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Man finds himself on missing kids website

May 02, 2024
A year ago, his opponent, a man clicked on a




children and found a photo of


that Cement sent him on a quest to uncover the secrets of his past. People magazine first brought our attention to his emotional journey. Terrell Brown is here to take it back. this story boy good morning Erika Charlie good morning to you both Steve Carter always knew that he was adopted but when he grew up he began to wonder who his biological parents were, that curiosity and a simple search on the web took him on a journey that would change his life. and even today there are parts of his story that remain a mystery.
man finds himself on missing kids website
Carlina White was kidnapped as a baby in a Harlem hospital nearly 25 years ago when police announced that not only had they found her but that she had solved her own kidnapping. The case became national news. Steve Carter was watching and it made him think that your sister Miley has always been happy with her adoptive parents. Something never felt quite right recently, it's gotten more to the point where I'm really wondering who my biological parents are. Carter knew he was adopted. a Hawaiian orphanage when he was four years old, but his birth certificate was created almost a year after his birth and he is labeled as half-Native Hawaiian.
man finds himself on missing kids website

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I don't really have many of the characteristics of a native Hawaiian blonde hair blonde hair blue eyes I mean, there is a couple, but it's very far away and they're few, on a hunch, he went to the Missing Kids Comm


and searched the database data. He looks at pictures of children reported


in Hawaii over the past 34 years and then sees a picture of who he was. The first thing I thought, OMG, that's me. The image is an adult composition of what marks Panama Barnes. A missing five-month-old baby would be 26 years old. This is Steve Carter at 34 years old.
man finds himself on missing kids website
His birthday is 1 day apart. His birthplaces are identical. Carter emailed the photo. to his adoptive mother and she says, oh my God, that's you. I was like, that's what I thought and she says, but it can't be you, there's no way you were missing at 6 months and we can legally adopt you at 4. Carter called the Honolulu police and the department organized A DNA test almost a year later, Panama Barnes was proven to be Steve Carter and that's when I really began to understand that I have another family, a family with a mysterious Carter. he found out his biological mother disappeared with him in 1977 she changed her name his birthday even his father's race when Carter's biological father reported mother and son missing three weeks later police couldn't connect the dots Carter would end up in her biological mother in an orphanage and in a psychiatric hospital, then she disappeared without a trace until today, do you know where your biological mother is?
man finds himself on missing kids website
No one knows, but Carter found his biological father in a small town in Northern California. Mark Barnes remembers the feeling of hearing his son's voice for the first time. The first time since he disappeared more than three decades ago, he introduced


on the phone and I was absolutely stunned and amazed and in an hour-long conversation we tried to catch up with the 32-year-old. Barnes says Carter's biological mother often went away with him. but he always came back although he never stopped looking for his son I wish I had reported him missing sooner now a day passed when I was gone he wasn't in my thoughts Carter hasn't seen his father or any of his newly found blood relatives in person, it's still too early, in the meantime you're piecing together your childhood, a cold case closed and one of the longest missing children cases in US history solved, it's just an incredible story, does this present any problems for you in terms of your identity?
Yes, try it. To consolidate all the people, he was over 30 for years, so he has two birthdays, three birth certificates, ten names in total and every time he tries to get help with this, many people throw up their hands and say: You know what we've never done. He dealt with this before there was no protocol so he says he will pick the name with the best credit report and make jokes like talking about me but no one but no one to help with it. I mean, he, but he's still essentially at this crossroads because everyone is absolutely dumbfounded, absolutely, there's no help, there's really no solution, it's not something that happens often enough for anyone to know what to do in the face of the incredible and scary Tyrell, thanks.

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