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Jun 19, 2024
We're doing comedy in a church like, how is this really going to work? I mean, some people like me just came to see this thing blow up. What's so surprising about accommodating a church when I was a kid and laughing about church being illegal? I couldn't laugh. I remember one time I laughed in church because this lady was jumping with her wig, the law, so that was funny, she dropped her wig and I laughed at my brother, my grandmother pinched and twisted. I can understand a pinch you're going to twist. that's the devil guy on stage he's mad at everyone I can't understand why he's so mad seven years I found out why he was so mad he was mad because he asked something thin stuck in his throat at the end of every since I tried to get him out I'd like him to The Lord said like you, my grandmother, needs to gargle.
michael jr clean and hilarious comedian best of michael jr
Grandma has been in church for seven years, the last six hours too and we go to the basement to eat a sandwich and come back up. I'm like what I was. that at halftime or something I can be rude, enough black people here it was always chicken why we always ate chicken every time I know I had to tell him I'm sorry, we are Church not in tuna at the end of church they would access, I was like, so you want to go after this, we'll all go to the sister church alone, I'd like to be the sister church, once I get to the church, seven years, there's a dead body in the front, it's a funeral.
michael jr clean and hilarious comedian best of michael jr

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michael jr clean and hilarious comedian best of michael jr...

No one explains that to seven-year-old Michael Jr.. I'm thinking that's how they roll, every three weeks or so, they bring in a dead body as an example and the guy on stage yells at the entire audience, like it's data, who asked my grandmother. I'm looking for some explanation. What will happen to the man in the box? What happened to the man at the checkout or what explanation was in a better place. I wonder what kind of box he lived in before the guy on stage said it was a king's feat. was in that explanation, he went to see the King's hat, I understand what that meant, then I even caught a children's choir for saying he was in the children's choir, not because he wanted to be in a children's choir, he was in the children's choir because I was a child and there was a requirement now, what's all we said?
michael jr clean and hilarious comedian best of michael jr
Very soon we will see the king. I want to see the king. I want to see the king. Do you ever go to a funeral and people always talk about the person in the box like for sure he's going to heaven and then they chose, then people get up Terry always talking from below one last thing you know you'd like to do stabbed to three people when he never prayed once in his life now all of a sudden they're all going to heaven like me I'm sure Uncle John is looking at me right now how many little tears are running down his eyes like you're probably looking up , that's right, listen, that's a drop of sweat, that's what's rolling.
michael jr clean and hilarious comedian best of michael jr
I just made it up right now. make that up so this is called random thoughts with


jr. These are just my random thoughts and I am sharing them with you i.e. random games or thoughts with Michael jr. And some of these thoughts that you're going to have, some of them may not be right, but if they don't listen to you, if you don't have a thought, move on, that's fine, and since you might miss the next thought, why you stay? -The mother at home always leaves if a baby comes out with an afro. Is that considered a natural birth?
If a woman gets pregnant in Las Vegas, the baby has to stay there is the word tofu, short for "tried to deceive", credit should be given to Dave Ramsey's website. cards where non-local anesthesia comes from take your time I knew a woman who had a callus on her foot that makes her a unicorn eight out of ten people don't want to be statistics but now they are I've noticed that not one of them seems to care about the outskirts of the city young people take their time I think sometimes people take marble for granite why are there no mirrors in automatic transmissions when it comes to sharks what's so good about white people hmm a small percentage like that joke and Finally, if God applauds, wouldn't that be a big bang?
Just a theory. Thank you very much, thank you very much - Michael Jerry. I appreciate that I was fun and awesome. Have you ever heard someone tell you an incredible story? And how did they almost get killed? I know it sounded like it was a skirt in Ireland, but that black I'm just saying kill you, no man, I would have turned this way. I was killed. Something told me to go the other way. I didn't want to be a Christian either. You can do it for a long time, so some Christians are creepy and some Christians creepy is creepy.
Everything is creepy. Muslims with some Christians are creepy. Have you ever had someone? They talk about God. His voice changes suddenly. Great, can I tell you about the Lord? What's wrong with your voice socially? For someone to start praying in the middle of your conversation, you would simply have a conversation. Oh, you see the game. I was a good player. A game was a good guy. I think he was being so holy Lord, so wonderful, are we praying right now? You're creepy before I became a Christian. I would ask a girl to take off my strap.
Only one girl remembers that she told me that I'm dating Jesus. I didn't know. What that meant I now realized was that he was just saying that she wanted to get closer to God before she started dating back then. I had no idea. I thought she was dating Jesus. A month later, she called me. I'd say you still want to go out. I wonder if you broke up with Jesus. I don't know for sure, but I think it was your part. Whatever happened, it was oh, now you're coming to me. You're confused. Better come back. I tell you.
I forgive you for everything and you get free wine, you better call it, there goes Harlem, because what if I'm the jealous type? I walk into the room, she prays and I'm like who you're talking to because you have different types of Christians, that's what I found out, you gave Christopher a great person, you can hang out with them, iron sharpens iron relationships, in that moment you have Christians who can limp a little and walk, they have their head on, but the shoes do not match being Christians. so im going to post this, do you ever know someone who was oversaved?
Don't look at it, don't look, you can't even have a normal conversation, you would amuse me, a lady, you are thirsty, you are thirsty, you are thirsty. a minor thirsty for God hey, I lost my keys, could you help me find my keys? You need the keys to the kingdom, my God, and drive a kingdom, I drove a Toyota. I know as soon as I said, save some of you, it has someone in mind, but if you didn't, someone had you in mind, you can be saved in excess, you don't know it now. I have to warn you if you oversaved a couple of indicators to let you know that you oversaved only a couple of indicators if not Don't mess with computers because they have a cursor.
I'm sorry if you berated the vacuum


