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Martha Stewart's Christmas Classics | 17-Recipe Special | Martha's Supercuts

May 30, 2024
Christmas is a lovely and meaningful holiday and what I appreciate most about this season is spending time with my family and friends. Hello, I'm very glad to see you. Merry


. Thank you so much. Happens. I brought you some things. My God! I can drink this while we make cookies, okay, that's the plan, go ahead, oh, it looks beautiful, oh, we've been decorating and decorating, I can see him trying to get the house ready, so I really like to fix the whole house, as you know. I love them and what are these These are those are the giant allium seed pods from the allium flowers in my garden and what would you do with them?
martha stewart s christmas classics 17 recipe special martha s supercuts
I let them dry and they looked so good in the garden I cut them all up and said I'll save them for something. You'd think I'd save them for maybe the 4th of July, but look how great they look for Christmas. They really do. This is a beautiful tree. What are you going to do to your tree this year? Probably the same as us. I always do, it's all the ornaments I made and had as a kid and then every year we add a new one. Oh, that's cute, but I feel like I should make a sewn tree like this.
martha stewart s christmas classics 17 recipe special martha s supercuts

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martha stewart s christmas classics 17 recipe special martha s supercuts...

You can have more than one tree. I think we could. I've never done it, but I think we could, let's make cookies now. I think we should go because I don't want you to leave before you get a box of cookies. No, no, no, let's go. We are making golden bow shaped cookies. Do you think I drink champagne every time I make cookies? Well, thanks for bringing this up. I've never had champagne with you before. I thought you should see what you are like. A little bit good. silly, greetings and to you and to a wonderful Christmas with your family and to our cookies yes, so we need two teaspoons of lemon zest and you're doing a great job and I'm going to clean the butter, take the butter a cup um room temperature no It must be, you know, I think I have a disproportionate amount of work here no, no, I have a lot to do here, okay, let's see, like scrape the butter into the bowl, you know what Martha always, what I never remember to do is take out butter at room temperature, not because it takes a long time to soften it well, a long time, add a little cream cheese, now Jennifer is the most curious person in the kitchen, well, I would.
martha stewart s christmas classics 17 recipe special martha s supercuts
No one will be if they have you alone in the kitchen. I ask you all the time I'm here. I add a cup of sugar to the three ounces of cream cheese and a cup of butter. I've never used one of these, oh no. Yes, and you're fine. I'll tell you what I believe. Jennifer is a very athletic person. Isn't she cool? And you don't waste lemon that way. Can I start adding? Okay, wait, now I have to add the eggs and, oh, you can add the uh YES, the dry ingredients, so oh, I have a teaspoon of baking powder, yeah, mhm, 3/4 teaspoon of salt, perfect, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, one, do you want the zest now?
martha stewart s christmas classics 17 recipe special martha s supercuts
Yeah, I'll add That too you can just throw it all out when the flow is added, it all comes together, let me scrape it once. I always have to stop and scrape, yes, but that's important and always, while you stop, I have to give a little. Yeah, a little bit here, you can use this too, you can use your fingers if you want, okay, they're clean, you want to incorporate it all, but you don't want to overdo it like that, okay, now you can add a little bit more, come on, there it is. we've got the dough, it's really a nice thick dough and we're going to put this on a, I know, you're not as bad as me, mmm, just a little sample, big fights for the spatula, no grip, which I do every year .
Martha Stewart cookies. I make a big basket full of different types of cookies for Christmas for people. Oh how cute, it looks perfect to add and we're going to make enough to fill the most beautiful box, but we have to do. the cookies first okay, okay, then the next step is to place the cookies, we place them yes, I have never touched, oh, right? I'm not a piper, okay, well, I'm a Pipe Spooner Jennifer Garner, that's too big, well, I'm I was born in Texas, okay, that's no excuse now, don't even waste it, don't even do it, because that look won't look pretty or plump, look, look, time, I know, so do it again right here, you can scrape it off now, what a look. what I'm doing you're strong enough you're a lot stronger than me I'm sure because you work out like yeah like crazy so I always use one hand and I'm on top of the bag to squeeze it out and then I lead with this hand and then I just want to make a nice figure eight.
