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May 10, 2020
Hey guys, I'm Officer Giordano, we're here in the North End getting ready to do a


blog. We have the officers inside right now and the substation at 10th Avenue and 62nd Street is doing a roll call, so let's go in and check on them. and prepare to go out on


, so now we will head to the roll call room, this is where the officers start their day, they are brief with any pertinent information that happened during the previous shift, but for today Sgt. lieutenant, they're actually doing a driver's license check and ammunition check, which is that the sergeants, lieutenants, check the officer's driver's license to make sure it's in accordance with state statutes, that there are no violations and they make sure they have all the ammo that's supposed to be in their magazines and in their weapons, so let's check it out, so what is this thing here that you're going to right now?
miami police vlog model city patrol
I'm just checking, today we do a round check, so we just check. to make sure everyone has their own gun count also check what the ammo is okay so yeah well check the ammo make sure everything that's on the duty belt is supposed to be there, yeah, okay, okay, cool, okay, Officer Rodriguez, so we have a


officer, he takes roll call and then he checks his mail. Each officer has a box that has mail in it. It is important that if you have any civilians that want to contact you, that you go to the front desk and I will usually pass that message on to the officer and the internal mail will also send it directly to your mailboxes.
miami police vlog model city patrol

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miami police vlog model city patrol...

Alright guys, so that's over with the roll call. The officers just went to the cars. I have my partner, Officer Rodriguez, she will stop now. and I'll get in the car with her, okay guys, we're here on patrol day, what officer Rodriguez, hello, so today we're going to patrol what area, the motto of the


, not the area, it's in the northern district of the City of Miami Police Department. great, very good, we want to know how long she has been there and what her role is as a patrol officer. What do patrol officers do here in the far north?
miami police vlog model city patrol
Hello guys, I'm Officer Rodríguez. I've been on patrol for a year. I am currently in the



network and my main responsibilities are answering calls for service and interacting with the community, so as she said she is a patrol officer, it is a patrol