ers because he's a Dirt Devil. I have an aunt who is already saved. She ruins our TV shows. We're looking at Extreme Makeover Home Edition at the beginning of the year. show they always tell you a sad story about people my aunt is going to start praying for him lord help them get a new house lord they are going to get a new house they are going to get a new home she says yes you have to believe me I'm like you have you have to have cable, that's what you have to do, so listen, let me explain what happens and then you can listen to him read it, so this is what happens.
There's a guy who limped like he couldn't walk. and he lays on the ground and goes to these doors every day waiting for some money asking for money and then God and in Paulin, who was John, John and Peter, he read it. Anyway, I never read. Oh, Juan and Pedro show up and they don't. Instead, give him money and he'll be cured, so I'll make Matt read it faster. Peter and John went to the temple one afternoon to participate in the three o'clock prayer service. Okay, so he wait, wait, um. I think I have a different translation for my friends so they can understand, I actually wrote a different translation because I need you to read this one.
Yes, this is Paul Mun. All my boys, some of them locked up. I know they had Internet. jail, he often compliments us, so I need you to contact us at UM, the homie version of yes, like that, right there, like that, yes, a new one, the new translation of homeboy, if you do, come on, you're amazing, so read yours and then move on. and not read yours, read ours. I received the Bible it didn't sound like it was his because he put himself in the soup, no, it's everyone, so they read what's in the Bible and they read my translations so that everyone understands it.
You know what I am. saying: go ahead, work, what's up? Peter and John went to the temple one afternoon to participate in the three o'clock prayer service. Three great months. Pete and John arrived at the location around three o'clock. He rode to the place around three o'clock, yes, the experts of the region


as they approach the temple. They carried a man lame from birth every day. They placed him next to the temple door, the so-called beautiful door, so that he could beg. people come into the temple, okay, go ahead and read my version. There was a guy with a limp who wasn't a pimp, but he had a limp but he wasn't a pimp because the pimp sometimes walks like you.
I'm not going to explain it. Man, just and I think I'm going to change it a little bit, there was a guy with a limp that wasn't a whip, you know, read it like he was, oh yeah, okay, one day with a lamp, it wasn't. I'm here. well kill a second can put something we read okay just try to figure this out some guy with a limp that wasn't a pimp was killing on the float in the flow man like we're standing in the flow right now , are you trying to do? some cheddar cheese cheddar cheese cheddar cheese man sorry you have the other translation so you're looking at me right here oh, I thought I was just going to read the Bible yeah, well, uh, I guess so, altering your expectations, No, let me continue, okay, when?
He saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money. Peter and John stared at him and Peter said look at us bangs oh here read mine so they started chasing him angrily like what's wrong with you buddy to know how to stop? here do it again just put a little bit you know just something a little bit more to slow down a little bit that's all I'm saying can be read with little emphasis as if something could happen ahead like a little bit of rhythm that would be amazing I don't do it No I make rhythm, okay, I'll try, so they started getting mad at him, why what's happening with your leg right now?
I don't speed 7 yeah, I mean, with a bet, it's fantastic. I just thought I didn't know I knew. I don't know if you need the Heimlich because I don't know, I don't know what happened, okay, go ahead, and they started chasing him angry like, what's wrong with your dog? He said, "I'm not tripping, I'm just trying to get it." my loot is fine so what just happened, at this point it's not about the story, it's about what we just experienced when Pastor Steven came here, everyone had expectations of what it would sound like when you read the Bible, but then we performed an operation that lived up to your expectations and then you had a revelation and we all laughed together

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