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Marked | Savage Jesus | Pastor Michael Todd

Jun 05, 2021
Well, it's a very exciting weekend at Elevation Church, we just finished celebrating Easter. God is doing wonderful things. We've been talking about the wild Jesus and hey, let me tell you something. I brought a wild shepherd to share God's Word with you today. I met this guy recently. I loved him immediately. He is full of wisdom. He is a fashion icon. More importantly, he has an incredible heart. God is using him in a great way all over the world, but he is a


in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tulsa Oklahoma. You know Tulsa Oklahoma. Tulsa Oklahoma is the home of Transformation Church.
marked savage jesus pastor michael todd
I'm talking about Pastor Michael Todd, he and his wife Natalie have been leading that church for several years and God is really lifting him up and recently God put him on my heart. It was time. for the elevation church to meet Pastor Michael Todd, so I know that today you will be blessed by the Word of him. I know you'll feel his warmth, but I want to show a little bit of Southern hospitality or Canadian hospitality or Florida hospitality or maybe seeing this somewhere else in the world, wherever you are, I want you to show some great church love to a great man of God, Pastor Michael Todd, come on, let's welcome him when he comes.
marked savage jesus pastor michael todd

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marked savage jesus pastor michael todd...

I feel at home here. I'm very excited to be here. with you and as you already know, my name is Michael Todd, something you may not know, I am black, I am very excited because every time God's people gather and there is an expectation, they told me that 11:30 was loud, but I didn't and Concord was that crazy and I think God has a word for us today so I want you to prepare your section. I want you to find three people and say, "get ready," give them a high five and tell them to get ready, but just tell them. them, get ready, get ready, everyone can take a seat after that, hallelujah, men.
marked savage jesus pastor michael todd
I feel very honored to be here. It's amazing how God does things before I start. I just want you to know because you may not know this because I experienced it all the time, but you don't go to a regular church like all your locations, that's where I go, that's not regular. You have two of the most dynamic leaders and Pastor Stephen and Holly, or you can give it up, take their The leadership of this team, I mean, is so phenomenal in their absence that you can still feel their heartbeats and for all the who are serving and leading and handling chambers and making children and all this.
marked savage jesus pastor michael todd
Can we give this up for the team, everyone who impacts the entire world? In a moment you'll hear a little bit of my testimony about how we met and before we begin, ma'am, my wife is here and she's fine and she came with me and the reason she's special is because she's her. birthday weekend, does everyone say happy birthday? Yes, we will celebrate later, but on her birthday weekend she said, yes, you can go and I honor you because you allow me to do what I am asked to do. I had team members who came. and I love you all team in my house church transformation Church stand god I love you all okay so I think I got everyone out of the way God is here and um and so let's get right into the word right now oh I got to do one more thing.
I want to show you a photo of my children. This is my family. My daughter here is 4 years old. This is Isabella. My son has a ponytail but that's a 2 MJ boy and then my six month old oh that's a beret and the reason I showed you that because the statistics say if I show you pictures to my family I you hear more, okay, here we go, we'll have fun today. I'm going to get out your Bibles and something to take notes, um, because I was sitting here on an assignment, so a lot of people go to church just to do something and feel good and check it off in the religious box.
I came here on an assignment like God started dealing with me about what he was supposed to talk to you about and so I have to deliver this regardless of whether you receive it or not. I have to receive a good thing done by God for me. Well, I hope you receive it. I have people who will receive the word. Well, so I came all the way. from Tulsa Oklahoma to tell someone that you're


by God, yes, yes, and I know what kind of sounds cliche and a little and a little, okay, I'm


by God, but someone came here discouraged and the things of the life makes you question.
Did God really call me? Is there really more than this job I'm working on? Is there more to it than what our marriage has been like? There's more of what? impact, it has marked you for destiny, it has anointed you and it has called you, more than anything you can see right now, but you have to realize because the enemy has come to tell you to stop giving up, you are too old, maybe if you were 30 years old. you are 20 but what is God going to do with you and your 60, she said yes thank you sir no I am serious like what is God going to do after the second bankruptcy, didn't God do anything after the second marriage Thank God, let's go?
