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meme olympics #4

Jun 05, 2021
ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fourth



, you know how this works, we compete in a lot of very stupid challenges and whoever wins the stupidest challenges is the olympic


champion, we have mao, we have mccreamy, we have frescoes and we have myself it's a battle of nonsense who's going to be the champion okay get together guys get together so it's been a while since we did a meme


let's get off to a good start not now I don't know why What are you holding a trophy, man, I'm going to win, we're going to get off to a good start, we're going to drown, look, I think this is the only way to eliminate you that we haven't done.
meme olympics 4
I still tried, so we're off to a good start. I just remembered that you can swim now. How do you drown? I think I have a method. I've done it a couple of times. I even drowned before he made these rules. Friend, this is not an official committee. Okay, I'm trying. I can't even remember how to do it. To be honest, I can't even remember how to drown. Wait, how are you now? I'm drowning. I'm drowning. How did you drown? Did he really drown guys wait he already drowned mao oh god well I came second ok London I was drowning right in front of you and you didn't even notice yeah because I forgot how it was done I forgot How was the whole drowning thing?
meme olympics 4

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meme olympics 4...

I actually made a whole video about it, I don't know how I forgot, no, I might have actually missed the point, I'm just glad someone eliminated me, yeah, you know, next time I go to the Games Olympics, I'd like to, really think. about it, the first person to become a successful gas station attendant and fill up another player's car, the first person to achieve the meme, good luck players, uh, if we all get shot before filling up a car, because It's possible, it's fortnite. a bunch of nerds uh we just hit the reset button. I'm taking a risk here, but I'm thinking maybe someone likes to get out of the nice asap and needs some fuel.
meme olympics 4
I feel good. I feel like I feel like. I have a decent opportunity here, oh man, there are as many people here as a gas station attendant. Can I kill other people? I mean, if you really need it, but avoid it, that's fine. Creamy assumes that opening the gas filling business is open. Hey, what kind of gasoline do you use? You gotta build the gas station, you gotta make it look right, man, this guy already got a gas station open, but don't be lazy, guys, you gotta look, oh, there's a guy coming in the truck, dude, but I I'm.
meme olympics 4
I'm not ready, wait, I'm feeding someone, I fed someone no, you haven't, I won no, oh, one, oh, okay guys, let's compete for second, yeah, okay, lasers, the gas station is ready to start. Mao is finally getting a win at the olympics meme I guess look at this right I'm filling up this guy's truck don't worry buddy welcome to the laser gas station emporium okay I'm filling you up too buddy jinji, there you go, buddy, no, iris, buddy, filling you up, buddy, it's not big. Deal good, I got second place so I'll take it and now I'm urinating on some Fortnite players.
Oh my god, this guy just blew everything up. He's fine, kill him, he's fine, yes I am. I won't open any gas stations. I can tell you that, okay, I actually started a business, I have employees, I want you in that pump, man, you in this pump, okay, come on, someone's going to come in, oh, welcome, oh my God, he's in Oh, can anyone go? Fill up his car, please go fill it up, fill up his car, thank you, good job, keep up the good work and you might own this place one day, oh, there you go, uh, yeah, he's gone, thank you, he didn't pay for the fuel, it's okay, it has. the tail jimmy is so lonely dude oh it's this nerd this guy is always a bad guy stream sniper get me out of here man it's alright beautiful it's alright cool you can catch up in a second this is simple this meme olympic challenge alone uh first person on I drive a car against a wall so much that it explodes easily.
I feel like I've blown up a couple of cars in my time. You know, this seems like a good candidate. OMG, what are the rules I don't know? It's just from crashing into things just crashing into things and blatantly exploding it's not difficult I'm almost done, yeah, I just crashed into a truck that was there my taxi is invincible ah, I'm exploding, I exploded I ran, there was another truck that I had just crashed with me, okay, congratulations, I'm just leaving. I ran out of fuel before I managed to fly my car. I swear, when I play normally, it's a lot easier than this, here we go.
