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Mat Armstrong Reveals The Truth About YouTube Fame

May 16, 2024
The last time you were there I asked you a question: do you think you'll be the biggest automotive YouTuber in the world? I think so, since the last time I was here in the van, you have almost doubled your subscribers and a total of over 120 million views. which is equivalent to eight views per second on YouTube alone, how is your brain processing that information as I say that? I didn't even know what it makes you feel how many people watch the channel and love it. and JY liked it. I'm so grateful that there are thousands and thousands of people who want to talk to you and feel like they know you, but I don't know how to deal with that.
mat armstrong reveals the truth about youtube fame
I'm not a very social person and normally you look all smiley and happy all the time, but sometimes I think, oh my God, that's something I don't expect. Would you continue with YouTube? Honestly, I just finished recording my second episode with Matt Armstrong in the first episode that Recorded 6 months ago, we found out who Matt is and how he got to where he got, but in this episode I feel like we need to get to know each other a little better and I got into the heart of the matter. You may not know about the things Matt Armstrong never talked about on camera, so sit back and I really hope you can enjoy this episode in the time it took me to make that intro, especially at this time of night in which thousands of years have probably passed. views Just in the period that I've been saying that, but like I did a live podcast the other week where there were just a hundred people in front of me talking, but it's weird, that made me feel suddenly and I wasn't expecting. be, but suddenly I felt quite strange for 10 minutes and I was getting used to the emotions, what does that make you feel?
mat armstrong reveals the truth about youtube fame

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mat armstrong reveals the truth about youtube fame...

I guess I don't think of it as weird because that's what we like, the goal is to be. I like it more, we want more and more people to see it, we want more and more people to enjoy the content because we generally think the content is good, we think we are putting out good content, we just need more people to enjoy it and see it. but when you really think about how many perspective people are watching it, it just makes you feel weird because if you think about a football game like when the stadium is full like it's not millions of people, it's still like hundreds. of ,000 is 80,000 so Twickenham 80 2,000 I mean and we all see the shots they say of the new Barcelona camp we have all seen that when the Champions League starts I think it is one of the biggest stadiums, but your The unit is a prey site smaller than any of those stadiums and when we were there a minute ago, when you were cutting cars and your dad was laughing, I stood there right in the middle, looking up and around, at the walls. and the lights and the smell and the mess and the Carnage and thinking, but imagine if we could take the walls off this unit and put the people around it, oh God, what the scale of that would look like just the people looking in the first . 24 hours, it's unreal, yeah, in 24 hours, I think we like 1.1 1.2 million people in 24 hours, which is crazy.
mat armstrong reveals the truth about youtube fame
I think we looked at Top Gear numbers like night views on Top Gear and they were doing like 1 million 1.1 what and we. They're like equalizing them now, which is unreal because you think about how many people used to sit and watch Top Gear on like a Sunday night and now we're equalizing it and there's only a small team and there's no filter or anything like that. um reviewing a footage before we post it, we shoot it, we post it, whatever's in there, like we make a mistake, which I've made because I've been editing really late at night, it's mental, but I think it's the thing. that people enjoy is more real than an episode of Top Gear that was filmed about a year ago and then published on the BBC.
mat armstrong reveals the truth about youtube fame
I think that's how it goes. I think it's been fantastic and definitely since the last episode. He's been brave and stupid enough to let me get involved in a couple of videos running around a certain track on Teeside, but in doing so I also visited the facilities of the unit we've been here for about an hour before coming. here, um, we're lucky enough to have known each other since the beginning of your channel and we were actually saying that when we were there a minute ago I had this flashback of a video where you were talking about that.
Proud of the fact that you managed to pay half of the unit we were in. I stood there a minute ago and I just clicked and thought, "That's the moment, you've really advanced what I'd like to address today around all of that." Since I have been lucky enough to be essential in some of them and watching snippets is just what running this channel entails because the viewer can only see what you give them, yes, now when you talk to the other members of your group. team, it's very evident to me that what you post is very real, it's not an act, it's not like that, it's how you are when I show up or when the guy who delivers the food in the front shows up, what he sees is very real, but I don't see the time invested in the 20 minutes and six individual clips you put there, so today I want to talk about what it really takes to run your channel and how many people are currently involved on a day to day basis. -day by day to make this technology okay, so mostly okay, so me, my dad, now it's Matt, my videographer, full time.
