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Marquette vs Creighton | 2023.12.30 | NCAAB Game

Apr 04, 2024
3 the first time these teams met and many difficult situations 16 of the last 19 were decided by eight points or less John GNE Brian ell Matt Porter Potter are officials who turn on the tap affirmed by Marquette that right now the little golden eagles igodo Le for klin KCK on the finish line he has to stay with a kick, he finds good penetration and kicks Jones Corner Mitchell back to the freay and Miss Fire, you mentioned Mitchell, Hillary, he struggles, but he does a lot of other things to this team, don't leave this guy. just out Stop, the three balls for Shan, oh, someone heard here, wait immediately, cam Jones stands up, impy, no weight on that right foot and he's jumping with just his left foot immediately off the ground, he must have been in the chair, let's see. lands BBE and his foot gets caught underneath Bor Sharman coming out of Deep hopefully he'll be fine Chase Ross Off the bench, sent Mitchell out in the starting lineup when he was out with the hamstring Ros can drive it super and this kid can too Much People say to take the left, he is also quite good at going to the right, but for fear of finding people for three, you have to hold him back.
marquette vs creighton 2023 12 30 ncaab game
Shan, this is the guy who has to get going. John Alexander contested a foul, that will be MIT's first on Mitchell, you can see the defense afraid of Oso's offensive rebound and the kiss and then Alexander with the little pullup, he has a mid-range


, this guy is the shot characteristic, comes from a strong performance in terms of numbers against. He had 16 points and a career-high 15 rebounds. He had all eight of Kraton's points in overtime, but his offense went quiet to close out regulation and had a hard time getting stops and scores. . The great Mack is so tender with his team that a couple of mistakes are actually coming. in the final stretch a couple of days off he feels like he has made them up it's his first


10 days Marquette eight days that's also very unusual for these programs how does that impact you in that time?
marquette vs creighton 2023 12 30 ncaab game

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marquette vs creighton 2023 12 30 ncaab game...

Well, how do you use your time. I'm sure they had days off. visited family, things of that nature, relax a little for the league run, let him, now they have a gra, he loves to get a piece of that lane, although he drags that pivot foot here, you can see that the coverage drop is kinda nice. Hell, Gap defense and now some pressure from Marquette, you have to value the ball, you can't spit it out, four downs, catch it so well. Sten Ashworth has been on a shooting grind as one of the top 10 shooters in the country this past year.
marquette vs creighton 2023 12 30 ncaab game
I love this set. emptied the other side had to finish that deal overload left look too long not this type of pass really and that overload is exactly what you were talking to me about before the game yeah they got everyone on this side of the court a nice little opportunity G it There have been enough consecutive turnovers for the Golden Eagles and it's good to see everyone back on the court healthy here, that includes the return of Cam Jones Marette, they wreak havoc, create turnovers and don't give it away , check it out. Pretty good fish shape, blocks your guide, good play from Bor shman uro in the corner.
