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Marooned (ft. Gene Hackman & Gregory Peck) | Full Movie | CineClips

Jun 28, 2024
In flight, start flight, now start pressurizing the tanks, pressurize all tanks in all three stages with helium gas as the pressurization increases, it is being monitored here in the control center, our status board still indicates that everything Alright. Network flight, figure for the terminal. account Roger flight, let's go well, let's check the status of the terminal account booster, let's fight retro, let's go to FAL, let's go to DNC, let's fly, econ, affirmative flight, capcon, let's go to the end, Sony 3 panel, touch the forward switch to move forward, check the gry bar, Roger, we have a big flag DMC is running flight Roger, an automatic sequence starts on my Mark Mark, okay Jim Stand by Your panel 325 function Roger fuel pressure started Roger fuel this will light up on your toes PCS bypass in gly calls radiator


for bypass


for internal bypass Cooling flight, this is launch control, the second stage fuel tank is pressurized and the Third stage liquid oxygen is pressurized right now and man one, this is the flight, how do you read it loud and clear?
marooned ft gene hackman gregory peck full movie cineclips
Alright, CMP on panel 2, disy, check program two, let's go. flight Roger flight recorder to record GDC align GDC align all recorders the flight Speed ​​network flight all good with you that's a steady flight RTC you have everyone configured for commands that's affirmative internal energy and go fly you have the transfer eh, that is in the air Iron Man a support for for the count of 10 seconds Roger Ted 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 good DX man, stand up a reinforcement I need your status for the staging the tower has a discard and guide trajectory Roger's trajectory and guide to go the spaceship systems are underway the spaceship systems are underway all the spaceship systems The systems are ready, come on, we have rero, hey, it looks like it's a nice day there.
marooned ft gene hackman gregory peck full movie cineclips

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I can see from Gibraltar to Greece or ride the Terminator. Should be our first sunset in a couple of minutes. I lost signal with Canary Roger. Okay, it's time to turn on TV streaming. We are remote to Houston via a RAB Buzz arah. This is Iron Man. How do you copy Iron Man? One reads you loud and clear. Like everyone, I read you the same in my brand. TV broadcast from the camera. A mark. smile how are you doing a little snow man GO a little snow clearing up now clean good photo say something T we are beautiful Hi buddy I'm Houston we look great you three how about the other camera?
marooned ft gene hackman gregory peck full movie cineclips
Jim, camera B, Mark is coming. You should understand me now, here's Buzz, here's Stony, how does it look crisp and clear? How are you doing with the lab? It is still planned for the second orbit as announced Roger, we have an update on your initial phase maneuver Delta V 249 AT3 feet per second Here is Houston Mission Control at 22 minutes into Iron Man's flight. One after a brief 20-minute flight across the Atlantic, the spacecraft is now crossing the Mediterranean. Now we begin to take a look at the flight plan which shows a and docking with the Saturn 4B orbital laboratory once our closure closes its speed 50 feet per second Roger, let me know when we have 25 Roger, this is Mission Control Houston Commander PR has reported that the docking of Apollo with the s4b laboratory has been completed after completing some systems checks the crew will move to the laboratory where they will live and work for the next 7 months.
marooned ft gene hackman gregory peck full movie cineclips
This will be a test of the spacecraft, the systems and, above all, the men in preparation for the interplanetary missions to deep space that are being planned all this time. period, the astronauts will cover their activities with television cameras that will be recorded here on Earth for study and evaluation. Oh, that's not so bad. We use a couple of Windows, although I think we are missing the point. What comes first? the s509 maneuvering unit you take it out Stony you operate the camera h sh look at it Stony uh try little aerial acrobatics here goes sh Buzz how about a little work you're right, going down well Buzz meteorite experiment micro uh say it again Micro meteorite Sony Roger micro meteorite , this material was obtained during its first week in space.
I present it as a reference point. Here's the Lloyd Stone puit we got the day before yesterday. Demonstrates a severe decline in the ability to perform even simple manual tasks just over 5 months of the mission has been completed satisfactorily. We wonder if it is still desirable to continue for the full months originally planned. What are its parameters? Cut, ECG frequency and EEG rhythm of the brain. He is not sleeping. Now the trend shows definitive fatigue. Are you still losing weight? 16 The quality of the solar spectral film has been very poor. Well, you won't see any more.
