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Jun 04, 2021
How's it going guys, welcome back to another video. Okay, so today I'm doing it with no one, except for 150 kids behind me, all against the wall, why I had no idea what it's like, except for some of them. It's going to be interesting so before we get to today's video, lick the video and some right now do it or you'll be unlucky all day today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day for the next 30 . so do it right, great, let's do this right, since everyone is against the wall, it will be appropriate to run to the other side, three, two, one, okay, you clearly started before I said, "Oh my God, this looks like." cool, I don't know why." We're doing this, this really doesn't make sense and back off, uh-uh, oh, wait.
man vs mob
Even better, this has absolutely nothing to do with the video, but we'll do a brisk walk either way, 10 at a time, oh this will cause delay. I don't even care and I go back, wait for it, wait, wait, it's worthy, oh my God, I think it worked, it works and I run everywhere, it's so hot my head is literally about to explode. I really can't explain this introduction. If this isn't worth licking a submarine, I don't know what's good, so anyway we're trapping a hundred, well, a hundred and thirty-seven kids in a box of rock and the last man who survives here wins, it's that simple. okay, let's put them on. at zero speed let's see what happens woo oh we're all literally frozen we can barely move unless you jump let's go back to one's normal speed here we go and what we need now is a little jail don't come.
man vs mob

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man vs mob...