marquette vs creighton 2023 12 30 ncaab game
Mitchell wanted it. It is the direct heel to the tear. They look at him. Alexander on the spinning drive. Fall Away. No, they are so good at that particular shot. Particularly free of Shyan. fluid offense reads things KCK gives up recovers late if the problem on the line denied for Mitchell Jones lies in the weight the right corner approaches the screen KCK on a switch the kick to Jones off the fake up G to shoot we can elevate here nice kick KCK comes in he missed a shot and claimed byon and Mason Miller ni's check out ooh got a good pass crossed to Carter a deadly deflection on the needle what a pass and miss from Mitchell and that's exactly what big mom us told both turnovers to touchdowns as Tom ISO would say, a cross-court pass is very dangerous, but the advantage is given right here, the early kick just reads things, shortens the field right here, the duck in just makes the guys disappear with that big body now Mitchell on the line has not arrived. the line a lot this year only 14 attempts entering today 79% this Marquette team 7 and 0 at home this year 18 straight wins at home which is tied for the fourth longest active winning streak in the country and is also 19 in a row in the L League at home, one away from the all-time record, pretty impressive, really good, you come here during the summer when it's beautiful, not bad today, no coverage for your baseball either, come to town three times a year, people here so nice, so you didn't have time three times a year. my calendar Ash shyan snaps, that's the problem when you play well you have to hold the rebound and play with others honestly H, he kicks the corner, jlin backs him up, he's been doing a better job driving Oh, I thought he might have gone up with that one automatic switch Jones looks clean despite injury issue early another miss near the rim Jones wide open in front of Target oh they dodged it two good rebounds from Miller early here they can leave him alone and catch the guy who shoots the same play as before Failed high kiss but tick toe passing your toe, how about it's time I found people talking about a selfless kid who can take some deep shots why not bit forever in perpetuity trying to live life a little cleaner and best very impressive just wish you all and your families a happy new year on the line Miss fire on the first New Year's Eve join Blake Shelton Moran Wallman Leonard Skinnard and more America's biggest New Year's party live the big Nashville party tomorrow at CVS and streaming Paramount bruss and talking to B sh saying he likes country music had the headphones from Nebraska was rocking on the way to Marette lots of three point looks at the start four of the six shot attempts free field none of them score a goal on the court now well, look at the man Miss who has to go straight to the hoop and beg for the ball be a little more aggressive and change the advantage of the bullet for Jin hesitate in three in the path The miss and a good boxing board for Miller charm has that point-forward mentality and is so creative that he loves that turning shot that shoots towards Ashworth anticipated by Ross Tracked by Ash without exchange of possession Tough time difficult little that go Jin on the road good detour oh Marquette the TR leader with the longest home winning streak in League action in Big East history without any Lady in the pits although this year's unit can match that last l came almost exactly two years ago to the day double overtime for kraton there that kick so good on that again open misses out of the gate now Co demonstrator reach course the fall Chan opens wide Let it Fly and hits it how was the unsub as for a big hustle from Miller set that up and Sharman on fire the game's biggest advantage a 143 Craton Advantage guy on the way you ask for better Co he's got what he wants to grab Jones from the fake really can Ni even penetrate settle deep loves to return to that shoulder twisting two unclaimed by kraton sh in the high L is that enough on the ground kick triple team Rhythm three Alexander and is why with good hustle Hiller did not give up on him, away from Target, weide Jones, two, two plays from Miller, very good plays, what's the best look Marquette can get.
I think he had to go inside a little bit, either with the dribble or the little floating shot in the lane and gold again. he has the mismatch but he hides down there with Esford now they change again Ross the test dribble double cut comes Jones six to shoot coing Cortes Rim taed home has to take advantage of that size good Marquette does a great job what nine fouls per game is great for hold on and get hit Ashford C grener back to the basket defended for gold after a strong performance by Deep against Georgetown yes they take him right to the box too he does a good job of squeezing his guy putting down the five Ashworth three safeties no Jones in the trop such a good finisher in The Rim two Ross rejected the visitor's clock The running back changes it out of bounds defensive player defender of the year blocks more on tiptoe and more when they rise, that's nice ability to go in the air up and gold by being in the right spot, you have to take advantage of that size and now they're going to go with two bigs, the block on the other side, the attention to detail, two bigs for Marquette right now, how?
Does that change them? Gold can now stay out like a dribble. Driving kick and Bear can use the rebound and find someone like he did there. He passed but hey, he's not known for those three safeties. Jones opens three. The lady drops W for him. Shooter talks about speed Jones hit out of bounds, he was out of bounds and he came back with some noise right now by Marquette, don't you think John is here on that dribble? Drive usually likes to kick into the corner and got his foot out with ease. Hey, you're talking about Tempo.
You know Marquette tends to take very quick shots. Kraton is more in the middle of the pack. How well do you think the tempo has developed so far? I think right now only CR is making shots, it's pretty fluid and you're getting touches too. in the box and Sharman has stretched the D to open up opportunities King on the court now solid post farabella can make three look different five to shoot shyan two to shoot the fake up Alexander didn't get it all shot clock by defense shot ready to go, he's out of defensive stance pretty good, get up D, not really, they're not good shots.
