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Michael Shellenberger's Guide to Escaping the Woke Matrix

Mar 04, 2024
It has been said that the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and erase their own understanding of their history. Censorship does not protect the vulnerable. Rewrite history to the benefit of the powerful and to the detriment of the people. and author Michael Schellenberger understands this deeply. Michael's work is difficult to describe simply because it is so broad, but a theme emerges from the death of environmentalism to the progressive destruction of cities. Michael has bared it all and done so bravely recently. Michael posted part of Twitter archives showing how the FBI and intelligence community debunked factual information about Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings.
michael shellenberger s guide to escaping the woke matrix
He also testified before the House Select Committee on the militarization of the federal government, where he questioned the censorship industrial complex by detailing the United States government's support for domestic censorship and disinformation campaigns from 2016 to 2022. To the extent that we can evaluate the last few years of American history with Integrity with Michael to thank your dog for reporting tonight, Michael's lecture is titled Escape the Wake Matrix and then there will be time for questions, please join. Me welcoming Michael Schellenberger to the stage. Thank you so much. What a great pleasure to be here. You've all heard the news.
michael shellenberger s guide to escaping the woke matrix

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michael shellenberger s guide to escaping the woke matrix...

Climate change is destroying your future. Carbon dioxide is building up in the atmosphere. The planet has warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius since the pre-industrial era. During the period when global warming is killing the Great Barrier Reef, we also know that police killing black people is a pandemic. Trans murders have nearly doubled in the past four years, but there's more to this story. Carbon emissions peaked in Britain more than 50 years ago. The same in France, the United States and in fact over the last decade total global emissions decreased, why haven't you read that in the New York Times or the Washington Post deaths from natural disasters have decreased to a few hundred per year in the United States, even as the global crisis the population quadrupled over the last century and have declined internationally by more than 90 percent the cost of disasters everywhere is decreasing why is no one telling them that, as As a result of the decrease in deaths from extreme weather events and the decrease in costs, what is considered a natural disaster has also been reduced? there is only one database that tracks natural disasters it is the m data center in Belgium and the total of global weather and climate disasters has decreased how come no one says that the Great Barrier Reef recorded the most coral in 36 years and maybe more because that is the amount? of time we've been studying and measuring the Great Reef the pain in the Great Reef on the Great Barrier Reef why doesn't anyone tell you these are my books after I lost all my friends and all my financial support, it's not a intuitive movement in my late 40s I decided to put all my angst into a single book, Apocalypse Never, which came out in 2020.
michael shellenberger s guide to escaping the woke matrix
I had the good fortune to sell it, so I had to write a follow-up book which was to understand why people who They say they care more than anyone that they let people with schizophrenia smoke fentanyl and have their lower legs rot in the street, where they then take them to the hospital and have their lower legs amputated, why? What then do they put them on? they put them back on the streets why we spend 10 times more than other cities on homelessness and we have those results how is that compassionate and why is it done in the name of caring? there are no racial differences in police killings when you consider whether the suspect was armed or a threat Justified or unjustified, everyone knows there is no real debate about the data the person has done the most to discover this is Roland Friar of Harvard University, you may have heard of Harvard University and yet no one talks about these police killings of African Americans decreased from 217 per year in the 1970s to 157 per year in the decade 2010 and in 58 of the largest US cities, this is based on FBI data that my colleagues and I personally analyzed.
michael shellenberger s guide to escaping the woke matrix
This is wonderful news. Police killings of all races decreased dramatically from 59 per year between 1970 and 1975 to 12 per year now, the police killing rate in San Francisco and Oakland increased slightly from 2.7 to 2.8 per year respectively in the years 70 2.4 and 3.9 but police coins per capita in those two cities decreased by 8.3 percent, so when the increase in population is taken into account, it also decreased. Researchers don't know if trans people are being murdered disproportionately compared to cisgender people, nor do they know if trans homicides are increasing or if trans people are being murdered for being trans or for some other reason.
This is why there is no debate about this data and yet CBS News irresponsibly and other media outlets suggest that they are and that should bother you, especially if you care a lot about trans people because what you wouldn't want to do is have a poor baseline for monitoring. such terrible forms of violence, why in the world does everyone get it so terribly wrong terribly wrong unethical wrong not just analytically wrong some of these things are easier to explain than others there have been huge disinformation campaigns undertaken by senior leaders of our government who got an entire FBI investigation based on a made-up memo that suggested Putin controlled Trump because prostitutes urinated on him in a bed, that's what happens.
My mom still believes Trump is a Russian asset because of that disinformation campaign that labs leak all the time. and have been leaking for 50 years around the world, the idea that kovid could have leaked from a lab was obvious to everyone, including the scientists who emailed Anthony Fauci on January 30, 2020, in his mail email told you we think it's more likely a lab leak several days later, Fauci perpetuated a disinformation campaign suggesting you were racist for suggesting the covid-19 virus came from a lab, but you weren't racist if you thought that it came from Chinese eating bats, which happened, people said was misinformation. to suggest that vaccines had side effects, people said that Hunter Biden's laptop was disinformation, not that it fell in a bathtub because Hunter Biden was beaten and smoking crack, but that somehow the Russians had obtained the data from Hunter Biden's laptop and then they had put them in a laptop and then I left it at a computer repair store was the craziest story, a conspiracy theory and was perpetuated by senior members of the US government . retirees and employees and people say that Twitter archives only showed people moderating content, not censoring, these are senior officials.
