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Man Says Baby Looks Like Donald Trump's (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

May 01, 2024
widow. So four of my children are my husband's. It's not like he's here sleeping. Ms. Thomas, I want you to take a moment and explain to Mr. McKey, if, in fact, his claim is true and Karson is his biological child, what do you want from him? He is simply a child. Children need their dad. So, be there for my son. All right, in light of everything I've heard, we need to get some answers. Because we need to figure out what we're doing here. Jerome, let me have this envelope. Here you have. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and read as follows: "In the case of Thomas v.
man says baby looks like donald trump s full episode paternity court
McKey, "when it comes to eight-month-old Karson Thomas, "it has been determined by this


, "Mr. McKey, "you're not the father." TOMAS: Are you serious? MCKEY: Hmm. He's not the father, Mrs. Thomas. Fuck me... I'm sorry, like I said, I'm sorry. Do you know who Karson's father is? Yes, my ex, before I met him. You knew that and you just want it to be Mr. McKey's? No, I didn't think about that at all. It was an intermediate period of time. Honestly, for Karson's sake, I'm glad we got to the bottom of this. I need you to do what you have to do and find the father of this child.
man says baby looks like donald trump s full episode paternity court

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Because I don't want this


to walk the streets of his community, his entire life, facing what he did when he was a


. It's even bigger than his biology. It's about this child being able to understand and confidently say, "No, that's my mother and that's my father." Alright. That's what I want for him. Very good, I wish you the best of luck. The session is over.
man says baby looks like donald trump s full episode paternity court

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