Down Jones struggles to get to the door a little jump, another guy just one shot and Marquette two of 13 shots, 0 of seven of three to be able to fall on Oso. again go for eight from deep and Garo kicks the corner, the ball now moving as vibrantly as it has all game. Cole really has to catch it, get ready to shoot that thing. Shan Jones gets the roll, as they say, Shaka's reaction is smart, he got agitated. a closed fist that made a rainbow from one foot to the other well not known as an outside shooter has to be look that's what he's known for rushing Play Ooh cluffy tree trying to dunk it greaton looking for an answer barello gold denying in the post sh always looking to make a play.
Corner rhythm three tra a good look the energy feels different from Marquette Oho really only challenging the right back an employee k Jones trying to Le farella what Reed Alexander lifts tra that's his game nice give for farabella automatic change here cam Jones in the curl leave the Rhythm three many three point errors for Marquette Ross 9 for 30 30% comes of great help there again defensively by Jones R ends the deal came to Value the ball opportunities in the open field get the house on it, emotions flow from from one side of the court to the other, Mar Ball Jones is a good, you have to be very alert with Jones sneaking up on him, pushing him towards the end of the court, he got trapped by indecision and right here Ross jumps, the beneficiary too, but Jones . such a fantastic defender gets into his turnovers accumulating there are four in the last six trips for Cron his foot Alexander on strike that's the third turnover also Shan surprising quick release a nice little look from Alexander very little slap boy, can reach the floor He feels like a moment of respite.
Jones STS ride takes it. I'm talking about reach. A small step back. Here you have to go above and beyond. You can't hide in that South BW. He is coming off a tough shooting demonstration. He was 0 for seven from Deep against Villanova, breaking his long streak of 58 in a row with a triple M. He is a player, although he avoids turnovers, now even six apart, where they overload the two-man basketball on the other side. Oh, not a good look for him. front head carrying gold the selection feeds on the poic shovel whose touches have been low from Link Ross given to cushion by farabello as to rebound Ross releases one of 11 from Deep it is not Chile nor Milwaukee nor Alexander opposite fa Bellow deep disputed three ugly ladies well they use the flower to stretch your defense he's going to go that's that cut ah for two for the year it's that a good shot well they've been letting him practice a nice pass here I answer look at him run the FL twoo K trying to boost feed Ross Nobody's looking for the shot right now misses C threer is a free pushed Tracked by shy Alexander taking shape, comes in on the wing trying to get through a couple of Subs to the table for Katon little gassed at this point charm is tired on the wing frerick King ready for his first minutes eight to shoot no one replacing here ky Shan barell two to shoot forced pass and a shot clock violation it's a turnover but not an open field opportunity Greaton really struggling in the half the court established the defense scored I think that child heard us, he was crying.
I can't blame him and mom has a little swing, so 10 combined made buckets, 14 combined turnovers, each team had trouble giving them away, but it didn't result in points. Eight lossesball like great on a deu, this is what It's been a fight since Deep the second layup, who would be better to turn it on? Cam Jones drops it on each team looking a little fatigued before the break. Frederick King got his first minutes in the middle. J replacing here as a step back. Good balance. and the duns are piling up


has been good on the boards KCK good lead and fouled he interrupted igodo on the way up who could be the king good game one of his favorites also keeps the dribble alive kic an extra dribble freezes King big time in the ri Greg mcder received high praise for calling him perhaps the best point guard in the country, he certainly deserves to be in the conversation and believes that this young Oso uodo is the best big passer what they do in particular can set their patterns, but he is has the ability to work on his own.
I'm not comparing him to Ernie D Gregorio at all, but he has an idea of ​​what game needs to be played, where the direction of the offense needs to be, just an incredible feel for the game in this fire, Shyan has it. kraton six open trips in a row down the field that's essentially a double play shyman deep three home third really a hurried play again Miller cam Jones igodo nice spin nice how about that all but the end really attacks Ashworth a little from the shovel to Miller well I look pretty good running around the court it's good to see tenus Defensor coming off that hamstring injury Za four games in a row a bit of a Zone here look Alexander Corner Ashworth sounds it he can drill a group of them at Utah State 111 of them, you can make it work in some games one scene kicks Mitchell with his heel, they are great in Jones functions, although they give the assist so they don't go back to Alexander. completely open, how does that happen?
