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Mechagodzilla vs Ghidorah | Battle FACE OFF | In-Depth Combat Analysis!

Jun 07, 2021
Monster Zero, a Titan best known for its violent nature and overwhelmingly large size, will be tested against perhaps the most powerful man-made


weapon of all time. Godzilla Mecca. In this video we will take these two monsters and compare each


attribute head. -Head to head to see who has the advantage over the other


ant we will compare


intelligence, overall strength, speed and all types of weapons that could determine who is most likely to come out of this battle alive. This will be an alien versus machine Legends battle. Villain vs. Villain, so make sure you last until the end as we put these two legends to the test to decide who is the true Corporal Titan Destroyer build to kick off this battle


mechagodzilla vs ghidorah battle face off in depth combat analysis
We'll start with the basics, who is better built to fight first. Have Mecca Godzilla be a Titan built to specifically combat the real Gman. Measuring approximately 390 feet tall, this Titan is no small enemy considering that this Titan is a walking machine, we have to acknowledge the fact that this is nothing more than a fully armored metal. Titan almost immune to any penetrating attack, slash and strike, nothing but a supercharged atomic ax blade will be able to pierce this Titan. It is also possible that this metallic Titan is lighter than Godzilla himself, given that Godzilla was an extremely dense and heavy creature with more apparent. mass than the mech in conclusion Mecha G is a giant fighting exoskeleton composed of a high percentage of strong and lighter metal alloys.
mechagodzilla vs ghidorah battle face off in depth combat analysis

More Interesting Facts About,

mechagodzilla vs ghidorah battle face off in depth combat analysis...

Gora's size, on the other hand, is in a league of its own, measuring over 521 feet tall and weighing a whopping 141,000 tons. There is no doubt that this Titan will dwarf the vast majority of other monstrous Titans, plus Gora's wings are estimated to measure between 1,300 and 1,500 feet wide, and along with the rest of his body are armored with small metallic flakes. and small traces of Orum or gold yes, gold, this metallic composition is an excellent conductor of electricity that serves as a weapon and armor, we will touch more on this later to see who has the most resistant body constitution and suitable for this fight, although a winner It is heavier. and larger, we can all agree that it is more beneficial to be armored from head to toe.
mechagodzilla vs ghidorah battle face off in depth combat analysis
The size difference between these two titans does not guarantee an overwhelming disadvantage for the robot, not to mention the fact that Gadora will have a harder time piercing this titan after all. Gadora is technically a vertebrate without a true exoskeleton, making it prone to piercing attacks. Knowing this, the advantage for the best body structure in this circumstance goes to the Edge Mecca mech. Godzilla's Intelligence Before we start this section, let's make it clear who is piloting Godzilla mechs in this one. Battle in Godzilla versus Kong, this Mech had two pilots, the first was Ren Sarah zawa and the next, after a brutal shot, this guy nicknamed the left head of Kevin Gora, so in theory the mind that will


In this battle it will be Kevin plus a supercomputer and the three of Gora. now heading to the Mecca of Intelligence Godzilla is basically a supercomputer that is now controlled by this left head, if you know anything about this particular head, this guy was the most curious of the three, a little reckless and maybe not the most brilliant of the group, but retains all his past experiences in his memory remember that once gadora loses one of her heads this head still remembers everything that happened since gadora has neurons all over her body and does not require a single brain entity to retain memory plus this Mech AI has learned a few tricks thanks to Ren's piloting against Skull Crawlers over the past two years, which explains why this Mech sometimes fights like a human.
mechagodzilla vs ghidorah battle face off in depth combat analysis
On the other hand, we have the OG gadora with all its heads, this being the most critical. The main leader is the one in control, which means that this boss alone has some AG advantage over Kevin in terms of strategy, since this boss was the one who made all the calls and fights we've seen before, it's for sure assume this guy will be the one in control. capable of outwitting Kevin's Ai and possibly even predicting reckless maneuvers the mech might try not to mention this gadora has two additional heads to make independent decisions if one of them sees something the main head doesn't, this one is very close from The mechanical AI is capable of learning at a rapid rate, but its lack of battle experience and hard-wired subordination to the main head of the real gora gives Monster Zero The Edge when it comes to battle intelligence, but having three heads and a larger body guarantees a stronger Kaiju. overall strength, this heavyweight battle will require a display of immense strength.
Mecha Godzilla left no doubt that it is one of the strongest the monsterverse has ever seen, although being approximately the same size as the Gman, the mech was able to outmaneuver the Godzilla doll. With seemingly little effort in this battle, Mecca Godzilla will be powered by the new Kaiju energy source found on the Hollow Earth, meaning this Titan will be at full strength when facing Gadora, his arms were much larger than those of Godzilla, which will give him more range and possibly capacity. from stopping a charging Gadora in his tracks, in addition to having strong arms, this Titan's legs are incredibly strong and strong, furthermore, this Titan was able to stay upright while Kong landed on his back and was also able to use them as a devastating weapon if this not enough mecha Godzilla's impact force could be increased with this jet propulsion, which allowed the mech to increase the amount of force when fighting Godzilla.
However, the director noted that this battle would have played out differently if Godzilla had not


