes to dying. The son of Odin says that they killed him once before and they will do it again GOG man laughs grabbing Asgard's control panel because to destroy it the floating city begins to accelerate towards the Sun gog man asks can you hear the screams of The poor damned souls screaming across the cosmos man?
Gog then grabs Odin and Odin in his hands and Freya with his tail telling them that I will answer their prayers though their brats for death on Earth Jane starts walking through the hospital and hears Rosalind talking to Alpha Flight Rosalind tells her to choking on me. I know my security clearance expired when the shield went down, but think of this as an anonymous tip. You should be able to locate Asgard, well you need to look at a son left like a goat out of hell and I can't call the Bifrost, yeah he's out. Your Saturn is a big golden city floating in space.
I can't miss it what do you mean it's not there of course it is there it's passing by Mars why would I expect it's off course so what happened we threw the Avengers Jane doesn't say a word as she heads to her room and because they looked at her papers, she looked at her hand and said she should have beaten this cancer and then she looked out the window to see her hammer floating there, waiting and then she grabbed it by the mango and saw everything that was happening to Asgard. she has man gog declaring the death of a god and there is nothing in the cosmos like that feeling tell her if you feel it too or if suddenly there is a rumbling crack ooh when


appears before the man's guard and she tells him that you must Take your dirty hands from those gods and prepare to face Thor's theory after a few exchanges of blows Jane hits the GOG man with a thunderous crunch in the mouth, the force of her blow sends the Gong man crashing into the golden statue of Odin and as he hits Jane summons lightning to melt the statue above him, he lands breathing heavily from the blow and says that he fought the destroyer, he fought the father of all himself and that he had never felt so much rage.
Odin stands up saying that he will not stop. him for a long time nothing can stop the GOG man, not even death, not even our deaths. Jane tells him that will hold him back long enough. Asgard is flying towards the sun. He and the others need to evacuate immediately. Freya Ven walks over and leaves you alone. face gog man only named Jane looks around at the Warriors of Asgard they are defeated the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed all of them father is leaking like a one-eyed sieve and Thor is their only hope, but that's what the son of Odin He says no, you shouldn't be her, what did you do?
You killed yourself and Odin then asks what is happening, but at that moment the Godman breaks free from the melted gold and Jane shouts that they must leave now, the world needs more than one because they need gods. that they can believe it, tell the gods that it's time to earn the gift they've given everyone while Jane finishes the mangog lunches and attacks her on the ground, telling Jane that she fights for the gods but that she herself is not quite a God, is Jean James, struggles to push him. She said that she may not be a god, but he is completely a monster man.
God picks her up and throws her against a wall, saying that he hates them deep in your heart. You know they deserved this. after being beaten into the man, God tells him why didn't they just kill them, that's why I exist, there's no other trick, Jane Rockets returns screaming that she can't allow that, and as she gets closer, the man anxiously He takes a stone slab and hits it. Jane pinning her to the ground mangog then asks why for your life you would sacrifice yourself a thousand times and things would never change why you would die for the gods Jane thinks about all the things in her life and bursts from below the slab hits and demands that God tell him but she dies not for them but for love he wouldn't die but for hate that's why he will always lose with all the strength the chain can muster she throws mangog she had it in the sun first everyone looks and freya says she was stunned, Two gods were saved, they bless Thor.
The son of Odin says quietly that they have no idea what he has done, she is doomed herself, they have to do it, but before he can finish the man, Gog Rockets returns to Jane screaming and asking her to long to be a God, very well, you can die as such. Jade tries to free her arm by telling her that was the plan, but that she won't die alone while she beats the man. GOG face. Odessa jumps cutting off his tail screaming. I know a sleigh alone. Jane yells it out. needs to get out of here they are approaching the sun and the mangog roars screaming the knot can stop the man there are no gods in the sky oils not all fathers are all mothers there is no magic there is no thunder no Thor man GOG throws Jane to the ground and When she gets up again, she grabs the chain that wraps her around the moon, there she grabs that chain that she wrapped around the man.