I think they got caught between defense changes. They had played a small area on the last trip, not sure what they were on, you can feel the rhythm starting, it's a flower, an opportunity to add, that's where he is difficult. on the hip, full control with the big steps, he's going to get it so good in that lane right here that you can see Cor rer, should I attack him or make sure I'm not attacking Ashworth with the first foul on him? Now KCK, who has been held in check Four points, two of six shots, three giveaways so far, how has that kraton done to Tyler Co?
In a sense, just defensively, they've been going toe-to-toe with staying home, containing their ability to dribble the ball and get on the field. However, the lane is a long game and a little three 4 court, we haven't seen this, they could use a little clock and maybe a trap there, it's up, Jones transition triple, no igodo, fills it and it win, how about the speed to get in there? Joplin Euro nice Passaro couldn't handle out of bounds, it's Marquette ball in front of CR Bo, just inadvertent use of the rebound here at half court coughing it up and just Oso running down the court so awesome he doesn't give up on this one play, the sprint towards the hoop is a d built on the basis of deviations good finisher good finisher has to get to the left shyman floats it King richon jlin with great help jlin wants it Ross commits a foul Alexander with the gift for this team collectively uh this is a big help Joplin side gets a One side turns on the counterattack or the Open Floor opportunities they missed early starting to take advantage with Cam Jones that little kiss on the dominant hand now the foul on Alexander his first four fouls in kraton two in Marquette make a New Year's resolution you can keep add CBS Premier Week to your family calendar and spend a little more quality time with your loved ones.
CBS Premier Week starts right after Super Bowl 58. Well, they have so many good defenders. This Marquette team comes up with steals. Ross, one of those guys, had a few. the other night against Georgetown, three of them was a touching route now we see the taps on the court, yeah, you remember Duke, right? Mojo did it when he was here, well that's cool, go over the top, spread that pressure over the bar, to the crowd as strong as the deficit has been cut the big two expand it contested shot rings the crows good shot good though clean look Marquette has no LED in the game igodo ties it up so well with the float and that little baby has a 90 run joffin wanted it I would have brought the house now great look created by C Jones The brand on the bench has been a sight that Alexander questioned hard, surely it was the individual ability of the camera Jones Lost control Parabell made a small fake in the ball game that lost the ball in the camera Jones also igodo Kon already has more turnovers than averages per game Katon coming out of the season High 16 in OT back at Villanova yeah ball value has been a real issue Shan he's back let's see what they do here I think the running backs need to get some touches to get some things done Done Once more, the three quarters put pressure on Marquette in a run of 124, Jones with his eight points in that time and here is that zone.
He would go to the foul line somehow. Alexander is there against Diodo A to shoot the ball. Stagnant Shyan Floater with four. out rer don't give him that high rainbow Miss and here comes KCK's two man game here dropping his shoulder the hook out of bounds cron ball K is doing that when he's 50 taking the guys to the low post trying to screw up his game You mentioned something openly about the kick, but a lot of defenses tend to blow screens against him, we haven't even seen that action today, he can burn you with that, he's confident with that nasty cross-court shot on Alexander, wow, that was difficult. with the kick of the ball everywhere great delivery automatic change right into Ross's clutches misfire loose ball Jackin carella had to have that jlin lost his balance able to throw it to colen badaro give the shot eyeballs to the shot clock advantage for colen good Greener and cutter look at this easy play Oho roll out down the foul line little extended hit from Co it Alexander give some ground to Ross little horns look on screen through runners from Buck got his boy to help denies quite Collective Defense Dam Jones it' sit on heel, big bounce did a good job in this half oh double yeah he put it in his hand made an easy call going up 18t in the half Adam zooker Seth Davis Jay Wright Renee Montgomery scores highlights a look towards UCLA in H gets the camera Jones, then Mcder has his use or loses it.
