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Michelle Obama Opens Up About Couples Counseling

May 02, 2020
So former first lady Michelle Obama recently sat down with Oprah on her 20/20 vision tour and said that she and Barack had actually gone to therapy and I think a lot of people were surprised by this, but Michelle told Oprah that she and Barack went to


therapy to overcome difficult times in their marriage and I quote: they taught me that I was responsible for my own happiness. I didn't marry Barack so he could make me happy. Nobody can make me happy. Oh ladies, why do I love? Michelle Obama, she will always be my first lady because that is very honest, especially when there are a lot of people who think that if you go to therapy, things get worse in your relationship, they think that things are not going well, no.
michelle obama opens up about couples counseling
In reality, you are healthier when you seek to go to therapy to establish a protocol for living a healthy life, you know, wait until problems strike and you know how to see them and dodge them beforehand. I think it's a pretty good structure for the relationship. 2020 you would think therapy is the thing to do. I always talk to you. I've actually never been before, but I want to go to the soap. I'll be fine, I'll feel left out with you guys down there, but my therapist said I think it's exciting that people are having these open and honest conversations and I hope someone is intrigued to go, man, maybe I should go to therapy to eat and That doesn't mean you have to have something wrong with you, right?
michelle obama opens up about couples counseling

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michelle obama opens up about couples counseling...

That stigma, let's throw it away. That's like no, that's an old way of thinking and I think people now should be excited to go and talk to someone and shine a big light on it, especially because I don't think he would have become president if they hadn't. She did this because he was a young senator, if you read both of their books, he was a young senator, she didn't want to just up and leave her kids, so she stayed in Chicago while he went to Washington and they came and went. and You know, I'm pretty sure there are trust issues, I'm sure there are pressures like that, so I think because of the therapy that helped them open up and understand each other, and you see that to this day, so It's something good.
michelle obama opens up about couples counseling
You know, I think you know, you always talked about it, yeah, I always talked about therapy. In fact, I love therapy, sometimes I mean, at first you say: I have a lot of problems, I have to work, I have to solve it, but you always. Feel good afterwards because you learned something about yourself, but this shows me that you have a great partnership because you can't when you're a couple, not only does one person you know have to go to therapy, it should be the two of you because that's the only way to get over them. this year, so yeah, I've also talked about premarital therapy and it's great to do it and people talk like they know a lot of


who go to couples therapy but also individually.
michelle obama opens up about couples counseling
They go to therapy alone because those are things to work on, but you know, I think a lot of people don't understand that therapy really gives you templates based on your individual self, your individual traumas, your individual assets, etc., it creates templates for you to live by. why is the stigma, especially in the black community, about yeah, I'm crazy, yeah, and it's like we're all crazy, even though yeah, I mean, it's the reality, we all have problems and especially I think you know. for Michelle and Barack they are, you know, they are a lot of people's relationship goals, very much like hashtags, you know, relationship calls relationship goals and people think that means perfect and the dangerous part is when you have your own issues.
I don't know, it comes out in different ways, whether it's your temperament or the way you talk to someone, even the way you convey something, you can be like: I'm being honest, but that could be very painful, you can project your disorder. to another person and create new generational curses in your family and that's the part you want to stop, however you grew up, it doesn't have to be the way you live, possibly repeat that you said that because I was going to say before, when I really wanted therapy . I couldn't do it because it was expensive and how to get a job is a little bit easier, but I understand other people, so I really promote better health, better help, calm, it's an advice network of people who are available by phone even. by text is more affordable than what therapists typically charge and is accessible to you anywhere in your area or by phone, so just having someone give you some answers and some insight will help you make your decisions. own decisions. to move stronger there is another one called space, okay these are actually appearing like bells, conversation space has another one, it's an app that allows you to pair up with the therapist that suits your needs, so I think a many people like to understand like you.
Do you know what happens if it's going to be that accessible? Why not? My podcast is called small doses and mine is called listen, baby.

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