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Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends S1 Full Episodes! | 90 Minute Compilation | @disneyjunior

Mar 17, 2024
look at it it's beautiful happy holidays peter happy holidays aunt may and you too tracy foreign hey didn't you start building our snowman without me you did it oh miles we never do that anyway we just got there where are you uh on the other side Well I can't run, you might slip on a little ice don't worry I'm not going to run that fast see you soon just a quick step here and a little jump here and my quiet link Peter Gwen, can you hear me? Oh man, he's broken. I really should have slowed down.
marvel s spidey and his amazing friends s1 full episodes 90 minute compilation disneyjunior
I'll ask Peter to fix it for me later. He and Gwen are expecting, so I have To start, what a wonderful day for a snowman, fun, fun for me anyway, oh, I'll start with that one. Well, hello, what a cute snowman you've made. Green Goblin, leave us alone. The only problem is that he just stands there when he can. will chase you go find him snowman ruin his winter fun A snowman is moving run Matilda run that's cool oh Green Goblin Peter Gwen oh yeah, it's broken oh look at another snowman well, it's not very fun just to see it standing still That's the season for Green Goblin to have fun, watch out people, here he comes, looks like I have to take care of Gabby myself.
marvel s spidey and his amazing friends s1 full episodes 90 minute compilation disneyjunior

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marvel s spidey and his amazing friends s1 full episodes 90 minute compilation disneyjunior...

Everyone runs. The snowman Go controller works like Christmas magic. I'm sorry,


. No winter fun today. No more controlling snowmen because they miss me. Go find it, of course. A little bit of Spidey too, girl, we tryin' to mess up my ass, you'll never escape. I control wherever they go. I could really use some help from the rest of Team Spidey if only my calm bond wasn't broken. You could call them broken, that's right if it's Gabi's. the controller was broken i couldn't control those snowmen anymore i just need something to break it no right to aim my snowman go controller you ruined it i can't make them go where i want to count it ruined my fun now im going to stop you will avoid ruining the fun from the others for a long time, yeah, oh man, I lost them, it's all good, he doesn't respond, that's not like him.
marvel s spidey and his amazing friends s1 full episodes 90 minute compilation disneyjunior
Peter and Gwen, he better tell her what happened. Hello guys, Hello miles, where were you? Well, we called. on the communication link but you never responded. I kissed it, fell and broke it, but then the Green Goblin appeared. He had this controller and he electrocuted the snowmen and they started moving. He could make them go wherever he wanted. What is right. Gobby won't do it. I'll be attacking more snowmen now I crushed his controller and he ran away. I think the snowman stopped, so where is the controller now? It actually helped me get through it. I was too busy trying to chase him to grab him.
marvel s spidey and his amazing friends s1 full episodes 90 minute compilation disneyjunior
We shouldn't leave Tech. lying around like that oh well, I know exactly where it is let's go uh, do you hear that? I hear something big I'm seeing, yeah, but I don't believe it, okay, someone made that thing bigger, snowmen weren't that big before, what is that? stuck in the snowman's head, Gobby's broken controller, the wiring and that controller must have all been scrambled when it broke, but he's still controlling the snowman. Maybe the controller works like a magnet, so he's attracting all the little snowmen to the big one. Don't you see that every day is time to nag again.
The ghost spider turns ACH there. See, that snowman almost ran over a squirrel. I don't think he knows what he's doing after all, it's just three big snowballs. Let me see if I can get his attention. I hit him with the snowball and he didn't even notice. I don't think it has a mind of its own Bobby's controller is making him move it still looks pretty dangerous oh it's dangerous okay we have to stop him now we'll rub him so he can't move and then take that controller away from him I think it's been working , it's slowing down, oh that thing ain't easy to stop, well at least Gobby scared most people out of the park, so pretty much everyone should be safe from that snowman, why did I throw my controller away I love my controller I can fix it it will work better than ever if I can just find it oh I think I found it do you hear that sounds like help me please?
Well I know he's a super villain but we still have to help him, let's go to the webs, oh he's still chasing me, remember me, I'll see if I can keep him in one place okay and I'll get that controller off him, yeah, he's frozen in place, I can't get it right, can you? You're not likely to break it. I built that thing to last. I broke it with the pineapple. It was a very hard pineapple. You have this party. Oh look, the snowman is breaking my webs. He is reacting to the controller. If I could take it apart, I could. maybe turn it off, he's heading into town, is there any way Spidey can open that controller?
I'll never tell, there's a spinning spider in the slot, that carrot must have fallen off a snowman, it's frozen, will it work? It never worked, yeah it worked, oh pumpkin seeds, okay, okay, which wire should I pull? It's a green wire or, of course, the Green Goblin made it. They are all green wires. Oh no, I need to think of something quick. Is this? Maybe this one. ah there's no time to guess I just need to throw huh yeah you stopped the giant snowman from destroying the city you totally did it Spidey we did it thanks for your help team we'll have to let everyone know that the park It's safe again, yes, yes.
You should be here having fun and then maybe we can finally build our own snowman. You know, I think I'm done with snowmen for today. How about we go have some hot chocolate? Yes, with little marshmallows. Great suggestion. I love those things. Well, someday, when you stop getting in trouble for misbehaving, you can have Coco with too-weird tiny marshmallows.

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