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Mavericks Timberwolves Game 1 LIVE Post Game Show

May 23, 2024
points, uh, that's interesting, well, I'm going to let me share this and


you that you can see it. yourself, um, yeah, he only scored 30 points total and I'm trying to remember if all the points he got were from yeah, Kyrie was eating through the pain, can you see this? Yeah, so this is what he was telling, uh, but these. they're made in one shot, right, oh, it's just, oh, wait, oh, sorry, damn, it included Luca and, oh, Luka, my bad, I didn't realize he added it when he did that, so one, two, three. didn't that sound good one two three four five six seven eight nine nine we counted this guy although this little one here is not not good nine so he was 18 uh luuka was 10 so that's 20 that's about the half the points um I'm going with Live Lively, well, Gafford, probably well, let's see here, uh, Lively three, um, it's probably by committee at that point, let's see here.
mavericks timberwolves game 1 live post game show
Gafford Gafford had more one, two, three, four, five, seems okay, so, oh, no, he didn't. I'm sorry, God. Damn, yeah, that's right, uh Gafford had one, two, three, four, yeah, looks like he's fine, Jones Jr, probably on a couple of dunks, maybe one, two, three, four, yeah, so it was by committee, like you knew everyone else had dispersed, um, but yeah, I mean, I did. By the way, don't think about it so we can get back to Rudy's. I mean, I think he ended up being maybe net neutral because he actually did a couple of offensive things that were nice and then he had a couple of things that were terrible.
mavericks timberwolves game 1 live post game show

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mavericks timberwolves game 1 live post game show...

I had a short spin and a spinning motion that I don't even know what it was. I had to share it just because it's funny sometimes. I guess I don't know how to


or speak French, but it was... he can. He doesn't do that, he has to stop, he shouldn't be doing that in the I think it was the fourth quarter of this


, you know, yeah, that's not the time to be, you know, finding yourself in the paint with a good move in the pole or something like that. So, that was frustrating too, but yeah, Rudy, um, yeah, I think overall they're going to know how many minutes he played in total.
mavericks timberwolves game 1 live post game show
It's an interesting question, he played 38 3 almost 38 37 36, so, yeah, I think they might have to shave. a few more points and and how many did n Reed play 24 yes, but once, but his defense wasn't very good and they had to put Gober back in afterwards as a pretty bad possession, but was it Nas Reed's fault? Well I was thinking they brought Rudy back and it must be Nas who turned out well but I thought NS was playing well at the time and it was giving him a good boost on offense so that's the problem and then remember they had that colt spell where they were struggling to score and Rudy doesn't help you with that, so it's an interesting balance to work out.
mavericks timberwolves game 1 live post game show
He probably would have given Nas a couple more possessions at least um and wouldn't have reacted that way. So I'm going to watch that again. It will be interesting to see how they did once Rudy returned, but I'm guessing Timberl had a two-point lead at that point. Whatever lead they had evaporated and I think you know if you look at the last five or six minutes, the Mavericks are obviously going to have a seven or eight point lead because they were down when that R controls, so anyway, should we give me something? of what we think about the series who is going to win this series T wolves and seven T wolves and seven anyone else want to agree with that yes, I don't think, I don't think D is going to lose, I don't think I don't think Minnesota can win this series, yeah man, no you don't think they can win this series.
I don't think I don't think they do. I mean, either team can, yes, I can. I don't think they will, um, I bet you if you look at the record of the team that wins the first road


in a seven-game series, it's probably better than 50%. Yeah, I mean, Dallas, Dallas has a very, very, very. I have a good chance of winning this, for sure, um, I mean, I don't know, I think I'm going to be wolves and seven, I guarantee it, uhoh, here's the guarantee. Wow, okay, yeah, I think, what do you think, what do you think, Chris?
I got Wolves right at seven, I think it might be going to Dallas and six, yeah, I was going to say Dallas and six or Wolves and seven, but right now I'm leaning towards Dallas and six, um, here's something random from then , if Dallas I have another one are you going to change it again no we don't have to continue with that now we have already made our predictions we have to continue with that I listen, I love Dallas' game and I think there is a great possibility that they win this series and such maybe even probably um, but yeah, I'm looking forward to a good series, teams that win the first game, when was this done?
This was a while ago, damn, this was like five years ago, but I saw this on the NBA site, teams winning the first game of a best-of-seven series on the road. uh, they win the series 52.6% of the time, only 50%, you don't know. You know, Dallas is slightly favored on that end, if they win the first two games on the road or we've seen them do that, but and they lose, but I don't know if you count in the bubble of bubbles. I don't know, yeah. You're right, that counts, but teams that win the first two games on the road win 84% of the time, which is what Minnesota just showed when they did it against Denver, so I don't know.
I think I would. I have to pick uh you know uh Dallas to win it and they, I don't know, I'm saying they're winning in six, yeah, um, where's my? So we have two Dallas and six and we have two wolves and seven, wait who. has Dallas six Chris has like four predictions so who knows, wait so Chris, are you Dallas and six? I'm right now, I'm leaning towards Dallas and six. You have to listen, it has, it has wolves, it has, it has wolves in seven2 oh. he understood everything he said is that one or that one so we just have to do we have to make our predictions now I have I could say the same thing Chris CHR Chris is, you know what you know what Chris does upload receipts like me so it will just give all the options and then take the screenshot of the receipt and