I'm squeezing evenly look, you're doing it, I'm directing, okay, and then you put your little bows, bow ties at the bottom, look like this, yeah. okay yeah very cute funny true very funny my sisters and I love to bake each other and how many sisters two and I ate apple another sister ate pumpkin and the other sister ate pecan pies and every year it was a great plan. the kitchen and still what I like the most is being in the kitchen with my sisters, so you are doing better, mhm, much better, yes, it was good. I'm legitimately happy with that D, that's exactly good, so one bag can make six cookies ideally, mhm. well, but if not, don't feel bad about yourself, mhm, perfect, it looks like a little man's glasses and mustache, so now we bake the cookies, I'm going to bake even that one, that one will be for me, okay 375 12 minutes now gold gilding is this Martha Stewart glitter this is no this is edible gold leaf and it's in powder form and I find that it actually works very, very well and e


ly with a brush you can use a little sieve but this gets Va right into the corners and CR now I see why you need the ridges and just a little bit to make them pretty, don't you think they are gorgeous?
Look how pretty, they just shine. You're done. You're almost done. Mhm. Yes, look how pretty they look with each other. I really love them, alright, I want to bring your champagne, yes of course, you better bring the bottle we're going to break, here we go, okay, I thought I'd show you the basics. ingredients that anyone who likes to bake should have on hand, start of course with flour, unbleached all-purpose flour, it's really great to have. I keep all my flowers in large mouth glass jars like this one, these jars are pretty, they are easy to find, I keep them on a shelf and also having a big wide mouth like this one makes it very easy to dip and measure.
This is a great way to store flour and sugar to keep in clear glass jars. It's easy to dip the measuring cup directly into the jar and lots of butter for holiday baking. I just buy a lot of unsalted butter, put it in the freezer and use it as needed, but having it in the freezer is a great way to preserve unsalted butter and why unsalted because I can add salt to taste nuts stored in airtight containers like this pecans all should be stored at room temperature in a cool dark place good chocolates white chocolate milk chocolate semi chocolate you should have all those different chocolates on hand I have a Drawer in my kitchen that is marked chocolate and we keep all the chocolate right there, at room temperature, where it remains tightly wrapped and ready to use.
Spices. You know, people buy spices and say, "Oh, that will last me for years." Well, the spices lose their strength. You should check from time to time that the spices are fresh enough. Nutmeg can be stored in a small can like this one with an airtight lid and all kinds of spices you need. Ground cinnamon. Ground ginger. This is cinnamon sticks or ground cloves. Very spicy. and potent and cream of tartar for baking projects uh these are all the types of holiday spices that I call and that you should have fresh and plentiful in your pantry of course fresh baking powder baking powder also has an expiration date , Do not believe that.
You can keep the same baking powder year after year, in fact you can't, every time I start a big baking project, that requires a lot of baking powder, I open a new can and once you are stocked you can enjoy the process of baking and you can make gorgeous coffee cakes like this cake or blueberry tarts with me today. Danny Fiori, who has worked with me on cake decorating, cookie decorating and cupcake decorating, for a long time, welcome to the countdown to Christmas, thank you. very excited these are the cutest cupcakes oh my gosh they are so and uh they incorporate not only a cupcake but also an ice cream cone a sugar cone my favorite sugar cone my favorite that forms the tree a cupcake and some snow coconut a star ornament on the right and a star I always add a cookie at the end, okay, let's do the process right away.
Danny, okay, so we're going to take a cupcake and cover it with some cream cheese frosting. It's fine, pleasant and delicious. delicious delicious so I'm going to dip it in some coconut and it looks like snow and it sticks really well so we have our cream cheese frosting that we dyed green with food coloring and we're going to start with a cone. And we used a micro plan to make a hole in the top and at the end I'll show you what we're going to do with that, but just add a little bit of frosting all the way to the edge and that's so it adheres well. oh, on our cupcake in the coconut, yeah, okay, and what we're going to do is just put, we've got a star tip here and we're going to put stars all over the place, make sure they get close because they don't want to. see the cone sticking out in no way, oh my goodness yours looks great, you are an expert at this in piping after making thousands of wedding cakes with piping bags.