We elected officials who carried out this disinformation campaign now know absolutely certain that the FBI should never have launched that investigation. Here's the lead scientist's email to find out some of the features that potentially look designed, the fur at the cleavage site that doesn't belong on the quill. The protein was obviously designed and people knew about it immediately, and yet the Washington Post suggested that Tom Cotton keeps repeating a coronavirus. Fringe theory that scientists have questioned the original headline that the Washington Post changed without acknowledging it in its article, saying it was spreading a debunked conspiracy. theory The Washington Post, which uncovered the famous Watergate scandal, spreads disinformation.
Fauci and his colleagues constructed a fake scientific article in one of the world's leading medical journals, suggesting that conspiracy theories were what those Laboratory League hypotheses were. The Great Barrington statement co-written by new friend Jay bhattachary of Samford University that Jay bhattacharya is a fringe epidemiologist, a full professor at Stanford University, one of the most beautiful people you will ever meet, and Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, the best doctor The organization and the world's largest organizations said that a rapid and devastating dismantlement of their facilities is necessary. The Great Barrington statement argued that the approach to the pandemic should be the approach to the pandemic that everyone agreed should be the approach to a pandemic.
This was before there was a pandemic, so-called protection focused on the most vulnerable, but allowing children to go to school so they can actually learn something. I don't want to make it personal, but it's necessary to name names when something bad is discovered. Her demeanor and this person dressed by Renee is the smartest of the people in every room she is in and she is a former CIA partner, apparently ex, one of the things you learn when you interview people in the communities of intelligence, they say that nobody retires from the intelligence community, nobody retires. this is a person who ran a censorship operation with US taxpayer dollars involving the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security, outsourced the censorship work to four organizations that made up the creme de La Creme , people who went to places like Harvard and Stanford and apparently had their conscience ripped out of their hearts and brains and got into a situation of censorship of the rabble or what Hillary Clinton calls the deplorables for doing things like questioning the election or sharing stories about vaccine side effects on Twitter and Facebook was such a huge success that they are now exporting to other countries and nothing has been done to stop it.
Our work has not stopped this. This continue. This is what Twitter did to Jay Bhattacharya. They put him on a blacklist with the word Blacklist. It's not my word, that's Twitter's internal word. You can see it right there in yellow on their Trends Blacklist profile. You can imagine the shock that came to Barry Weiss, Matt Taibi and me when we saw this. He is one of the most important epidemiologists in the world. world. and he was blacklisted because he suggested doing with the pandemic what everyone agreed we should do during the pandemic before there was a pandemic.
The behavior of the White House was remarkable. Bully would describe it as bullying to Rob Flaherty in particular, who sent this email. to Facebook and I got this response from Facebook whose names we hide, not the public officials, their names should be known and the Facebook executive said yes sir, yes sir, please know that we are censoring even the true stories about the side effects of the vaccines for mothers to share stories. of their children getting sick from the vaccine their publications were censored without their knowledge so that other mothers would not see them this happens and there is no debate that this happened there is a lawsuit about this and only one question is only if it violated the First Amendment In my humble opinion, as a non-First Amendment scholar, it is still a violation of the First Amendment for the government to have other people demand censorship or for Facebook to engage in censorship.
Matt Taibi discovered that in this virality project email which was a project funded by US government contractors who required Twitter to censor and can be seen in the yellow highlight in the middle true content that could promote doubts about the vaccines it's not that the information was incorrect because of course the first amendment also protects incorrect information but they wanted to censor accurate information because they were worried that people might get the wrong idea and choose not to get vaccinated I received the vaccine I received They reinforced nothing I love vaccines they are a miracle but this is a totalitarian tactic to censor this type of information the FBI came to us, said Mark Zuckerberg, as he quickly sought to remove the blame from taking responsibility, the FBI came to us and we thought, hey , you should be on high alert, we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in 2016.
In the elections there is about to be some kind of dump similar to that. He means the FBI is coming to tell them that they should be ready to censor the Hunter Biden laptop. That's strange because there had been no advertising for the Hunter Biden laptop yet. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the FBI had been sitting on Hunter Biden's laptop for almost a year and this wasn't the beginning. Twitter came under intense pressure. We have seen a sustained effort by the intelligence community to pressure us to share more information and change our IP API policies that they are investigating and pushing everywhere they can, including whispering to Congressional staff, arecomplained Twitter's policy director in January 2020.
The story exploded on October 14. Twitter's internal security trust and safety department, which is Twitter's censorship department, evaluated the New York Post article and concluded that it did not violate Twitter's terms of service, that the article was complete, there was no evidence that it was inaccurate or the result of a hack, they censored it anyway, here's the FBI subpoena seizing the laptop in December 2019, almost a year before the New York Post story, here there's Hunter Biden's signature on the receipt when he dropped the laptop off at the computer repair store after dropping it in the bathtub or pool, strangely enough in the Twitter archives.