Y'all, there are some people here who denied me entry to the college I wanted to go to four times, like how am I going to do it? and I came to tell you that no matter what the denial is, God Steel marches, no matter what the proof is, God. It still marks you no matter what you're facing now you're marked someone just say it in faith say I'm marked y'all I like this 11 friend you're okay with me and and and this is what I started thinking about people in the Bible who were marked by God anointed I began to think about David who was marked from a very young age but there was a process towards the palace or there was a process towards his purpose a process towards his destiny and many Sometimes, if the enemy what he cannot destroy, distracts him, he cannot destroy us, then it distracts us and we start thinking, maybe like one moment, you were on fire for God and you knew he had called you and you knew it, and then and then well, that happened and then this happened and now you're distracted and and alone you're looking for validation and God said no, no, no, come back today is a refocused day.
I need you to realize that before you were formed in your mother's womb I need you I called you I had a plan and a purpose for you I see things you have never seen before someone just screams look when you stop believing the lie then you can believe the truth see a lot of people try to believe the truth and the lies, they don't, they don't work together, when you stop believing the lie, the truth automatically comes to the front and the truth is that it doesn't matter what you've been through, it still You are marked. for God's sake and right now I want to read Samuel 16 first and let me tell you a backstory, there was a king named Saul who wants him to be marked, he was once anointed by God and a lot of people give salt a bad reputation like he was. . just a bad guy from the beginning, no God called him, but he started doing things his way and God took that anointing away from him and Samuel was a prophet at that time and he was like a man.
I anointed Saul, he was supposed to be the man and then God said Sammy, stop crying for him. I'm anointing someone else. I'm moving my anointing. He will still be in leadership, but my anointing has been taken away from him. Can I just put a pin right there in the dot? There are still people in leadership without the anointing of God just because they got the title doesn't mean they have the anointing well now you're thinking about someone else I'm talking about you oh they didn't like that in Asheville they didn't like it Like all of you They don't like that, I'm sorry, all I'm saying is that he started doing things his way and then God had to bring someone else, had to mark someone else for what he was trying to do on earth and what ended up happening was he goes to Jesse's house and he's planning to meet the next king of Israel at Jesse's house and that's where we pick it up, verse 6 says, it says that when they arrived Samuel took a look at Eliah and He thought surely this is the anointed of God but the Lord told Samuel do not judge by his appearance or by his height because I have rejected him the Lord does not see things as you see them in that good that God does not judge you by your education and He doesn't judge you by the number of Instagram followers or zeros in your bank account look look what he says he says people judge by outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart it's good news for all of us so Jesse told his son a little dad to step forward and walk in front of Samuel but Samuel said this is not the one the Lord has chosen then Jesse summons shame yes, that is my boy over there that is the one who is like his dad but Samuel He said that this is not one of Jesse either, it is like all the failures of my children, but Samuel told Jesse that the Lord has not chosen these verse 11, then Samuel asked if these are all the children you have, he said well, it is still the youngest, Jesse replied, but he is in the field tending the sheep. the goat seat is curious that his father did not even call him by his name defined him by a characteristic that was unattractive as many times when you are marked people look at what you have done or what you are doing and try to summarize you, that It's what you are Oh, oh, she's the one who got divorced and he's the one who was bankrupt, he said well, is there another one?
Oh, you're talking about her, that's kind of like mmm, that solves it, that big ant has the bad attitude of hers. Like people don't even say her name but describe what they've been through, but isn't it beautiful that God doesn't even care if we understand it? He said he's the one out there, he's looking at the sheep in the ghost. It doesn't smell that good and Samuel said sins for him right away and we won't sit down until he arrives. All the brothers like, damn, we can't eat, so Jesse sits down for him. He was dark, handsome, he had beautiful eyes.