Why don't you take a look at this Tian? You are making mistakes. I want to try living in a can for 5 months. What else did I receive this yesterday? degradation of the RC system we have lost the backup coolant circuit and all the thrusters um oh yeah uh the washer is off. I was doing preventive maintenance on it and I guess I shorted it. I also discovered some calculation errors in the telescope. setup I guess that explains the higher quality in the uh so look at the pictures um yeah I fixed the razor so we can shave again now and um I'm sleeping better.
I guess we're all getting our second win and, uh, if the hardware holds up I guess we can go all the way. I know that I can. I think they have done a great job. Take them down. Yes sir. This is Wheeler. Put everyone on the network. Mission control. In Houston, the Iron Man 1 crew has shut down the s4b space lab where they have worked, lived, slept and eaten for the past 5 months. An Apollo spacecraft has separated from the laboratory and at this moment the automatic retrofire sequence is ready. to start 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 a recoil shot the spacecraft should be beginning its descent across Australia towards the splash point in the Pacific about 400 m south of Midway Island we are now awaiting confirmation of the recoil shot waiting for contact Iron Man one Iron Man one this is Houston Capcom do you read Iron Man one Iron Man one this is Houston Capcom do you read after 5 months in orbit a mission that has been described as a successful prelude to space travel to long term that will one day take place?
Be normal, routine astronauts Jim Puit Buzz Lloyd and Clayton Stone should be on their hot way home in The Good Earth Iron Man one Iron Man one this is Houston Capcom you read Iron Man one Iron Man one this is Houston Capcom you read IR Man Iron Man one, this is Houston Capcom on UHF, do you read Iron Man one? Iron Man one, this is Houston Capcom on UHF, you reading man honc?, go ahead Houston, hey old bum, how's it working? We have negative backfire, say again, Hierro. Negative man don't burn Bailey kill him Iron Man wait one what's up dck I don't know Ecom GNC what the data looks like minute and 20 seconds after the flight retro fi inant could you check your pyro breakers and also your front manual A of Delta V and Switches B Roger Glenn, could you turn on Channel 6?
All parameters are normal, why the hell it doesn't work? Houston Iron Man. Iron Man's circuit breakers are closed. The FPS switch is activated. The Del V manual push and switches are activated. Thank you, Iron Man. We are affirming a new Target, we suggest you try manual re-entry on your next pass. Roger understands manual reentry. Negative RCS backup system. Jim negative. We suggest you use the primary system. Jim. We just told him that didn't work. Houston. I prefer to use the backup thrusters. I'm afraid you don't have any backup thrusters. Say again that your RCS fuel level was too low.
What about the laboratory? There is oxygen in the Houston laboratory. Do we have enough fuel to remake Iron Man's negative lab? Negative, what do you propose Ted? You don't have enough RCS fuel. You will have to try to fire again with your main engine. The smart guys think that your automatic control system is activated, but you will be able to start your main engine with a manual command. other words Kick the Box Jimmy, do you copy? I do, copy Mr. Keith Pao, yes, without advertisement. I think we should say something, sir, we've been off the air for most of the time, just keep it trivial, keep it routine, we might not have any problems.
Yes sir, this is Houston Mission Control. We've received word from Iron Man about a malfunctioning switch that has prevented him from recoiling into his final orbit. We'll bypass the switch and at the end of the next one, but we'll try manual rewind. This is canon in Houston, we will thaw the dead. Can you wait a second? Are you ready now? The prime mover did not start on the first pass. Secondary thrusters are off. Repeat and if that big baby doesn't fire this time, they won't come. back Step motors two and their two start in step two and their two start in one minute to burn one minute to burn Roger translation manual controller manual controller neutral manual controller neutral power both in Direct RCS in Direct RCS Delta V thrust A and B normal A and B normal 30 seconds to burn 30 seconds Roger controller hand armed controller arm and controllers are armed EMS Del V Auto Del V Auto 15 seconds to burn Roger 15 seconds Alright bastard fire fire fire 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 direct recoil fire switch Delta V Iron Man, this is Houston Iron Man, this is Houston, you read, see, Houston, do you claim negative recoil fire?