We discovered that there had been preparation on how not to cover the Hunter Biden laptop months before the New York Post published an article about the Hunter Biden laptop. What is the Aspen Institute doing? Bringing journalists together to talk about how not to cover a story they hadn't even broke down, but what's going on here? Why were they programming journalists to ignore one of the most important journalistic principles that has been in place for over 50 years, it's known as the Pentagon Papers principle, and that is if a whistleblower comes to you? and they have documents showing that the Pentagon knows they are losing the war in Vietnam that the New York Times and the Washington Post will report.
They publish those documents because it is important to the public interest and damn, it is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, that's what journalists at the New York Times do. The Washington Post published that that article, depending on the newspapers, won their Pulitzers for it. They defended it in court and won it in the Supreme Court. Steven Spielberg thought it was such an amazing story that he made a movie about it. The Aspen Institute at Stanford with money from the US federal government has been attacking this saying: Don't cover the cover of the material. the person who leaked it you may remember that they disparaged Daniel Ellsberg, the Knicks, and Nixon's people because he had been seeing a psychotherapist, so they tried to suggest that he was crazy;
That tactic is now being used by Democrats to disparage anyone who leaks information. It is fundamental to the public interest, such as how the war in Ukraine is going, interests that we share, which are public interests that are protected by the First Amendment, which are precisely the which is why the people who created our country demanded the First Amendment to the Constitution exist. They didn't want the Constitution to be in place, they didn't want a United States of America unless there was a First Amendment, that's how important it was, that's why they made it first. It is now being attacked by people who claim to be the defenders of liberalism and democracy are being attacked right now.
Here's the little memo they created. You can see it at the top of September 2020 in the Aspen Piracy and Digital Downloading Task Force, how to get how to brainwash journalists into not covering the obvious that's sitting there. In front of them, everything is done in the name of protecting people, people who are fragile and need to be protected from information that is so dangerous. Here's Twitter's top censor, Joel Roth, said: "You know, we have to get to Jack Dorsey, the CEO we have to convince." him, we have to start censoring without anyone knowing information that directly causes harm now they are trying to read your text messages Pierre Midyar, who made money on eBay developing a technology for the defense department, now they are trying to read your encrypted text messages and they are trying to create something called tip lines to turn everyone into little narcs why they don't need the Stasi, they just have each other to go and report their misconceptions to the FBI or the CIA or whatever.
Jacinda Arden, the prime minister of New Zealand, who was so unpopular because her coveted policies were so wrong, she hurt so many people. Harvard chose her to lead its censorship initiative. She is working with Facebook and Google to do it globally. It's much easier to censor now because there are only two major platforms, maybe just one, Facebook and Twitter, I mean, imagine having to censor hundreds of newspapers, you don't have to do that anymore, you can just censor Twitter and Facebook, it's much worse than you think, a working whistleblower told me. for all social media companies there is a complex of cancellations and pressure campaigns they are well organized by outside groups it is a total conflict waged on every business and school platform it is a conspiracy it is a culture yes, conspiracy means breathing together it is cancel culture with an inorganic layer we call the censorship industrial complex this is here it has arrived it is in place our job now is to simply dismantle it and defund it so how did this happen?
What was happening here? Propaganda according to Jacob and his great book is based on existing information. values ​​that we want to go Beyond racial discrimination we want to go beyond discrimination against sexual minorities and that is why they take advantage of that so propaganda is about controlling the information environment the concern of defenders of disinformation is not to eliminate all The cases One piece of information, the Hunter Biden laptop story, came out, but people like me, my mother, and everyone in my liberal family thought it was Russian disinformation, so censorship was in place. disinformation service, it's not that sensors that know they can. it's not total they don't need to be total they just need to brainwash you into thinking something is wrong when it's okay what's happening in 2010 something happens huh Zach Goldberg Manhattan Institute discovers that the terms racist and racism just blew up the media in this period and it is not surprising then that the ideology follows how big the problem of racism is, it is a much bigger problem than people thought, people thought it was a declining problem for years, we thought that the relations between white Americans and blacks have been pretty good, down 70 percent for the last 20 years and they just plummet after you're repeatedly told through propaganda that things have somehow gotten worse.
Some of this is just that the elites are in absolute panic after the 2016 revolutions, Brexit and Trump had to To gain control of the information environment, they had to be able to make war when they wanted to make war, they had all this overproduction of elites sitting down after successfully carrying out the war on terrorism, needed something to do, turned inward and took advantage of the cancellation. culture what we call wokism as predicates of censorship why, however, why why can't we just live in peace and have debates and freedom of expression why part of this I think has to do with the fact that no one believes that we don't have the traditional value systems that we used to have this is a very old trend this is what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote about in the mid-19th century the death of the gods we don't believe we don't have traditional moral structures the percentage of Americans without religious identity we do has risen dramatically Ernest specker and his brilliant 1975 Pulitzer Prize winning book said that man cannot endure his smallness unless he can translate it into meaning at the highest possible level the idea that we simply die and become food for worms is quite depressing, especially if you think that your life is not very exciting or interesting, so we overcompensate by building monuments to our lives, we can be sure that our names will live on in these are called immortality projects and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. bad, especially if you sublimate them and create beautiful immortality projects.