I've done it, wow, I killed fresh, okay, I'm lost, this is horrible, oh this does so much more damage, why didn't I do this? I should have been doing this a long time ago, oh, at 69 years old, boom, oh no, okay. I'm lost, it doesn't matter, I'll take it alright man, I love Olympics memes, what an honor for our final challenge, we're going to race across the map, the race starts in a slow lake, we have to travel through it all and. ends up at this gas station if the storm approaches and we can't finish the race, it's whoever goes the furthest, okay guys, the first mission is to get a car and get out of the bum, okay, oh, what is this?, oh, cool, I got to take, I'm literally taking a gigantic truck, a sniper stole the other sports car, okay, okay, yeah, me and Creamy are throwing ice at 100 truckers, oh my god, hey, a lot, look at my room, look at my room, I have a banana head.
In there buddy, oh cool, okay, we've got everything we've all come out of uh, we've all managed to get out of laziness to let the race begin, yeah, cool, just got an easy first place here, that's not it debate, fresh. It's almost misty meadows now and I'm still a caddy so this is hard buddy, this is hard oh my god I'm going to run out of people I need to fill my truck creamy stop it I'll give you some fuel if you stop ramming me oh don't run over me sorry sorry well basically we're competing for second place but cool could still die at some point creamy so I have a mission I have a new mission guys right now he's given up on the race and his only mission is, I guess, be grieving, these things are so slow, oh my God, oh, someone said it again, oh, yeah, someone's made a little gas station, okay, fill us up guys, okay, I'm waiting. in line he'll start please oh he's filling me up, he's filling me up, he's doing good, that's good, this is good, wait, you're actually out of gas, I'm completely there, I'll hit you, I'll hit you.
The race is really just between us anyway this is good sportsmanship right here there you can move forward or something because you're trying to do anything what are they neutral? Okay, there we go, there you go, you're okay, yeah, we. We're chillin', see you mate, see you next time, yeah, cool, it's already like sacred hedges, so I don't know if anyone's gonna catch us cool, though let's just hope Mao can do his job and slow down . What the hell? is this, are you kidding? oh my gosh, oh, oh my gosh, I'm chilling, dude, I'm chilling, yeah, I broke too, no, right, my car can't even run, I'm just going to lose all my health, I'll break Also, good luck, there's nothing else I can do, that's good, that's good, that's good for us, like you can't repair at a gas station, mine is going to explode, oh my god, I can't finish the race, Oh God.
I don't know if I'm going to get to salty, man, I'm not going to get to salty, oh my God, I might get to salty, oh my God, I just got to salty, okay, I'm getting full. I get my truck up and then I can try this again oh god oh these things take so long to fill up okay well if we all die guys it's just whoever gets the furthest in the race okay then it's whoever gets the furthest I'll do it I did. I didn't realize this race was going to be so difficult. Shit, the construction fight here, but I can't even drive, oh okay, I made it to the bridge, I made it, I got it, I won't do anything, I'll just stay here. okay, cool is dead, the race is up to me and it's creepy, somehow I have to go further than cool held out oh, there's a massive construction fight, there are literally jumps on this bridge ah, okay, it's for what the trucks are made of baby, yeah, nothing you can stop me, buddy, creamy, just got crushed, hey, slow and steady, win the race, oh my god, the trucks are going up, are you crossing that bridge right now?
Yeah, I'm chillin', back on the road, full tank, oh, that's the end, the end. The part of the race is in storm so I don't know if I'll be able to get there okay, yeah it should pass easily with recent deaths. I didn't realize this was going to be so hard, I really didn't have to do it. do some off-roading here, no big deal, oh man, why are all the bridges blocked? None of this makes sense, I'm dead, I'm dead, all because of the fuel, man, and now I passed fresh, I won the race, but now I'll try to complete the race.
I'm going to do my best to try to finish the race. I don't know if we'll be able to do it, guys. Ah, I say he will become too lazy. It is bad. I made it. I made it to the top ten though I made it, I survived, I made it you're so close too oh God, that was the gas station down there, that was the end oh God, oh God, I get points for the race because I got the furthest uh, just it's slow and steady you know okay meow is this week's champion oh this month meme olympics congratulations absolutely amazing effort vic roy wow maybe one of the most worn out meme olympics in modern memory, but blame it on the cars, okay, not me. failure

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