Chaka Smart just employed FL, out of the Marquette timeout and then they go two for a different defensive look from Kraton, yeah, a little bit of his own three ball for Ross, well that looked good now too. The stopwatch I think is going to turn off here seems to be separated by a second. I think it's going to call for time. Do you know that is not little? He plays a little double late. He must open a Farello handle. They try to hold on to see. Good patience. Good step. back Alexander oh they're going the other way farabella about no miller in the back that's Miller second 3.6 and subs for Marquette while Joplin returns along with Shawn Jones what are you marking here L to the floor a pretty good heide defense?
On that particular play, I wouldn't let K get the ball back if it was a box. Are they going to extend the field? Make them wear a watch. Keep everyone in front of you. Cam Jones, who has been electric, can get to half court and a two-point game at the break was quite competitive as expected, Kraton had the commanding 11-point lead, Whitt was reduced to a bucket on the point shot as no other team in the league and maybe Co's running backs had to get a few more touches I think. a little more patience in his delivery, put him side to side, let him seal his guy and get some opportunities now Shyman shoots Alexander number 22 kraton number 10 Marquette Marquette is not known as a leader in the game, of course, Mitchell due to alexand's skill this is where they go immediately he has to finish now double shyan Hot Potato nice extra this kick and shot oh unusual miss he is the only man in foul trouble to charge the only man with two fouls in the first stop percentage 58 Twan basketball nice little catchable bounce pass here's a deadlock at 30 the second tie of Game no dozen can go in the infancy of the game reverse kick denied the intentional pause blind shot saved by kich Joplin begging for it Opposite miss at the back of the board a good look there looking at Chopin in the opposite corner once again open Clean looks that he had those at the beginning of the game game getting them back again and don't leave five five he has 15 to lead the game it's his 100th career game in double figures look how he's beating D5 South's Marquette by a wide margin everyone run that game screen exchange dribble Shan W it missing I think he pushed, it will be his first time with K Jones push, that's the open look you want for Alexander too.
Mitchell had gone down, given an easy chance in the first half and only had one assist, 32 in the last. four games pretty good defense, I would say, and also everyone who stays at home Shyan doesn't screen a ground ball and is far away Mitchell intervenes D, how about that 30% 3 of 23? Excuse me he came in as a 30% career outside shooter but he's been working hard this year good shyan pass right into Stevie Mitchell's reach never got his legs into a rhythm J has to drive when he has a smaller guy aoro tries curve it Corner out of bounds big ball I always said someone has to start someone has to start making some trees and Mitchell's ability here taking a big step forward mention three of 23 giving up space for Marquette looking for a high low here Shyan defended by the joffin ball screen Joplin up aggressive Drive in front of five to shoot shovel wide open Shyan got it, he does it very well, although he made that play, he pressured, replaced, made K Jones available and they fouled and on the baseline alone a great play to get free is now under the basket and unavailable, watch the Sprint set up. a good part of the game has been disjointed offense on each side the greater rhythm has come with shyan has found his rhythm and leva Jones of Marquette Joplin stops theodoro Jones goes to his left hand boy says good night never made him turn it is the first eagle real in doubling numbers, they give him 10 Mitchell gets a great defender every night now makes it much more difficult for him Mitchell, the guy on him now also looks agile Alexander second option for stretches in the first half good looks and a opportunity for C printer, good job sliding into position and great patience from Alexander, obviously it's an approach to try and give COA brener the ball, but he's been considerably denied a nice little job, a little curl of that thick line He took it straight to the area, that foul goes to Igodo, that's his. second C rer last year with an 80% free throw shooter this year with 63 connections he has worked hard on that three point shot he hurt you from time to time he had a great game against Loyola with three coing he hasn't caught on yet and Mitchell was hit by Alexander and R A Little Nickel dber throw a gun and look at him ready 18 with a six in the first four minutes of the second and he's a guy who really has to get going.