I knew people would have seen it well, he is becoming more of a cameraman and a person behind the camera, as well as a character. in some of the videos, which again I think breaks that barrier of television and YouTube because the cameraman talks and then sometimes on camera, so that's for the people. Hannah is in and around the chamber, but mainly doing all the merchandise and finance stuff. she'll come down the stairs and say I'm missing 95 receipts for this and that when we go to Miller and Carter's after track day or something, then there'll be Hannah too, which is five people and then we'll have like weird part-time staff that comes from time to time, we hired one more person to take control of making all the Tik Tok shorts on Instagram and also the multi-language stuff, and he will also take control of the gaming channel.
So we have an extra, so yeah, about six people or so, it's full time and on how many channels, oh my God, main channel, second channel, Spanish channel, German channel, channel five shorts, and then obviously , Facebook, Instagram, so I think five channels, five channels. and obviously you need some pretty good partners and some technology to get the thing up and running too, yeah, what's something that you use that you couldn't live without? Millions of things I need to know before making that car purchase, so you know yourself. I'm sure you yourself vertically checked the car, we checked the truck before we did this whole conversion because it's not just cars, you can also do trucks and how that came back.
It was fine, so we decided to cut it, drop it and move on. The good thing about mine is that they're usually not good, but people always ask. Like, why should I review a car? um, which I know is damaged, uh, before, well, it can greatly affect its value. I think people have already asked me, oh, the BMW doesn't show up as damaged on a car vertical check, that's because it's not registered damage, whereas the car vertical would show only registered damaged cars like e.g. my Audi RS6, what do I know. I know there has been no mileage fraud, so I don't need to investigate that side of things.
I know there is no harm pending. Finance, which is also a huge thing. I don't want to rebuild a car that someone is still paying for and all of a sudden they decide not to stop paying and then take the car out of my driveway because it's still there. Exceptional finances and then the best thing we found is finding the actual history of the car that we can find, like when you go to the timeline part and you can see the changes to the license plate and things like that, so much! A lot of people may not know or know if you take those private records or if you take the actual license plates that were before and put them on Google and do a little search, sometimes you can find pictures of where they've been and what they've been on. doing. who was the previous owner and it helps us create a story about the car by doing that and one of the cars that will appear people will be very interested when we find the history of that too so if you want to see a car using vertical car use the discount code on the screen now to receive 20% off your check, so you mentioned a minute ago that what you love about the way we filmed the video, for example, when we went to the track the other day , you have Matt turn the camera and get involved in the video, making it a YouTube video, not something you see on TV.
Yeah, so do you think the videos you're currently filming get more views as they are now than if you were to invest? money by having five cameramen around that track we shot the other day with professional cameras on swinging tripods while you glide around on the 720s, do you think just having a couple of thousand pound screen spun around on a ham with no gimbal and all the rest is better for channel growth and everything else from that. I think I like that it would look better if we hired a camera crew and it would look better, but looking better and looking professional doesn't equal more people enjoying it, I think on YouTube I think people feel like when they watch my videos they feel like they belong. of the team, part of the team, are there on the track with a stallion next to him. along the way and I think the camera is mostly held at eye level so it's like you're not there, you're just seeing what Matt sees and then Matt, by turning it, talks to the people who are seeing him, but it's So.
Trying to make you feel like you're in the garage with us building this car, whereas if it's just a camera, it becomes a filter between me and the viewers. I like to make it feel like yeah, I'm on the floor working on this car and the people watching it are there with me working on it and I think that's where the connection comes from, what I love is watching the car slide when you're there. filming and Matt just gets his up and rub, rub the camera lens and I'm like that little piece of glass that you're rubbing. 2 million people having to look through that in 24 hours is like that feeling of understanding what's really happening. sometimes there's a loss when there's less of us filming something in a given space, but those numbers that I got at the beginning, when you start hitting those kind of numbers, the opportunity starts to come, yeah, and what you do on the day to day day is low head work hard cut and build cars and create content film it and edit it you are producing a piece of content YouTube is purely the avenue you choose to show that content to the user yes, which is monetized and then can provide a reverse rate surely there's a point where Netflix comes to hit Amazon and if they did it and said we'll fund all of this but we'll pay you what you're making now plus something, do you think that's the right way to go or would you?
