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Me vs Grandma Cooking Challenge | Kitchen War by BaRaDa Challenge

Apr 22, 2024
I'm so hungry I want to eat I want to eat oh there baby Jennifer crying


we must hurry it's like a siren is screaming little sister we have to run to the rescue there are screams in the next room Chef we have to help the baby what's wrong? a deer why are you crying what am I hungry great let's start with the cookies the easiest cake I'll do it I didn't promise anything but I'll try how to deal with it what's the circle for probably unnecessary details omg what? Are you looking at how it's supposed to be done?
me vs grandma cooking challenge kitchen war by barada challenge
Roll it out with smooth movements, then cut out the circles and place the blanks on a baking sheet. Get in the oven. Future cookies. I can not do anything. I have an idea. The cookies are round. So you can. Simply cut a circle from the dough and not butter and the most important ingredient is Kittles. I don't mind snacking on it with those cookies. You did a good job honey and how are my cookies. Without exaggeration, as always perfect, I won't leave them. comments here are my cookies this is a work of art the Master's Hand is immediately visible just look at what an amazing gingerbread house I have by the way thanks for the idea I will decorate the ceiling with Skittles, Final Touch powdered sugar and my The House seems to be covered in dust with a snowball I can't believe my eyes darling these aren't for you maybe it can still be saved oh no there doesn't seem to be anything to do here and these are cookies I'm not sure You can eat it well well, what do we have here? wow, such a beautiful and delicious gingerbread house, I think this house has one and it couldn't be any other way, I'm a professional and now I want a hamburger and quickly, okay. you can do it although maybe it's not that mouse meat that abomination I know instead of this Nancy I care you can use a delicious and appetizing chocolate flavor it's turning out great perfect how do other buns make so perfect but you need to fry them a the ruby ​​crust will be very helpful, what do you know about a ruddy Krust?
me vs grandma cooking challenge kitchen war by barada challenge

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me vs grandma cooking challenge kitchen war by barada challenge...

Grandma wants two in the hamburgers, almost done, impressive, but the most important thing in a hamburger is a juicy Patty Alba, she reminds me, thank you and now you must put the future Patty in the pan and wait a little, my God, what do you do to calm down? Grandma, I have everything under control. I just decided to fry marshmallows and add spice to my burger and now it's the jams' turn, roll them on top and press harder, that's the whole recipe. I don't like why this rival blade I still make the most delicious burger just look at these burgers I will add more bacon there is never too much meat and now all that remains is to layer the vegetables and cheese I agree that one layer is very boring but if you do many layers will be what you need yes, I am a clear favorite here, it turned out absolutely great, well, no, now I'm going to lose, carefully place the ingredients and now the sauces there.
me vs grandma cooking challenge kitchen war by barada challenge
We don't have to skimp, we're doing it from the bottom of our hearts, what a nice hamburger, a little more and I'll get a golden crust, oh my goodness, something's not right, come on,


, look how well it went well, what is the size of three deckers? Burger, something I want to try quickly, how juicy it is. incredible now you my friend oh everything fell apart okay because there is another burger it looks very appetizing let's try Nutella greed but the chef's burger wins congratulations well you know it's gone this time I want Nuggets, can you do it easily?
me vs grandma cooking challenge kitchen war by barada challenge
Okay, grandma, wake up, look, Jennifer wants nuggets. Okay, oh, of course, you need to pour some oil into the pen first. Oh, grandmother, will you share the oil with me? Thank you. Strange, why isn't it spilling? It's probably necessary. to shake harder oh come on oops something clearly went wrong oh dear who doesn't like that okay the main thing is that it is delicious and so that it is always delicious I cook with love the chicken needs to be marinated to do this feed an egg dip pieces of chicken into it and then roll them into crackers.
Great, now you can fry it, it's so delicious and what a smell, don't you want to try it? Chef, um, no, I have something to do, my nuggets will be out of the highest class. They will look like pieces of gold and of course serving is also an art, it must be spectacular. I know that when you don't want to bother


