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Jun 03, 2024
Well, today we're going to try out a new camera, so if you notice anything different, good or bad, let me know in the comments here Last week was a bit rough, wasn't it? It was almost done at the best time. so


week I'm going to take my preparation incredibly seriously. Yeah, that was a bit of a joke, but you know what they say, you should never eat on an empty stomach. No way that doesn't sound good, we turned it into the Blue Cow. and


is what we're going to do today yeah it's a good old fashioned fry


it's been a while I mean I've made about 200 of these but it's been a while and even though a lot of people He says they could.
man bets 50 i can t finish this unbeaten breakfast sandwich challenge beardmeatsfood
Do it, no one has managed to do it yet, so I'm here to come to the rescue. I hope he doesn't. If I turn on C, it's a little heavy, wait, this is a creepy bathroom. Did I just get there the right way? Is this like the back entrance or something like that look again you do it hello hello how are you doing? I don't think you are. uh maybe YouTuber yes, yes. I can't do your



. It's okay, anywhere. I know you're okay, buddy, at first I thought. I stumbled into a Freemasons meeting or something because you just looked at me like you shouldn't be here.
man bets 50 i can t finish this unbeaten breakfast sandwich challenge beardmeatsfood

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man bets 50 i can t finish this unbeaten breakfast sandwich challenge beardmeatsfood...

The owner tried and couldn't


it very close. What are you making a video about mom? this thing here where if you eat a big


you get it for free and you win a t-shirt what are you going to have for breakfast? I'm going to try it, yes, yes, yes, H bels, it's huge, right? but I've heard rumors that it's huge, yes, you look a little skeptical, is it my small body?, yes, it is, yes, I'm a little skinny, it has to be said, do you think you think I could do it? I don't think I can do it right at least you could say you could at least you could pretend that you think I can do it no oh $50 I'm not going to eat this burger $50 5 I've just been looking in the kitchen and the um The sausages look pretty big, do you?
man bets 50 i can t finish this unbeaten breakfast sandwich challenge beardmeatsfood
You know? When you think about breakfast sausages, no, no, they are much bigger. You could probably kill someone with one of these sausages. They are huge. 8 itself, something my fiancé could only dream of. Not really. I don't want you to fall but it might be hot yes thank you very much it looks delicious although you won't I won't I said 10 are you sure it's substantial there are plenty of peas and no peas beans beans and tomatoes and chips do you think Did he actually go to the bathroom or do you think he just skipped the back?
man bets 50 i can t finish this unbeaten breakfast sandwich challenge beardmeatsfood
I thought someone had run away with a £50 bet with me before, actually I think it was somewhere in Miami. I'm in a place called Blue Cow down south and they just got the Brey challenge yeah and you know how long you can


30 minutes 30 minutes 28 pounds yeah and if you complete it then it's free right? get a t-shirt or I just thought I thought I dreamed that for a second you got a sweet t-shirt. I don't think you can do it in time for the sum of £50. I own C. camera eh, you're on that one, yeah, I've got 50 on that 50 Quid, who's good, 3 2 1, come on, come on, the balls , yes, it seems like an appropriate place to start and this drop is a crisp 50 for me by not finishing.
I wonder if he'll try to escape halfway through like Tony, the one who moved to Florida a few years ago. Can you put the CH in supplications and platter music? Have you ever seen someone eat eggs like that before? No, everyone waits until you see me eat. Sausages may want to look away. Good advice, something tells me he'll be watching like a hawk the entire time, although not unlike the staff, and if you're wondering, this is essentially a big toasted chabata roll with a bunch of typical English breakfast ingredients. and uh, some fries too for some reason I wanted loud music and TV on to interrupt you, you already regret it.
I've only been good for a minute, these are like fish sausages and chips, yeah, which In fact, I'd rather you know that regular breakfast sausages are also unique. I like this tactical decision. I'm going to try to moisten the


, maybe I'll try to at least eat it as a


, well the chabbat is going to do it. it's a little harder otherwise it would be quite crunchy oh yeah you could hear that's the flying ointment with this one the rule is a little harder to stick to than normal toast look at that big sandwich well you promise me .
It's one thing to stay in school so you don't end up doing something like this for a job, yeah, be like a lawyer, a doctor, something useful, not an internet clown, yeah, no, a girl, lots and lots of food, hey , look at that beard and the food, a perennial diner. and part-time careers counselor for young children, solid advice, although I'm sure you'll agree it doesn't look like 50 quid in your hand, you haven't completed the mission yet, mate, get your J, no, that's got right despite being three pints deep. at noon on a Thursday there's nothing wrong with this Block's powers of perception, there's plenty left but the food tastes good, which isn't always the case when it comes to frying UPS, so I'm feeling positive in case you you lost it at the beginning.
This way you get 30 minutes to finish and if you do you'll not only get the free £28 meal but you'll also get a fancy winning t-shirt, not to mention in this case if I play my cards right who knows, I could get £50 from that Fell's pension annuity. I don't know, we'll see, we'll see how it works. There are still a lot of things to do, although there are still a big pile of chips and some things neglected. The chabata roll is what makes this difficult. It's really very chewy. Lookig was great, how long have I been boss? uh 8 minutes 20 8 minutes 20 I don't think it looks very good for you John, but the chips can be deadly, yes, there are a lot of chips left to finish, we'll see, of course. lots of beans too, not really, but it sounds catchy, you know it's his bir and I knew what it was going to be, yeah, I have to say I didn't think Alias ​​would turn out so well, but here we are. chips and beans to finish off now, that's a lot, although thankfully the beans should help get them down largely unobstructed.
The fries fall out quite easily. I thought they would be the hardest part, although that's yeah, yeah, no, they're a couple, yeah, mushrooms. I went when I ate the sandwich because I thought you know I don't really like mushrooms, in fact I hate them, so if I eat them with everything else it won't be so bad, it's a good tactic, it worked, I can't shave, John. Well, yes, all these scubs have to go somewhere. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you in the next one. I have it as a poet. What time am I with you?
What time am I at BOS? uh 13:15 okay this is mixed food and that job was an easy way to gain 50 pounds no I'm just kidding that was the CS Brey blue challenge and you're 4.4 seconds off my time yeah yeah, so you know me pretty well, so I'm very, very, very impressed. with you I want to shake you before I leave don't you want there better be an A50 note in it no I'm joking no no I don't think you want to shake us than we I'll wash it only one question left do you have a dessert menu?
It's nice to meet you man, and thanks for the bummer from the beginning, it was bummer, yeah, yeah, but you bounced back pretty quick, yeah, in about wow 50. Seconds, have a good day man, how are you, this It's quite a piece of foot. Kake too, I'm sure I'll enjoy it, though, oh, delicious, it's so much fun, the cake here, well, the t-shirt is coming now, yeah, what does it say on it? Breakie challenge. I came, I conquered, I like it, I like the cow in the front, regards, thank you, I appreciate it, no problem, it's a pleasure to meet you all.
Great, yes, no, no, no, don't worry, don't worry. I thought it was going to be more difficult than delicious. food in case you're wondering um yeah I didn't get 50 pounds off that old block, it was pretty funny how quickly he starts to regret the B, though right Homewood, you're not leaving are you John, not before what ends? my chocolate cake, you already got up, I got up

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