Honestly, you're still stuck with YouTube, if Netflix is ​​watching, then no offense, but no, I don't think, I think the YouTube part is a part that I enjoy, is trying to figure it out, okay, this works better. If I make this thumbnail and title IT, this works better, how can I keep people watching for this amount of time while feeling like I'm on Netflix or like Amazon? We create something and publish it, whether people like it or not, it is there for us to decide. I don't understand anything about that part. I don't have editing control or anything like that on Amazon or Netflix and they can create the story however they want, whereas I feel like I have enormous control on YouTube.
I can My goal is to make the viewer feel how I felt at that moment of filming and I think if I can do that it will be a good video, so when the RS6 completely exploded, I need to do if you feel how I felt at that moment. like Netflix or Amazon, if you were watching that or seeing the images here, you don't know exactly how I was feeling at that moment, maybe it doesn't look normal. I see myself all smiley and happy all the time. but sometimes I think, oh my god, I can't believe that happened and then you need the viewer to feel exactly the same for someone else to tell the story.
I don't think it would be as good as I would do it. Tell it myself because I'm experiencing it. Would you rather have one of your other team choose car versions without your knowledge than take control of the edit? Yes Yes Yes. I think so. Do you think people really realize they might be listening? this thing about you being the person who edits all the videos on the main channel, yes, maybe not, yes, probably not, and a lot of people get mad at that, they say you need an editor because we need more content, but editing is part of it. from this.
I think it's part of being a creator rather than just being a presenter or just a mechanic. I enjoy coming into the unit. I can see the story in my head of "okay, we're going to have the car at this point at the beginning of the video and at the end we're going to have it."at this point at the end of the video and now I'm creating a story in my head I can see how I'm going to edit it and I can do it like this This way, instead of just going to the unit, doing whatever and letting an editor take care of it.
I feel like I would lose that personal touch if I didn't edit the second channel of the video, I mean, it's like a completely different kettle of fish. it just goes crazy with it and we just try different things which are great and some people like it some people don't like it but it's nice to have an experimental channel as such 100% because the thing is when we have something that is working so well and the Numbers are what we're up against, yes, and we've talked about it before. It's irritating how many people with sponsor brands the first thing they look at when they enter a channel is the subscriber number, yes.
What really matters is the most for you and the team, it's not everything, it's the right views, yes, yes, so it's the views that video has in 24 hours. Do you think if you revealed the edit, then that would be it? I really messed up that whole process. So I tried that before I gave the edit away, but it ends up taking me more time to sit down with, say, Matt, who edited it, and adjust the whole edit to how I want it, like he could. eventually, maybe we'll get to a point and then we'll revise it, but I enjoy it too and it's also part of I enjoy editing.
I enjoy getting better at editing and people can see the progression of editing and then. I will also spend five days in the unit and then I will do two days at home editing and that gives me that break in addition to being away from the unit, so what you just said is that I think people associate when someone is doing good, they look the channel and they think that Matt is doing well, that is the reaction that people would have, that doing well can come with money and money can come with having free time and free time gives you time to have fun every time you I see. you were working when we pulled into a hotel parking lot the other week you were sitting with headphones on in the room, the car side facing the screen, ready to watch a live video that night, can you explain to me as if today were friday night evening? and we're sitting in the truck at 10 7 after you've been mowing BMW and the unit is like out of gas right now, take me through your day.
I think you know, tell the guys I'd be interested to know what other people. I think I do it during the day, whether they think, oh, Monday, I'll just relax at home or do this. I'll be kind of interesting, but really every day is full of something, so no, I don't get up. early, but I feel like since I have to be in front of the camera, I have to have energy anyway, so I'll get up maybe at nine thirty and then at nine thirty, well, wait a second, I'll take it all back . go, but then you need to see the finishing time, don't look at Tom Arley's Instagram.