Repeat, I said we had negative blowback fire, okay man, this is Keith, are you getting any direction from the head of lights at your event, we have a little light here that says we've blowback, it's green, we're going to decorate it for Christmas, okay, Iron Man, let's work on it. Pressurizing Roger's cabin on Jim, we'll be back. a couple of hours why don't you get out of your Hudson Roger see you later we'll be here I want to complete the tape dump from all the sites I want it to play here and I want it in graphics Paco tell him to put a motor in the simulator power all the TM that we have and we see what it takes to stop him from shooting printouts of everything and an oxygen projection yes mister Keth completely forgot about him Ted, can you get him out of here?
Ben, take this. right, no backtracking, they're still there, it'll take a little while to fix the engine, well I guess it's time to go home and light the fires and take care of the kids, do you need a ride, did you talk to them, yeah, I'm? well how long will we be in contact Mrs. Stone thank you I would also like to know what is going on Teresa Celia and I have been in this business for 10 years we learned that the best thing for us girls is to keep our feelings to ourselves and let the men get on with their jobs, right, Celia, bad, Betty, it's been 15 years, good morning, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I'm sorry to keep you waiting Dr.
Keith, is that you, Mr. Keith, are you on your way to Washington? No, has he spoken? to the White House yet, Mr. Washington, I would like to thank you, tell me, sir, who is responsible for hiding the news. No, I'm the responsible officer. Do you have a statement? Mr. Keith, no, but I would like to tell you that approximately 15,000 people are trying to isolate and correct this malfunction all of NASA's resources and our industrial contractors are being used to their maximum Mr. Canon Mr. Canon, let me clarify this, the spaceship is still in orbit, yes, going around the world every 94 minutes, that's right, that's right, Mr.
Canon, how much oxygen does the crew have to sustain life? Is there no immediate danger? There is a rumor that the men are already dead. Not true Mr. Henry Mr. Henry What happens if you can't get the engine to fire again? We are prepared for everything. contingency Mr. Henry, what happens if you can't start the engine? Does a spacecraft continue circling the Earth until orbital decay slows it down enough to re-enter the atmosphere? If so, the spaceship and everything in it burns. until crispy is like this, oh, what's your point? How long until that happens? 5 years 7 years have you lost hope?
Mr. Keith, certainly not, Mr. Canon, why should I? If you'll excuse me now, please, strawberry, cereal cubes, soup, creamed corn, Jim, why us? Just lying here waiting for the ground to analyze all the telemetry so some smart engineer can tell us we're out of luck, why don't we go with the Eva? We will check the engine ourselves. I think when one of the fuel valleys is frozen, the ground could say maybe we got a meteorite hit maybe something obsessed with separation just relax eat your chicken while it's hot what are you looking at Stony a disturbance in the zone of tropical conversion someone is going to have a hurricane where is the stony center?
It's just northeast of Cuba nice thick clouds good east west sloping cyclonic circulation just starting here she goes it would be a big beast Alma first of the season Houston this is the simulator we have at the boothmen into space without the right one what is your question: the results he obtained are worth the lives he lost you are absolutely right, you want to know what they achieved living there in the can for 5 months thanks to men like these we have taken the first step out of this small planet the trip to the moon was just to walk the block we go to the stars to other worlds other civilizations Mr.
Keith men will die in this ort just as they are killed in cars and airplanes in bars and in bed what is the map If you could look at the numbers? What about the numbers, Mr. Keith, the numbers, the name of God, what is it that in this disturbance we have 90 knot winds in the center, our eye we have zero, the eye of the hurricane will pass over the cave? All I want to hear from each of you is yes. either we don't go or we don't go we have a launch window while the eye is over the cape we affirm our launch window at 22 3106 can you launch your rockets through the eye of the hurricane?
Yes sir, will the bird fly well? It has been kicked by 80 KN winds the DAT is a bit what is your criteria will the car blow up yes sir we have 16 minutes in the eye no sir no 16 we have 14 well we have been trying to get a prag graph from the computer for some time hour, what is your criterion? I'll do it at 14. Can we move the tower back in 12 minutes? You give the order and we will do it. The Houston flight is the rescue ship. Let's go to Point Charlie. We can reach Point Charlie. Yes, but from then on the pilot will be in charge of his own rescue.