I think with this overly talented Marquette team, in so many areas you can do some. damage and Miller has played it well, although he has some length to take the shot away, which means they collide to give him a little diagonal cut, the Jones cam behind igodo looks up, that drop coverage, you're going to get that shot , cam Jones a little slow to join his teammates short numbers oh steps again and just a little bit of a struggle on Jones' part because that auto disable here it seemed like cam Jones helped on the call also gave the hand signal at the moment the colic was contained and yet this is a four point game they love this little set of Twan small blurry screen K saw the scene aggressive shot he is strong again lifting everyone that open opportunity to attack Greaton looks response leader Whittel returns to a bucket Miller was briefly open excellent defense by a great defender so look at this change Dogg it Ashworth good bounce back again cutting understanding reading safe excellent Mitchell was begging in the corner feeds and the boys move forward the clock to influence his shots but what a great play Alexander against jlin barello to the table to stop Alexander SM managed to get a good change from Oso Ashworth tonight in line to shoot I have to shoot Shan played three fronts excellent defense nice poic Le for Cam Jones well, they've run a lot of NBA isos, haven't they?
This NBA building is the home of the Bucks and these golden eagles Joplin trying to get it going Shan runs away with Alexander oh so such influencespirits the floor gets a toica piece online over Miller in the corner Mitchell RS down how about you light it up? I thought it seemed a little windy, but once you touch it it feels pretty good, shyan, there's no one to go. Alexander comes towards him. They are doing a good job speaking and communicating defensively. Sea in the changes of him. Two to shoot well. So late, the shot clock without any form. the offense I talked about, Mitchell, someone has to step up and be known for their defense, but he does a lot of things, a good rebounder protects his guy and yeah, things, a smile with the train, playing his first game in almost a month and sat out the final four with the hamstring injury, he goes to the bench here and both teams dig a little deeper.
He was holding his knees the whole time. The initial spark for Marquette came with the offensive defense of Shawn Jones, who mentions that he is a demon. that defensive end cck on shyan Marquez first lead is 4241 Bo, get that shoulder and you hit it, it owns you Alexander slides to the cff and responds a golden colic begging for it in transition Shawn Jones didn't see it under contested and again no one hindering things parade on The Rim Alexander nice wraparound bounce King Point Blank both teams open up a little here a little more comfortable it was choppy and disruptive on each side early the best pace has come Shan Jones catches King barely holding the pivot blind bounce to hang it up again going towards his left defender iron farell head to King interrupted by sh Joe heads a little more air under that kich given space a strong dribble in line Drive Chopin F that could open the way for him Alexander Katon responds Miller open has not had many clean looks out of bounds jump nobody nobody had it possession arrow shot the other way and communicated with the changes and was in the right position during this comeback Second chance points favor Marquette 12-2 offensive rebounds 11 a 4 Ryan Caulk brener has just two field goals made just five attempts for kraton in the game arella on the floor now K Lo little pocket pass and knock down by kraton Marquette hasn't lost at home to a conference foe in almost exactly two years It was New Year's Day 2022 double overtime for Katon good play the little squirrel gave up quickly I thought for Clark Rener Alexander goes with the screen Theodoro picks it up looks at the mismatch inside somehow they managed to get it the clock runner has a point of offensive rebound barbella pretty good answer for big ma barbello connects the three that he had said this week it's going to be a game of ups and downs we're going to run a lot we get to the halfway point of the secondup top kic no igodo line tap foul in Persecution and that's what they do , they slap, they do a good job getting an extra possession, just this understanding of passing on the perimeter, spacing properly, that's what makes them a tough first foul for Trout. and cam Jones back in cam Jones was visibly limping in the first few seconds of the game, but bounced back in a big way during that run of 124, a pretty snappy and difficult match for farabello, oh don't look at the goal, Shawn Jones has it In three, I got it, wow. that's a bonus of five for the year so far, it gives it on the other end Marquette now three of four from Deep in this half after a miserable start, the Cams have the responsibility here with Alexander, who they are having problems with in the organized CL brener fou No Don't you get fun with this reach to follow the road to Las Vegas and watch all the rounds of the NFL playoffs on CBS until Super Bowl 58, all broadcast live on Paramount plus and continues, which is his first time Sharman sees him get on the floor quickly Alexander had the ball in his hands a lot spinning Fall Away kiss lost numbers golden shovel C Jones triple transition and ran across the big court in chamber 10 Jones weaving in the gold LAN quick release short again the slap are so Good on that, Jones five to shoot contested three again, well you know he's been working on it, it's good for him, disperse the reporters to give it to him and watch this team come out for Sean from the Big Time conversion, so Marquette has the biggest advantage they have.