I should be something of an expert, but these are so cute. So these. would be and then you have to chill this really well, it definitely gets it to turn out so pretty and the frosting nice and stiff which is so cute such an adorable centerpiece for your dessert buffet, in fact it would be and then stick the little gingerbread topper on just in so cute it is a very sweet and beautiful idea, I think it is charming, very cute and I also love the little red papers for the cupcakes, the candy cane papers are adorable, very cute and on pedestals like this you can make a Really pretty display of this little forest of Christmas trees. and they are so delicious that the kids will go crazy over this this is so delicious that they will think it's spiked served with a very festive ring of ice in the punch bowl cut five oranges into one-eighth inch slices and also two lemons now once Once you have cut all the cuts in the mold, start with Cranberry Beres, first about two cups of blueberries and then layer the fruit alternating oranges with lemons, this is called shingling.
When you make these overlapping layers, this will take at least a day to freeze. really solid so don't leave this until the last minute to create it so there you have it just add the cranberry juice, about three cups of cranberry juice and enough water to almost reach the top of the mold oh , I forgot it. Rosemary Rosemary is How cute here you will add some aroma and flavor to your punch and that will go straight into your freezer for at least 24 hours so here is our beautiful ice ring, that pretty, it also looks really pretty in the punch , now add your freshly squeezed.
Orange juice or tangerine juice, pomegranate juice and cranberry juice and then Ging ginger ale. Recipes are at



.com. Now look at how it bubbles, it's almost like a champagne punch. Don't add the ginger ale until your guests have walked through the door. you don't want the Fizz to disappear, pistachio iced shortbread cookies, we have a great


and these are such a bright green, perfect for Christmas cookies, so they came to me and now I'm making them to send to others, two cream bars. of butter with 3/4 cup of sugar until very fluffy and creamy yellow add an egg a large egg and let it incorporate a teaspoon of salt a teaspoon of vanilla smells very good and beat 2 and 1/ 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons of flour with half a cup of finely chopped pistachios and chop with a very sharp blade or a sharp chef's knife and over low heat add the flour, it remains a hard dough because what we are making is ice. boxed cookies and we are going to make rolls with them almost in the last little bit you can just pour them out so here is our dough you can take it out and knead the dough and shape it into a rough log and I want to divide this log in half now let's go to roll it into a snake the width of the paper that actually compresses it and this rolls into a cylinder equal to the exact width of your parchment paper and to make sure it holds up nicely. and stiff in your refrigerator while it cools reuse one of the ones you saved and we always keep these your paper towel roll yes, and the cookie fits perfectly here this can go right on a cookie sheet and the rolls stay even and stiff , we have some already chilled overnight so all the flavors really permeate the entire dough, so I took the cardboard off of this dough, it's stiff, you can cut it, roll the dough now in glitter sanding sugar, this is a nice and fine sugar mixture and it looks so beautiful and then cut the cookies into slices about what inches thislittle knife works great because of the way this dough can be kept in the freezer for up to 1 month place the cookies, aren't they beautiful?
Oh, they're just almost prettier. unbaked than baked, preheat the oven to 350° and they will bake for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. My pecan brittle is quick, it's easy, and it dips beautifully. Brittle is very easy. This is a peanut. Peanut brittle is a legume, not a nut. put half a cup of corn syrup in the bottom of a heavy bottomed saucepan add 1/4 cup cold water 1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar a pinch of salt let the sugar melt into the liquid you can see A little crystallization around the edges of the pan to prevent you from taking a brush with water to dissolve it.