Can you run Deu without an onboard computer program? Just take me to the stadium and then we will take off at 22316 local time Roger 22316 local time Roger 22316 local time we will recycle your 30. You know, of course, that by the year 22316 the crew will be dead, there is not enough oxygen left for three men live so long. What about two men? We don't calculate that way. We calculate total pressure versus total usage. There's enough oxygen for two men to one. Two, I just got us back to the service tower, this is launch control, we just resumed counting and Colonel Dowy just confirmed that all systems on the spacecraft are working right now, Launch Director is about to send the final computer upgrade to the spaceship. an incredible scene with no wind absolute silence overhead nothing but a black knight and shining stars as the eye of Hurricane Alma passes Directly above us there is an eerie silence about everything here without rain or wind the lives of three men are measured by heartbeats of their fading hearts and here on platform 41 at Cape Kennedy we are right in the middle of another heartbeat it is a once in a lifetime moment of a great storm a respite we wait to cruit Lloyd and stone the service tower moves away from the platform launch as soon as he's 800 feet away he'll be locked in position but they'll launch before that happens that tower is expendable but the three men in Iron Man one aren't LD SRO go ahead you're cleared to launch Roger LD, this is instrumentation, go ahead. verify point four in less than 2 minutes.
Roger SRO home range recorders and TV video recorders will go to D minus 70 seconds and counting will mark LDinstrumentation forward start and calibrate all Roger instrumentation recorders your 60 seconds counting Mark start instrument recorders go Sensor detonators pressure SRM Go Automatic sequence started Roger T sequence minus 50 seconds and counting Mark xrv is on internal ignition Roger all systems on inter enable SRM regulators Continue in 40 seconds and counting. Check TVC power transfer. Continue on 30 seconds and counting. Check the pyro starters to go to the launch panel to assemble. Go to Release Control to Arm. 2 1 I don't have anyone who wants swing program Roger the swing launch program Roger the pitch mark 52 Gavin pressure holding 5.57 Mark 1 more 40 DCS update on you you look good here go to the staging Roger Ted you go prepare rescue this is the flight phyto confirm orbit insertion at 820 Roger, my initial Rendevous parameters indicate Delta V of 263 feet per second, burn time t + 12 + 15, have Pho confirm my number, Roger, wait your flight we'll show you the money go get it Ted the cause of death will be anoxia I know that's an interesting way to do it the brain runs out of oxygen Iron Man one this is the layer through Tanana re you read only until the end you feel great you laugh and you're ready to start singing and shouting Black Iron Man, this is T re's cap, read, you know, it's an interesting mechanism, there's not much data on that.
Iron Man, this isara, do you read Iron Man, one remade, you copy Iron Man 1, Houston Capcom, do you read Iron Man? 1 Houston Capcom you read Iron Man one this is Houston's flight you read me Iron Man this is ke what the hell do you want hello Jim I want to talk to you him what do you want I have some numbers for you the uh the The eye of the hurricane passed over the cape at 2218 and we had a second window at 22316 Cape Time. We successfully launched the rescue craft through the eye. Do you understand that you have launched the XRV?
Yes, that is correct. The XRV is complete. Preparation is underway. to Rondevu our transfer will be at 2328, that's in 55 minutes, you read, yes, I read Jim, how do you assess the oxygen situation? Well, we have the oxygen left in the spacecraft system and there are only two. emergency oxygen bottles on board 5 minutes each, that's 10 minutes man um my backpack and uh Lloyds and stones but um there's not much oxygen left from them now I have to save their backpacks for Eva's transfer I know that in 55 minutes we will be He'll be dead by then, well, only if he continues using oxygen at the current rate.
Well, we can't reduce it. Let's think about that. He wants us to lower the partial pressure again. No, we have examined that this will be the case. It's not working well, we are lying here like corpses now, what else can we do? You have to think, yes, we are thinking, are we talking about the same thing? Yeah, why don't you talk about it if you could work something out? It would be a great help, yes, we will talk about it. I must point out to Jim that any effective action must be taken immediately, but don't tell me what to do, we've been following your damn orders and where the hell are we from now?
We're going to make all the decisions, whatever we do, you're out of it. I appreciate what you're saying Jim and I agree with you, you're absolutely right, yes, anything else, no, that's all for now, could you? uh please give me those release numbers again. Yes, that's the launch at 22316 Cape Time, rendevu and the transfer at 2328, thank you. Vigilante 22 3106 rondevo 2328, that's what they say. 55 minutes to pass through the eye of a hurricane. Jesus, 55 minutes, right, it's going to be pretty cold. because of that well one of was going to have to leave I mean uh that's what we're talking about isn't it?