He understands the image and the Lord. He said this is the one who anointed him, mark him, so while David was there among his brothers, Samuel took the jar of olive oil that an anointed David had brought, he killed David with oil, look at this and the Spirit of God came powerfully upon David from that day. in someone say I'm marked um I want to tell you a story. I'm a son of five, one of five kids that grew up in our house and my parents didn't have wires so they were fruitful and they multiplied and so and so I have an older brother named Gabriel and one day Gabriel and I were fighting and we just We were what brothers do and my mom is a woman of prayer, she is a woman who tells lies and one day she just tricked us and said: all of you about the fight, I said what and she said yes, everyone is going to fight and we He called into his room and I'm a little more athletic than my brother Gabe, so I knew he was about to yell at him to bless him.
Gosh, so we got these gloves from the show like a week before and if you've ever seen these American flag gloves, there's a lot of cushion on this side and there's no cushion on this side, so he put gloves on. both of us and she said boxing and I'm yelling it and I vaguely remember him getting his hand back and my mom told us that we were only supposed to do body shots so from the head down and I just remember seeing his hand. I turned around and it hit me right in the face and my neck spun and then as my neck spun my body went with it and I said I fell to the ground and at that moment I got up and I thought like we're all supposed to.
We'll be doing headshots, we're supposed to be doing body shots and the Lord brought this to my memory when I started studying for this sermon, Michael said, there's never a hit like the one you don't see coming, that's the hit that It knocks you out like a lot of people in this room right now. You've had a blow in life and you didn't see it coming, so it knocks you down. Bankruptcies, divorce, the frustrating coworker, they knock you down. and many of you are in this room and you are sitting and you are counting one two and you are debating whether I should get up, whether I should try again and I came to say it's time to get up because you are my God, the fight is not over and God He has a plan for your life.
Someone is yelling, Mark, so I came today for all the marked people in the building. It may not be all of them, but I know there are some Mark people in University City and there are some. Martin, people here in Ballentine, if you're Mark, make some noise in the building. I see you, I came to help you because there are successes in life that are coming. Most


s just want you to feel good and like the God they said they were. He is preparing you for a blessing and he is also preparing you for some blows, but if you know the blows are coming, you can be ready.
See, he wasn't protecting my head because I didn't think the hit would come there, but when I know where a hit is coming from. I can hold my own and know and be prepared for what will happen, so I just want to talk to the marked people in the room and give them some steps that will happen to them if you are marked by God, are you ready? Now let's look at the life of David number one. If you are checked, you will be approved privately. Now this one messes with people because we want to insert the story of our elevation.
Look at me. I'm going to skip to Stephen's look at the anointing being erased, no I didn't see it because what God wants to do in your life is something He can't do on display when it's in seed form and this interferes with our culture because we want let everyone do it. We know that we have been approved, we want everyone to recognize what God has done in our lives and he spoke to you andhe gave a word at that conference and it touched your life sitting in the back row of that meeting or whatever. he did it, but not everyone needs to know that he did it intentionally, he is privately approving you, because the easiest time to kill something is when it is in the infant stage and many people are putting all their dreams, visions, ideas out there. when it's the baby stage and people come to stab, kill and drown everything that God has called you to do, just think about it when they were afraid of Jesus being born as the Messiah, what did they do, they killed. all men are under two years old because it's easier to kill a king in the form of a child and I came to encourage you because everyone doesn't know that means you're marked.
David wasn't even invited to the party which I didn't even call him to, he must have seen the caravan enter before anyone else because he was the shepherd who was in the field and he saw it but he wasn't invited to the party but he wasn't trying. to enter the party because David was content to do the last thing that God told him and spend time in the presence of God and what happened is they sit down for him and when he walks into the room and his brothers are standing there probably hungry and jealous, said: you are marked. and he was approved privately and he couldn't go and tell everyone what you're saying pass the mic there's someone in this room that you know God has called you to something bigger than what you're dealing with right now but you're still marked even though no one else know it and if you don't see that blow coming, you will start doing things to try to let people know and then someone will talk about death and what God called you to live.