The sugar, corn syrup keeps the peanut brittle a little tender and the addition at the end of a little baking soda Sodium keeps the peanut brittle a little light and airy, so the temperature quickly approaches 238° when it reaches that temperature, add your 2 and 1/2 cups of peanuts and continue cooking until the caramel syrup is a nice color. amber. Now I can remove the thermometer. I want to make sure every peanut is covered. Now add a teaspoon of high-quality vanilla extract. Add your last ingredient. A teaspoon of baking. soda watch it get nice, foamy and creamy, take it off the heat and pour it into the prepared pan and this is what it looks like when it cools, it's substantial, it's heavy and this little hammer is what will break that brittle into the perfect big chunks one stick of butter melted in a heavy bottom saucepan add to the butter a cup of granulated sugar and a little bit of corn syrup 1/4 cup now this will boil the sugar will start to caramelize all this popcorn comes from a heaping half cup of popcorn kernels in this tray, I'm going to add about a cup of beautiful salted giant cashews and in this I'm going to add mini natural salted peanuts anywhere between half a cup to a cup, add a teaspoon of salt that teaspoon of pepper cayenne so we have the perfect color here and twist this mixing all of that together pour half on one tray and half on the other now look how pretty it is so just sprinkle it on and preheat the oven to 250° it's going to sit in the oven for 30 minutes and then you can bag it up and send them some fancy ice cream that they can make themselves and that's how I do it.
I have two cups of heavy cream here, two tablespoons of pastry cream. sugar and start beating on low speed then add my favorite two teaspoons of the best vanilla and this now has a little peak that I really like you don't have to unscrew the whole lid it's very easy and you don't lose the lid while you're beating your cream if your bowl is cold your cream is cold the whipped cream takes just a few seconds to reach the proper smooth maximum consistency and here everything is ready so now we have the whipped cream and all our toppings and a delicious homemade vanilla ice cream I have about two scoops of ice cream and I have a pension for hot fudge, so if you put the hot fudge in a picture like this, it pours very, very well and very well, and it's a real hot fudge if it doesn't solidify.
In that cold ice cream you can't really consider a real hot fudge, a little salted caramel and maybe a small bar of chocolate. I like that, a dollop of that vanilla infused whipped cream, now that it's Sunday, this is the one I'm going to make. show you how to make it has one or two unexpected twists first we make the cream for the cake filling we start with three cups of whole milk we are going to cook the milk with a


blend of spices a cinnamon stick a vanilla pod that You can open it like this with the tip of your knife and then scrape out the vanilla seeds.
Put the seeds and pod directly into the milk and do not leave seeds on the board. The vanilla bean has a lot of flavor and raspiness. It's like this it really releases even more flavor a nice piece of ginger this is fresh peel Ginger and four whole cloves and about 10 peppercorns black peppercorns boil this mixture and reduce by half and that's the start of our cake custard pumpkin, so the custard base has cooled now strain. I'm using a fine Sie, it strains nice and smooth and you're ready to make the rest of the custard. These are your ingredients.
Two eggs. Beat the eggs with a 15 oz. pumpkin puree now mosed pumpkin by the way in the United States it is used for pumpkin pie so mix in the pumpkin, the eggs act as a thickener for this mixture half a teaspoon of salt 3/4 cup of granulated sugar the custard spicy, tasty and cooled all this goes directly to the pumpkin that looks beautiful and pour it directly into the pre-cooked pumpkin seed Pais base. This is a beautiful, beautiful crust and the difference from regular pre-baked pie crust is that it has pumpkin seeds incorporated right into it. Place the dough directly into a preheated 425° oven and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350° and bake until the custard that this beautiful mixture has just settled in the center and it will probably be about 25 minutes more.