, you can grab a pre-made one. I'll wrap the pepitas and cheese and then I'll make the most delicious breadcrumbs with Cheetos to do this. I'll beat this packet well, honey, be careful, not too hard.
Oh, it seems to have worked, we'll see, yeah, great, now let's add Cheetos to the nuggets and put them in the pan. I already feel this amazing taste, I don't even want to give it to the baby, I almost forgot, well, what kind of nuggets without ketchup now it's perfect, my God, how great these golden nuggets look and they taste like the most common, okay. I'll try the next one yes, I like these much better, but there are still some reds. Great, there are Cheetos here too. This is definitely the winner. Hooray, I'm one. You've seen?
You've seen? Victoria, can you make pizza? I didn't want any trouble, I wouldn't mind myself, ah Pete, sir, I can do that. Tomato paste is needed. Here we drip a little bit on a piece and spread it gently with a spoon and now the cheese, the more cheese, the tastier and pepperoni, um. I don't want to distract Bud, look, I'm a chef flying down, oh, he didn't fly, I know, don't be angry, dear, here I take you in peace, thank you grandma, oh, I don't know, it's not boring tomato paste , but a marshmallow paste. I take a whole spoonful like this and now on to the pizza and, of course, the bowls, they are never very good.
I'm almost done. Yes, you can see it immediately. The hand of non-professionals. My pizza will be the healthiest. No boring white dough. make it more spectacular by painting it black who just looked I can do more than that and now we unroll the base the base must be spread with a special tomato sauce then the pizza will be as delicious as in the best Italian restaurants, okay? I will put a little cheese on top, you are excellent and now it is time for shrimp and so that you are not alone I will add muscular girlfriends. The haute cuisine dish is ready, getting ready to enjoy.
Oh, how long will it take? Oh, I think it's perfect. Let's try the pizzas. Bellissimo, very good, oh, very good, we'll see, we'll see how interesting it looks beautiful, those real muscles I'm not going to try, but this is more interesting, it looks like Skittles, um, it looks better than it tastes oh but this pizza looks completely normal and smells so good I want an amazing taste yes it's the winner congratulations grandma oh a well deserved victory my pizza was better without comments so the heroes have the responsible task of feeding the baby and what do you want the baby want fries?
Nothing complicated, we will do everything. I know the recipe. It looks like you need to add oil. I'll add more. It will be fatter and tastier. This way everything is sure to fry well. I'll fill it out. Grease the entire pan with a little oil, let's turn it on and get started. I'll use the whole packet because you can never have too many fries granddaughter, what are you doing? We need to put out the heat quickly, no, it's not like the recipe. on YouTube it almost burned down the