They fell behind for the overwhelming majority of the game, how does Kraton respond again? They've had difficulties in the half court, they look a little bit like a zone right now, one game again, the clock runner, a disadvantage in this particular team. Ashworth was given space. Alexander has it in three, I get it, how about we step it up and put Shawn Jones up against Alexander Igodo, who's been active around the rim following camera Jones R, so good at it that Rim freezes people in the cage on the T while dad Kevin at his grandpa's house next door, oh, nice hit, oh, then he gets the F, although it may have been his arm around them, the camera said his dad Kevin, who's there on the left, his grandfather on the right told him at a young age, unforced turnovers, the worst in a Basketball is a big reason why he protects the ball so well mhm, fear of dying, eh, very good advice on foul for igodo.
Third good look from him, oh God, three balls out for Ashworth, also so good with that dribble handoff again, the skill on The Rim is He's also so flexible that he gets his guy out of the box. Sean Jones drives aggressively, but I think he will be third. He's having fun right now. He feels that this is his game today and why not counteract the fact that we are surprised by this child. He is the fastest boy in the country speed, he stops and controls that body in an extraordinary way and he has a dozen for the first time in his college career a fundamental part for Marquette to take this four-point lead the difference in rebounds in Second Chance Marquette Second Odds Points 18-2 plus 10 on the offensive glass Kraton doesn't have an offensive rebound since halftime, that's incredible.
Oho, one of those guys too, that ability to keep him in the game gives you second third chances to beat him when facing a game. worst five point deficit barely avoid violation defense has been excellent by Mark lately Alexander led by shyan asword six to shoot now they really execute their offense they have really done a good job at the end of the shot clock on the defense shot clock violation in the third game it's about the defense that they just suffocated great, which is very difficult to do, everyone in the right place looks to help to close the challenge Here comes Marquette Marquette one and one in kraton league game O and one there there's that pocket for the flo and he runs down scraping good steel right here Alexander and fails in the transition it may have been a little touch just to get him out of the kick with commis oh nice andaro false follow but they can't do anything on the counterattack great balance defensive by Marquette Alexander in a good cut Ashworth couldn't see it shyan full rer screen he hasn't seen the live ball again they got the change Alexander five to shoot great from the lane draw three in one sha Jones, he was magnificent, that's all Mar.
Does Kate need a time out here? Oh, she's sure she'll let them play a little. She knows her team. They get the timeout that way. They will destroy you. You can't make your transition. They have to do it well. in that, so this has been a PR for the box everything on the perimeter nothing definitive going to the rim a little bit of confusion with this game. Every once in a while, Adam Kraton's timeout only one left for the Blue Jays, he scored in almost 3 minutes look oo denying clner reduced to three they're going to get another three iron ball shots that's all Greg mcder Paces with his arms crossed looking down while the offense has gone silent for Katon col it nice G aaro explodes and misses a good deep direct R I early too much pressure late Alexander felt good double, they are so active defensively Marquette Shyan has gone silent, his step back he understood, they needed him badly he has been the offense 23 to lead the way two three zone now the one will serve 131 cam Jones Corner Chase Ross cing I would love to get him on that foul line against his P Zone Jones Corner look the foul now outside going the other way stepped on the line well that's the difference though Ross tracks that baby down you can feel and see the difference in energy MH a couple of substitutions for Marquette Stevie Mitchell is back David Joplin returns to Shawn Jones and Chase Ross on the bench when you're such a good offensive team, being stuck like this is frustrating.
