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Feb 27, 2020
What's up guys, welcome back to today's showdown? I'm with the whole team Tommy Matthew Isabelle Owen and Colin and today we're going to do a Mario Kart tournament. I know Mario Kart is a little old, but it's a classic and we all love it. I enjoyed this game, so we'll do it for you, but before we jump into the video, make sure that if you haven't hit the subscribe button, hit the like button right now. The first race will be colin versus owen the. The winner will move on, are you ready to go? Yeah, here we go, Owen, what character are you going to be?
mario kart battle with that s amazing match up
Press the A button. What character are you going to be? I'm going to be Baby Bouncer or Big Boy Bowser and guys, we. I shuffled the races so everyone gets a random race. I'd be proud of you if you didn't back down in this race, oh, this race is the hardest, who's who, oh, okay, Owen does it, oh, okay, okay, I want Colin to fall. We did it, press good, now turn here the other way, yeah, press two, yeah, oh, but then I'll stop when I get close to you. That's so unfair, I'll use the power, oh oh, we need to get some bullets, yeah, Khan looks good. this race he's almost winning it, oh my god, it's like he's out oh oh oh, good try, good try and that's fun.
mario kart battle with that s amazing match up

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mario kart battle with that s amazing match up...

King Boo is almost being broken by the babies. Owen has never been King Boo before. I don't know where that came from, yeah. It was king that yesterday Oh, I'm awesome, we gotta get started, yeah, let's take the shortcut, no, okay Colin, you got it, oh, Tommy hit everyone, oh, I mean, oh, and let's make who laugh He is in eleven bullets against the scammer. He's doing well, Tommy just got here, I mean, Owen just got double left, although I keep getting confused because you already have it, guys, here you go, oh, and it's your turn to start playing, let's see if you can learn of what I did, no, I can't, oh, yes.
mario kart battle with that s amazing match up
Everybody, let's take a bullet, oh, hit him, oh, like he's terrible at this race, I don't know how you're doing anything again, uh-oh, it's almost a double turn, Owen, sweetheart, we're not going to let that happen . say this race is about to end it ended as soon as it was selected it was a good fight this is for baby bowser or big bells that's the beginning of the same place oh yeah there must be a secret about that ah you got it guys oh boy look that look, that short, oh, struck by lightning, look at this, oh, that's a better idea because if I shrink like that, it makes me smaller and easier to control, Owen, is Colin okay, then we're like us?
mario kart battle with that s amazing match up
We're actually doing well, we haven't fallen in about 20 seconds, it looks like he's going to win. We have made a double turn there. I'm Colin Isabel. What character are you going to be? I think I would be myself. Be your own meme of mine so Matthew me too all my money on Matthew you think Matthew is going to win yeah obviously oh you're a goat I am but it's all a matter of luck cause you might get a blue turtle shell and then your game is over, yeah. I wouldn't say it's all about luck, but most of it no, no, you also have to have a scale that is Matthew and Isabelle.
Oh, Yoshi, it's very easy, it's the easiest thing I know, but there's more luck in this one. It's true. In short, this is the oh, it's going to start at 11? Colin beat me in this race, guys, that's done, we have to start at 11. Matthew, you can do it, you can do it, I'm scared, oh I didn't. oh no, that was wrong, that was wrong, this is getting intense, man, I'm doing it wrong and it's at stake, I don't care about other people right now, I just have to be Isabelle, this is hard, there will always be something good. power and beat me, I know, I've missed the power, so oh, I missed that, oh no, does anyone have a yeah, oh my god, if he takes a bullet because the bullets in this race are huge, I just have to buy a banana, no, you. you're an eight you're not going to take a bullet she could take a bullet oh she's got that she'll give me the best oh oh she's coming back oh my god you're right oh no I'm first first no good at this game yeah this is intense oh man, what do I do, wait, it's your third laugh, you're going to finish, oh, luckily, I have a banana on my back, oh, that was clutch, oh no, it smells good, yeah, that was a good run, there was Colin's prediction. right, okay, guys, maggie, who are you going to be?
I think I'll be uh diddy kong because he's Owen's favorite and I always play for Owens. Okay, I'm Diddy Kong, so I have a big announcement about Owen and now I'm on a team. oh so I'm playing for Owen, yeah I'm playing growing up, oh we both play for Owen so I guess you win no matter what. Yeah I just wanted to show you guys quick I made his name Lama Gama and he's so beautiful he looks a little like Matthew it was based on math and then this is the other guy I made last night his name is leroy jenkins but that's not It's enough, it's not love, Jenkins and um, so I think I'll be a dry bone.
I'm scared, I'm really nervous, please don't get Rainbow Road if we get Rainbow Road, I'm done, this is the most stressful point, this one is so much fun, I love it, so usually the best driver wins in this one. I'm not going to say that too soon in case I lose, but if I win, that's totally it. I love this one. This is like my hype. I love this one. I'm the best at this. Yeah, I can't even say it. oh shoot oh boy tommy almost fell maggie it's magnus boys jumping mushrooms no no no no no green turtle shell tommy goes so fast i don't even know what it's like because i ate a mushroom oh that's good i ate a mushroom too hey someone just tried to push me but that's not okay, okay, don't push me with the manual, it's really hard to jump on those mushrooms and I love banana peels because I can be very strategic about it, no, I hit a wall, no, that was huge .