The idea of ​​death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else, it is like a mainspring of human activity designed largely to avoid the fatality of death, to overcome it by somehow denying that it is the final destiny of man. We deny it and sublimate it. If we create monuments we write books we run political campaigns but things can go terribly wrong when we are outside a positive moral framework the problem of not believing in God is not that man ends up believing in nothing, it is much worse that he ends up believing anything, the change climate is a new external Authority.
You used to get it right with God, now you get it right with Nature. You used to feel guilty because Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, now you feel guilty because we started using fossil fuels, technology and nuclear energy. power and modern agriculture we are guilty, guilty, guilty, nature is angry with you, it wants to punish you, there is no redemption, but you could narrowly avoid the apocalypse by harmonizing with nature through renewable and organic energy. Power has to move away from your local authorities. from the people you vote for to the people you don't vote for to the experts in places like Brussels and the United Nations and International Energy to the people who know how to do you good by nature we have a new class of priests and we have a The new Witch race set is the new moral order.
We know it used to be people of color, but that wasn't accurate enough. Now we know it's bypoc, so it's the black indigenous people who rule the latinos and asians in the moral hierarchy that it has to be. Of course, you have to feel guilty. There is really no redemption, but you can get it right with the new moral order by knowing your place, put yourself in your place, know your race, put yourself in your place, it is no longer about equal justice under the law. that's an old idea now let's make the laws applied differently Canada is pioneering California is pioneering this we should be governed by the victims we can find out who was the most victimized they should have more power there's a new group of witches a new vision of human nature you have a soul it is called your gender you are the god you can change your body however you want forget what they say about chromosomes and all that you can remodel your body you are who you say you are drugs and surgery affirm gender, prevent drugs and the surgery is conversion therapy and we have a new group of witches.
Social media plays a role. Look Jonathan's height is absolutely right. Anyone who has been reading Jonathan's height knows that he has won this argument. that, John, stop, you've convinced everyone, you've made us all anxious, we feel like, oh my God, everyone is looking at me, everyone can see me, it's Foucault's panopticon, it's on your phone, everyone can see, I , they can see, he may be a bad person. I'd better side with the bullies to protect myself. You better take part in witch bashing or you could be a victim of anxiety anxiety we see the rise of cluster B personality disorders which are described as four different manifestations some people think there is only one single it doesn't matter DSM borderline antisocial histrionic narcissist I'm not diagnosing anyone that's not what I'm going to do but you see the behaviors and they are recognizable to you the greatest scholar of narcissism Sam vacman says that I He says I'm a narcissist so believe me listen to me and Sam is brilliant .
Certain people are prone to adopt victimhood as an identity. Victimhood gives their lives meaning. You know these types of people, they would be victims even in situations. where they have not been victimized they want to be victimized look at me I am a victim I have a higher moral status than you that is why so right grandiosity I have the right to tell you what to do because I am more of a victim you separate yourself are you with me or against me I need attention, give it to me reality impaired lack of empathy for oppressors excessive empathy for victims is very dangerous if you are a perennial victim this is your identity you would tend to develop as assistant behaviors if you do not receive special treatment you will become aggressive you know what these people are like you feel like you are walking on eggshells around them you are anxious about them dividing everyone says there is no black and white problem said Greta Tunberg, but I think this is: either we continue as a solution or not, we must stop using fossil fuels right now or you are a bad person.
The infiltration of narcissists and psychopaths is universal in all these victim movements, they become the public face. of the movement, if you're going to go celebrate your status without wearing a mask and wearing a beautiful party dress and everyone else is wearing masks, then you better explain it and explain why you require children to wear masks in schools, it that would


otherwise decent people. I have no doubt that people with raised fists are not. I don't doubt that they are empathetic people, people who care more, what would lead them to do this, raise their fists above this young woman who then said on the iPad of theWashington Post who attended Black Lives Matter protests supporting police reform simply did not think that she should have to raise her fists against a mob and that is not what she understood the first amendment in the United States to be about if a individual in a position of political powers, a psychopath can create an epidemic, a psychopathology and people who are not essentially psychopaths, are not psychopaths, behave like psychopaths create a culture of cluster B personality disorders, these are not signs that people want to censor they want to censor other people's posters the posters that say they respect trans people or their pronouns will be was where that is a death threat that poster just appeared in Britain today the potential for aggressive movements and Victimization is much higher than that of the general population.