Gog says that these chains are forged into gates to bind the monster. The endless wolf, let's see how they look on a man who tries to fight through the chains shouting that he is the only thing that can save this universe from the divine Bruin and Jane tells him that in the end it was not a car it was a mort named Jane a woman who left everything to stop him remember that he flies right my friend, fly like the powerful storm that you are, Jane, then he takes the hammer and throws it into the sky and the hammer shoots towards the core of the Sun.
He shouts asking what you just did, you hammer the hammer into the Sun, you are killing Mallya. she just killed, she just committed suicide, she starts to take off her helmet and tells him that she knows she won't survive another transformation, that she knows exactly what she's done. Odin's son says that they could still take her to the healers, we could still save you and Jane stops him by telling him that there is no time for that, not that it wouldn't matter if they don't waste the little time they have and the craftsman says that he doesn't know what to say Jane tells him.
He grabs her face and tells her to say goodbye. when they begin to kiss Jane's body because they return to their original form and as she does so, her guard begins to burn and crumble just at that moment Asgard explodes for everyone to see with Freya stepping forward, tears streaming down her face , says that perhaps there is still a possibility that they could have gotten out Odin lowers his head telling her that she feels the same as him the cold of death and then, as a final fate, he hits the surface of the moon as the dust settles, the Odin's son sits there holding the lifeless Jane. body as the mangog trails fade away the gods begin to gather over the woman the woman who was there Thor Jane Freya screams this is not how it ends where the damn healers are boars as the son of Odin runs towards her Bohdan stares for a moment before mocking and walking away to disappear SIF asks Heimdall if it is true and behind him he tells him that even with his eyes blindfolded he could see the truth, he is afraid that it is already too late, dear sister, she is gone, the goddess of the earth is dead, may I find a way without haste. to the halls of the slain honorables, meanwhile, at the gates of Valhalla, a younger, healthier Jane wanders through the fog asking if there is anyone there as she looks towards the gates, she says this is Valhalla, that means it is , but before I can finish the sentence.
Odin yells at you, it was you all along, you were the one who stole the hammer, you robbed my son of his birthright, his very name, you have also been the source of all my problems for months, you turned all of Asgard against me. . Jane actually tells him. he did it alone and without even acknowledging it Odin continues to shout that she dared to put her hands and hammer against him the holy father and personal combat and she even two feet to Adam and GOG when no one else in the heavens could bear her wrath. You fought so hard that it cost you your life.
Everyone I know in love would be dead if it weren't for you, my boy, for my son, even myself. You have fought until your last breath to save the gods. Asgard twisted glorious death, which is why you, Jane Foster of Midgard, have earned your place among the most revered fallen warriors. Your eternal reward awaits you. Welcome to Valhalla. The mighty Thor when the gates of Valhalla open, she looks in, as he is the beautiful scene ofpeace, but. Instead of walking there, she stays there. Odin asks her why she hesitates. A great party is about to be held in your honor.
Fear not, you have nothing more to fear from me or anyone else. As Odin places his hand on Jane, she watches. him and says she wasn't ready, she wasn't ready to die on the moon, the healers surround Jane's body saying it's no use, there's still no pulse, her spells have no effect on her. SIF looks up and at the Gathering Storm and says that he has never seen a starstorm like this. Heimdall tells him that even when he had eyes he never saw such a storm, but he has heard of one, the god's storm, the mother's storm, which means the legends must be true.
The former super storm really was close to MIL's heart with a hammer, now he's gone, the tempest has broken and she seems to be angry and she's not the only one who crosses paths with him. I am the son of Odin strikes his ax against the ground shouting angrily calling. up to the storm mother telling him to show her why they call her the storm god Freya runs and tells him to come yourself she knows what he is trying to do he can't channel such a storm it's too strong but before she could finish has allowed crack who like Odin and her struck by lightning shouts at everyone to stay away from Jane she can't be dead she was the Mighty Thor she has Thunder in her veins using the power of the mother's storm Odin's son begins to try shadowless power on Jane to bring her back again and again to the gates of Valhalla Odin asks Jane why she is waiting.