Do you hear what I? I'm saying someone will be able to and I'm telling you that you're marked even if everyone doesn't recognize it, you might have family, that girl, they won't do anything, you'll just be the same. I was like your grandfather and your grandfather, it is very important why I can no longer deal with you because I have been approved privately, someone says that I am marked, let me help you understand, look, look, because the Bible always says and God was with David and God. was with David you can investigate it and God was with David.
I start to say God, why were you always with David? I said because David was always with me. I see that many people want God to be with them, but they are not with me. him and he is not going to intrude on your busy schedule you have to make room for him he is a gentleman even though he stands at the door and ties knots you have to let him in and and and and God is telling us today if you would do the last thing I told you and spend time in my presence I will approve you privately, see if you are a marked, let me give you the second thing, you are anointed before you are positioned, so imagine this photo with me, David enters.
In this room, Samuel marks him, anoints him and says that you will be the next king of Israel. For most of us, we would be looking to return to the palace with Samuel. Yes, I will accompany you. Where did David go next? back to the pasture because he was anointed before he got a position and it seemed to us that most of us feel like no, no, I'm anointed, so now is the time to be on the platform. I'm anointed, now it's time to be the CEO, I'm anointed, you just said I'm going to be the next king of Israel, let's go like we're trying to do it right now, but what God is saying is I want to anoint you. and then I want to send you.
You return to the sphere of influence from which you came to make a difference there, so he has anointed the king of Israel, but he has to return to the sheep and the goats. It sounds like it's Monday morning and God says, will you make a difference? I make you be a light in the darkness in that school, will you be my representative who comes in and changes the situation? Will you stand up and represent me or will you represent me in that nursing home in that hospital and most of us don't see that blow coming?
So God, I'm anointed, right? And he said yes, now go get the sheep, keep serving and eat well to the children, shepherd, I have songs that my elevation needs to hear on time, but keep serving the children and don't sing to yourself. I know those people who will try to pretend that I'm doing this, but why? Because what God wants to do in your life, he wants to get the glory, fool, and so, really, the problem is and no, really the question is. How are you waiting because you are anointed? How are you waiting? And most of us hope so.
Oh my God, I'm waiting for you, Lord, do it again. I keep singing it, do it, but I don't think it's like. you're waiting I really think it's like you're waiting for your service boy what do you want me to do do you want me to give you that do you want me to go pick them up do you want me to keep serving them because at that moment it's a heart checks and says I can mark you but then it sends you to a place that doesn't seem like where you're going to be and that's the battle because many times our expectations and our experience don't match now like I do.
I'm supposed to be a CEO and a philanthropist and I'm supposed to pay for people's things, but I'm sitting here looking at all this dead and God said I'm the miracle worker. I need your obedience, so I just wanted someone here. to realize that if you are marked and I know there are many people in this room, you are going to be anointed before your position, so the scripture that I want to give you is proverbs 3:5 to trust in the Lord in this waiting process with all your heart and don't depend on your own understanding to make sense.
I just can't understand it. If God really wanted me to be this, then you won't be able to understand it. he is looking for a burning heart posture, not a plan of yours, trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding and knowledge of God in everything you do and then he says that he will direct your every mark , person on the spot, just say it. with a little more sound sure marked yes it comes if you are marked let me give you something else you become the answer to a problem look so David returns to the field he is doing the last thing God told him and spending time in the presence I want you to see what important that this is.
Some people get questions all the time. Well, Pastor Mike, what do you do if you feel like you don't know what to do? Do the last thing you know God told you to do and spend time in God's presence, that's what David did. He didn't have a GPS or a mat for his purpose. He was just doing the lesson and watches what happens. It becomes the answer to a problem. Saul is now being tormented by evil spirits. in the palace and you have to read samuel first 16 17 18 you just have to read everything I don't have time to go over everything but he is being tormented by evil spirits in the palace and one of his assistants says hello maybe we should bring a guitarist here or a expert musician to be able to torment these evil spirits and then one of the guys said: do you know anyone? and he said yeah jesse has a boy named david and he would be in the field all the time just me and him we're fine so i think we can go get him and now look david didn't fill out an application to go to the palace he didn't use connections to enter the palace because he was doing the last thing that God told him and spend time in the presence and perfect what was in his hands.