Anything that is based on grievances leads to violence and death. These boots trample the territory. If you start talking about a genocide against you and your people and there is no genocide, be very careful with these people, that is dangerous because if you believe that a genocide has been perpetuated against your people, then almost anything is justified, they are antisocial personalities and personality behaviors, this type of thing, attacking someone for what they said is narcissism, pay attention to me. I threw soup on a Van Gogh painting in the 1950s. These brave students had milkshakes poured on their heads to build a Sit peacefully at a lunch counter in the South now they throw soup on the painting and they want to be famous are different motivations. that's not the same histrionic my future is coming to an end it's hopeless it must happen now it's tempting to wonder if everything is coming to an end this is pretty dark I never said it was going to be an uplifting speech civilizations on average 336 years that's the better study more complete we are at 250. it has been a good race, not so fast, come on, it is the United States of America, this place is incredible, incredible, we have the First Amendment, we have a First Amendment and we are going to fight for it, True, we are a country of renewal, we are a country that wants to change. you can remake yourself I'm a I'm a somehow I became a defender of freedom of expression I was like a nuclear power defender like five minutes ago the Netherlands was one of the first modern civilizations Rich, still great God, Have you been?Amsterdam is amazing, they had an open drug scene, homeless crisis like ours and they gave people the care they needed, they put them in treatment, they intervened, they gave them methadone, they took them to recovery Amsterdam is amazing, it's an ancient civilization and they are doing great, you need at least these four things Equal justice under the law meritocracy cheap energy freedom of speech if you don't have them you might be able to get away with the first three , but then it's not a liberal democracy if it's just the first three.
So what do we do about it? You can't just condemn my friends on the right love to condemn condemn condemn condemn condemn this is bad bad bad it's not good enough you have to explain it that's what I've been trying to do this is the most important book I've read on this topic in the last few years, politics is no, eh, Andrew, I'm going to massacre him lobojevski lojewski lived under the Nazis he lived under communism in Poland a psychologist and he said that it's not just, it's not just that totalitarianism, especially the institutions, they are immoral and they are wrong, all that is true, but the people in them are psychopaths and narcissists.
Something is wrong with the people who took charge, it's a pathography, he said, it's a sick bureaucracy you have. To get those people out you can't have psychopaths and narcissists running your government, naturally we must be careful when facing monsters so as not to become them ourselves, for me, having returned to my faith, this is the most important challenge you have ever faced. heard, it's you. I have heard that she said love your neighbor and hate your enemy, but I tell you to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. I can't do this, but it makes me better to try and I came back to it when I tried.
Find out how to deal with personalities like group B. It's not going to work if we hate them. It will take some courage. Some people are starting to show it very excitedly. Glenn Lowry is here. Glenn is a big fan. Peter pagosian, my new friend no. I don't believe in God, but I have a strong and strong moral character. A brave man. Horrible things were done to Peter and he is a better person for it and he got over it. This is how you deal with victimization. You're not trying to avoid being a victim. seeking to overcome your victimization that is the heroic journey we are mortal this is all guys even if you think you are going to continue afterwards as I do it will not be this life again you may be 19 years old you have many years ahead of you you are not going to come back to be 19 what are you going to do when you're 19 what are you going to do now are you going to be brave or not it's usually pretty clear actually you just have to do the work too you know uh you have to debunk the bad things you just have to say it's wrong you have to debunk it you have to do it on Twitter you have to do it in your books um it works you know they start saying hate is increasing everywhere in California it's really increasing compared to when, like in the '50s, 500 years ago, There is more heat, there is less hatred among ordinary people towards racial, religious and sexual minorities at any time in recorded history.
I'm serious, so let's look at the data. I'm not very good at math or statistics, but I'm familiar with what's known as recording bias, you start recording a phenomenon, you get better at recording the phenomenon, you have to get better at accounting, you're getting better at recording, so We are better at recording it, that's all and they keep doing it. I mean, look at these numbers, guys. I mean, have you ever met someone who doesn't believe that black and white people should be allowed to marry? but still in 1961 four percent thought that should be legal. Americans are fundamentally optimistic people, so despite the propaganda and despite the misinformation, we think it's actually going to get better, so read the footnotes and debunk those things, there could be an increase in reports that "It could be the reason," said the researcher who published the study at UC Berkeley. "We're the first thing you learn in your statistics class is that there's bias in reporting.
Come on, just debunk that stuff and then ask, why are you doing that?" Trying to make it seem like there's more hate what are you doing? who gives you the right? How dare you if there is more anti-Semitism in society? I want to know, but if you start telling me that there is more antisemitism in society and there is more no more antisemitism in society, shame on you, oh shame on you, that's terrible, you need to explain why you did that, oh, newspapers as important as the New York Times and the Financial Times Scott. I used to want to be in those newspapers.
I was, oh, right opinion pieces. for the New York Times and the financial times, so much status and prestige, look at the garbage they do on the left, oh look, hurricanes are increasing because of climate change look, we just put the data there, it's what you should be able to debunk . this in minutes train yourself to do it and do it quickly make it a competition, the first one to debunk it wins, you can go viral on Twitter, that's your Rewards status, there is nothing wrong with the status, it's okay, get your status for things right, get your status for their courage and their wit and their speed and their and their care and their total compassion, they cherry-picked the post-1980 period to mislead left-wing New York Times readers and then did exactly the same thing they did with Hate data misrepresents better hurricane detection.