This is our third little tip for an unusual pumpkin pie. Sift 2 tablespoons of super fine granulated sugar over the entire top of the cooled cake and then set it on fire. Let's go to Brule. Brule is the French word that means burnt like sugar. It heats up, it caramelizes, you can see each one of those little bubbles melting, burning really hot, the sugar smells good, so keep passing the flame over the surface of the sugar until the sugar melts and turns golden brown. I think we're almost done with these magnificent Slim Beautiful Women here. Cookies have been a long-time family favorite, and this year I think they'll be perfect as a dessert for a holiday gathering, so they're super easy to make with one pound of butter, three cups of light brown sugar, and one cup of regular sugar and cream. butter and sugar together and then you add four large eggs to the butter and sugar cream, these are Farm Fresh eggs add the eggs one at a time, taken from my chicken coop, straight from my hands, look at that beautiful chocolate brown egg and this really If you loosen the dough well, you want the eggs to be fully incorporated into the butter and sugar and then two teaspoons of the best vanilla let it mix while you sift 3 and 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour with 1 and 1/2 tablespoon. of salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda, that's another reason why the cookies turn out so nice and flat, there is no leavening agent in the cookies and sifting is very easy when you use a wire whisk like this one, you mix all the ingredients together dry and then you can just add the flour while the machine runs on low speed, when it gets to the bottom you can easily put in the rest and of course the last thing that goes into the 1 and 1/2 chocolate chip cookie dough best quality mugs. chocolate chips or chocolate beds like this, like that, and like that, preheat the oven to 375° and this amount makes about 30 delicious 4 in. cookies and another little tip that we love to share with you all is to use a releaseable ice cream scoop for the dough , you can only use a 2 oz scoop, this will give you a four inch cookie and they bake in about 11 minutes, bake them directly in a Sil hat and because they spread and are so large, I suggest baking three on a pan now these go straight into a 375 degree oven if you are baking more than one sheet at a time in your oven make sure after about 5 minutes you rotate the baking sheet to ensure a good evenly baked cookie so let me show you how to Make my favorite cookie, the spice cookie with chocolate molasses, a stick of butter, a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, very spicy, very delicious, and half a cup of brown sugar cream, all this together, so while it beat you can prepare your dry ingredients 1 and 1/2. cups of all-purpose flour plus 1 tablespoon a teaspoon of ground cinnamon a/4 teaspoon of ground cloves and 1 and 1/4 tablespoons of ground ginger and a little nutmeg and then just add a tablespoon of cocoa powder so that This is your dry ingredients and now you can add half a cup of molasses.
The secret to dealing with molasses if you spray the measured cup with a little bit of vegetable spray, the molasses usually just slides off so now add a little bit of the dry ingredients about half way. and 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of boiling water and add the rest of the dry ingredients and now, don't forget 7 oz of semisweet chocolate, the best quality you can afford, cut into thick pieces and that's it. This needs to chill for an hour and then form the dough, after chilling, form into balls, roll them in sugar and then bake at 325° for 15 minutes, but this is what comes out of the oven, cookies that are absolutely delicious now that they have chunks . chocolate, they are nice and moist.
Oh, they look so good and I must tell you, the smell of fresh ginger fills the room. This is a delicious granola that I have been making for a long time and love. to give it in a ball jar like this with a decorative cloth lid um I'll show you how to do it it's really delicious so in a bowl put three cups of rolled oats and add to that a cup of chopped pecans large a cup of pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds are very nutritious and very good in granola and a cup of organic coconut chips these dried coconut chips really add a lot of flavor and a lot of texture to the granola now just stir this up a little bit you can use your hands while I'm making a pinch of salt about A4 of a teaspoon and if you're watching your calories or just want to cut back on a little sugar, you can use this mix for baking truva, use about half of what you would normally use. use for sugar the


calls for half a cup of sugar use a cup of this mixture and we are also going to add half a cup of olive oil and then in addition to that we are going to add 3/4 cup of maple syrup that will right into the granola, so now make sure you stir this really well and we're going to bake it in a preheated 300° oven for 45 minutes, turning it with a metal spoon every 10 minutes. or something like that so you don't want to brown it too well, the granola has been toasted or toasted and these are half pint jars that are now a good single serving size so the jar is really nice for a gift.
Cut yourself a round of decorative fabric. I save all the scraps of fabric for things like this. Now it looks very cute and he holds the top part with his finger like this. Once you place the ring over the top, hold the top with your fingers and screw the ring around Martha's Healthy Granola. stick it in the jar these candied pecans the perfect pecan halves will adorn a beautiful and delicious cake uh i will show you how to make the pecans you will need two cups of pecan halves now to make that beautiful caramelized glaze to cover the pecans you will need one cup of sugar and a heavy bottom saucepan with 1/2 cup water and my rule is never stir with anything, just stir and stir until all the sugar is dissolved in the water.