Do you understand what I'm saying? They sent for him. What are you trying to say? Pastor Mike when you're doing what God told you to do. you will never have to shop for your position, they will send you out, yes I know that doesn't work with the greedy culture we have, the hustle and all these other things, they will sin for you, they will sit for David and me. I want you to see this because David didn't come to the palace with nothing, he came as the answer to a problem and some of us are sitting here so deficient in the skills God gave us that you wouldn't even work on it anymore if he could.
Don't play, they wouldn't even have invited him to the palace, do you understand what I'm saying, but the shepherd was working on what he had in his hands and he went to the palace, now he looks at the place that he already knew? he was called to be there it wasn't as a king or prince it was as a servant what are you trying to say? Pastor Mike was able to allow you to test your future not as a person of interest but as someone to serve and many times we get frustrated because we know that we are marked and we are supposed to be on the platform and we are supposed to go at this height and it is We're supposed to be there and God said yes and I want you to go there and I want you to serve someone, you're not going to get the microphone, you're not going to be in the meetings, you're going to see, this is what the platform is just a elevated position of what I would do down here if not Don't do it down here God won't let you do it up here if you're not nice down here you can be nice up here if you want love down here do you hear what I'm telling you today and then God ?
He is telling you, he said: I need you to move forward wherever you are to be the answer to the problem, some of you right now need to go back and serve the people and you didn't ask for anything, there are no connections in this, it's because God is moving and molding and making my heart right now I don't need your approval because I was approved privately I don't need your title of your position because I am anointed performing the position and what am I doing right now I am becoming the answer to a problem can I give you a secret David was qualified for another level of promotion because he tormented what tormented his leader you want to know how to go to another level find someone you call a leader and torment what torments them and God says that's the heart I'm looking for that's the person to which children, high school students torment what torments your parents, the dishes are always dirty and you hate to raise your hand like everyone hates them too, but remember that every time there is a plate, I am a torment What torments my single mother who has two jobs and tries from here I'm going to see what God will do in your life that boss that you don't like and you don't like, do you hear what I say?
I'm saying and you like to have something like no no no see if it's ugly and see it's me yes I can't send it I like it is that person I want you to go ask him on Monday what is your biggest challenge and no Ask to be paid well because God is trying to work on your heart, so if you are marked, you will be the answer to a problem. If you are marked, let me give you another point, your opportunity will be wrapped in obedience. Look at David now. He is tormenting all of Saul's demons and he has double duty, he is humble enough to work in the palace serving, but he still comes back and helps his father with the sheep and remember I told you that they would send for you so that a day he comes to his dad's house because humility is something very important to God and it is something very important to David, so he is there and his father says: Hello son, because you are doing me a favor.
Your brothers are at war right now. Did you bring them some grilled cheese sandwiches? there for them and the captains and for most of us we would fail that test because I would hit my father back with something like, you know, brother, I play in the palace, I mean, you want me to eat for my brothers. I'd like to get someone else to do this, but David was humble in spirit and said, "I can still have a position or a platform that people look at, but I'll still do what I used to do and this is what a lot of us think." We're going back when we go back and do things we used to do, but a lot of times it's a test to see if you still have the humility that you once had, you used to work in a parking lot, but all you get is cloud, you used to invest in the house of the old people, but now the way they eat makes you nauseous, oh come on, and you say no, no, no, God goes from glory to glory, to glory, but you've been on the same level, maybe it's because you won.
Don't go back and do things you once did and David shows us that his opportunity is wrapped up in obedience. What are you saying? Pastor Mike, if David hadn't been obedient to his father to go bring those grilled cheese sandwiches to his brother. she would never have met Goliath, she would never have taken advantage of her opportunity for elevation, he would never have been anywhere, true, he would have been somewhere playing guitar thinking God was using him, but his purpose was wrapped up somewhere else and how many things are you? is missing because you just won't obey God, it doesn't make sense he said, keep visiting that person, it's like I don't even like that person and God said you missed it, it's not about the person, it's about your obedience, well, don't do it. tell some like you God keeps telling me to serve at the Boys and Girls Club I don't even like sports your husband is there that woman said hey praise God someone from a college town just cut off our Google where's the closest one Where is Cece?