What do you think happened in the last hundred years? Have you heard of satellites? You know how good satellites are at detecting hurricanes. Really very good, they can't ignore a hurricane. Imagine 1900, you are on the coast. Is there? a hurricane out there I don't know maybe the New York Times published that they didn't correct it and I made sure the author saw it and they saw it make landfall in the US hurricanes are flat these are the data, there is no other source of data actually decreases slightly, but it's probably not accurate because data is data, it's a little fuzzy but it's flat, there's no increase in hurricanes, there are still two and a half billion people in the world who have to use wood and dong to obtain its primary energy. i.e. there is no reason for these people to be able to get LPG and gas.
You interview women in the third world and you ask yourself: what do you like about getting LPG? Being able to cook a small pot of beans or rice instead of having to go get firewood and blow on the fire and breathe the smoke. What they say is that they go, you know, when you get some LPG and prepare the beans and rice, you can do something else, you can save work, you can save time. Cheap energy is women's liberation. The fact that some of the richest and most powerful people in the world are trying to deprive sub-Saharan Africans and South Asians of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas is a moral abomination.
It's a complete disaster. That's what's happening. Now we can lift everyone out of poverty. There is no physical reason why you can't do it, it's just a mental disorder. We cannot grow more food on less land like we do in Europe and the United States and there is more grassland. and forests for wild animals there is no sixth mass extinction you can lift everyone out of poverty and have more nature oh my god it's amazing I mean think about it on your deathbeds maybe not mine like not There would be a reason for no one to be in poverty.
That's silly and you have more wild animals, gorillas and turtles, ah, we brought everything we bring back to sea turtles, this is the future we can have, we just have to fight for it, let's do it, thank you very much, thank you very much. thanks guys, thank you guys so much, sorry for the F-bombs guys, sorry, hey guys, real quick, please limit it to one question so everyone has a chance to ask their own and keep this in mind for future Q&As. , i guess. Michael, you can choose oh I'm sorry, thank you very much. Is it possible that you could send us the slides or make the PowerPoint accessible to us?
Yes, they are at Go to the Environment tab, the case against environmental alarmism. They are all there. Okay, thank you very much and not the new ones, those are coming out. I will post them and yes, I will share them with you, of course, this is my, this was the core part of this, everything was new. and it's new to you and I'm sorry I didn't recognize where Peter Bagozzi is and I lost you. Peter Peter and I Peter has been helping me with Cluster B Personality Disorder, as has Jordan Peterson. It's difficult, yes, sir, yes, so we have a growing trend of secularization in this country and it's really people are losing the sense of I don't know Pride or meaning yes because they are trying to find something to replace that, yes, is it?
How are you going to be able to replace that? and if so, it's something that we should do because you know the people that are against this, you know, the


ideology, yeah, and it's something that the government should play a role in because we talked about, you talked about propaganda and culture, it's something. That is a mass media, it is an integral part of the propagation of certain cultural values ​​and norms and since we have been, we have become massive like balkanized speaking, uh cultures, everyone has, they know the separate cultural values ​​and so on, so is, is it possible?
Does America have a coherent culture rooted in the Pride of our first amendment and our Bill of Rights or is it just yes, that can't be yes, you got it, yes, you got it. I mean, although I don't want to say, yes, thank you. I'm so happy you got it and, yeah, I didn't get there, but patriotism used to be a thing when I was young. He was very anti-American because he was very angry that we were murdering people in Nicaragua. and El Salvador supporting some pretty ugly activities in Central America we did bad things in Vietnam there are a lot of bad things about our country um there are a lot of things that I don't like as I get older, it helps me to travel a lot and you see what it's like in other countries and you realize how special it is here and how tolerant we are, I mean, it's amazing, so I think I think I start something basic, you know, the love of humanity, we are amazing, that means that if you love Humanity then has to love civilization because without civilization it is terrible for the common people, except for the elite, and then if you have civilization, you will want freedom and freedom of speech, so if you get your Hobs, you get your lock and then we have We have this other job to do, we still have two and a half million people.
You know there is climate change. We need to use gas and nuclear energy to lift everyone out of poverty. We have environmental problems to solve, so for methe exciting work is. building this positive future we don't need to censor each other we don't mean creating false crises of hate we don't need to be ruled by the police by the police who want to control our speech we don't need that So yes, I think there is something really beautiful that we can build . Thank you very much for the talk. It was incredible. Just a quick question and very aligned with what my colleague said.
What do you think of the idea that as Christianity declines, Wokism returns? Because of the death of God and there is a hole that people need to feel to find meaning in their life, is it the case that because of the fall of Christianity people create new religions and worship them? Yes I think so. I mean, that was kind of what I meant by, you know, look, there's in your dark moments, there's an image that this is coming to an end, you know, Western civilization is destroying itself. From within, this is an old problem, it is the nihilism that has been fought. for 150 years the antidote is close to the poison America is so unique, it is so special, it is a country of reinvention, of constant reinvention, you know, people thought that things were really coming to an end in the late '60s and early '70s in the United States and then we had this amazing process in the '70s, we had something called the Church commission that really cleaned up the CIA and the FBI that had been so corrupted by the bad guys.