On high heat, when it becomes clear, it will become clear, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, fresh lemon juice and the walnut halves, cover and cook until the mixture is caramelized, so once they are cooked just place them in a Sil Pat. These Sil Pats are Fantastic and if you haven't used one, you should get one because they are non-stick. If you don't have one, you can use a piece of aluminum foil that has been sprayed with a little vegetable spray and be very careful when handling it. with this hot caramel syrup this is 300° fah it will burn a lot and you should always have a bowl of ice water nearby if you get any of this on any appendage put it directly into the ice water and once they are cooled and you can pick them with your fingers, just take the prettiest nuts and these will be your decorations and here we have our wonderful maple pecan cake with a wonderful maple and brown sugar glaze that looks great and decorates as you see. fits, but make sure to put one nut per slice of cake.
Today we want to show you some of the clever techniques for decorating cut-out cookies, so we're going to decorate some gingerbread and we have this, a real icing, yeah, and life is sweet. sweet Danny these are wonderful, instead of using a piping bag and tips you just use these squeeze bottles which really do it, it makes it feel like drawing, it's so much easier to handle and so much neater so I just outline the shape and Fill it well and then I'll use a toothpick since they are smaller. I'm going to use a toothpick to spread the frosting and also pop any air bubbles.
Oh, I see it's okay. Should I sprinkle some with this shiny sugar? sanding sugar looks really pretty yeah and I always give my cookie a shake after I'm done putting the icing on and that really evens it out and also if there are any air bubbles if you're making a large area Shake exactly well to I'm going to add snaps and I'll notice that I'm working on a piece of paper. You can work on a paper plate on a piece of pliable paper because you can then put the excess sugar back intoyes, sugar, we always conserve our materials.
In that way, yes, it is a very fun project to do with your family or with the children. They look very cute, Danny, and very simple, but I like your other signature cookies, these beautiful red Santas. Yeah, now he talks a little bit about embellishments because people don't. Realize that you can go to a candy store or a cake decorating store and find really cool decorations, these little hearts, for example, those hearts are my favorite, I mean, they're just candy frosting hearts and so Of course, we have some draes here and one. One of the newest things I have been using are candy beads and they are made with pure sugar, they come in all colors and I love making cookie trees at the holidays and they look so beautiful on the feather tree we have here. so I just bake them with holes, I use a straw to make the holes, oh okay, before you bake them you make the hole and it stays and then I chill it in the refrigerator and then I bake it and the hole stays and this year.
When making nut butter cookies, it is very tasty, it melts in your mouth, so in the bowl of your strong mixer you can add a stick of butter that is half a cup and add 1/4 cup plus three tablespoons of confectioners' sugar During the holidays I simply pour boxes of powdered sugar into a large jar like this, it makes it so much easier than finding a measure in a box and then just mixing this until well combined and just half a teaspoon of vanilla and then in the chopped mixture. nuts add a cup of all purpose flour you don't even have to sift it because you're going to be left behind when mixing it, you can use a wire whisk for this or a spoon and make sure the nuts are fresh.
The nature of nuts does not even change with a short time in the toasted oven. They maintain their nutrition. They are very, very. Well, we grow a lot of nuts in California and by the way, butter a can like this. This is the best type of tin for making shortbread cookies. It has a removable bottom and spread with butter once the butter and sugar are well mixed. Lower the bowl once or twice and just add the flour a little at a time, the flour and nut mixture and that's it, it's a shortbread cookie. Now just put it right in your pan and one way to do it very easily is to put a piece of plastic wrap on it. cover and press with the back of your fingers like this, this will speed up the process so you can see that it is nice and soft and ready to cool.
Put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour so that once cold it is nice and firm, remove the plastic. preheat your oven now to 325 degrees and I like to divide this into eight pieces so you can just put a ruler on top like this and mark lightly, don't go all the way, but with the tip of a sharp knife, these are called Petticoat Tails, something cute, that score allows you to break the cake when it comes out of the oven into equal pieces and now another important thing to do is use the back of a skewer like this and just make some pretty marks. on the shortbread, this is the typical decoration for shortbread cookies, there are little holes so pretty 325 until they turn golden brown and that will take about 45 minutes and then you let it cool in the pan and release it, and when you remove each piece It looks like this, really crumbly and delicious We all have recipes that have been passed down through our families that remind us of our Christmas traditions over the years.