I'm finding that obedience is never about the other person, it's about God getting your heart and if your next opportunity is wrapped in obedience, now this is only if you're marked and let me, let me give you something extra for some. of you who are here and feel that God is calling you to something else First Samuel 17 verse 20 says so David left the sheet with another Shepherd and left early the next morning with the gifts as Jesse had instructed him it is funny because when God calling you says that David left the sheep with another shepherdGod never asked you to leave something undone to do something new the church is so messed up that's why God God called me to this and this just falls apart but stewardship is the heart of God and David left his responsibilities with someone else because he knew God was trying to work something in him where it would take him, it started in the grass but he knew it would end in the palace, but they were all saying a process.
So when you are marked and you are going through this process, let me give you the following points that you will rise through. obstacles and this is the one that gets most people off because we are taught especially in western culture and in the church when we see an obstacle to retreat and that's what the whole nation of Israel was doing, the whole army saw Goliath, he goes to release these sandwiches and he sees the whole army out there and Goliath for 40 days is talking about God and the whole army Israelite is frozen like a man, this guy is talking about our God and David comes over with these sandwiches like here brother, who is that what is your what?
They're here, hey, so yeah, I've been doing it for 40 days and y'all, I haven't done anything. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who was swearing back then? Everyone knows this like it's like they know how to say. the sensory of parents like and and David says: I'm not going to sit here and listen to this guy challenge my god, so where thousands stepped back because they saw an obstacle, David stepped forward because he saw an opportunity, the obstacles and the opportunity are almost the same depending on who is on your side so when God is on your side and you get a cancer diagnosis that is the opportunity that God says take a step forward I am about to be your healer I am going to be the one who takes glory come out of this when death is in front of you God says don't take a step back towards it I am Jehovah Jireh your provider I will meet each of you here someone is getting excited the sickle is no longer an obstacle because if God is for you who may be against you I challenge someone to give God a shout of praise in this someone give a shout to God of game course no longer because we are marked we will move away from the obstacle we will approach it because we know who is in our side and then David just Sam David is now sitting here looking at what everyone else calls an obstacle and now he sees an opportunity.
Why does David see an opportunity? It's because when David was in the pasture and no one was looking, God taught him some things behind. Closed doors, what do you say, Pastor Mike, he's going to teach you some things behind closed doors and he said, I'm going to take it out and Saul said man, you're just a kid you can't do it. this and he said that's funny, you say that's crazy, that's crazy, your army is not doing that, so what you don't know about me is when no one was looking, when there were no stories and when there was no website and when no one knew who I was a bear came and I was in the pasture forgotten no one invited me to the party but the Lord taught me to do some crazy things with a slingshot and some stones and then a lion came and I thought it was going to take a while He took me out but I was getting ready this is the first time you'll see it but this is a repeat for me because God has come across some things when no one was looking when I was in the pasture he taught me how to take what I had and do something with that and tell someone you don't need everyone to see it, but at some point it will be televised and God will get the glory for what he taught you in the pasture, someone yells, I'm marked.
See, that's what you have to realize when you're elevated over an obstacle, he's not going to put something new in front of you, in front of everyone, so you have to cook it on top of what you have now like everyone's watching because God. he said one day. I'm going to need you to do this in front of everyone and you can't flinch. You have to be very sure of what I gave you because no one else would. I need you to do it. You may be the first in your family to do so. Walk in purity and they'll tell you you can't do it and he said I've been teaching you this on the back side of the mountain when Dewayne came he was the bear and when Rico came he was the lion and you stayed together they hold on they hold on and Bassett even told me I could freeze like I was at home okay what I'm saying is you can't flinch when it comes to the big stage so when you're dialed let me give you the next one it should be you so okay oh wow, okay God, I'm privately approved, I got it, okay, I'm anointed before I position myself, so I'll be happy with where I am now.