and we all better learn from grandma now grandma will teach you how to do it you will need a lot of oil lower the heat a little and add the potatoes so that it is perfect.
I'll throw it out and put it on a plate. How good, how good it turned out. It's all for my granddaughter. We need to add the most delicious ketchup. French fries and ketchup are the perfect combination. My granddaughter will definitely like it. How many calories does this have? plate, I'll show you how it should turn out, we remove the excess oil, then we wrap the potatoes in a piece of fragrant bacon and turn the roll like this, we add a drop of gluten-free cranberry jam from duro's on top just like that. and add some rosemary on top, the masterpiece is ready Bingo.
I came up with something better. The marshmallow banana cart is still similar to potatoes and if you add Hershey's strawberry syrup it will be like potatoes with ketchup, but it tastes so sweet, that's why My little sister will really like it finally everything is ready and the baby was already waiting for her food my grandmother's dish was the first to attract attention classic fries and ketchup it looks really delicious the baby obviously liked it I wonder how she would have liked it as a dish for true gourmets the chef took a recipe unusual but it was not appreciated and there was a gift from my sister it looks like potatoes and ketchup but this is a sweet marshmallow with deep strawberry sauce and to eat it it remains to choose the winner a dish from grandma yes, I won oh, it hurts Wobble, the baby doesn't she wants to eat now oh, she wants to eat sushi, what is this?
I don't know how to cook it. Show grandma what to do first. You have to boil the rice in a special way Christ sushi with unpleasant seaweed I prefer to make something sweet or sour again, let's take the sweet and sour tongs, add whipped cream instead of sauce, rub an eye of jam and some Haribo jams, how great and colorful they turn out. Have you ever seen sushi like this? This is absolutely perfect. Now you need to take a sheet of nori and cut it in half. It's all dry. It is breaking. How did you do that?
I am a professional grandmother. I'm going to cut up some perfect fish. slices put a little rice on the mat and a little Nori I turn it with the mat I put a little fish on top cut it and that's it the classic Philadelphia roll with ginger and wasabi is ready bring you can make these rules your own, they don't keep their shape bingo I have an idea, I'm just going to cut up some cucumbers, core them and put perfect rice on them, now it's time for the baby to try it, let's start with these Sushi from the Shelf looks perfect and tastes amazing, how big and bun bright and very, very tasty, so delicious that I immediately chose them as the winner this time a suede gift from my sister surpassed everyone oh you haven't tried mine hey grandma wake up the granddaughter wants something delicious again she wants to have a chocolate cocktail To dessert, this is my favorite recipe.
We'll need some ice cubes. I'll pour more chocolate sauce into the jar. Starbucks smelt chocolate to the brim and I'll create some milk foam with a hand mixer. Oh, I'm sorry, Grandma, you have two clothes. What is this bag in grandma's hands? Three-in-one instant coffee. Is she really going to give it to her granddaughter? Yes, but grandma seems to like it. Now I add the whipped cream. By the way, I often prepare that recipe myself, don't forget. on you sprinkle the Oreo cookie crumbs on top put the cookie in those types of cocktails it should be drunk with a straw that is the perfect chocolate shake who cooks it like that that is a horror I have prepared coffee sweet drinks more than once we need beans fresh coffee I measure everything down to the ground, grind the vegetables until I get fine crumbs, then I prepare and make a French press, the coffee will be perfect, I pour it into the cup and add a little milk.
I'm going to create some foam. I certainly won't spray anyone. thanks to my professional and perfect snowflake decoration, oh my, it's time to taste the drinks, the hand itself reaches for a beautiful glass. It's a wonderful cocktail, plus delicious cookies on top, perfect, which cannot be said about the instant coffee that our grandmother wanted to poison her granddaughter with. It is impossible to drink the chef's coffee foam with a pleasant aroma but the taste is not at all unusual the baby chooses the beautiful cocktail yes, keep it up sister, you have won again the next task is for you to do the drum roll, make some waffles , OK? what is it and I know the recipe breaks the eggs add sugar you can have more so the waffles taste even better and it gets in the way interferes interferes oh I'm tired of doing that maybe that's enough and now we can add a little flour how much flour is needed oh oh grandma I'm sorry I messed you up again more flour more waffles oh maybe don't eat so much flour I'll put the axes back in, it won't work like that but you'll definitely like my grandma's proven recipe the dough came out perfect here now you can pour the dough into the waffle iron and I'm almost done too perfect.
Pink waffles are coming soon what are you feeding the baby? There's no need. to eat healthy food we all need sugar we better take zucchini perfect now we are going to add some eggs we are going to add flour and we are going to create a little dough I will do it quickly with a mixer it looks ugly and let's try our super healthy waffles are almost there ready, delicious, perfect, I'll put them on a plate, add some strawberry-berry whipped cream. I love how it turned out and I'm going to put some traditional maple syrup on it, pour it over the top and a piece of butter.
Beautiful, oh. OMG, the waffles are ready. Green is the color of health. There is not enough beauty in this presentation. I will do the cow runes and more. Green on top. Bullissimo. Oh, she's back with proper nutrition from her. Here, granddaughter, these waffles look exactly how she wanted. but was this unusual sensation an eggshell? You have to be careful when you cook and what is this green colored grass on top? I feel like it's worth trying a piece. A very small one smells good but still tastes disgusting. What to expect from these waffles? wow it seems like the baby really liked them here is the winner hooray they are mine I did it did you like the


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