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Masha and the Bear

Jun 01, 2021
I, oh, you're already awake, I just turned around for breakfast, if you want the fish to bite, you have to feed the child first, hmm, but I want something sugary, it's not my fault my sweet tooth craves it a little of sugar, hmm, yes, no. I crave sweets and I'm going to have them. Well, I have to do everything myself. Yes, the best taste of life is sweet. Oh yeah. Look at all the lollipops I've made to make my life sweeter. I think I broke down. my suite is too my teeth won't break uh like hmm I'm so terrified I can't cry I'm going to kiss all my greatest hopes goodbye wisdom bring your brushes yeah I'm going to have breakfast the sweet life is not a piece of cake oh hmm uh what kind of strange game are they playing here?
masha and the bear
So what kind of moves do they make to win this? I love these action figures in the pond and the ponies. It's time to ride my little pony, run, run, my little bones. my little pony oh I can't play with you these animals won't let me go run run my little pony hmm run and run my little pony well maybe we should go to bed now hmm hmm what other game yes you should I won't play with these games, wow, so I am broadcasting live from the largest football stadium in our country, where the last game of the season is about to begin and it is the game that will decide the championship.
masha and the bear

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masha and the bear...

Both teams have been on the field for just a while. For a few seconds, our team keeps the ball so that the opponents cannot have possession. The ball passes from one player to another as they approach the rival area. Our striker tries to shoot. The ball bounces off the opposing defender and off their goalkeeper. Good afternoon, dear spectators. this is our weekly health program today we will talk about different methods to relieve stress that we can recognize take some relaxation techniques that can relieve and reduce stress in just 10 minutes the simplest is to sit in a recliner or comfortable chair just relax and breathe normally or you can enjoy a hot cup of herbal tea try to avoid having serious thoughts while enjoying it or you can draw yourself a warm bath and do some breathing exercises while lying in it like breathing deeply through your nose with your mouth closed and then dipping the lower half of your face in the water and exhaling slowly through your nose, just remember that none of these methods is a magic wand that will make all your problems go away, fatigue and exhaustion can make your life very difficult, but try Keep in mind that you will find solutions on your cell phones. the second half of the game is about to start if you remember at the end of the program one of the opposing team's players was penalized after committing a foul and the players are on the field once again do not panic I am dialing the number at the end of the second half is about to run out dialing the number um uh, I already told you, we really play all the games in the world, there is something we can play, we can say, play like a theater, why not?
masha and the bear
Don't say it before, Dasha, let's do it right now and take a look, let's start with a classical theater, it's so boring, opera is much better, cool costumes and singing too, or maybe even a tragedy, I think we should do it only. a drama just a drama we should do, I say it's a great idea, the ballet opera with elements of drama, you can go ahead and show your foreign knowledge hmm, it will be a great pleasure to start the show, we announce a delay, we hope you will appreciate this great treasure while we present our work to you in Verona.
masha and the bear
We are the friendly family la la la la crown even if you look around the entire universe as evil, it's exciting, it's the job I enjoy fooling all the girls. and boy in endless fights he is a cute what is that you take what is mine no no I don't want this this time our heroes were defeated the evil villain ran away but please continue to sit and watch the rest of our great work. finally it's time to show my evil evil the dear boyfriends are united they are enemies finally gone and everyone is delighted but still the show must go on no, we are not afraid of you it's time to go really what divas uh uh maybe later right now I want to go and study something later later who exactly made you be in charge of me I won't listen to you and I will do whatever you want it's up to me I can leave you at any time hello oh huh uh I want to go back I want to be human like before now I have this silly tail but I don't want it oh I want to go with you I can go swimming in a stream I'm following my own rules what a great life good three what's happened what's wrong with me I'm about to cry and how could this be?
Someone tells me it's so exciting, learn readings, it's good to be a human being, let's try not to joke about it. Your mommy is here now, oh my dear little baby, oh my dear sunshine, oh darling. friend got so skinny let's go to the


to get some milk let's go to the


to get some milk hello we can't get to milk yes I have to feed my baby I have to feed my baby I have to be my baby the routine My baby was hungry. Uh, you'll never see a kitten that will start eating its food if you don't lick its snout properly.
You can get so sick you'll cry that's another point to get stressed out if yes the shine shines bright shines on our lands what do you mean I'm not a mom anymore but what about all my new outfits we completely forgot about oh um , you know how to play the piano and you never taught me, should I, should I? Learn to touch it, oh honey, this baby land is really great, so where's the key, where's the board? famous why do I need to practice scales I don't need them to play well let's have festive music the most important thing is to know how to bow oh I don't like these scales oh uh-huh uh-huh eh hmm hmm do it oh I won't be famous soon so oh hmm huh ah hmm oh wow I don't remember the last time I ate a strawberry hmm okay, I'll go for a walk what's happening to me ah do you want I'm holding my breath okay, it's gone, it didn't really help, this one didn't help either, I'll just ask you one, Please give me suggestions where the dumb hiccups come from.
I'm trying everything, but it doesn't matter, ah. oh great, just like us, you got the hiccups, that's enough, bear, exhale now, bye, huh, oh no, it's wrong with me now, huh, wow, so, wait, wait, wait, wait, there I got you, oh you're back again, look at this, it's such a cute baby. oh my dear little fairy oh what are you playing with is play dough ah this dough needs a little kneading eh but I know the biggest magic word of all give me I'll clean up hey here oh aah eh uh eh well now I'm talking here like this, a Once I understood it, ta-da, yo, hey bear, where did my cute baby go?
Ah, so, where could all the cartoons be hidden? Hmm, let's start an investigation, ah, one, two, three, four, five. six let's look for cartoons to choose from I will press this microphone


and the bear come on it's that easy and now you try it

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