d Kong before. Being a massive Titan will obviously have an advantage when it comes to mass, but can this strength be harnessed? This Titan has no arms that can be used to attack, but it does have the largest set of wings Mecca has ever seen. The propulsion produced by these wings is much stronger than that emitted by mechanical jet engines, meaning that in an air attack, Gdor will likely be able to shoot down the robot, which brings us to the next weapon.
The legs won't necessarily be stronger than the Mech, but it can definitely grip better. This combination of gripping with its legs, tail heads along with flapping wings gives Gadora the ability to carry up to 70% additional weight, so who is the strongest, since these two Titans do not have the same anatomical structure? It is unfair to compare these member by member. Gadora tends to use her two external heads as arms, which would be no match for giant mechanical forearms. The mech's legs are armed, but Gadora is used for grappling, but Gadora can compensate for this strength imbalance with his wings.
Therefore, the strength allocation between both Kaiju comes out in balance, making this a tie in overall strength and agility. This attribute will allow you to avoid being killed prematurely in Godzilla versus Kong. We witnessed Mecha Godzilla avoiding many of the Gman's frontal attacks. How good it is because of these bad boys, yes, these jet thrusters came in handy once again, allowing the robot to make 180° aerial turns in a second, allowing this Titan to always engage the opponent knowing it would be impossible. For most Titans to be able to attack him from the sides, furthermore, we see that for a massive machine, Mecha Godzilla moves quite quickly, not clumsily like the previous Jagger from Pacific Rim, his huge opponent, Gadora, can also attack him from the sides. move quickly, but once it gains momentum, this is the problem with overly large titans, it takes time. for them to move, while one could argue that their heads are very agile, gora's entire bodily entity is compromised due to his large amplified mass and by that we mean the wings for gadora to be able to fight effectively, he will need enough flat space to move around this. explains why gdor would attempt to flatten any surrounding obstructions before combat.
Take a look at the aftermath of Boston. Everything seemed to be flattened and at the Battle of Hong Kong many structures were still upright, suggesting that Gadora really requires a lot of effort. free space to fight with its full potential, but compared to Mecca, Godzilla gora's maneuverability pales in comparison, giving this advantage to the mech, but it will maintain all mobility attributes when it comes to locomotion speed, as mentioned above . Mecha Godzilla is no pushover when When it comes to mobility, this Titan can apparently move faster than Godzilla over short distances thanks again to the Jet thrusters and since the mech was possibly lighter than the Gman, this speed at At first it would seem faster than Gadora, at least on land.
Gadora would also run fast as she would technically be running on four limbs, her snake-like movements would allow her to cut through the air more easily than when moving upright, but she still might not be enough of a gadora, however, she could also deploy her flight ability. to move even when close to the ground. allowed him to move at speeds fast enough to take down Godzilla at full speed; however, this Titan can move at approximately 632 mph. This speed would give gadora 1 enough speed to retreat and two enough momentum to seriously injure a non-warring Mecca Godzilla knowing Gora takes control. advantage when it comes to overall speed in this battle Terrain Compatibility Before moving on to how exactly these Titans could destroy each other, let's talk about terrain, this is important because in order for us to conclude a fair verdict we must determine where the battle is.
