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Meek Mill On Standing Up For Reform, Prison Culture, Championships + More

Jun 06, 2021
personally. I know they probably died from guns and violence in Delhi B so if you watch CNN you might see a mass shooting seven people die seven people died in my neighborhood last week they only found four bodies in one house three bodies in another house ten people then got shot during the week that's not making national movements you'll call it a mass shooting yeah it's not mass any


you know what I'm saying so I'm really explaining my side across America I think a lot of people listen to me, so I'm talking about seeing my brother blood in the payment, hey, you wake up. waking up in the morning feeling evil how you wake up in the morning thinking about violence and protecting yourself for wanting to hurt someone or do something because that's the mental framework, that's a point, that's mindfulness, none of that is normal, However, what have you been? doing to manage your mental health, so to speak, did you ever sit with a therapist or not, try at 42, sometimes things like that, no, I had my father and I went into therapy, probably two years ago, but it was for Uh, taking percocets, so it wasn't really about the trauma of my life.
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I can't wait for parole. I'm just going to smoke some weed and deal with that man. Go to therapy. I don't. I don't like that. So, I don't know. No. I know how to get my feelings out to like a random person, you do it in your records, that's probably therapeutic, yeah, that's therapeutic, yeah, that's my therapy, well I'm sure you've changed the mentality of many people hearing you speak and seeing you on CNN. people who might have had different thoughts about the whole


system, young black men, people like you and your story, it has affected a lot of people who have reached out to you, like after I saw you, yeah, I feel like I've been getting a lot of positive comments, people saying that they're great to me and that they love me a lot, uh, and they said that they understand me now, I guess, and not just you, but a lot of things that are happening that maybe they don't understand. like if you even talk to michael rubin or robert craft that might help them too yeah i do i will let them know like me robert krav if you push me right now and the police come you say i pushed you who do you think will he go to jail?
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You say you push me and he said I pushed him. What do you think he is going to pass, you will definitely get it. Yeah, you never see me. Yeah, you'll probably never see me again. It's like when they came to see me in


. Like, there's people here sweeping eight in an hour too like they're breaking it down, right? They try to make me work a day for eight in an hour. Why are they all there working for Ace in one hour? that's impossible like no if I smoke this weed right here I'm going to go to jail for three four years that's impossible like that's not impossible even mike rubin said it's impossible you're going to go to jail yeah blowing up your penis is impossible and he was speaking very Seriously to us in court it seemed impossible and it made me feel even stronger that there are some Caucasian men who don't even believe this is possible, damn they value themselves so much as if this isn't normal, well , that is a privilege for them, although that is how it is.
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Their world is not possible, yes, I think they would also know all these athletes and could teach them some things about who opens their mouth, who has enough, some people don't even open their mouth when they meet rich people like these guys who are They come up to me and don't even want to open their mouth, so you know, people get overwhelmed when they interact with people who they assume are richer than them. I will have


power than them. I open my mouth. I ask questions. What's up with that? What's up with that? That's why you ask me questions.
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I have my own personal question. Should I name the world to be already speaking on a radio? But you know, I open my mouth, they, they, they know me very well. Well, I know you, I know you guys, I've known Michael Rubin for five six years and I say what I want, he said what do you want and I mean, we handle a relationship, any friend would handle a relationship like that. Why is everything you're doing now, especially with prison


, bigger than you? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, this isn't about me at all. I don't give a damn.
I don't want to rap. I want to win a lot. of money but I want to help uh if I could help you know what I'm saying my friend called you to do that's what he said he started with one to help me out and as we went along we explained it he used to always say . Like they think we're going to get it, everyone thinks I'm pointing a gun at two police officers, no, they wouldn't be here. How does that scenario play out? So this could save people's lives later in life, because you know. people get accused of that, let me make this clear, that all cops are not bad people, if some people get shot and so the cops pick them up and call you, you have to call a cop at some point in your life Yes You need protection from something going on in your life that requires all cops not to be bad, but you have some bad cops who do bad things and accuse people of bad things and whatever you have bad people, you're not like rappers it's false.
I hate when people are like all rappers, they just pretend, I don't do it with no rapper and when I see her I'll be like Iraq. What do you mean all rappers are fake? You categorize that, except these three four people, I don't live. where everyone lived, but there were bad people and everything and I just wanted to explain how the scenario plays out when you point a gun at the police, what they do when you point the gun at them, no, what I'm saying is that yes. They didn't answer. What else did they do? They said they knocked me down and there was no way they were dead yeah but you know that's a lie but this was before the camera area came out and I thought when I stood in front of a black man. woman in the courtroom the first thing I was going to say is what happened to your face, no one even asked me about my face, you're guilty, I'm like you just found me guilty of pointing a gun at a few cops in middle of a - botched raid and no one is keeping the father there, where are the dead or how many people found guilty for pointing guns at a police officer, let's investigate that and see what's going on because the camera shows something different every time a black man has a gun, you run the risk of getting shot by the police, so you know right, the


are over right now, yeah sir, why aren't you handing out the noodles, man, why cereal, I'm not making this up, that's something I made my seal, come on, Atlantic, stay. mark, okay, mm-hmm, you have to write codes and noodles, my goodness, I don't think I've finished any more of these tight interviews.
I will find myself saying that many of you are sure that I hate talking and I like it. You will try to be as real as possible. You could be with this, but who are you? Who are you? Who am I explaining myself to? You're right. Who do we explain this interview to so that people can criticize and do it? Not only is there someone out there right now who wants to be a rapper who is emulating you and wants to be like you and you may have changed the way he is. Don't be like me, be like yourself.
You know, I mean me. I'm not the new tupac, not the new jay-z, I'm not the new nothing, I'm the new


, be yourself, but you're self and I don't know what I mean by that tupac and keep them role models. If you want to get high hopes, you don't follow me, you follow my moves, people absolutely follow your moves, so you're on it, that's me, we follow their moves, but I'm not trying to beat Jay-Z, there's a kid right now. the sticks you don't want to be me you don't want to go to jail you don't want to be here 23 hours you may not be ready for that you're trying to grow up in North Philly you know you're trying to grow up in a single mother home, what I'm saying it could be that you are who you are, people follow the movements that you see and get inspired, uh, there are a few


ion people that love this album that we love.
I love hearing you talk about what it is, I really appreciate it and that's what I do to try to inspire people and keep them motivated and touch people and you know if you're happy and I hope Lori Harvey sees this if she hasn't . Haven't heard from me, yeah, I hope she sees it. Tell her to tweet him and tell everyone to tweet Lori Harvey right now for Christmas. Why are they running this? I also got a DM if I wanted to do that she would have done it. by the way he already knows her personally yes yes i know her from tiana tell him i don't know her from dealing with that let's get this straight i know from being with tiana tell him she's been around me several times not even I'm I used to talk to her.
I've been around that 30 20 times. I haven't chosen why they purposely ignored you because she was pretty. That was the first time I tried it. I just scanned the names. Let me see. I'm in a booth, I'm not writing my rap, I'm doing like when Drake sent his verse, he said this probably a day before I came out, two days, I gotta do my verse and I'm pumped, I'm there. You know what I mean, you were saying why were you ignoring her if you thought she was as fly as they say she was probably five years ago oh she's 22 or something like that 17 man, okay thirty men, well man, I'm going to do this, uh, stop trying to bother me, that's what it's all about, shout out to the breakfast club, this will probably be my last breakfast, shout out to the man Kaiser, he loves you all, we know if you sign in the Atlantic , you're having breakfast, oh my god. true, it's a tame


, it's the breakfast club, good morning

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