One of us leaves and the other two stay, what are we going to do? Well look, let's do it scientifically two big ones. Guys, the little one came out, okay, yeah, well, that's an idea. Because? Well, listen, we're going to have to talk about this. What are we going to do? I could do it by chance. I take strips out of the notebook, one short, two long. with a short ending it says yes Jesus, we can't do that, yes we look. I don't want to stay here and die. Okay, so I guess the odds. Look at two guys, three guys, there's not much difference.
I say, double the pills. turn off without moving without talking very low pulse even when there is no pressure there are still oxygen molecules floating around you you live for a while even when there is no pressure on the gauges for God's sake it's less than 55 minutes dreaming Stone, it's okay , Alright. I will go. I am the weakest. I'm using most of the auction. I will go. I will go. Well, well, well, well, well, put your helmet on, I'm not going to fix the engine, are you kidding me, can you? Don't fix that engine, what the hell do you know about that?
I don't know why I let him talk me out of it. I should have done this two days ago, come on, put your heels on, because you'll fix it, it's good. You'll fix it, motherfucker, you know what he's doing up there, don't come back here Jim, Jim, don't do it, you're going to rip out the umbilicals, Jim, don't do it, Jim, Jim, no. do it Jim Stony Stony, give me some line here, we can't reach him, ah yes ma'am puit, I wanted to talk to you ma'am, your husband is dead, it was an accident, he was trying to repair the spaceship, I'm sorry.
Jim, I told you, Jim's not here, I had the next where's Donon, I'm here, Tony the guard is coming, Tony, tell Jim, get us out of here, stop eating your oxygen, damn it, it's still going to rain. 76.8 I have to hit him. I'm a little under the line rescue flight you confirm burn attitude Roger's attitude is go Del V 63 Roger's advice this is the Roger 3 2 1 okay, I can't save it for the transfer I'm, oh, you're not dying, It takes a long time to die Iron Man, this is rescue Iron Man, this is rescue read, turn on your acquisition.
I say it again, come on, Stony, turn on the acquisition lights. Roger Roger, acquisition lights, okay, Sony, I'm going down the pipeline. I'll see you in 6 minutes. minutes Roger five six minutes more just six minutes more five you can Buzz you have to you can Buzz think of something the boys think think about the earth but look look at the Earth but look can you tell where we are? Yo, it's okay guys, it's okay, it's okay guys, you're on my air, now breathe well. I'm going back to cabin A. Something left Iron Man, this is Keith.
Iron Man, this is Keith. Can you read me the purpose and objective? Iron Man one. this is you read purpose and objective Iron Man this is Keith do you read me purpose data acquisition Iron Man do you read me oh God oh god oh beautiful I'm starting to see Visions Stony entering death there you are Iron Man, this is Keith Iron Man, A Russian spaceship is reconnecting with you. Do you see a Russian spaceship coming in? Sony do you see a Russian spaceship? I see him well about 30 minutes ago he made a change in the orbit that you are moving towards by rendevu we don't know what he is going to do all you can do at this moment is look at him look at him Stony do you read me he is stopping he is opening he's coming out he wants me to have to do something I think he wants me to open the hatch Tony what's your oxygen redout your oxygen redout oh it's 0 0 no no no that can't be right I'm breathing something now Stony listen to me I want you go ahead with the Russian don't wait for dio he's already here negative dty he's not there the Russian is there he wants you to open the hatch oh God I'm tired Charles I'm tired Stony put on your helmet open the hatch open the hatch okay blow the hatch negative no blow the hatch open it with the lever the release lever you read me Stony Stony yes slide this is rescue I have your lights Roger Ted you have your act lights blow the hatch no don't blow the head of the hatch blo oh can't get any closer bus we have to go to him h oh I have them visuals now I'm going to divide them into 10 they are about 50 feet away the Apollo hatch is open Can you see the negative crew?
I'm going to get a little closer now there's a light flashing from the Russian ship. A guy is floating about 150 feet below me. I go after him. Me and Iron Man, this is Pete. Did you read? I, come, Iron Man, Iron Man, this is the key, come, Iron Man, one, this is the key, do you read? GO, man, this is it, you read me, Iron Man, you're Corporal, this is the rescue. I'm in the Apollo, the Russian has something of Stony. and I've transferred him to my oxygen, okay, he's breathing, I've got l Ted, come back out xrv and get ready to re R I'm on my way 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 d

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