Most likely, Mecha Godzilla could basically fight anywhere on Earth, be it urban or desolate, plus some concept art for Mecca Godzilla shows that this Titan was equipped with hidden water jet thrusters that allowed it to move and even fight under water, unfortunately for Gadora. This is exactly the place where she didn't perform very well against Gman in 2019 and possibly had battles if for some reason Gadora gets trapped in the water with the Mech, her only priority will be to escape so no real combat will ever happen there. . Monster However, Zero is an excellent combatant in all other urban landscapes, desolate glaciers, most importantly, while Airborne Mecca G is unlikely to take the fight to the water, Gadora is more likely to take the fight to the heights, This is because Gadora has demonstrated his ability to take Titans with him into the air at high altitudes, for this reason, terrain compatibility is for Gadora as it is more plausible for him to have control of the battlefield, but can the robot make this advantage OB obsolete by using melee weapons in the The existing melee weaponry in the beast world has been the main determining factor in determining the victor of the battle.
This is no different. Both Gadora and Mecca are equipped with weapons that will leave any opponent seriously injured or dead. The mecha Godzilla comes equipped with two strong arms that can inflict one of the strongest blows in the monsterverse, possibly even stronger than Kong, this new radioactive energy charges each blow to make it even more devastating and painful, an even more critical hit would come. of its enormous legs, a stomp could crush one of Gora. smaller heads, this arsenal of melee weapons doesn't end here. Mecha Godzilla's most terrifying weapon is his tail, in addition to inflicting blows that could send Kong flying, this weapon is equipped with sharp rotating blades at the tip capable of piercing armor and literally shredding any internal parts. organs and other tissues note that this weapon has a very wide range of motion as it is capable of bending at very acute angles gadora possesses some of the sharpest teeth but with two additional heads, but given the metal composition of the robot it is little These will likely inflict any real damage to the mech gora.
The tails also look deadly, but they are mainly used as a tool, not a weapon. The only limb that could deal any damage to the mech would be his arms, which are capable of literally crushing buildings with a single limb. slide, meaning this impact could knock Mecca Godzilla off balance, but its lack of piercing ability puts gadora at a serious disadvantage against the mech, giving it the advantage when it comes to close melee weapons, but it can Match Gadora when it comes to ranged weapons. Ranged Weaponry If you were a Titan facing Mech Godzilla, you would most likely be bombarded with missiles before making physical contact with the Mech.
This Titan is equipped with two 16-cell missile launchers on its shoulders and possibly morehidden underneath, while not fatal to a large Titan like Godzilla, this is enough to cause flashes and burns to temporarily disorient another opponent. These short-range missiles are guided by the mech's targeting mechanism once the mech locks onto a target. These missiles will carry out his orders, unlike the mechadora which does not. necessarily launch something similar to missiles but summon something else before even detecting gadora, you are sure to run into a category 6 hurricane. this storm is caused by none other than Monster Zero itself, which causes low visibility disorienting strikes and strong winds that could possibly affect the battle performance of other Titans, however, this should not affect the mech much, but this is just the beginning.
In addition to creating storms, this Titan can expel an overwhelming amount of lightning from its wings with so much power that it could even hurt itself. This explosion of energy expelled. By gadora it must be charged with a nearby energy source such as an electrical generator or perhaps another high energy object, unlike mechanical missiles this attack cannot be targeted but can definitely cause destruction in a certain radius in 2019 this attack It was so strong that it blinded and disoriented Godzilla for a good amount of time, so who gets the upper hand? We have to consider the fact that mecha Godzilla does not have an infinite amount of missiles and, on the other hand, Gadora is unlikely to be killed by them, even though this takes up a lot of energy, this beam can be recharged, this weapon was also more effective. against Gman, giving gadora the advantage when it comes to ranged weaponry, but this is nothing compared to the next two ultimate weapons that these titans possess.
Explosive weaponry. We finish the weapons


