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Metallica's Jason Newsted - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

Jun 08, 2021
Hello what's going on? I'm Jason Newad, you're watching Loudwire Hello everyone, Graham from Loudwire here with Mr. Jason Newstead. Thank you so much for sitting with me here on his wonderful art collection here in New York City showing it to the world. Wikipedia Fiction Factor I love it, so what's on your Wikipedia page? uh, all the albums from different bands, all that stuff. F picked a few things. Okay, tell us if it's real or not. First of all, sometimes they make mistakes. So, Jason Kurtis. Newstead was born in Battle Creek, Michigan, that's true, that's true, okay, that's where Rob Vanam is from, okay, uh, I was saying that you were exposed to music as a kid listening to your older brothers' record collections, true, that's true, yes, I, uh, a brother, five years old. my older brother, 8 years older, so I listened and I was born in 1963 and I listened to Hendricks when I was, you know, 9 years old or 8 years old or something really cool and then when I finally started getting into music and wanted to play. an instrument, everything I stole, one brother was more into rock and my other brother was more into funk, so I was stealing musicians from Earthwind of Fire Ohio and that kind of stuff from this brother, my older brother and then I. he stole kisses and um Nazareth and you know Queen and these kind of bands from this brother and then, and he was the one with the coolest stereo in the headphones, so I put all the records together and I went and when he left, I went in there and I put the old expensive headphones on my head and just dug into the queen and you know, listening to the mixes and things and the way they spin the music.
metallica s jason newsted   wikipedia fact or fiction
They helped me a lot with my development to understand what everything is like. You're supposed to go, you know, beautiful, yes, your first instrument was actually the guitar, which you started playing at age 9, yeah, sure, call it that, but then you moved to the base at 14, because Jean Simmons inspired you to do it, sure, yeah, that's all true. um but I had a Sears robu student model guitar uh when I was 9 years old since the ninth Christmas, I think it was like that and I didn't know how to tune it or put my left hand on it or anything like that so um my family was very involved in the church, you know, at that time and stuff like that, so I would write songs about Jesus and I would put similar lines on the paper and I would write very big lyrics like in school, you know, and I would write songs about Jesus and I would write the number on top of thing there was no left hand action left hand optional you know what I'm saying you have you have you need that hand to point at the girls in the crowd and stuff so I was practicing that for later of course so I thought I'd write one one 3 3 22 and whatever they were tuned to is what they were tuned to, whatever sounds cool to me that together, so I write the number above that and do my little Jesus songs and stuff. that's it, the father actually had some kind of guitar, um with that kind of thing, but you're writing your own songs for a long time, wow, and then, um, when I started to like Kiss, there was a cat that brought.
metallica s jason newsted   wikipedia fact or fiction

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metallica s jason newsted wikipedia fact or fiction...

