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Match High School Couples | Lineup | Cut

May 15, 2024
What would make you break up with someone? um, your friends with your ex. What if she approaches him in the hallways? What if you guys are watching? No, do you want to get punched in the face or hello, what's up, who are you and what? What are you doing here today? The truth is that I'm doing programming for




. Yes, so today you are going to guess who is in a relationship among a group of



students. Okay, do you work with children? I'm currently an assistant principal at a high school, so I feel like I might have an advantage in this, so you're in high school, right?
match high school couples lineup cut
Do you think you'll be good at this? Yeah, a lot of the people I'm friends with and in a relationship with, so maybe I'm like a


maker at heart. I can usually tell when it's okay, these two students are now together, usually when they are new, they will like to try it. They avoid each other at all costs, suddenly when they are already at it you see them around each other trying to steal glances and all kinds of things from the other side of the room, are you ready to see the parish bring? them in I'm a little nervous why are you nervous?
match high school couples lineup cut

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match high school couples lineup cut...

I have visions of a guy getting mad because I set his girlfriend up with someone else and punching me in the face, well, I wouldn't let anyone punch, hopefully, hopefully, oh. This is going to be fun Take a look Hello Hello Hello Who do you want to start with? I can call you? What do you think is your type? I have a dating track reciter like six from Girls by Girls, yes, bisexual. Ladies, so I think you, I'm not going to lie to you, are your favorite music artists right now. I like Apple, that's not what I expected.
match high school couples lineup cut
I don't think high schoolers would be like my favorite Apple artist. Well, see you again, do you like girls or do you just like them? It's like you get the right graph, so you know this is crazy, right, and this is hot, so if you're looking for a hot straight girl. Girl like they're here and they're really crazy, you go shopping for a girl at that time, they have weird haircuts during high school and they get bullied, so they're not crazy, so they're here. you're saying Straight girls the more attractive they are the crazier they are yes for girls the more attractive they are they're not that crazy yes she seems crazy no she doesn't seem crazy what's your sexual orientation I'm bisexual I have it I have it, but you don't seem to like it, you look like you, I don't know what that explanation was, that was that explanation, it seemed like it pissed you off a little bit, I still think they're dating, I think.
match high school couples lineup cut
They're dating, she could do any job right now, probably a music career, I play guitar and stuff, you know what your favorite song is, like when the sun hits slow dive, but I couldn't say, I think I'm going to


you up. . with Fiona Apple here because you all have very very dark music taste also like when you say you play guitar I was like oh guitar Fiona Apple this is a combination okay thanks okay who's next my friend? Tell the end here what are some of the things you like to do for fun? I like going to second-hand stores.
I like to listen to my vinyls. things you like to do for fun, skating with me or something, yeah, I don't think I'm going to match you with, okay, you can come back in line, we'll show you what you think you like. an aesthetic in a guy or a girl clean clean I think I'm not going to lie do you have a guy in girls crazy crazy crazy like an argument or how then their humor their humor they do some weird things can you do something? like really weird right now oh oh a dance oh oh some club some sport any ORS at school yeah I mean game fris B can we do a side shoulder situation yeah I think I think this is my final answer I think we're dating, okay, who do you want by your side?
It's Friday night, what's something you'd probably do? You would go to the movies with my group of friends. Do you like a boy who looks very clean or do you like a boy who looks very clean? Like he's got a lot of style, like the Street Wear aesthetic, oh Street Wear, he put on some Tims, so I'm looking at you, you guys come up, yeah, you guys look like a little brothers, maybe I'm going to raise you. Is it because we are of the same ethnicity or not? What do you think my type will be? I feel like you prefer someone who is energetic.
I feel like this is what they give you right now. Do you like your boys taller or shorter than? I don't know, can you go back to back for me? I don't know about that one. Is it the Tims? Is it the Tims? Can I change it? Yes, maybe because you look a little taller than him. 'Everyone is a little close. I see you can hug each other, wait. That was a little intimate and they are smiling like the moment he approached. I see her smiling. I think you guys are dating. This feels really healthy. to me like if you guys are just two great people with two great energies, it could be like a very long consistent situation, so that's my final answer.
I'm going to continue with this one, okay, can I help you get back? Come here. just by looking at this line I feel like the person who best fits your aesthetic is her, which would make you break up with someone, um, your friends with your ex, oh you can't be, it's bad, you can't be friends with your How about we follow them on Instagram? No you can't, no contact, no contact, no, what if she approaches him in the hallways? What happens if you are walking? No, do you want to get hit in the face or that's what I do?
I'm talking about what about you? Do you think they should be friends with his ex? No, you exactly seem to have the same ideals for the relationship. I think you two should be together. Yeah, can we do a walking arm in arm situation? You see? You sound like you're talking like you're going to homecoming? I'm going to hurt them together these last two nine. There doesn't seem to be an appearance of being LGBT because I like boys and I don't know, I don't think. I look too LGBT but what is your sexuality? I am gay. What is your gay sexuality?
Okay, okay, can you tell each other that I love you right now? I love you, I love you, wait, okay, you guys are like making cheese too strong, it looks a little. like a joke I don't know say it one more time one more time one more time one more time I love you I love you okay okay that was the one yes you two are dating I can say that I can say that I have confidence in all of this. Raise your hand if Marcus understood you correctly. Oh, I have one, yes, yes, yes. I am a genius.
I am a genius. He knew it. I told everyone. I'm a matchmaker. I told everyone. I'm a matchmaker, come on folks, did you consider queer