it when needed and AI if needed so it's not a problem yeah ex see the good thing?
See how good AI is? conversation They fooled me uh the one that was Anthony Edwards one yeah I see KY Kyrie he was like leaning in a little bit he looked real oh I saw that one too I was like yeah I had to watch it twice I was like oh This is not there well, you know when they do it, you know how well trained all the NBA players are on the microphone, so when they say crazy things, then you know it has to be AI. Well, when someone says something crazy. we're going to say, oh, that's just AI, but maybe they actually said something, how many people thought Anthony Edwards the cat's


game interview was AI the first time they heard it, oh, someone, that one that was pure comedy, friend, they were pure. comedy yes, no, it's scary, it's really scary, so why don't people like it?
I had lus. I used AI in one of my videos and everyone freaked out and hated it. I don't know why I mean, it sounded like me. I know it's really cool, but it's also scary, when the mice move a little, they can do it fine, but I don't know where the mice were moving properly. I don't think so, they just made the audio, no. I can get it to move correctly if I didn't look at it closely enough, but I feel like the mes weren't quite in sync with whatever they're doing, it's only going to get better, so yeah, anyway, okay, listen. amazing show tonight everyone thank you all for being there um oh wait there's one more Super Chat oh my gosh here uh TX Fu uh coach Nick please bring back the old music well I will when I don't do, when they don't.
You don't ruin the game and drown and whatever and it's not epic, that's not epic music, you know what I mean, but don't worry, it'll come back, but also if you're out there, all you know is a lot of You guys, please watch today's video. I don't know what happened, but no one saw it and I dropped it before today's game. I don't know what happened, but please go see it. It's really nice. And I saw it. oh oh thanks chip, yes you saw that. I don't know, the other people in this chat probably didn't see it right, so go check it out.
I need two views of you. Are these these bots in the chat chat are they like these real people saying yes they are real people William William is definitely a real person um and uh who else is yelling at William William and Joe Biden in the chat yeah right Joe Biden is definitely real uh wait a minute I think there's another module thank you very much cell really very generous of you I really appreciate it uh it's all about love and hate I'll tell you and the biggest enemy I hate the way Luca walks I hate the way Luca speaks I hate the way Luca complains.
I don't think he complained too much today. He, he, was looking, he was looking a lot, right, I wouldn't even say much, I mean, relative to the way he normally does it. Yeah, he's been pretty good. well last like three games yeah someone and me you know what I really wish I had done finished that video because I had a good you know all about uh The Vibes. The vibes are bad when he does it and everyone else suffers. That's why, you know, he even raised his finger a couple of times to tell me to foul him in the first half, yeah, that's cool, yeah, I mean, listen, I wish we could teach that and have everyone do that. that that's something overseas that they love to do that, yeah right, and I think some of the sarcasm, I think the second one was sarcastic, well hey, but still, it's better than him complaining, so it didn't used to be always a The foreign thing that used to be what we did here and then, you know, then we went abroad and never came back, so anyway, well, thank you all so much for being here.
I know it's late for you. I have to go to sleep. Yeah Chris got that yawn man keep it stay awake the combo's been sleeping for the last few minutes so let's get him to bed tuck him in and um anyway thank you all for being there big big show, you know? Tomorrow I'll be back here again. I'm the only west coast guy here so I'm up and towards him hopefully you guys are around and you'll jump back in and we'll do it again hell yeah don't do it. forget about the good, don't forget about sports fans in bball breakdown we are not a channel we are a conversation with you WI

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