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Michael Jordan Leaves The Audience SPEECHLESS ― One Of The Best Motivational Speeches Ever

Apr 15, 2024
I missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the winning shot and I failed time and time again in my life and that's why I'm successful. maybe I made you think it was easy when it wasn't maybe I made you think my


moments started at the free throw line and not in the gym maybe I made you think


y shot I made was a game-winner like it was my game built on flash and not fire maybe it's my fault you didn't see that failure gave me strength that my pain was my motivation maybe I made you believe that basketball was a gift from God and not something


yone worked for days of my life maybe I destroyed the game or maybe you're just making excuses.
michael jordan leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
I never feel like I'm at my


. I feel like I still have room to improve. I still set goals to strive for. I never feel complacent with what I do. What I have achieved although it has been a great success for me, I still feel that I have a lot to prove not only as a player but as a person, as a father, to some extent as a role model in all aspects, so I never I get too complacent about myself or what I've accomplished when I get to a point where I feel like I can't improve as a player.
michael jordan leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever

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michael jordan leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever...

I walk away from you again. No, I've never been afraid. I mean, you're obviously nervous. , but fear means "you". I have no confidence in your abilities, but I have complete confidence in mine, so I have no fear. Your confidence level was through the roof. the top? I don't think my confidence. If I had changed, I wouldn't have gone back to this situation, which is a tool that teaches you to know and teaches you bad things, it can also teach you good things, it's the way you perceive those things. I've looked at every experience I've had, it had negatives and positives and I take it as a positive, you know, if I wouldn't change anything because I think it would alter some of the other things that I have, you know, when I look back I can't say that. have had any.
michael jordan leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
Bad things happen, sure, I mean you don't want bad things to happen, but you have to deal with ethics, you can't have something good or no bad. You know basketball is my love, I always have been and, as always, I can imagine an end to something like that. you know that passion that I have for the game until I die and go until it's like this, I can wait and I'm not going to run as long as you always win, that's why you compete every time you win it takes away a little of that hunger, you know , which is a challenge in itself, you know, it's a battle inside your mind to find a challenge to go to the same place you've been five times before you realized it and that's hard. you know, um, you know, when people say well, the first one was the hardest, no, the last hour is because you are a family with yourself because many times I had to fight with myself to keep challenging myself, why I would say the biggest battle was yourself because when you get to a certain Pinnacle you have to find some ways to stay there for 82 games.
michael jordan leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
I just think I have a habit of working hard. I was always taught that to achieve a goal in life I want you to have to work hard to achieve it and until now you just know, you have that in mind. termination. You know what your reasons are. What were your ambitions from the beginning. you know they went through a lot of soul searching in terms of seasonality. It's easy to sit back and say, well, I've done my best, you know, I'm tired, you know, someone else, someone else had to do it or whatever. I didn't take that approach.
I thought positively and said everything I could do in every inch of my life. I'm going to try to provide the energy I have to this team. I mean, if you give up, they give up. You know, so I didn't want to give up. It didn't matter how sick he was or how tired he was. I know I had little energy. I felt the obligation that you have to my team to go to the city of Chicago to go out and give that extra effort to be even tougher. My competitive work is much greater than anyone else I've ever met and I think I thrive on that, I think that's my biggest motivation in life, you know, is to compete, you know, to find different competencies and certain things in life and try to overcome that, you know, whether positive or negative, but I have yet to meet someone who is just competitive like me, you know, and I feel very confident in my competitive work.
I'll still feel like I have a plateau that, you know, I hadn't reached yet in terms of my abilities and my expectations of myself, you know. I'm always going to expect me to do certain things that outweigh certain things, as long as I believe that then my relative success is to continue to expand. My principal advised me to go to an Air Force Academy because I felt that after finishing college I have a job so I said no I don't want to go down that path so I decided to go to the University of North Carolina.
A lot of people didn't expect me to do so well, but I guess it was a challenge I faced. I faced and sometimes you have to face those challenges and see what happens. I will not abandon this game because of what the immediates have done to me or what other people have done to me. I will leave this game because my skills are diminished. I can't find the challenges to keep pushing myself. I am a lot. My love will always be there but I will. My pride won't let me leave because someone else is going to kick me out.
I'm going to leave on my own terms and I. I don't think many athletes have had that opportunity. have it and that's what I want to do when the time comes. You know, we're old and I'm pretty sure it's been a long season, but mentally we have a vision, we have an ending that we want. You have to make it, you know, and sometimes you have to make it when you're old and tired, you know, and I think it's the test of your will to succeed when you have to deal with some of these negatives, and I'm pretty sure.
At the end of these playoffs you will see that the old people from that time were very, very young and mentally strong. To be happy you have to have support, so I think all those things have evolved and happened to make me who I am. and understanding the benefits and the privileges that I have for being who I am, you know, and not wearing it on your sleeve, being very humble about it, that's something my parents taught me very well, you know, don't wear your reputation. use your Please don't use you know your personality while you sleep let it happen let it be who you are don't hide from it but don't you know? don't rub people's faces you know What I remember most about my father and you know, I had him for 32 years, you know, and I never look at it in a negative way, obviously, he was murdered and you know, and I rarely get the chance. to talk about him.
You know, but what I do remember all the time, you know, I think about them pretty much every day, is for a person like me, who lives in this spotlight and it's so important for people to know that all the time in terms of what I do. What I'm saying, you know where I'm going, what he's always said, pause before you make a decision and say what if and the purpose of saying what if is that any decision you make will always have consequences and not for me to live. in a in a box where I'm afraid to do things that I know you know like my father says the comment what if is being able to deal with the consequences of the decisions you make and you think about that if you think about the consequences Pro a scam you make the fight you make the right decisions that you feel is the right decision now all the decisions that I made other people may consider that are not the right decisions from their perspective, but for me to go play baseball and everyone says oh it was a failed opportunity to play baseball, You know, that's what they think of me, it was the best thing that could have happened to me because it allowed me to get back into the game with a stronger passion at the same time. able to understand the love that these minor league baseball players have that make fifteen hundred dollars a month, fifteen hundred dollars a month which is nothing, but for them it was great for me to see, that helped me put things in perspective to understand the platform I was on. in 93. that when I did it again in 95 and 96 I appreciated it even more, so when we won those championships and went through that, those things mattered to me a lot more than what I did in 91 92 93. people don't I don't see that and people will never understand that to be successful you know everything they think about, well, you bet at 202, you know, and you struck out a certain number of times, yeah, okay, you know, but the effort was there and the learning curve and the step. there was something that has transcended not only me but other people who are afraid to do things because they are worried about the perception that may come from other places for me, that is more rewarding than anything you know, so that is what my father and mother instilled in me to take the negative and turn it into a positive not to be afraid of failing foreigner

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