What do we do? Where we go? I think Clar Runer is in the box. I mean, just try to engage him one more time. That shman three quarters, his career high, seven made three, he can elevate, now it was stolen by col sh don. Don't leave the ball never leave the ball this is an important trip early I think Barello is not sure Miller three ball Corner got it he can shoot that kid can catch and shoot good find by Farella's father Mike almost 20 years in the NBA a career 41% shooter in the partnership in the G up the two three trying to slow him down a little bit you have to op you have to make sure you bounce active hands for kraton force the give in Alexander as we get closer three minutes four point game They have been setting up that R ball screen inside the bar, there you have it, I have it on the switch, good read, parabell, again, consecutively, positive possessions for the blue JS, they have tied it at two, the Zone has been effective Mitchell to open joffin again, he got it this nice SP C with the dealer they need Joplin, they are a different team and he can coach them, what a place to pick up the dribble time, farello Shan played three moments of heat control, va Let's go, man, I think this trip Smart Shaka calls the move on Ken. the balloon theodoro bar Bell has it and a foul could be Mitchell jumping and they are doing these three CH we saw Jones do them before Camp also Notre and the extension of the four now they make them use an andron watch a season Sweepstakes High 17 had a high 16 in the season in the loss to Villanova last time Alexander crosses Katon armed with a timeout Alexander kicks that piece three balls for Shan what a rebound Oho, they're going to give him the foul one more to give Well, it's only six, next one second game of our college basketball doubleheader in the west between UCLA and Oregon, keep it here, more Hoops on CBS and broadcast at the same time, plus mcon alman's teams will go head to head, what's the dialogue? every sideline here, well, I think let's see if they prepare to give it one more trip, use your watch, make sure to check if you're creating in a miss, do you have any problem with that offensive glass of Marquette up to 10 col. six of seven dives from the break managed to contain this guy, he does exactly that, Jones misses 48 seconds, lets Alexander attack, offensive foul, I didn't see how excited he managed to establish himself in front of them, Bo, although it's difficult, no So sure, if it was ever established once, Buly went up the sideline for emphasis and broke it down with a quick balance beam bucket and the final timeout for big Mack is really upset, he's so upset about that timeout block charge bonus if they don't get a clean Steel on the in, you expect the immediate B, they could make a trap and a big bet pass with the ball, everyone faces defending Robby sent someone too much cam incoming Jones immediately fouled by farabella pretty good free throw shooter 77% not a bad pick, he's having a career year on the line, he's tough, he's got a really good offensive mind, he's got a dozen, one of four golden eagles and double figures Chase Ross Subs comes back and Joplin comes out alone with a tremendous defensive effort, although on Marette's part I thought it was all over. cron Steed on the offensive side that rarely or rarely occurs in the front is not there oh jingle three balls bodoro tied foul not bad Lu now this series spans a century began in February 1923 cron had won seven of the last 10 but Marquette swept both meetings last year and the free throws have been much better in their last few games.
Connect first. His fingerprints on this game and on the team are an immense, selfless big contributor on both ends of the floor and he speaks at that defensive end three. possession game 20 seconds no timeouts Alexander and a good one, who was fast, smart, aggressive, take this one down, organize your press, same idea, trap, but that's dangerous when they put him in the building like that, don't get him a replay, it only shows on the big board, they don't agree with that Alexander, a top 10 free throw in the Big East Marquette gets bigger Mitchell comes out the gold is back and one was taken by Miller and it came in Hurt and They're going to do the line drill here, a couple of wide receivers, a quarterback, he doesn't care, he doesn't care, he wants to miss 91% of free throws, what's that like for a point guard?
They kept him in check for the first half, but he himself had a crafty and strong second half, yes, he asserts himself mentally. aggressively delivers the ball, he also has a little wolf inside, comments here and there the third best pitcher infree throws in the Big East, just outside the top 20 in the country, and reconnects defensive submarines Mitchell and Ross are back Miller returns as a Greaton shooter back six back in that half court a little deep don't risk it in his zone he also gets an offensive rebound shoot it Miller contested he got it 5.1 kic clean entry he's the only guy you have to deny the ball to, but the speed of entry, took away that particular advantage, these teams were once again in the preseason poll in the Big East, both are in the top 25, one will have a losing record in League action, shocking, what do you think of that?
There is a long way to go. although for high profile pro programs, Kraton hasn't started playing in Big East 0 and 2 in almost a decade, the 1415th team that lost 19 games, connects two possession plays, doesn't like it when he hits the rim, that's a mistake for him, yes. exactly they are more likely to engage in a fun, child-spirited game, is it CH Shades? Something more to come Alexander the Marquette Golden Eagles have won 20 straight home conference games, tying the old Big East record

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