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Meet A Woman Who Lost 50 Pounds Through Intermittent Fasting | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Jun 01, 2021
I told you that you can lose the weight you want without changing what you eat or your portion sizes. Well, you can do it. A trendy new method for losing weight has been getting a lot of buzz lately and it's called



. I'm dying to talk to you. About this it's not so much about what you eat, but when you eat during the day, it's about alternating between periods of eating and simply not eating now, some experts say this helps consumers eat fewer calories reduces blood pressure blood pressure improves glucose levels and even slows down the aging process.
meet a woman who lost 50 pounds through intermittent fasting megyn kelly today
There is no. I know there are several variations on how you can do this. It's called



. In one option, you can eat only between noon and 8:00 o'clock each day, which means you are fasting for 16 hours a day, another option is that you eat four days a week and fast the other three days, that is what we have, that's what you think now, but that's what our next guest, Soo Miah Kazi, did and after losing. 50


, all 50 jobs in a moment, she's here, but first look at this. Sumaya Kasi admits that she had some bad habits when she was in her early 20s, eating out too often, not exercising and soon the kilos piled on when the stress of a new job came, including constant travel for work.
meet a woman who lost 50 pounds through intermittent fasting megyn kelly today

More Interesting Facts About,

meet a woman who lost 50 pounds through intermittent fasting megyn kelly today...

She became obese and carried the less than 50 extra


, says he tried traditional diets and even trips to the gym, but the weight continued to gain until about a year and a half ago when he discovered intermittent fasting or yes' and says he saw quick results, documented his weight loss in social media only for his friends, but soon discovered that he had almost half a million views and thousands of requests for advice from strangers. Now fifty pounds lighter, she's committed to her new lifestyle and shares the tips she says work. she and soo Miah are here with us


, but first let's remind everyone about soo Miah before the transformation, this is the photo of her from before her and now please welcome


's Sumaya khazi.
meet a woman who lost 50 pounds through intermittent fasting megyn kelly today
I'm dying to talk about this segment. I read this article in The Wall Street Journal and it talked about all the benefits you can get from this, potentially not just weight loss, but this is the report from the magazine after talking to the experts, people slept better, they felt more energetic during the day, they should produce cellular repair in their body and also break down toxins. as dyes and foods repair damaged DNA in the skin and stomach lining and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer, so that's the magazine that cites the experts and first explains how they got started with this program, so I'm someone who tried everything I did since Jenny Craig I went to the gym five six days a week, lifted weights, meal prepped, I mean you name it, I tried it and did it consistently and it never stuck with me or stayed so I was done doing the same. -Me and then I heard about intermittent fasting.
meet a woman who lost 50 pounds through intermittent fasting megyn kelly today
I remember Googling it and feeling very intimidated because when you did the search two years ago, a year and a half ago, it was men with 6 packs of ABS. I was like that's not Me and then I watched a BBC documentary about this and I saw the science behind it and the studies behind it and I was really fascinated, so don't eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, that's my schedule currently. , yeah, so internment fasting is very flexible and I know when people I heard you don't fast or fast three days a week, they get very. I'm out, yeah, what are you doing?
You're crazy, so I don't really put pressure on anyone. I just do my thing, but what has it been? What's happening is that I've been sharing my story on social media and people are drinking more coffee. It's intriguing, it's intriguing because the good news is that the other four days of the week you can eat whatever you want, now they don't tell you to go to McDonald's. three meals a day, but they say you can eat whatever you want, you don't have to be on a diet, but tell us what fasting is like because I can't even go 5 hours without doing it, like I'm hungry, yeah right.
The staff will vouch for that and I can't imagine spending even a full day, that's three a week. That's normal and not meant to be easy, especially when you're starting out. The first two weeks are difficult. I was very hungry. I did not do it. I realize you could go through the first two weeks and I tell anyone interested in intermittent fasting to give it three weeks because that's when it takes to develop a new habit and therefore, the first week or two really. It was just more of a mental challenge and now I love it.
In fact, I look forward to fasting, as crazy as it sounds. That's why I look forward to how it feels when you eat. Sometimes you feel lethargic. You feel full. Do you feel tired. Now I imagine. the opposite feeling where you wake up and you feel energized and focused and you have mental Claire and you feel great, that's what fasting feels like, that only wine counts as food, but you can like the down days when you play fast. Let's say you can cheat a little so it's not cheating. I call it a crutch, especially for people who are just starting out, so when I started and the BBC documentary also talks about this when you're doing a 36 hour fast, which is what I have available a 500 calorie crutch to help you get through the day, sometimes you need it, sometimes you don't.
It could be a cup of broccoli, it could be some almonds, it's just to get you. through that kind of hunger, but if you consume 500 calories on your fasting day, move on to an eating day, yeah, and then at that point, I tell my friends and their friends to eat well, count that as an orderly day, do not count it as a fasting day it is really very important that when you are eating well, also today we are with us nutritionists joy Bauer and cardiologist and weight loss expert dr. Louisa Petrie, thank you both so much for being here.
Hello, let me ask you if it is safe first. I want to congratulate you because you've done an amazing job and you look great and I know your insides are probably doing amazing things too. It's ridiculously difficult and you've made it a lifestyle. I think most people wouldn't be able to follow it as you are, but there's another variation that we talked about and they talked about it in the Wall Street Journal that's very interesting to me eat for 12 hours twelve zactly Joanie for 12 that sounds more feasible, it is a 12 hour eating window, so if you start breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning, you finish dinner at 8 o'clock at night and what I like this, obviously, you can change it according to your schedule, you can start at 9:00 a.m. m. and finish at 9:00 p.m. m.
What I like is that most people chew excessively at night, we have a big problem with that, so that eliminates it and makes you more aware and I think that even if people do this just as a week-long experiment , a 12-hour eating window each and every day, okay, it's great learning. There's my question for you, dr. Petrie, we've always been told don't skip breakfast, don't skip it because your body thinks it's going into starvation mode, your metabolism slows down and you gain more weight if you starve yourself, there's something you should have for breakfast. like a king and that's for a reason your body is trained to process food more during the day your body makes those digestive enzymes in the hormones match to optimize in the morning so it's important to do these eating periods somehow to coincide with part of the morning, if you do it at seven or ten, but are you slowing down your metabolism now?
Not at all. It's been shown in studies that your metabolism takes between seven and two hours, in fact it lasts, so it's a myth. That has to be demystified, I'm not sure, actually intermittent fasting speeds up your metabolism by up to 10 percent and reverses the aging process or something, so that's something Jenny Craig can't promise. I have to tell you, I'm really intrigued. I love it. I thought about it and you know, with all the calorie restrictions, you know, there are things happening that people swear really were, and I said in the new year I'm going to try this and so far I haven't made it a single day. try doing things 12 and 12 yeah one day fast people think intermittent fasting not everyone has been fasting without realizing it when you go to bed and go to sleep you're fasting for those eight hours yeah but you are asleep. you're asleep from my 36 hours 16 of those hours I'm sleeping so the 36 hours on the couch with that that's not going to happen.
I'm going to keep trying, though thanks, this is awesome. Hello today fans, thank you for visiting our YouTube channel. Subscribe by clicking the button below and click on any of the videos here to see the latest interviews, highlights and digital exclusives.

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