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Miami Police VLOG 17: SWAT

Jun 07, 2021
and the big words are inflamed. Wow, what a response we got from the video of the man running. Everyone shared it. They did very well so far, very well. We are receiving support from different


stations around the world. Different


organizations. We got props from all the local news stations we got props for joining for free he shared it we got props from Gloria and Stefan wow that's awesome so thank you to everyone who shared it thank you to everyone who made it successful and it's time to move people, today I have to do it. do mandatory training, fear not, there is something interesting happening in the city, they have a SWAT exercise, it will be held at the Performing Arts Center and I decided to have a guest


miami police vlog 17 swat
I'm going to start the


, but I'll hand it over. Let's pass the torch to one of our SWAT team friends. Guys, you don't understand these Twitters. I will be back. I want to say hello to all our new subscribers. We got almost double the subscribers over the weekend for all original subscribers. I haven't forgotten your first day you are our first day substitutes guys you just arrived at the station it's raining outside I have to go and use the back and I'm heading to the office so behind these doors we have to our guest vlogger for the day let's see who it is yeah quit official golf get on with my main man me off your balls he told me to go to the car get the gear we'll meet him at the locker of the evening, girl officer, sir, how long have you been in total?
miami police vlog 17 swat

More Interesting Facts About,

miami police vlog 17 swat...

I have been in the city of Miami for seven and a half years. I've been here almost three years. What are your credentials? United States Marine before that deployment to Iraq. Oh, I'm also a shooting instructor for training officers. Oh, general, uh, this truck. Oh. Rain or shine good morning class, okay guys, this is an honor of the ten years that have passed, ten years that I have been here. I have never been in this locker room, what are the credentials to enter this locker room? if we weren't vlogging, yeah, this minute walk, that's right, so this is now very VIP, this is VIP, this is uncharted territory as I am now.
miami police vlog 17 swat
I'm nervous about going in there because I heard stories yeah We're not sweating going there some people never come back okay here we're doing okay so this is it talk to me this is our locker room for all the team members the full time element we're here every day we we've assigned lockers something I'm really proud of is all the military services flags we have members that have served in all branches of the military so Officer Gauls. I know when I started we had a part-time SWAT team where SWAT members would respond from home if they were off duty.
miami police vlog 17 swat
I know that changed a little bit. Can you explain it? Basically, right now we have a 10 to 10 man element that is full time, eight operators, one sergeant for each tenant and sixteen operators that are collateral duties. and it would be ten of you responding to your scene very quickly, right, it could be anything from a barricaded guy, an armed guy, a sniper in a hostage situation, any high threat incident, okay, and then the other guys , the other guys will come in once the call is received. -Come in, then they will be on their way and meet an assistant, okay, Officer Gauls looking around.
I see a cool team, what's your standard weapon here for SWAT? So each operator on the SWAT team will have their standard city block 22 along with an m4 rifle, could we please show our viewers a safe, clear and empty box? It'll be right there, okay? And what do you have attached to them? Basically it has a forced light at night so you can see if you need it and it has a micro Aimpoint which is the holographic sight so on the street we had a ballistic vest underneath. Do you guys have a different type of vest that you wear and SWAT?
So we have two types of vests that we use we have a heavy vest that looks everywhere most of the time and it is heavy here you will see we have our equipment on display, magazines and less lethal weapons are needed gas masks in the first aid kit Help wait, what are you doing? you say it weighs about that's okay about 30 pounds 30 pounds is okay so basically this is going to be for a lighter moving faster depending on the mission operation whatever the situation dictates that we use a heavier life and what do you have here, this is holistic. level 3a helmet this is our pellet or earring protection basically what it does is eliminate the allowed noise at the same time it will allow us to communicate with each other in noisy situations, so what do you have?
Basically, we have a 37 millimeter ammunition launcher. Typically what we will do is deploy chemical munitions with this weapons system. Well, basically, tear gas, guys. CS. You saw it in vlog six, it was kind of gross, so there's that. what poison, okay, officer's gauze. I've seen that in Call of Duty. Basically, this is a rolling bunker, a ballistic shield, basically, it's one of the heavier shields that can't be employed by an operator carrying it, it's actually rolling. Officer Lewis, fly sir, how are you last time I came in here with permission to jump? I told them, guys, this is, you are uncharted territory that we are not allowed to come to and look, you won't even go in to take a look.
Yes, I see how it comes. I told you we are very privileged to be here. I know, I feel like it's a trap and we're going to date someone. I'm not getting out of there. here, let the video show that I was here, okay officer Gulf, I trust you with my 15, my backups, take care of them, we have some new backups here, they just checked in. Hello all officers, the calls here will take care of you, I trust him, he's my man, here you go, no, it's okay, take it, no, it's okay, go ahead, it's okay, I got it good, guys, okay , it's just to sit here, okay guys, I'm out, bye, officer, girls like dropper training later, great.
Later, what happens to everyone? I'm here with the unit full time, Sergeant Maurice, the soldier comes in here to work, sorry, say, what's up with everyone here on the blog? AH guys, basically Sarge is in charge of the unit and broadcasts everything. the orders that we follow and here we have the lieutenant entering first thing in the morning LT says what's going on, that's the unit commander of the minor PD SWAT team, so guys, you will be with officer Elías Rodríguez and Jorge Díaz, will you? how long? been in a nice SWAT seven years seven years Jorge - hey, what did you do before? uh SWAT separate marine Yo George, you're a marine too, thumbs up, what's up guys here?
We've got some of our Thames guys or tactical medics coming in, saying what's going on. introduce yourself, think about it Alice, how long have you been in a Miami SWAT as a medic, medics, for about a year now, what are your daily duties here in the city of Miami, what do you do?, are you a police officer, police officer, city Paramedic firefighter, amazing training for both of you, but what do you do for the SWAT team? Look good while medic - fire department Barbara amazing What do fire medics do? We make sure that they are safe, come in and out safely if they received this injection. guys from the breadth with a doctor for your personal doctors for you, so basically what we are doing today is a large scale training operation with the


-dade police departments of the Special Response Team and BSO SWAT, which are the three things on the phone if you are in South Florida for the SWAT teams that will respond here to the Performing Arts Center in Miami, it will be an active shooter where the officers will be brought into the group via a helicopter insertion, which is an insertion which is done when you can't take ground transportation, you can see, this is the Miami Police Department, one of our response gangs, our response van is where we transport Piper, attitudes, cool guys, Bareilles, I hope They had fun with us today.


hi life will be a member of the team every day. I appreciate you coming. Have a good time if you like us. Share it. Subscribe. Okay, guys. We thank you for coming out with us. Boys and girls.

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