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Melt In Your Mouth Vanilla Custard Cream Donuts Recipe !

Jun 07, 2021
Hey guys, I was making these soft, pillowy,








. They're delicious, comforting, and better than any store-bought donut you've ever had. I'll also show you how to properly fill these


. so they really ooze


with every bite, if you haven't made fresh homemade donuts yet, you're in for a treat among all the filled donuts. I think custard donuts are probably one of the most amazing donuts, they are so nostalgic and so comforting. Today I will use my stand mixer. If you don't have one, I have a video showing you how you can make donuts by hand.
melt in your mouth vanilla custard cream donuts recipe
I'll combine the dry ingredients first, including the numb Meg, which only adds flavor. If you're new to my channel, be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell. I post new videos every week on this measuring cup. I have combined milk,


ed butter, eggs and yeast. Now I want to answer a question that I always get when making breads and doughs and that is why I do not let this mixture rest for 10 minutes why do I not activate the yeast it is not necessary the yeast will activate fine on its own the only time you want to let it rest this mixture is if you are using yeast that maybe has been there for a long time and you are not sure if it is alive, in that case wait until it foams, otherwise it is not necessary, quickly mix the dry ingredients and add the yeast mixture.
melt in your mouth vanilla custard cream donuts recipe

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melt in your mouth vanilla custard cream donuts recipe...

If you are making the dough by hand, this could take up to 10 minutes to knead and come together, so be patient if you are using a stand mixer, start on low speed to start and then mix the dough on high speed for about 3 minutes. This dough will be quite sticky. Don't be tempted to add extra flour. At most, you can add an additional tablespoon of flour, but keep in mind that we are looking for a soft dough. You are going to transfer


dough to a greased bowl. I always like to shape my dough and here you can really see how soft and pliable the Stosh should be if it's not that soft and smooth, keep kneading for another few minutes, cover the dough and we'll set it aside.
melt in your mouth vanilla custard cream donuts recipe
While we're making the custard, you can make this custard up to three days in advance and I know you might be thinking, I'm already making donuts from scratch. Do I really need to make custard from scratch? Custard is one of the easiest things to make, it takes 10 minutes especially with this method that I am showing you and it tastes phenomenal. The easiest way to make custard is to make a granita with cornstarch, sugar and a little milk and then add the rest of the milk and beat the eggs well. away, this allows the eggs to come up to temperature slowly with the milk, so you are tempering the eggs while heating the milk.
melt in your mouth vanilla custard cream donuts recipe
Your flame should be medium-low. You never want to walk away when you're making custard. Keep stirring. do it especially around the sides of the pan because that's where the


starts to thicken as soon as the mixture starts to thicken wait for it to simmer as soon as it simmers it's ready turn off the stove and give it one last time. stir and add the


now this


needs to cool, so you will transfer it to a heatproof bulb, cover it with some plastic wrap, pressing it directly on the crepe so that the skin does not form and place this cream in the refrigerator until ready to use, so fast forward two hours later, your dose should have doubled in size. you are going to flour your work area, make sure you flour it well, remember this dough is soft so it will stick to your board, if you don't flour it well, this time I doubled the


, so today I am going to buy a lot of donuts.
If you want to roll this dough out very thin, I would say it's about half an inch thick and I'm using, you know, just a basic cookie cutter to cut out my donuts, but even a glass is perfectly fine to use now, they can seem pretty small. , you will see in a moment how small they will look, however, keep in mind that these will puff up quite a bit if you make them really big, you will have a giant donut floating in the frying oil, which sounds amazing, but you will have a hard time cooking it.
Cover the donuts and let them rise again for another one. 30 minutes is fine, so to fry these donuts, you should use a good quality frying oil. It is essential that you allow the oil to reach the proper temperature and the best temperature for frying donuts is around 160 degrees Celsius or 320 330 Fahrenheit if you have a thermometer, you may want to use that if you don't have one as long as your donuts bubble gently . You're okay, cook three to four donuts at a time on each side, don't overcrowd the pan or the temperature of the oil will drop and you'll know they're ready because they've turned a beautiful golden color.
You will place them on a rack or on paper towels and, while they are still hot, you will toss them in some sugar. just granulated sugar, if you want to add a pinch of cinnamon, go ahead, now I'm going to show you how to properly fill these Donuts, you want to take anything that's, um, I mean long and sharp. I'm using this piping tip. but even with a thin knife or a top stick this is where you are going to create an opening and the donut and you want to make sure you turn the nozzle around this will create space for the custard, if you don't do this you will find you won't be able to get as much cream on the donut as you would like to fill the donuts until they become heavy, so you know they are perfectly filled.
I'm going to open this one right up for you, so you can see how amazing these donuts are, not only are they incredibly soft and melt in your


, but the cream just takes them to another level. Listen, it's cold outside, it's winter, if you want to stay a day, make these donuts and it will be the most amazing winter day.

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