I mean, this is Jagger Hoover spying on Martin Luther King, this is them dosing people with acid and just doing weird, nasty things when our military and intelligence communities got out of control we have to clean them up, you know, we have to take out psychopaths from positions of responsibility so it has to happen so for me I'm very I want to say what's happening is really exciting it's journalism is really exciting Barry Weiss is exciting Matt taibi sub stack is super interesting all the action is there the public intellectual life is amazing University of Austin I I mean, this is amazing and this gives me hope.
I mean, truly, only in America are these kinds of things celebrated and supported the way they are. For me, I think there are a lot of opportunities, it means you have to take advantage of them. That Darkness, although you have to really understand what you're dealing with here, you know and be ready to let go of institutions and relationships that are unhealthy or toxic, you know that's a self-help cliché, you know, letting go of your toxic relationships. , but you have to do that, you know, and you have to deal with those toxic institutions and I think when you do that, you'll find that people want to know, it's this thing that when I hear from people who say, ah, thank you. you for saying that you know thank you I feel like no one I don't feel comfortable saying it you know it's really like a relief, you know it's like when you escape from a group of really toxic people and you find a couple of friends to make outside of it, you feel like you can be free for the first time.
I feel like that's where we are right now. Hi thanks. Thank you very much for speaking and also thank you very much for the environmental activism that you have achieved throughout your years. I was wondering if you could give some advice to all of us as environmental stewards on how we can be better stewards. about the environment um yeah uh we'll do a really easy one which is to stop throwing plastic waste into the recycling bin uh, plastic recycling is a fraud, ninety percent of it is never recycled because it's not profitable, it's just cheaper use the waste byproduct of the petrochemical industry to make them throw them in the trash please what happens is the recycling companies don't recycle it and they send it to poor countries and then guess what happens it goes into the rivers and then enters the oceans and a plastic waste crisis arises in the oceans, so the plastic waste crisis in the oceans was created by recycling, which seems really banal and strange, it's like a small thing, but everyone always wants know what the environment is like.
What is a simple thing? What I can do, please stop recycling your plastic. You can recycle your paper, your aluminum and your glass. They are all great for recycling. The other important thing is to advocate for nuclear energy, to believe in nuclear energy, it is not what we thought it was, it is not a nuclear weapon the most important thing with nuclear energy is the change of attitudes it is the most important thing for climate change natural gas is another important thing we reduced our emissions by 22 percent from 2005 to 2020 only 60 percent of that by switching from coal to gas and talking Returning to the alarm, since most environmental trends are going in the right direction, I mean, overwhelmingly, you know that and I think you want that and to me it's inspiring, you know you have a world to lift everyone out of poverty and greater ecological biodiversity. more wild spaces, more natural places, yeah, yeah, could you tell us how these Cluster B personality types came to take over really important institutions and organizations, how do they do it?
Yeah, I mean, they're so strong and magnetic, it's part of it. I mean, narcissists are really charismatic and really compelling, in the political phonology book he talks about them as fascinating, so they're acting and they're involved in a kind of hypnotic activity. I know they are really beautiful people they are often very convincing um and narcissism I should say neither nurses nor narcissism nor psychopathy are all bad they are really on a spectrum there is a really good book called there is a the best book on psychology on psychopathy , which is now, if you know they've made it politically correct, they've called it antisocial personality disorder.
I think it's called The Psychopath's Gift. I am not mistaken. And in some ways let's say a little bit of psychopathy is good because being too impassive, too fearful and too empathetic can be debilitating, so a little bit and a little bit of narcissism is okay, it's okay to have some self-love and some desire of recognition if you do the right thing. How brave, how sincere you should understand. I had the status conversation with Barry. I just wanted to add that there is nothing wrong with wanting status and recognition from your peers. You should want it for the right things.
So I think I think that's it. I think the argument is that I think what we're saying is that if you have secularization, you also lose patriotism, patriotism as a kind of spirituality, a kind of collective transcendence, right, people die for their country, you know it's incredible. , it is spiritual, they die for my country and I will continue to live letting America continue to live or whatever country you live in, when that disappears, then a new morality has to gain strength to take hold, it is this really basic and ugly morality. I think the one you know is the three part type that I described, but you get the narcissist and the psychopaths who will then put a spell on him and then impose on him through harassment, that's again, it's taken us some time Peters and Peter are frustrated with me because I've been sitting on this research for a long time, but It's, it's, it's a difficult, complicated thing and psychology doesn't lend itself to concrete empirical facts.
You are trying to describe more of what we are seeing and feeling. Yes, really, thank you for doing all this. I was wondering what the red flags are. That, you see, makes you feel intuitively like some news that really seems real isn't actually real, well, I mean, this was with the rise of hate that immediately raised my red flags. I mean, if you read Stephen Pinker's book, I Know, which I don't entirely agree with, but basically you know that violence has decreased and this type of society, you know, racial, religious, sexual hatred has decreased. So when people start saying oh, there's been a huge increase in hate. kind of like really you know, um it doesn't seem right you know, and that's part of it and then it was also accompanied by a desire for something bad, which is more censorship and similarly with climate change it's like, well, We just don't do it. you know, uh, you know, because of climate change, you know, sub-Saharan Africa just can't use fossil fuels, sorry, wait a second, so, like Jordan Peterson, it's this big line, you know, what is it if you can't to say that.