I'm telling you, he would have some things to say, so half of it is getting up. Actually, I've also been going to the gym recently, so I'll go to the gym before the drive one day on a day off, you know, we might actually see if I look healthier since last time, maybe I don't know at all. all those things, could be nice. So yeah, I'll go to the gym, I'll go to the unit and then we'll be in the unit working on whatever car we're in at the time, so we always have a deadline which is either next week or whenever we have to get a video out because the videos are pretty much real time like we film and then we edit and it's coming out next week so we'll be in the unit all day working on the unit and then depending on how long the car takes maybe I'll finish uh EST mid 9 10 last half 2 3:00 in the morning and the way we could know is where the Moon is positioned when you walk out the door of the unit, we'll be like oh it's late because the moon is completely on that side, we always say that, We thought oh, it's quite far away tonight because when you're in the unit you can't tell what time it is at all.
It's like a time capsule, there's no light or anything, you're just there working, but because I enjoy it, it's like Unstoppable really and If I didn't work as hard, someone else did and I think that's why we. We're in the position we're in right now it's because we're in it 24/7 but we're all enjoying it and if anyone we didn't enjoy it or we had a few days off a week there. Someone else would work harder than us to surpass us. I think that's how I think with you. I really struggle twice now that this is the second podcast to find that moment that we look for when we edit our videos into a podcast that is like what is that moment?
Where can I get it? where is the part that scares you or scares you or does something and really everything works like such a well oiled machine that the more I dig, the more I look, the more I try to figure it out. I really struggle, but would you say that's potentially a time where you sit back and worry that another Creator is working with you? I don't know, you know what? I don't see that it's like a competition either, but I would enjoy it if someone was an example, let's say whistling Diesel, he has more views per video and we always notice that we are like this guy is smart, like you can tell in front of the camera that he is doing all these stupid things, but He, he's a smart guy, as we know, he's smart, he knows how to work it, he doesn't post regularly, but his ideas are amazing, they're brilliant, but we always like to look at the people who do it better than us.
I can take ideas from them and work out what works for them and what doesn't work for us. I enjoy it and I wish there was more stuff we could take from other people, but yeah, I wouldn't see it as doing that. I don't get depressed if someone is doing better than me. I think I use it as a kind of motivation. It's almost hard what you would classify as doing better than you because, like you just mentioned, if you're not publishing. just because you get more views on a video that was posted and you fix it and focus on that, you just played five different channels, yeah, that combined probably does a lot more than that.
I guess it's a video you're paying attention to, more or less. What in your head is doing better than where you currently are? For me, you don't know what's really difficult. I would say I just want, I feel like we could, like I said in the last video, 5 million views per video. possible it sounds crazy but it's possible and someone like whistling diesel is pretty is doing that and I don't see why we couldn't do it and that's the goal we definitely want to reach by the end of this year so if we do it again and I do it , I'll be absolutely excited, but I think 5 million is definitely possible, but yeah, I think it is.
I feel satisfied with the fact that we can rebuild most cars now and I like it now. I'm more choosing the cars I want to repair and the type of repairs I want to do, as I enjoy that side of things and we can push it in any direction when we're enjoying, the content is doing well, but still. I still feel like we've hit a barrier and need to break it. I feel like it's the views. I think more people should enjoy it. I like it. I love that so many people enjoy the mini, but I think a lot more people got to see it when we arrived. uh I sat down last time I was coming out right from the back if you had gone out and filmed the purple GT3 video with Freddy in the US and I was inspired so hopefully we bought a second truck in the US do it in the unit of Freddy and turning it into a second studio, which is this setup because a little like what you just said, you feel like you're hitting a wall, there's the next step and it's funny because you hear all these cliché comments about movie stars. and people in the acting world are like I'm going to go to Hollywood, it's like I'm going to go to America and I'm going to become a star, but realistically, that's what you have to do when we've arrived. to where you are currently.
I think so, we are taking advantage of the American audience and I think it has helped us a lot to go over and over again to all the multilingual channels and making the channel in Spanish will help us. the audience in Spain and Mexico and all that in general is as if it were a world domination thing, but I don't know why, I don't know why I love you now, I've actually thought about it, I don't know. I know why, but hey, after meeting you, I know you're pretty competitive as am I because a battle on the fast track a couple of months ago resulted in all the cars I build going to race against a purple guy around like this.