I have collected some wonderful recipes from around the world. We have a delicious pan and sometimes I wrap it like Christmas. gift or sometimes I just serve it straight from the baking paper. I love yeast breads and one of my favorites is panettone. It is a leavened Italian Christmas bread with a distinctive cylindrical shape found in a variety of sizes. Let me start with the cake. The cake is important. in creating the flavor and lightness of the panettone 1/3 cup warm whole milk two packets of active dry yeast so what we are doing is actually proving the yeast but also making a sponge cake because we are adding not only sugar and liquid but also a little bit of flour, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and about half a cup of flour, and I'm using my trusty little scale here, 2 ounces, just under half a cup of flour, so add that. to the New Year Bowl also stir a little and let it ferment and we can put it directly in the mixer, this should sit for 1 hour to make sure it doesn't dry out, use a damp towel. through the bowl or a piece of plastic wrap, the romantic account of the origins of paton is that a nobleman fell in love with an impoverished baker's daughter and invented this bread for her, depending on the source, the nobleman called it paneton pandone, which means bread in the local dialect. luxury who knows anyway it's a really delicious Christmas bread especially popular at Christmas our cake is ready now we continue with the rest of the recipe we need 12 oz of bread flour which is about 2 and 1/2 cups and I'm weighing this to To be absolutely precise, here we simply add the flour to 3 more tablespoons of sugar and 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt.
You can start mixing this a little bit while you beat four large eggs with a fork, so it's a nice soft dough that you incorporate butter a lot of butter 2 and 1 half sticks and now you can just pour in the eggs you want a bowl of soft dough and stiff before adding the butter that takes about 5 minutes now it's time to add the butter a tablespoon at a time, this is at room temperature, not melted but at room temperature. Paton oranges date back to Milan during the Roman Empire, when the ancient Romans sweetened yeast bread with honey, it was not until the early 20th century that paneton became widespread. adopted by Italians as Christmas bread, so now add half a teaspoon of orange extract to get pure extracts, nothing artificial, and almond extract the same amount, half a teaspoon.
They are a very strong extract, so you don't need much and a cup of Candied Orange Peel each piece and now your golden raisins 1 and 1/4 cups I like a very fruity studded panettone and I think we're done, it's time for the first ferment and goes straight into a bowl of oil, fragrant and really delicious. and now instead of putting this in a warm place to double its volume, cover it and put it in the refrigerator overnight, so when I started making paneton I didn't have these wonderful French baking paper patoni holders, these are so nice and perfect for baking panettone but I used a brown paper sandwich bag, all you have to do is take the regular sandwich bag and roll it around the edge until you get the right height for your panettone, it bakes nice and round and You don't even have to butter the bag. you just put this buttery dough directly into the bag it works great so now divide your dough look how beautiful it is you can place this on your counter divide it in half and shape each half into a round it is such a beautiful dough and just drop it.
Put it directly into the container. I'm going to make one in a paper bag. Now you can cover it with a towel or another piece of plastic so the top doesn't dry out. Place it in a warm place for 2 hours until almost doubled. in bulk, so here are two panettones that have risen to the top of the papers. Brush with an egg glaze. This is just an egg lightly beaten with a fork. Don't press hard because it really is air and you don't want to deflate what's there. It takes 2 hours to rise, it depends on what you like, what you put on top, you can leave it plain, but I think it is greatly improved with what we call pearl sugar and you can just sprinkle it directly on the egg glaze that is baked in the surface and adds a crunchy touch to the top of the panettone and you can also add some almonds which look very pretty.
Pop it right into a preheated 350° oven and bake until golden brown, about 50 minutes, so look how beautiful two gorgeous almonds are. studded panettone now you want to cool them before you do anything else and an easy way to cool them is you pierce each side of the panettone with a bamboo skewer and you're going to turn the panettone over and cool it between two jars. The paneton wants to sink in on itself when it comes out of the oven, so hanging it upside down for several hours prevents this, so insert the skewer and turn it over, you will lose some almonds, but say honey, let it cool, don't cut it.