You have never tasted food like what awaits you and believe me, it is worth it every time you suffer the Agony. Jane's stairs through the door say she knows. That she should want, there's something almost holding her back, but before she can say another word, she screams in pain at the moon. The son of Odin continues to pour the power of mothers stored into Jane telling everyone to stay away from her, he will bring her back. back and when Oda Sun emits another pulse of lightning, Jane screams in pain again. Odin then asks how she is being attacked in the land of the dead, who is responsible for this blasphemy as Jane turns around.
Odin says that now he sees it even from the other side. the void is the divine tempest that clings to you on the moon onna Sun is pumping out another energy pulse and the healers tell him that there is still no gia pulse but Otis Eddie yells to get away from her, the healer then states that he must stop this, his arm is melting, not even he could control such power. "Odin," he said weakly, "he tells them to go back, but then a hand reaches out to Odin's son telling him that they are telling the truth." Odin tells her that he can't control the powers of the Gut Tempest any God ever could, but luckily for Lady Jane there are more than one of them at the gates.
Jane looks through her debating what she should do and on the moon Odin in Odin's son gathers her forces channeling them into Jane Odin and asks. she is truly gone and Odin tells her that she is standing at the gates of Valhalla refusing to cross, she is convinced that the story of her is not, so let's see if she is right in the name of Asgard and the name of Thor with one last blow. of lightning there is a comb and the whole side of the moon lights up like smoke because it clears up everyone looks and sees a small crack of lightning in Jane's eyes just at that moment they open it she gasps for air and a few days later old Asgard Otis and asks what Jane thinks, she looked at the people rebuilding the land and said it's pretty broken, it's a perfect home for them.
Odin and tells her no, not for her, this is the land where he was born, but for her she will return. Midgard to the hospital Jane belongs to laughs telling her to relax, this suggests a visit, believe it or not, she is finally being a good patient as the two look at the Sun. The son of Odin says it is a worthy death . From then on, it is a dignified death. of Mighty Thor Jane looks at him and tells him that Thor cannot die, son of Odin, neither now nor ever, that's why I came. The son of Odin sighs and tells him, without a moon, he doesn't dare anymore.
He will ever be the unworthy Prince of Asgard in the age of Thor has finished Jane's Odinson men-tel to extend his hand and as he does so he feels something heavy hit him and asks him what he is looking at and sees a small fragment of the hammer and as he struggles to hold it to back away he says that it is such a small piece. who tells him that he could never lift the hammer, he still doesn't, but Jane stops him and tells him that the hammer turned her into the Thunder, but not him, he did it all alone and although he had the honor of carry the hammer mantle it's time for him to claim it there must always be a Thor now and once again and it must be him she showed everyone what she could do with the hammer in her hand and now it's time for him to show everyone what What can he do without her realizing it and looks at the fragment says he has some ideas gods it would be great to fly again hugs Jane telling her that he loves her and that she is more than a god that he could ever be Jane hugs him back stating who has more humanity than most humans, her son turns around shouting where are those doors, where are those blacksmiths, she smiles and walks to the edge of old Asgard and says Thor and his hammers, now she understands, she will miss flying , although the Heavens themselves aren't going anywhere and neither is she, and there you have the complete story of Jane Foster Thor.
Now I think we may have missed a story or two, but if we did, they wouldn't be as important to the overall plot. I hope you enjoyed it and we do a lot of things here at Comics Torreon including podcasts, audio dramas and things like that, so if you enjoy this and If you want to stay up to date and in the know about your favorite pop culture, consider sticking around by subscribing to our channel and following us on Twitter in comics tower. I hope to see you there and thank you very much.

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