In fact, I'm going to work on my skills until I can solve some problems and then I understand that my next opportunity is involved in obedience, so I just need to listen to what you say, I'm spending time with you and then, okay? Understood, I'm going to face some obstacles, but the obstacles are not there to lift me up, dare to lift me up, so I just take a step towards them and you are on my side and then you tell me that it has to be me. like when they tried to put Saul's armor on David, it still didn't fit, like someday he would be king, someday he could do that, but it still didn't fit and God didn't. expect David to be what he wasn't to defeat Goliath, he said, I'll use you as you are, raise the slingshot on the five smooth stones, that's what you know, that's what I want to break into the mind of someone who feels like you have You have to talk like someone or dress like someone or be something else God says I made you, which has weak humor and your funny accent and I said, I'm going to use all that, but you can't settle for the others because they succeeded in one area God said there is a fingerprint and a DNA that you have that you unlock your favor on earth and you have many resources or if it is you, that is only if you are marked, it can only be you, I cannot come.
Up here and be anyone else, some of you like Pastor Steven, gone, where did John Gray go? He here, I'm the thinner version of his little brother. You have it, you have to be you and the last thing is when you are marked, someone says. marked when you are marked you have to have the audacity to honor now this hurts because it means you have to do like David did because he defeated Goliath he cut off his head he has groupies now it's like oh my god look at that man he looks like that now he didn't have that before and one day the groupies made a song and it seems that David David Davis Lee ten thousand saw a thousand David so that's what happens the Bible says that the lady and Saul became jealous and for another decade, he begins to try to kill the person who won victories for him, what does this tell you that many times the people you've been fighting for and the relationships you've been fighting for and the things you've been trying? to stay together at some point if they light up you know you're in good company it hurts and feels like you have to run but this is one of those blows see if you don't see it coming. the best seat will take you out of the game I thought you believed in me I thought and they walk away and you say, well, maybe God didn't call me, you know, no, honey, you're marked, God has a calling on your life before you did . formed in your mother's womb, he wants to get all that out of you, but then what do you do when you have the opportunity to tell him the dirty laundry and gossip and someone calls you to ask for a job reference?
You have to have the audacity of Honor David didn't use what he knew about Saul to take him out. There's a specific story that tells that he was in a cave and Saul was relieving himself and the Davis boys were like young brothers, all there and he was like killing and they were. Just like he saw it, it was like killing him and he passed through your sight. It sounded like a good idea because it always sounds like a good idea to get revenge on the spot and he got close enough to him to kill him but he just cut him off. a piece of his cloak and this is what happens in First Samuel 24 6 he says like this he told his men that the Lord will not let me extend my hand against you look at these words my leader because he is the chosen one of the lord what are you ? saying Pastor Mike until God moves Saul or your boss or your person, that frustrates you or tries to kill you until he moves them, they are still your leader and that is why God is already dealing with them based on their actions, but you You will disqualify yourself based on your actions if you don't have the audacity to honor Mike why are you so passionate about this why is this coming out of you because this is not a nice story this is what I'm living no you don't listen to what I'm saying I say Pastor Steven asked me to tell this story and I want to tell it because there is someone here and you know that you are marked by God, but life has come to hit you.
This was about a year ago. God told me you're supposed to do it. be an elevation of knowledge and that is why I am in Tulsa Oklahoma two days before the conference. I tried to get in before there was a waiting list of a thousand people and I knew God was awakening something in me and saying, you are marked and anointed. and you're approved privately no one knows you but I'm doing something in your life and there were no tickets and I said God, there are no tickets and he said: I told you you were supposed to be in North Carolina tomorrow and you had to be obedient to God despite That didn't make sense, so I asked my wife.
I said, "Hey, can I spend a large sum of money so I don't have to obey God?" and she told me: "You have a fine." I told him no. She said well why are you going to say because I have to obey God she said well you have led this family strong I trust you and I believe in you Lord be the provider I am getting on a plane on Monday at 6am. m. I get here at 1 o'clock I got to campus and there was no one here except the interns and I met a man named Johnny Merkel and Johnny said, "Man, I'm so excited about your faith to come here.