There is jail poop here, this is the jail and I think it looks good, we'll just put the floor in obsidian, it looks like a real jail, now it's perfect, anyone wants to be in jail, they lose if they do. So what am I going to do? is to unmute the chat and if someone says a word the first person you lose is automatically in jail so let's mute the chat and oh why would you want this? Okay, you lose now, so now this guy officially loses. I don't understand some people, but okay, anyone else, first person, why, okay, two people are out now, someone else, me, please, you realize you should lose., okay, someone else, literally this time I'm just going to do what everyone I talk to says okay why am I going yeah you.
man vs mob
You lose, you lose, you lose, okay, all these people are out, so let's start right, so this offer is the last man standing Wayans, as simple as that, here's some food, there you go and the joy, say hello one , let's spawn, oh my god, this guy is trying to get out of jail, what the hell, no, they're in jail, okay, well, we have a sheet, that's not how it was supposed to work, wave a reel, now we're going to spawn ten, twenty, and thirty zombies, there are no items going, okay, let's see how they deal. Authority zombies if you die Gigi, this might take a while considering they have no items.
man vs mob
I want at least one death, though come on, there's got to be a rookie somewhere, no one at all, no one's okay, no deaths, wave two. We'll give everyone a wooden sword like that and now we're going to make a hundred zombies, there's a hundred zombies, so Oh, someone died exactly what he needed. Well, let's see how this goes. Mob exploded, man who will take over until now. It seems like a lot of people just look at this look at this you're no help to society look at them they just don't do anything right smart game I guess we got a death that's okay everyone in jail you tried and that's what matters yeah you have to leave no matter what and everyone in jail has been eliminated wave three let's make a bunch of creepers we'll perfect all these guys fuck they're going to explode well that's eliminated like all the creepers and no one died wave three eight on top Oh someone died on the bedrock that's where the baabs will spawn oh look they're all going to get out of there real quick they spawn zombie mobs ten you better run bro some more of those and once the spiders are gone, we We'll move on to the fourth wave, okay, that was pretty fast, wait three full and we only had two deaths after that goodbye, he looked before I could kick him, okay, wait we're going to spawn a lot, many, many rats ooh.
This is going to be good, maybe a few more rats, you know, just to see what happens, oh my God, we're going to like a server, look at this, what the hell can I have spawned in a lot of rats? Well that wasn't my smartest idea but I'll call it ahead okay I think it's time for an upgrade give him a stone sword there you go now everyone has a stone sword enjoy and enjoy in the tank of mafia slime, so we're going to spawn in a bunch of slimes, I warned. I told them that the rock base is where the mobs spawn.
Oh, a lot of people could die from this, you know, people on the corners just don't do anything. I swear, I mean, it's probably the smartest move, I'm not going to lie, but all these poor people doing everything. hard work and it will spawn in a few more ways, call it five kicks, these people, mojang owner, kick, kick and kick, okay, let's increase the rock base, more room for mobs, shake up the stakes, it's okay, this kid's name is ball boy Scotty, why are we? By doing this, this wave is for everyone, there are a lot of newbies in the corner, okay, we will get everyone up here and then once they are here, they will walk over here and be forced. to a Moche water, stand on a sponge or kill, that's all we're going to say, okay, take everyone up there, oh my God, someone died, really, brother, you died, someone else died.
I'm done, so many people are dying, advice, don't die, oh. Oh my god, all they had to do was get to the sponge and they couldn't do much, okay? I think everyone is in it now they are just in the wood, why are they going? Well, there you go, oh my god, brother, are they idiots? god the stairs are the forest some of these people some of you I swear to God okay let's clear this path now you are the stairs don't be in the wood it's your fault now go back to the surface water MLG without dying Okay then all you have to do is just water MLG and don't die, good luck.
Oh, the first person did it, let's see who can do it with the second person, oh my God, if you can get it out of the water, oh no, oh no, this is terrible, a lot of people don't. able to do this this will eliminate so many people look at the jail look at everything you think you're sneaky brother you think you're sneaky I see you brother automatic death from that car debt oh no this is eliminating half the people well a lot of people have too much afraid to go, you understood this, I think. Oh, what was that attempt? oh no no no no it's okay we really need people to leave and it doesn't look promising literally we have like I don't know two people who have come so far it's definitely two people okay we'll give it 20 seconds, no, I mean, well, I was going to say people did it, but they didn't really. the last person will make it the answer was no well that was deleted you know everyone in the upper jail eventually logs out or I'll do it for you let's see if someone actually logs out.
I guess I have to do it starting with the ball boy Steffi, oh. Oh my god, okay, I'm too lazy to kick, you see, I'm literally too lazy to kick everyone, okay, wave seven, come on, let's put some lava, you know, everywhere, so we better Don't get into the lava. A terrible idea. over here some over here some on the absolute wall Oprah I'd leave kid I'd move yeah don't do that spawn mob zombies walk and they're alone so zombies and that's it for wave 7 are you kidding me? Idiot zombies, look at this kid. skin, look at it, no, okay, say hello, an update time, give him a plate, one and an iron sword, many, many, many, many vines, the same with the silver fish, the same with the zombies, oh Oh my God, I don't like lava anymore, I thought. it was going to be beneficial I guess it's not right so lava isn't my best idea well I guess if something would put lava on the wall I should make up for it, move on you idiot, what are you doing?
My God, you are so lucky. we'll give them some regeneration there, yeah, you want some region, come, take it, take the region, you know you want it and that's it, wave nine or eight, I don't know, give them a bow, an OOP and we'll give them twenty-five arrows. each of them gasps ten oh okay let's see how this goes oh my god that came literally out of nowhere but I think they're dying pretty fast twenty more oh they're going to die right oh okay wave ten, crowd of chickens Bond, one that's wave ten that's it this is wave ten you thought you thought that was it isn't that right we need more more ammunition a literal giant ten Giants we do absolutely no harm and we stay there like idiots and maybe ten more gasps here we go, okay, perfect, that's right ten someone needs to die here we need more lava more lava against the walls mom, come on, my zombie army I need to work more here Oh, someone died perfect perfect perfect well, while this is happening I will prepare the command blocks for wave 11 whatever the first trap messages are I will give them as an improvement let's see and II a real article please a friend an article please it's revival revival um, okay, the first to speak gets a revival lately, of course, of course, it's a group of lately, okay, okay. dead there now for the actual article, although it is a diamond helmet, okay, perfect, okay, it's done, these giants are standing here like idiots, let's get rid of them. wave 11, okay, let's burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, gas 5, let's see if anyone has arrows.
He left some perfect zombies, we would need some creepers, of course we would, the server is literally going to die. This whole kid could be dead. This child could be dead. Let's put a little more love. Shall we perfect, perfect, perfect? You better come out, we'll give it to them. a small pool of water just because we're nice, anyone's going to die, someone else, more you call that and that's wave 11, oh look at this, look at this last group, you got the resurgence, come on, play smart and win, right? OK? What we are going to do is build a tower.
We're going to have a nice, safe little tower, although it's not for everyone who wants to relax here and have high ground, but you have to do some parkour to get up. there and once you're here you can just relax: look at this survival, people blew up the jail, okay, it'll change the terrain a little bit, there's some ice, there's some grease, boom, boom, boom, boom, there's something of that, I know. you'll appreciate my cacti everywhere and some soul sand, perfect wave 12, you'll probably need some arrows for this one so you can have a Boop and Boop stat, okay, let's see how you do, those skeletons you know, watch it spin.
It's night, okay, the Ender Dragon is literally doing nothing, and so are the skeletons, so maybe some zombies do some work, let's spawn some here, come on zombies, do something for me, do something, literally , do something, brother, okay, that's all. 12 wait oh no oh no oh my god no dude an ender dragon really just ruined my whole video. I don't know how to feel, oh my gosh, well what we're going to say is that anyone who made it to the end is a winner. you know who you are and there is proof in the video of a final round where we crash the server and I will spawn as many mobs as humanly possible three two one going good a lot of gasping OH perfect group of zombies many, many, many skeletons, our goal here is crash the server so we're literally going to spawn everything we can, tons of those so crash the server my brain hurts okay I think I crashed it dude I really can't believe a single ender dragon. he said and ruined everything well, so I'm not really sure if the mobs win or the players win, yeah I have to say the players won.

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