Someone's motivation is to look at the consequences of their action, if the consequence of climate action is that sub-Saharan Africa is being deprived of the natural gas it produces, which is also the raw material for fertilizers, which is what is needed to grow more food and use less land. and save more nature, then you have to say: what is that real? What is it really about? A strange, creepy kind of power trip. I'm sure you want to say it's like a I mean, I think when I know that there is Nietzsche has a really great aphorism, which is that.
You know, there are no explanations, just descriptions, and as you can see in this talk, I kept saying that he is driven by this reaction to Trump and Brexit and then you go well, it's also like after the war on terror. This device needed to go somewhere and it well can, it's the rise of social networks, the Internet and it can go well, it's secularization, you know, and then it comes from within the culture, it really comes from within the culture and then the elites are taking advantage of it so you can stay well, we should definitely keep trying to peel the onion, but you know you get to the bottom of the problem and it's that the people are small, it's the people that think that somehow there's not enough atmosphere for poor people around the world.
It's not that some people just have bad information, most people just have bad information, but other people know better, they know that it doesn't really work that way, you know that you actually have to protect yourself from the consequences. of climate change you need to have abundant and cheap energy, so there's something wrong with the motivation that you brought, you brought your disorders, which can obviously be interpreted as dismissive or inflammatory or any of those things, um, because you know I can't rationalize with psychopaths , I can't rationalize with narcissists and, you know, hysteria, so how does that information help us approach awakened people and, um, yeah, just interact with them?
I think you can, you know, one thing I wanted to say is that I think it's important to understand that you know psychopathy and narcissism on a spectrum and that part of it is really healthy and it's also situational, so there can be a disposition, but you also know that we see good people behaving badly in bad situations, etc. It's one thing to try to get people out of those situations and also, you know, it's just a basic matter of personal safety to avoid those situations. It's the most important thing when you look at personal safety issues, avoiding bad situations and then I wanted to I want to address the debunking a little bit because I wanted to say I've actually been very happy and surprised lately because we've been debunking this idea that there's been an increase in hate, anti-Semitism and racism and we've just been doing it on substack and Twitter and you know, on some podcasts and stuff, but it's working, I can tell it's working because they literally like the United Nations and these other people who said there was an increase have stopped. you know, and we can compare them, you know, you know, compare what the kids say, you know, when the head of the United Nations says there's been an increase in hate and I say it hasn't really been that way and here's the evidence and you We're just seeing a bias in the reporting, you know, a couple of weeks later they just say we have to fight hate in society, okay, sure, so I think you have to do it in all the levels to debunk it and you have to go where is this coming from and why are you doing that what's the agenda here okay guys we only have time for one last question so thanks start with me dancing with me that's cool I've realized I really don't You've talked about the topic of corporate power and money in your talk.
I feel this is missing. Can you maybe enlighten us if there is a connection? How deep is this connection and maybe also corporations and maybe? the financial institutions that play a role in that, yes, so the interest of the media has always been to have your attention so that they can then sell to you, then they can sell your attention to an advertiser, so that you are the product. sold to the advertiser, that's very important to understand, so it will always be there and I think being aware of that is important. There is a remedy, there is a partial remedy, very partial, which is to move more to subscriber-based media, but it will be partial because not all of them.
I run a subscriber-based media company. I guess you would call it a substack and we don't have ads, but it's pretty limited and even when we post on Twitter ads are sold alongside it, so I think that's to keep in mind that I don't think there's much we can do about that model. of business in the short term,it's just a part of it and therefore there is that bias. I think Barry talked about dumerism there, but I'd point that out too. that there's also an audience for debunking, you know, it's exciting to see something debunked, you know, people ask me, you know, people, my friends always say why, why is everything you do controversial and it's like, well, yeah It's not controversial, like why would you do it?
I work on it like why should I say yes, conventional wisdom is correct? um like I have a lot of conventional beliefs, it's just not very interesting, what's interesting is when you think conventional wisdom is really wrong, that's really interesting and stuff. gets attention, so I don't think the attention economy is necessarily a bad thing. The same similar reviews with status, recognition and attention. I don't think it has to be a bad thing. And similarly, if you lift 2.5 people out of poverty. By burning wood and Dong as main fuel, some people are going to make a lot of money doing that.
I mean, it's really fantastic for the economy, you know, 2.5 billion people will go from living on two to five dollars a day and suddenly they'll be living on twenty thousand dollars a year that's just amazing for the economy, it's fantastic for the entire global economy, so I am not anti-capitalist in any way, but I also think that the government has a very positive role, I mean the institute there. There is nothing really wrong with the institutions that we have, the problem is that they have become pathographic and they have been taken over by people dominated by bad ideas and by people who are more into it, they are too advanced in it.
Group B Spectrum of what we would like them to be, thank you all again. I really appreciate them.

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