with the two titans, the deadliest weapons in GVK that we were presented with. Mecha Godzilla's deadly proton scream, this energy blast is so strong it can cut a skull crawler in half if the initial blow hits exposed flesh, if it hits the outer skin of a Titan it will most likely cause Pain Burns if exposed for long enough on Titan's armor Will be able to penetrate and cut unlike Godzilla's nuclear blast which can cause an explosive impact. This proton scream is so hot that it literally cuts heat. What does Gadora have to counteract this electrocution?
Monster Zero comes equipped with a full suit of electrical receivers. which can project its energy from its vocal orifice and onto any target, this ray of gravity is hotter than the surface of the sun but less concentrated than Mecca. Godzilla's Gadora counters this with two additional heads that can hit a different or the same target. Two heads can also hit different parts of a Titan and perform flanking maneuvers, something that not even the mech's agility can counter, and finally, due to its electrical nature, it is likely that enough exposure to this gravity beam could even cause Power surges in the mech causing its electrical circuits to fail in both weapons are fatal in their own right and will completely explode if used correctly, making this a final tie for explosive weapons rate.
We almost have enough data to determine a winner, but first we must reveal one last thing. X Factor, Mecca Godzilla's existence is due to the current Alpha Titan built to surpass and defeat the alpha can only mean that this Titan along with his AI is programmed to fear nothing. Fear is a neurological dysfunction, a weakness that is only found in organic beings. Monster. Zero, despite his resemblance to ancient depictions of Hydra, is not part of Earth's natural order, that's right folks, Gadora actually comes from another planet and doesn't belong here. The hard evidence for this comes from her unnatural ability to regenerate at an alarming rate.
It has been confirmed that As long as Gadora remains near a highly rated active or electrical Io source, this Titan will be able to regenerate any lost limbs and even their heads. Additionally, this Titan's ability to harness the energy of both Titans and objects makes this Kaiju nearly invincible for an extended period of time. Gora's approach for this specific matchup will be a battle of attrition waiting for the mech to run out of power or even harness the power of the mech itself. The main objective of the mech will be to finish this battle as quickly as possible to risk energy exhaustion or losses to the gadora, now we are ready to determine who is the best villain in monster verse.
Mecca Godzilla with its metallic composition and modern technology takes the lead in combat build agility and Mele Weaponry Monster Zero takes the lead in battle intelligence, speed, terrain compatibility and ranged weaponry. these titans are equal in overall strength and blast Mecha Weaponry Godzilla suffers no fear or intimidation, giving him a psychological advantage. His Gadora opponent, on the other hand, possesses the power to regenerate and harness energy from other sources, giving him a prolonged combat advantage against the mech. By compiling all of our data, we determined that Monster Zero is more likely to win a fight. against Mecca Godzilla, but how is this possible if the mech was built to kill titans when judging strictly by M's prowess?
Mecha Godzilla has the advantage. unable to pierce or tear off any mech gora melee limbs. The weaponry is virtually useless even after an attempt to knock Mecha Godzilla out of the ground. The only way mecha Godzilla could have not been gaga would have been to aim inside its oral orifice or its eyes or somewhere long. enough to pierce it, it is likely, however, that Gadora determined that the most effective way to fight the mech was to remain in the air or at a considerable distance from its superior short-range weapons. Now is when Gadora will deploy the weapon that defeats the mech. gravity ray, how do you remember that Mecha Godzilla is an energy-powered Titan, which means his energy capacity has its limits?
A prolonged gravity beam or a series of strong electrical blasts would cause the mecha to suffer a critical energy surge that would eventually fry its control circuits inside its head causing it to lose communication with its main command center and rendering it useless, any unconscious Mech would only proceed to be torn apart. All this without mentioning that any injuries inflicted on Gadora would likely heal. The only way Mecha Godzilla would win is if this battle took place underwater and if he inflicted bodily injury quickly enough to kill Gadora, if Mecha Godzilla had been a real organic titan with the same composition and weapons he would probably win. this battle.
Mecha Godzilla was a weapon designed specifically to fight and defeat a Godzilla specimen. It is not part of the natural order and does not fight according to our set of earthly rules, as Airo Sarawa once said, the arrogance of man is to think that nature is under our control and not the other way around. Do you think humanity will ever defeat the titans? What would the monster verse look like without Godzilla? Do you agree or disagree with this analysis? Let us know in the comments. Don't forget to use the link in the description to play Conflict of Nations and get 13,000 gold and a month of Premium subscription to start for free.
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