For them, don't let themselves be tempted, they are much much better after they have cooled down. Now the paneton belongs on a pedestal, don't you think? serve it on a pedestal like this still in its paper, I cut it right on the paper and uh, I usually cut it in half and then into wedges like a cake, or you can serve it in a much more casual way on a board like this. Whichever way you choose to serve it, panettone is so delicious you'll be tempted to make it. It's all year round, not just Christmas, enjoy Brenon Kennedy and Jim cello they are my friends, good friends and I'm so glad you came because this is a man's job. eggn Jim is going to make the egg yolks. 36 egg yolks, now really beat them. hard, oh God, and then you're going to beat the sugar four and 1/2 cups of super fine sugar into the egg Yos until it's creamy and yellow like a ribbon, oh, don't spill, you need to use your wrist, this is the part hard, okay, like a machine and look how long you are, oh you're like jigsa from the Saw movies, this is bad, yeah, and this is the doll here, look, look, I'll show you, oh, look at this Also, this, okay, yes, much better. look, oh, you have the dagger and I'll add the sugar, so 36 yks of egg, did you say 36 egg yolks 36, this is a delicious punch, eh, well, this is going to be useful to a lot of people, right, okay I mean, look at how much milk and cream Oh, and look at all the bourbon, CNAC and rum, it's some kind of delicious Christmas treat, nothing more, I'm glad I didn't drive home after that, those have to be clear firm eggnogs, okay, so is eggnog a tradition? a tradition in your house definitely, yes, mom made the delicious eggnog, not as complex or strong as this one.
I just made this up, yeah, so what your family didn't have eggnog, no, my family, my parents weren't big drinkers. Growing. Top So I'm growing, but what happens now? Well, right now I want to say, yes, I'm getting L time back. I'll put it that way, so my whipped cream is almost whipped. How are your egg whites? It looks pretty. Well he's learning that work in the kitchen is no it's not that easy yeah it's nothing I do well it's hard now it's starting to look creamy now pick it up yeah look it's starting to form a ribbon , it doesn't continue, you know, all that show and show is not going to work.
You have to feel like there's no, oh no, I still feel sugar. See, it's all about getting that sugar. You have to use impeccably fresh eggs. Guys, see these eggs straight from the C hen you pass by. I live in it. I do not know how. My eggs may be fresh and I don't know if I would trust someone on the street who just sells me fresh eggs. No, you have to get them from me if you're going to make them or from the farmer in the oh look, look at the volume. that's okay, yeah, okay, so this cream is getting thicker, okay, now I'm going to make something good for you.
I'm going to add a little bit of milk, oh okay, keep stirring, keep whisking, so three quarts of milk, this is the base for the eggnog. This is what makes eggnog so delicious. Did you milk this morning? Yes, this comes from my friend's cows down the road. Look guys. Wow, whipped cream. I don't want to beat it too much. If I beat it too much, it will turn into curds. I don't know butter butter CD butter never your mom this isn't 1700 anymore you know now comes the fun part nine cups of bourbon don't spill it sorry oh now we need one and A2 bottles of CNAC okay I won't spill this time oh this smells so good oh that's kavas now you know what's right of course rappers love kavas your friend Buster rymes had a whole song about it oh oh he does oh maybe we can get him to sing it one day how's it going ?
Okay, okay, a bottle and a half, oh my goodness, look, I'm telling you, I promise you delicious things, this is going to be quite the Christmas party and we're going to add 1 and 1/2 cups of rum, okay, so put that in back there, now look at that M, that's good and now we add how much more can you add Ian, what's the bowl? Is this? The bowl is like the Stanley Cup, it's the Stanley Cup, okay? now the heavy cream now this is going into the big silver Stanley Cup so bring the Stanley Cup glass here oh wow this is poured this is bigger than my entire apartment Way Family Cup oh wow the gently whipped cream is poured there oh, okay, okay, mhm and then before you serve this, you add the rest of the heavy cream, yeah, put that in too and we have another one that's just 18 egg whites.
Wow, I didn't want him to get too stressed. Take it out good and then this. The last thing one should do is grate some fresh nutmeg. Oh, it smells so good,would you like to try it? This is just a taste preview. I'll give you a small tray of eggnog and some monogrammed napkins. this is christmy christmy yes it's beautiful ok here are two a very merry Christmas and I love you guys helping me you made it very easy we did all the work and what you sure did thank you tell me what you think in It's actually super soft, super. soft, yes, good, health, health, health, thank you.

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