? I also liked going to high school at a time when everything was hidden all the time, so being a person who was difficult, I'm like not doing it. assumptions about people, so I was trying my best to be like there are probably some gay people here they probably shouldn't like me how long have they been dating for a year and eight months a year and eight months? They want to get married?
I can be the official right now, we were discussing it the other day and kids the other day, you were thinking about getting married the other day, you were a timeline, yeah, because I just want kids at 25 and she wants kids. at 27, we. We're both going into careers that probably won't pay us much, so we really have to debate money, what careers are marine biology, something environmental, so first you have to save for the wedding and then you have to save for the I, what's that? What is IVF? Oh, in vitro. Thanks, bye, where's my next partner?
Why didn't you match us? I don't know if it's not giving, it's not that it's not giving, that's not what it is because all this aesthetic that you have. everyone definitely gives how long have you been together two months two months oh this is new i feel like you all look good together like really people like it at school assume that you as a couple are on the street no i really keep to myself like if i spoke when they spoke to me and he's like the kid that comes into your classroom and disrupts the class disrupts if you were all friends first no no he was something random wow well what was something random he kicked me out like a thing of college to try to get my social events and I left early and then he went around asking people do you know this girl?
I think her name is uh uh you know I forgot your secret secret you really liked her at first because I got a random text on Instagram and I was like, who the hell is this? So I did, um, was it the crushing hug that gave it away? Yeah, like I heard your back creak. It was like broken, like how long were they together, almost 7 months. You all had some long-term high school relationships. I'm telling you what. your parents think about the childhood relationship, my parents and my grandparents support it, but he has not come to my house yet and they have not met him yet and they continue as if they reject him and I think it is because my grandfather is Puerto Rican and I live with my grandparents and my parents, they're not used to girls having guys there, oh, and then my mom rides her, she loves her, I don't even know if I can say it on camera, but like.
I already said it, you said it now it's okay, yeah, she loves her if her mom loves you like she's over like you're good, come on, you know what's crazy now that I'm looking at you all. Let's say together as if the aesthetics were very similar as if it were all there, how long have you been together? a year, month, man, that's a lot, it's like an eternity in high school years, is she crazy? Like you said, mhm, how strange, strange, you're going to take it. No, he's weirder, oh yeah, I'm funnier, oh, is that your favorite thing about her, yeah, it makes her interesting, do you think you guys are going to stay together after high school?
Yes, we're both going to like it. to the same ones not to the same universities but yes in the same area so we would like to keep in touch do not go to the same university no no, it is not the move that you like to have your own space and your own environment and when you are back together you have more interesting things to talk about like escaping oh now I feel bad because I said you didn't like me. The graph has been explained to me too many times. This is a common thing, it is not a communication.
I've heard the graph maybe twice before, that's twice too many and they drew it for me on paper and I still don't understand how long they've been together 8 months months, okay, they all made it in school or we met. Jumping the first time I saw her on the docks, I was wrong because we were like doing pirouettes in the water and stuff, and my first instinct was like let me do a double front flip and I completely collapsed, her whole forehead was like red and He kind of walks away awkwardly, you know any man who's willing to embarrass himself in front of other people for you, that's true.
I feel like he could be the one I know. Yes, I will sit and listen to music together. Yes, sometimes we like car rides. he is the passenger princess so he always chooses the music Passenger princess D1 is cute, you got it right, you got it right, thanks guys, this is the one I got right. I'm very proud of all the couples who think they're going. to last longer, oh my god, the two of them, yeah, the way they explained that timeline, I was like that, it's been thought out, they're long-lasting and if they don't like love, it's not real, like very seriously by part of the creators of Truth or Drink. and TBH presents a new party game from Cut about putting your friends in their place, that's what it says on the box.
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