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Messed Up RIDDLES to test your BRAIN

Jun 06, 2021
upside down oh uh oh damn um the frying pan oh yeah, the egg tray we were in, I was just looking at the eggplant is upside down, yeah man, ah, okay, I got it, I got it, I want some eggs now , some eggs and bacon sounds pretty good, okay, now which one is upside down uh- oh um pizza makes the pizza upside down oh the world is upside down oh yeah my world is upside down guys, damn, I tried, I tried everything so close, what do you see first? I see an old man with a mustache and then there is a lady. um, lady face, this feels like therapy, what do you guys see first if you see a girl?
messed up riddles to test your brain
You are optimistic and always shine with positive energy. You are interested in many things around you and you always strive to try something new and oh man. You are calm, honest, you are a faithful individual, many people think you are reliable and trustworthy, you are a natural leader, yes, that seems right to me, what do you see first? I saw an old man who looked like an old president who looked like someone who signed the constitution someone who signed the declaration of independence and then I see a grandmother at the bottom I don't know what you guys see let me know a face yeah I saw the face the main things on life for you is


intuition, wisdom joy satisfaction and curiosity thank you damn fortune cookie apples you are a very normal person in


attitude attitudes behavior and relationships with people okay tell me my future you seem to be careful or a happy person and balanced if you look at the person sitting okay, okay, okay, here we go, Roof Martin is on the roof of a skyscraper that's about to collapse.
messed up riddles to test your brain

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messed up riddles to test your brain...

No, the only way out is to use one of the elevators, one will fall hundreds of feet, damn Martin. or ice water that will freeze any human uh man you're in a tough situation, a deadly poisonous tick okay, or deadly poisonous mosquitoes what do you do? Martin better change that shirt, that's what you need to do. You need a better shirt, which Martin should choose. I don't. I know you don't want to fall, you don't want to freeze, but ticks are small, that would be pretty easy, you just like to stomp on that thing and then you're gone, yeah, even deadly poisonous ticks are very small, he could easily.
messed up riddles to test your brain
Smash it there you go, Martin and that's it, that's what I'm talking about, you're a good man, people kidnapped and trapped in elevators, you know, we have to catch that dad, that's going to be good for trying out messy puzzles. your


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messed up riddles to test your brain

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