I don't think you'll be surprised by the fact that a lot of the people who sit in front of you in the van naturally got to where they are because you notice the same competitive edge in them over and over again, the only one I don't know if I saw as much in Freddy. I think Freddy has this aura of calm and relaxation, yes, yes, yes. Freddy, that's what I see on camera, but you've obviously collaborated, you talk about watching channels like whist. and Diesel, where is the line between seeing a Creator as a collaborative friend and a channel and a competitor?
Where is that line? Because you could also be excused for saying that if it's me looking at this from the outside, Matt Armstrong would think okay, we're posting longer videos. now they last 20 or 30 minutes, so Freddy, as well as Chrisli, so is this person, so are these people who reconstruct the accident Dage I want that view more than I want them to have that view Where is the line in YouTube between collaboration and competition? No? I don't think there is competitiveness as you know. Just because a person watches my video doesn't mean they won't watch Freddy's video.
I don't like many. I think there are some creators out there. They think it's a competition where just because someone doesn't watch one video they're not going to watch the other, but I think people will compare it, but they'll only compare it if you make it similar to that person like me. I don't think Freddy's videos are the same kind of topic, but I don't think Freddy's videos are similar to our videos, but people I don't know, people will be able to compare them to each other, maybe they would, I don't know . but I think so, I don't see it as competitiveness.
I don't think if Freddy watches, if someone is watching Freddy's video, they won't watch ours. I think we could learn from each other, yes, it was difficult for me to see the competitiveness. Well, the last time we sat here, one thing was talking about also being inside your unit and those closed walls on you and the equipment that is needed to run the channel. Something that surprised me was how easy you said it was to work with family. and the friends were gone, we've been there for six months now, that's still the case these guys oh oh yeah, yeah, because it baffles me, there will be a lot of people listening and watching, it will be like I did business with my friend.
We crashed, that was the end, me and me can't work together like she has to be away for you, it just takes so many people to say that, honestly, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, honestly. I think it's because we all enjoy it. You know, not many people ask that. Don't you fight with your dad or get into trouble with things? It's hard to argue, you know when? You're really enjoying what you're doing and you know that if it was trying to work and the main motivation was money, there could be arguments, this is right, this is wrong, but really what we're doing is like we're just coming at you.
I know you're going to the pub with your friends and you're laughing. It's like you're not really having an argument when you laugh. It is very difficult. I think maybe my personality helps too. I can see more. I know what people are like. If they're feeling a little down or angry about something, then I wouldn't want to trigger the argument, but no, I don't know. Actually, in the 5 years you've been doing this, have you ever had anything like this? I think it's five, six years, something like that. Yes, have you ever thrown a tool around the workshop?
I don't know because I think it's genuinely a marker of patience. I grew up with my peers teasing me because I like fishing and I can happily go and spend time on the shore and relax, be patient and not get frustrated most of the time and have the wind and the weather challenges throw everything and some of it at me. way I still, for some reason, enjoy it, yeah, I see similarities inside that unit when something just doesn't come together or something just doesn't happen and I asked Matt about that before you came in. here this is the other map Matt map um and he says honestly I haven't, but I don't know how I've never seen him get angry.
I don't know why I don't know because you're someone with There's so much personality that's why people invest in the channel because of the personality of you, your father, it's like the Sid Men of Cars effect came into the channel, but even Jezza got angry on GE. I think I can get frustrated, but in the end. I'm doing what I enjoy doing it I can't I can't think of a point where I've completely lost it I can get frustrated it's like, oh my God, this isn't going the way I wanted, but in the end I'm doing what I enjoy I just can't if I'm doing it something I didn't enjoy, for example, working full-time at the full-time job IMac, give us your studio login details, yes. that on the phone that's who you are and that's what I've seen where Matt Jones will literally be like no friend, you won't go near him, back off, he's like Security in a way, yeah, I needed to hire someone so he wouldn't be a man.