That's what cost me the race, oh boy, that literally got me, get out of here, baby, you need a bullet, you should get to tenth place, okay, I'll leave it, baby, I'm going to wait this out for Maggie. to pass I'm going to hit her with the red turtle that was good although maggie is in fourth place she just missed a mushroom she's going to come back she's right behind tommy she's in third place now I don't think you want to pass the blue one The turtle shell would be huge. I am very afraid. I have a theory that every time the person who is first has a big power, lightning strike, pow or turtle, a blue turtle shell, you always get a blue turtle shell.
I always love it. the turtle, the red mushrooms can dodge the shell of a blue turtle, so no, yes, they are red masses, but I did it today, okay, I'm so close, where are you? I can't even see that you're squishing, oh is it squishing? Yeah, it's not really. I need it oh my god you have to go fast before his power oh no I went over the grass no no and the red torpedo won't hit him that was so bad you should have saved that that was really bad oh I have a bomb that's not good , you can't throw that in front of me, I'll bomb it from behind, like, what did I do wrong there?
That was too much, it was clutch colin against matthew. I say goodbye because I just beat Tommy and we're like. the oldest so I have to buy it so the winner of these two plays with me in the championship oh and who are you going to be this time it's probably baby bowser baby bowser I'm going to go for me again you're going to go for colin this time you're going to do your self, yes, Matthew is there and that's Colin. Oh, that's better than Matthew. I'm still angry about the blue turtle. Well, you guys look exactly the same.
I'm just bigger. One of them is a little. up yeah, wow, you guys look at exactly this, yeah, mateo, oh man, that bullet almost hit me right there. Colin has three mushrooms, which is oh oh no, what am I doing? This one looks really tough, God's only beating, I mean, only losers, Bowser, well, what's up, Todd? right behind me, oh, he just got hit by a bomb, you just got bombed, calling, yeah, but turn around, bullets flying past me right now, so, oh, three red turtle shells, those That's a good thousand at the last minute, I didn't even mean to do it. those two at the same time oh I'm on six I just lost the friend I had because someone hit me with lightning oh I'm going to get a friend I have this collin oh three mushrooms that's good that's good nice I'm going to come in first and then First of all you can dodge a blue turtle shell what is the star I have?
Come on, come in first, come in first here we go, I'm beating someone, no, I'm just trying to love him, he's on 11 okay, I'm second oh no, red turtle shell, that's not no good, I wanted a power now I'm on seven yeah you're moving real slow cuz I just got hit by the red turtle show and then I was looking for a power oh I just gotta be I don't take a bullet or anything I don't buy a cowboy so What do you think I've been needing? It's a bullet, okay, back and forth, back and forth, fourth place, it's pretty good, so what?
Do you think I've been getting three mushrooms every time? Everything I wanted came first, guys. Wow, see, the trick is that you have to get it first at the end of the game. The trick is that you don't get hit by a blue turtle shell on the ground. mushrooms on the last lap oh come out and there it is that's why you need to save your mushrooms like I do you don't save your mushrooms yes I do I have one and I'm in first place so I can die by the shell of the turtle but you've never done it I'm just trying to beat I've dodged a blue turtle I have two but it's hard oh no please move on from first place there you go colin keep going I'm going to go matthew ready matthew sorry that Matthew is moving on to the final championship against me, you're falling, you're about to make weight oh, I love people and I always fall out of trees, okay, here we go, the last round, there's a shortcut in this one, I don't i've been playing for a long time maggie i think your goal for this one should just be to make sure matthew isn't the first oh he knows the research shortcuts before oh he's done it, we've all done it i fell off tommy he was the one who did it started I researched shortcuts what are you doing Caterpillar?
Yeah, oh, that's why you beat it, how else are you supposed to find the shortcuts? I can't find the shortcuts. I don't know any of the shortcuts. Yes, once in this game. I flew through a tree, I swear, I flew into a tree, it was the strangest thing I ever said to Matthew. I don't know if you guys ever experienced this comment below, if you threw it, it flew, it flew, I can't speak if you did. I didn't film it, it didn't happen, it happened, I don't know any of the shortcuts, um, that's a shortcut, maggie, oh, I didn't do that, there's another shortcut you missed, although I don't need a mushroom for it.
I just do normal things, wait, where did my power go? Did anyone see that I just got a power up and then it just left? Those caterpillars can be really annoying to anyone who sees them or is it just me, I just touched a power oh man. Let's go every time I drop three bananas off a cliff, Maggie, have you gotten past that part without falling? never oh, what was that? What was the applicator? They're rude, they're kind of mean, no offense to the caterpillars, I'm I'm going up here this time, that's all, you know what I'm doing.
I'm on 12, so I might as well find a shortcut and go through it. I need a bullet, why don't you give me a bullet like the car? I just can't give myself these two. I don't need a shortcut to win. I can win. Christmas did that, so I don't know. That was, oh my God, that's the worst thing you can get. Did you fall from the tree? Yeah, yeah, you didn't, there's someone right behind me, I saw a banana, all I wanna do is not take last place, oh maggie, can you pass him this time?, oh, that was clutch, oh, yeah fell, no, go, maggie, go to the waffle, she's right next door.
For me, this round counts five hundred pounds, come on, whoever wins this one wins the big prize. Yeah, that was great, no, no, I'll throw it to you, Maggie, wait for Matthew to pass you and then shoot. No no no no no. oh yeah, that's great, I was totally going to win. I was so close to the finish line. I have never fallen into that part. Maggie put up a good fight, good fight, really, you had him for a second. blue turtle shell blue turtle shell blue turtle shell Thank you all very much for watching this video.
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