He was playing the saxophone. The high school band and the drummer are cool because they're in the drum section of the band, and he brought a Kiss record to school and I lost my do you remember which one it was? I mean Dressed to Kill. so I take my acoustic guitar and it has three on one side like a Gibson, you know, yeah, three tuners on one side and I took the tuners off the middle of each side so it's four as a base, so there's two strings going down the side stand. the neck and two that go down the middle so you turned it into a base and it's still in my bed in that house in my dad's house that same guitar with one and every time I see my dad again, I go there and still I have because it's my room still when I was 16, it's all myos Clash, all my things are still intact because it's important for my dad, you know, to keep that together and, because of that, I always go down. and you play Mi evil on one string uh flats and Jetsam was saying that you answered an ad in the local paper when they were looking for a bassist while you were in Phoenix with your gangster ban uh he was saying that that gangster broke up in Phoenix so it was me I'm here like that maybe audition for a band pretty close that's pretty close pretty close um I was 18 uh I don't recommend most of this when I was 18 I left school I had 3 months to go um but I went, I was in a band with guys that They were 26 and 27 and wanted to go to California to be rock stars, okay, I sold a lot of my record collection, got $300 together, bought my bass samp and a suitcase full of stuff until I told my parents I was leaving and my dad was freaking out, my mom was freaking out even more, but I went and grabbed the back of a U-Haul truck with a sheepdog.
metallica s jason newsted   wikipedia fact or fiction
A closed U-Haul truck with an English sheepdog named Rudy, okay, um. Me and I work at a sandwich pizzeria from 9:00 to 600 and I go wash dishes from 7:00 to 2:30 in the morning and I go around and around and around. I was going to ride my BMX Bike back and forth and back and forth and just trying to make money and keep it together, so I was finally able to get away from those people and move into other houses. I went, you know, through time and um, five months after that February of uh. 1982 I walked into a music store in Phoenix on 16th Street and Kelly Smith had an ad on the wall and something about Iron Maiden or something and in a rush, I think he went and I called him and he said, come on.
metallica s jason newsted   wikipedia fact or fiction
We went out and practiced in her father's office. February 10, 1982 was the beginning of F and Jessa. The Metallica audition said you were the last of over 50 music auditions. And you secretly got the band's set list. You studied and presented it to Lars. Saying that you knew all these songs, to your surprise, it's not that difficult to find out what set list the band played with Azie during the tour in the summer at that time, you know, figure no, it wasn't that difficult to find out that it wasn't. any kind of giant secret that you put together if you really want to play and you prepare the songs that they've been playing and you get together enough to know and have that set list ready then you decide to pull the trigger so it's true that it was on flum and jum stationary with my logo on top it was written in the order they had played the last time they played in our area and I handed it to him over the drums and he looked at the logo and he looked at the list and I said I know these songs and he said, holy man, that's great and he said, let's play that one, that one, that one, that one, and we did it and they called me two days later.
Burton was there and Torbin ol was there and you know both Burtons were alive then, they were very kind to me, when they called me, they all came when I came back the second time, they all came to look at me and hug me and hug me and Jan Burton, you know, I grabbed right away once the guys told me and said you're the one they know you're the one please be careful you know that guy that was heavy that was heavy so they were there to make sure that that's what they're going through, they're passing Cliff's torch on who's going to get it uh he said Metallica started you off by tricking you into eating a Wasabi ball not far from the truth um so I was uh look I was on the band for 11 days and we were touring Japan.
Metalica toured Japan for the first time. Wow, so it was his first time too, so we had our drinks and we had our drinks and we partied, partied, partied and Kirk is like Jason, this mint ice. The cream is amazing of course yes yes but it was so beat up I thought if it was ice cream it would have melted, that was just me and you should really try some of this it's really great. I'm like, okay, so I don't do it. damn spoonful, I still couldn't use chopsticks, right, I didn't have them, I didn't have them yet and like, oh great, I'm sitting there and I finally get out of there.
I look up and I don't know anyone at the table, everyone's gone, but this table is full, you know, it's still all the people that come and sit and this and something over time and they come with me and I sit here in the middle K someone comes to sit, someone the road crew guy was telling people everything would eventually fall, now all this, you know, Asian girls and people up and down this damn table and I'm looking for someone I know and the guy brings the bill, so back then you know the yen exchange was powerful back then, right? num, I was big back then and I was making $500 a week, which was a lot of money for playing Bas.
You give me a beer sandwich and I had been happy in that whole situation, but they gave me $500 a week, but Bill comes and he has zeroes, like you know, I'm looking at this thing, there's no one around and this guy just goes like this , true, but they were with me, they were watching from up here, something that the guy is going to look at in my face. and then Bobby finally gets to the tour manager and takes the check and looks after me and rubs my back, you know, that guy from St like oh wow, so that's the story of Wasabi uh, the Black Album producer, Bob Rock said it altered.
Metallica's work schedule and routine are so great that you guys swore never to work with him again oh no, no, I don't remember that. I don't remember that part. I remember being so happy with the result that I wouldn't work with anyone else but him, that's what I remember. Wow, quite the opposite. Quite the opposite. If something happened afterwards, I don't know, but not at that time, we were very proud to finally get it. he brought it to our camp and the things he showed us and the things we showed him looked very bad, he sells 4,000 5,000 copies a week still guys, today in 2003 you joined aie Osborne's band, both you and aie were excited to record an album. together why not ATV accident, that's why the ATV accident and I had to continue with vood and we want to make another album and I want to do the other things and I went on and on so if it weren't for that h we were scheduled to open for them all over Europe and you know, the agreement I made with Sharon in February of that year was that if I'm going to go, I have boyot, we have a record in the works, if I'm going to go out, you have to do it.
We open all the shows and she says, well, so I did double dy. I know that in 30 days I did 60 shows. You know, that's how I shot that summer, yeah, that's how I was ready to shoot in Europe too. I play in that band for an hour and I play in that band for 2 and a half hours the same night, come on, wow, you know, I've got like 40 or whatever songs running around in my head and they're all like, you know? think buddy, some of gezer's lines and then some of blacky's lines, some vood and all that to keep all that together at the base, that's a lot, man, a lot, sure, but it was victorious, so I would have done it, I would have loved it. to uh rock with Azie, I would never get him out of my mind if he called me again, I would play bass with him for a day or a song or whatever and never with you, I don't feel any ill will towards anyone. from that camp and I want to say it was an honor to be with such a great teacher, you know, he was a little crazy at the time, it was hard to deal with it sometimes, but he's also a real rock fan. he's like you and me, the last one, you started expressing yourself through painting, as you can see around us right now after getting injured trying to catch the head of a falling bass amp, not just any bass amp, what's that?
It's not just any bass amp. any bass amp head, uh, the one that made the Black Album, the one that made reload, the one that made reload, the one that's okay, then one that really destroyed the base head, yeah, better, uh, spread your shoulders than many, many SVT heads. sponsored by them for years, I have many, many of them in different stores and different places in the world and, in


, that is the one that thousands of times rolled it with one foot, rolled it 10 feet, rolled it over there that day did that thing and It leaned in that direction and it went in that direction and the head went to the floor of the Chop House and in reaction I grabbed it like that and it was who and it pulled it completely out, it tore the bicep completely, it separated, I was sitting here .
I just took it off so it turned out to be ergonomic or whatever you want to call it at that time when the head of the transformer was falling and I caught it, it just did that, that's it Jason, thank you so much for sitting with me. You're doing well, strong hand, strong R, look Jason found out to everyone, thanks guys, regards.

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