Really because I'm too much of a yes man and I know it's bad for me, but like me again, it's like I have problems with people please, you almost know I'm like yes, yes, yes, and then I regret it. of the things I can. It's not like that and I needed to hire a nobody and Matt is definitely not a man, he won't say it if I think of something and I'll say, I think this is a good idea, then he'll say no because you're going to hate this. for this and I'm like, oh yeah, that's probably right or I'll be approached by a brand.
I have this brilliant idea and I don't want to bother you and say oh, I'm sorry. I don't want to do it, but if I have someone else to do it, then no problem. I won't say where, how or what it was, but we witnessed it the other night at dinner. Matt's ability to literally turn off his phone, push him onto the other mat and go, could he? Yeah, I just think too, yeah, I don't want people to have something bad, especially again, like dealing with I have to deal with brands and stuff and I don't want them to have a bad taste in their mouth because of the way I've acted. with them and Matt can fight that battle for me if we're arguing about what a video is like or how much it costs. price, how much we want to charge per video or something like that, if I discuss it myself, it seems quite stubborn, like I'm worth so much and I think it should be like that, while their impression of me is what they see.
In the videos, I just fix the cars and we laugh and then when we try to do a battle of business arguments, it doesn't look so good. ASAS, if Matt is fighting that battle for me, then they can have bad taste with Matt, no problem, since they can hate Mat for everything they like, but they still see me as, oh, we want to work with Mat, but we just have a hard time getting over the other matap they like, but it's nice to have. It was really built as a perfect team and it's good that he can do that side, it works, it works perfectly, like you need to employ other creators who would like to create content.
I have observed how they would naturally want to follow you. around and make a video with your name on it in the minute because anything with your name on it seems like it can have that extra magic dust of increase in views for other creators to make money off of it. You have a hard time choosing who to collaborate with and who not to, and do you think you're a little less collaborative than other YouTubers with similar followings just because you'd like to stay in your own lane on how you do things? I think we're a little L, not necessarily because we like to stay in our own lanes, just because of the schedule, like you know, like me, no, you should see how mental it is, like the deadline, like we want.
I put out a video for next week, so we have to work on the car and you know? If someone wants to collaborate or make a video together, it's like we're already working at this pace, this rhythm and Going out and doing something with someone else is a big side step for us, which leaves us out of line with what we're doing. , so unless it really works for us, then collaboration is difficult to collaborate like with Freddy. It was just an easy collaboration, it wasn't forced, it's like I was going to build a car, the collaboration was just meant to be, but if I were to collaborate with someone, let's say randomly, who has a gym channel or something.
So, then I would have to try my best to do something and I think it's so hard for me to share my time that even you now I get so many messages about appearing on podcasts all the time, but I can't. I would gladly go do them, but I can't because we're in the unit doing this, so the only reason you could do it is because you have a truck, obviously we like it a lot, but you have a truck. we can come to the unit and we can do it, that's it because I beat him twice, yeah, we'll see, we'll see about the next car, hopefully, but yeah, I think it's our, it's our moment that I really struggle with.
We don't have time, so in doing so, one of my favorite sayings that my father said to me not too far from when he passed away was Ben, you can keep some people happy some of the time, but not all of the time. happy people all the time have you ever thought that you're pissing off other creators by not working with them in the space and just accept that it's going to happen now that you're getting to the level you're getting to? I don't know, I don't want to say it would bother them because there were some people we'd like to make videos with and they don't respond to us or anything like that, but it doesn't bother me.
So, no, uh, no, it doesn't bother me, I just think they must be as busy as us and it's hard to fit into their schedules, but I think so, I wouldn't say so. Yeah, I wouldn't say I feel like I'm going to bother them, but I don't know, maybe some people feel that way. Oh, I haven't responded to him, so he hasn't responded to me, so I hate him. I don't like it, but I don't know, you have a problem with it, why do you think your audience is captivated by the reconstruction of a damaged car that was crashed?
I don't think so, since I think rebuilding the car is the issue, but I think. They are so captivated by the story, the whole story that I was a normal person, Silam, who had a regular job like anyone else in the UK would and the story, in a matter of just 5 years, went from working in an entrance way. rebuild normal cheap cars and now build this huge thing that people see all over the world, build super cars and travel to America to do things like that. I think the story is a huge part of it because I think I hope it gives people motivation to do it.