I don't have a ticket for you." , but". I'm just saying thank you Johnny, he's my guy, I love you man, and um, so he said all I can do is tell you to come back and maybe if someone cancels he'll let you in. I am here by faith, standing in that parking lot. Five o'clock I can't let you in 6 o'clock I can't let you in 7 o'clock comes and I hear the bass start to rumble and I said God, I thought you told me I was supposed to be here, I said. Waited for me, wait for me, so I'm standing in the parking lot.
I said, well, if I'm not going in, I'll be the spirit of the resurrected King. I'm outside and I said at least I'm going to get my worship experience in the parking lot. 7:05 comes and they say someone canceled and we can let you in. I didn't have a seat in the auditorium and I start to enter and I'm looking at everything there, are you like that? faithful and I walk into this tunnel and I come to this seat right here and for a day and a half I sat in this seat and Pastor Stephen started speaking into my life and he said you're going to win from within and I'm going to become a professional and God will start downloading into me everything I needed to go back and finish my homework and that didn't come in August 2017.
I was so shocked that I re-recorded our bootleg so I could show it to all my staff, forgive me. but I was very shocked by what happened and I like to thank the people who impact my life, so it's like a man. I want to thank Pastor Steven. God, if you give me a chance, our guest and one of my friends in town, Paul, is coming. Doherty is having a conference that Pastor Stephens is coming to. I called him as brother. I'm going to go, Stevie, on my back. I want to be there. He says brother, don't even worry.
I'll sit you next to him. I thought: wow. and then and this is what happened while I was walking in God said you shouldn't meet him don't talk to him don't tell him anything what you're talking about like I just want to thank him he said I I don't want you to do this I want to do it so Paul is up there, Steven and Chuck are sitting right in front of me, okay, and Paul says, why don't you turn around and say hello to your neighbor? and I said I met a woman named Susan this is a true story but God was teaching me don't lean on your own understanding but don't do this your way I'm trying to build something in your life this is August October I get a message from my sister and and she's like, hey, check your direct message.
Pastor Stevens is trying to contact you. I said they should have another Stevens in that church. Five minutes later I get a text from his assistant and it's a one forty-one minute voice memo that he recorded and he said I saw you I was looking for my sermon on YouTube and you were next and I watched your entire message and he said and I felt so renewed and impacted and God has marked you and your anointing and all that for a minute and what Like now listen this is October I'm okay now because I didn't make that happen God made it possible and God said Michael that It's a mini miracle and a mini miracle so you can know I can do a ma NY mini miracles said because I've marked you so I go and say okay, well, I'm fine.
I'm going to continue with my task. I'm going to do the last thing God told me to do and spend time in the presence of God, I get a call at the beginning of the year, my secretary, I'm in the office, Mike said, I said, don't even play with me, no, don't even do That's it, they said they want you to come. do all her weekend services the week after Easter I told her what are you telling me she said they wanted you to come and at that moment I realized that God was writinga story no man could get credit for, okay, so see what.
It happened that we were already planning to return to the inner lift with the team of people who they called and said: Hello, we want to welcome you when you come this time. I said what do you mean by the host. We have seats for you. We want you to be renewed. Pastor Steven wants to meet you and in that moment it was like he had a surreal moment. God said I'm the one who can get you out of not having a seat in the auditorium, so twelve months later I was escorted to a seat with your name on it you better listen you better listen to me elevation you are you are and you are, But will you let God do it?
And I am here before you today not as someone who is a professional minister, I am before you as someone who was marked and approved in awards and God raised me up and gave me elevations. What I am telling you here is that he is no respecter of persons. If you are going to go through this Lao Ingushetia process, leave and he gets all the glory, let's go crazy hey thanks for watching two things I want you to do first click on our logo to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single Second video , you can click the Give Now button to support the ministry and we can continue to reach people around the world.
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