, the main function of a


officer who is on patrol is driving. calls for service and gets involved with the community, community involvement has to do with a lot of community policing, they will go out and talk to the members that are in the community in the network area so that they function well. let's start our day we're on patrol let's go ahead and see what the day has I don't know if there are any calls or anything we see let's see if there are any calls waiting they have this nice little laptop running here that shows everything it shows up everything what's happening in the city yeah very good so first things first an officer that's on patrol has to log in they have to log in on their computer they're going to start the day we have the officer laughs . here ready to go, we'll do it on patrol, okay, okay, then let's go, she's going to lock us up and let's go out, let's see what's happening in Wonder City, as always, sometimes the patrol is very quiet .
miami police vlog model city patrol
Nothing really happens other days, the calls can be totally hectic and non-stop, so I hope everyone is safe today, but we'll go out and see what's going on. Safety comes first, so we just received the first call of the day. In an attempted theft of an iPhone, it seems that the victim and his father are waiting for us, so let's go out and contact them, look, okay, and whatever they ran away, did you see they are at the window, they wait, they go in that direction and then when I was 11 years old and then the world, one day when they attacked my wife, that fell, we can't take a guess, so you know for sure when you saw car eleven, it was a black man with hair short and a black hoodie and green khaki pants with possibly black Nike shoes, buy a black shirt and khaki, the black hoodie, okay, so we just finished that call.
I'll let Officer Rodriguez give you a little summary of what just happened. I know they sent us to a possible robbery. Okay, so what happened? We arrived here. We saw that boy standing outside. So we got here. The boy explained to me that what happened was that he came home from work at 10 o'clock this morning and when he got home he was using his phone and at that time he put it in his back pocket. A black man unknown to him approached him and tried to steal his phone. They ended up in a fist fight and he fled the house.
The only thing Danny hurt us was hurt at UM. On this call, everyone was fine. No fire rescue was needed, the only thing that happened was that it happened at 10 o'clock this morning and they sent us at 5 o'clock this afternoon because I was there when the police were called. So after this car finished the call, we gave him the case card. What's the next thing a patrol officer does? The next thing we do is create the report, we have to put all the information of everything that happened so that it is a narrative and it has a property that they took me at the word of the victim it happened at the time it happened we have to include the vehicle that was used in the crime the user to escape they had a partial tag they got a partial tag which is the last two letters there was Lima, I say, oh yeah, so these are these types of calls, they are serious calls at the end of the day because It was an attempted robbery, a person like this may have attacked it for a while, you know, mine around the neighborhood or that could be what they do, you know well and you try to see if there are any victims that they can rob, to just know to always be aware of your surroundings, you know, if you see something, say something and if you are a victim of a crime call the police immediately, the officer will finish the report when he deletes it, we will double check the duty and go on and continue our shift, so a call just came out where there are several people fighting in the middle of the street we head to 8th Avenue at 7-0 Street now as a patrol officer you know that now it's just the two of us, We are thinking of Mr.
Security we wanted to see if you know if there are weapons in anyone's hands so we're checking the hands, we're looking to make sure no one is carrying a gun and we want to make sure no one is hurt so you know those are the two. The main concerns that we have right now, you know, checking for weapons, seeing if anyone is injured and whether the fights that are actively taking place are to help break them up so that no one can suffer serious bodily harm to the children, knowing if The children are here. I took my shirt off, I took my shirt off, yeah, actually, Oh, that was sending me.
I got out of the car, left my trunk open and he went back there and didn't take anything, it's not really about any truck or what you said the other day. I let my trunk open and he didn't take it, no he didn't see anything, but he never asked you about any trunk. I actually saw who you were and you came back here late at night trying to make sure nothing came. I came back here late at night, so he said, "Oh, you left the trunk open in your shoe." "I said, damn, it's not about that, you know," so when he implicated the guy here, I said, "I'm sure I get it, but you, but." Here's the thing: If you don't have hard facts, you don't want to assume that someone just took something just because they said so, maybe they're just being surly, let me give you a second, maybe they're just trying to be a good person, but you know, Hey, you left the trunk open and I didn't take anyone as a joke, so is there anything else?
Does anyone do something? There was something? Was there something else? So, you guys have to tell me today. It was a dispute over shoes it was a $500 pair of shoes between two neighbors in dispute they were arguing so no one got into a fight it was just a verbal dispute over shoes so Officer Rodriguez was able to mediate between the two parties and de-escalate so he can have a peaceful resolution and both parties went their way there was no fight and everyone ended up leaving peacefully you have blood on your hands it's okay I have nowhere else she said her mom is 30 years old and she's been needing help but she doesn't say anything, he He's been living there rent-free and they had an argument and the argument was that they were negotiating the fact that he had been preferring that she needs help and then this, okay.
So we're at the scene of a call where a woman is stabbed in the head. We are still trying to determine if this is a domestic violence call or a suicide attempt. There's a lot going on right now with her story. We're trying to do a good investigation to find out exactly what happened when I grabbed the knife at the door. Custer is in college, he's a dislike, so we're at the scene where a woman was stabbed multiple times in the head. on the neck there was also a man at the scene who also had lacerations throughout the course of everything we're going through, we're trying to figure out if this was a domestic violence scene or was it a suicide attempt so I'll turn it over to him to officer Rodríguez, who is the main person in this collar.
She will give you a summary of what happened here. We are dispatching emergencies, moaning in reference to a woman who possibly stabbed herself upon arrival. There was a lot of blood at the scene. help when the Fire Department arrived they transported both the subject and the victim to Jamie's trauma additional investigation I am with domestic violence investigators we have come to discover that the incident was a domestic violence incident so now with an incident like this in place of domestic violence en At a crime scene, you will notice that there is duct tape so that no one comes in to contaminate the scene and you must wait for the crime scene investigation to also appear to process it.
Okay, guys, so obviously Rodriguez has to do it. make your report for the call, you need to make more phone calls with the detectives because there is still a lot going on right now, although both parties have been transported, the case is new and ongoing so please be aware of anything else that want to say. to our 15 thank you guys for traveling with me I hope you had fun. I learned a little about police work and remember, if you see something, say something and if you are a victim of a crime, call 9-1. -1 immediately, okay, that said 15 everyone, do us a favor, like share and subscribe, we went offline to subscribe, click now, take care guys.

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