If I hadn't taken the leap to do what I do during lockdown, I would never have been in this position and I hope that encourages other people. I think the rebuild of the car is the topic, but they stay with the story and I think you mentioned a key word which is Jump because you didn't say you stand still and it's been really interesting because all the noise is, oh, rebuild of the super car damaged by accident, if you can rebuild it, it is just what you need. By the time it was hot, I saw the rest and sat down and had different people on it to build it.
I had Freddy. I had Chris. I had all kinds of people in their areas doing it and I can't help but think if this bubble is going to burst, if it's going to burst at some point, if there's going to be a crash, but it really hit me the other day when we were on that track. filming that video. Wait a second, this is working and because we put the video, you put the video and it became the number one trend. He went crazy and you told me you didn't really expect him to do that. I barely touched the car.
The video then suddenly told me: "Okay, you've realized that's the central theme, but the video itself is developed from parts, the story, it's the whole story, it's the journey, it's the team, it's the package you made." I don't expect it to necessarily work doing the parts that you now do in the center, read not, when we are doing videos, as I know that people love to rebuild the car and there are people who watch it only for the rebuild videos and not necessarily. It's like when we take road trips when we go to the track. I know there are people who don't like that kind of thing, but when we film the video like the one the other day when we went out on the track and I went to McLaren, we are still trying to solve problems as such, but it's more a story than rebuilding the cars and people still really enjoyed the video and did it very well and I think that's the No need package.
I think there are thousands of other mechanics who are much better than what I could do. They have a lot more knowledge than me and can rebuild a car better than me, but if they filmed it on YouTube, would it work? Also, it's probably not like they have to have the whole package, they have to have a whole package that people can invest in, like there are people building supercars now, but they don't have as many people watching as what we do because that's the history. From there, from the beginning, we've been down the road to what we're doing now.
I think outsiders looking in will probably think, "Oh, this is just a rich kid who has a lamb Lamborghini and he's rebuilding it and it's financed." by his father or it's funded by someone else, but then when they start watching the videos, that's actually one of the most searched search terms on Google, so I do my research before this, yeah, and how did Armstrong get his money is one of the most things which is crazy yeah because I feel like there's no mystery around it, I think the video pinned on your channel is what the story is like for people.
I think that's what I naturally think is a human thing, right? I think okay, this guy might be around my age and he's rebuilding supercars and he's doing this and he loves life, but the only reason he's doing it is because of something I don't have, he has a father. rich or maybe inherited a lot of money, look, people look for an excuse of how I've done it and they haven't and generally, it's not like we built it from the bottom up, that's what I want people to see and then people can click on the head, oh, I could do that.
If he's done it, look at him, he's got holes in his ears, tattoos of him all over him, if he can do it, I can do it and that's what we want to convey in our videos, yeah, whatever. you like to do it, you can't fail because if you really enjoy it, you can make money at anything, you just need to find the right thing, the right thing, but you're always thinking about how to get to the next level, so If I had sat with you maybe two years ago, I'm sure you would have gotten between 150 and 350,000 views.
I'm sure we can get a million views on the video. I think it's possible. like now when you say because you have almost validated the proof that that is possible when you say I can do five million views on a video we can do it we can do it yes, what do you think is possible of And I say Automotive because more and more people are taking out the channel of entertainment, but it is possible to leave this channel captivating this audience because Mr Beast, I think he just surpassed 200 million subscribers, am I right? Yes, do you think it's possible to have a 100 million subscribers Channel doing this do you think there are enough people I think I think so I think I don't see why there isn't no.
Overall I think yes, we can get 100 million. I don't know when it would be 100 million. There may be enough people to be interested. You just have to look at how many people in the world drive cars. Close enough to the most populated countries. They drive cars. You know about cars or why they wouldn't be interested in rebuilding cars or traveling with a car. Can't. Even the girlfriends of people who sit and watch videos who don't even care about cars are watching the channel now, so why can't there be 100 million people watching it, but if you are satisfied and watch it with the money you earn, yes? with the cars you do in life you can have a huge laugh in the small unit and the site and the fact that the videos with actually less valuable cars like the RS6 are some of the ones that perform better than any other content, yes, the fact that you say that sometimes you struggle with the amount of people that you're dealing with, that know you and know you and that you'd rather live under a rock and we see it on Autosport on Petrol headism Wherever you are it's the Q goes for miles and you try to understand that, why then do you pursue more?
I can't even answer that question. I just can't, I don't know. I think it's just because I naturally want the next thing, like if we're happy with where we are, we'd never progress. I always wanted the next thing, the next goal and that's how I progress. I'm really happy where we are. I have everything I ever wanted. but why do I want the following? Don't know. Honestly, I think it's just to prove to myself that I will take you to a place where you have more numbers but less happiness. Maybe not. Sincerely I dont know. I had a hard time if you could pick everything ready right now, yeah, where you are now and move the whole operation to a unit next to Freddy's in Florida, yeah, and move from the UK to the US.
Would you do it? Yeah, just because of the weather, it's just because of The weather is not the fact that you want to expand the audience in the US, you want to do this. The weather is a huge thing for me. I've told all the guys in America. We've even gone so far as to purchase one of these. things called a collagen bed, I don't know if you've ever heard of them, it's like I think Joe Rogan uses one too, it's like a red bed, so is this just you and Hannah's weird bed? Yeah, well, it's tanure, but that's it, it has red tubes that release like they give you vitamin D, it helps like recovery and it helps with seasonal, seasonal depression is what it's called, so you like it, You know, when I come here, I struggle enormously with that. gray is dark is D is raining and my mood is not so good is whenI'm in Florida I'm very motivated I get up at 7 in the morning there I wake up at half past here not just because of the time difference I never thought about that.
I feel so much more motivated when I'm there. I get a lot more done when I'm there. I like that we laugh and in the summer it's the same here. All the best moments, all my best memories are from summer. In the summer when the sun is out, I never have an amazing memory when it's raining, so what you're saying is Ben finish that second podcast. Studio is over, we are going to spend the winters, in short, there are people who look and say they don't like that. I don't like the UK I don't dislike the UK it's the weather it's not a changeable thing we can't change the weather but the weather has a huge impact on my mood do you know what I'm going to do? and if you want me to cut it later, it's going to have to be the case because he's my Armstrong, but I'm going to give everyone who sees this a world ethnic exclusive right now on this truck.
It's actually surprising that Matt Armstrong wanted to move. to a country with a lot of sun, extreme rays, extreme heat, Matt, would you like to take the floor and maybe just reveal a little secret about yourself? Well, I probably would have thought people would know this, but maybe they wouldn't, but I am. actually a redhead like I don't know if I'm as redhead as you I don't know because I haven't tried it in a long time you know Matt Armstrong is actually Ginger now it's world breaking news let me tell you a little story the other day after We made our first video on the track competing between Lamborghini and GT3.
Someone sent it to me in the comments. I can't believe Matt was defeated by a redhead now if that person is watching. I took this yeah, no, just no, yeah, no, I haven't been well. I say I'm still a redhead at heart, but yeah, no, I haven't had much red hair in a long time. So what I would like to end with a thought is for everyone to listen and watch, no matter how hard the Creator works to convey to you on camera what is really happening, what your life really is and how much you think that you know how much you think that you know them, there's really always going to be things that you don't know and we're looking forward to seeing the things that we don't know come to life, your creativity and how you move forward so Matt.
Armstrong, thanks for putting up with me for an hour again, thanks for buying food again, because we have this deal that every time I beat Matt at the track it's to buy me dinner, so I'm not bought. Not really. I bought him food, but this is a preview of next time because I feel like it's going to happen again. I hope to race you again soon, buddy, and I hope you show the setups behind us right now that haven't been revealed because they're crazy, so I appreciate that, thank you very much. Do you have the photo of Matt when he was Ginger?
Yeah, oh no, I can't show you that, oh my god, he blurs the camera anyway, there it is, it looks blurry. Do you want it to be that way? Yes that's how it is. his sister at his side perfect that's all we need that's perfect

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