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Making Latkes for our Jewish friend - 10 Minute Power Hour

Apr 08, 2024
You could say, kiss, welcome to the moment in


, all of us, Ohio? I thought, well, well, what's going on? We are here today. Damn, we have the flu. A little running towards the curtains. We were filming a lot at once because. of the holidays because we want everyone to go home, editors and talent included, come home, receive gifts, celebrate Hanukkah, celebrate Christmas, so we also have a beautiful


for Donovan. Hey guys, what's going on? Good to see between we will change that TV/rubber. ninja, oh yeah that's what he's the creator of all the terrible Mario Maker levels.
making latkes for our jewish friend   10 minute power hour
Excellent Mario Maker levels. Terrible ISM, they hurt to do more, do you want? Oh, I don't like the brightness much, so I'll have to enlighten you. Be something like don't turn blue don't be too


ly with there I don't want to be shiny I don't want to be shiny Do you understand what we're going to do today Ross that job we're going to cook an iPad oh no we're going to do black because today is the last day Hanukkah and since Dan is sick, we will surprise him with some


, a sweet gift for our son who needs to be well, what do we have there?
making latkes for our jewish friend   10 minute power hour

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making latkes for our jewish friend 10 minute power hour...

Dan I. I mean Danny, I mean the badasses, I mean Dan, I mean Ross, every time it's already hot, excuse me, I'm sorry, what's my name, I'm Ross, okay, read me those instructions, okay , turn it off, well, I don't know. I mean, you have a nice that. Like button if you want to help us out and then press that bell because this is what it does now I don't know I don't even know anymore man the video changes every day yeah comment or any ingredient1 well we have a Russell Russet russet potato, You know? Do you really not know what pound is close to a frying pan?
making latkes for our jewish friend   10 minute power hour
Okay, I'd like one. Here's the thing when he lived in Australia. I actually didn't know and in front of my mom I said Lib, my mom was like lost. her mind her mind laughing is embarrassing what am I supposed to do with this? I have to peel the potatoes I don't have to peel the potatoes there, okay, so it says instructions using medium holes on a box grater, grate the potatoes, squeeze out as much liquid as possible. possible using a clean tea towel these are very thin you know what we do with what we have good so do that I'm just


potato slurry I guess this looks like French fries well I feel like it's a little disrespectful to Jewish culture but Sorry, sorry guys, so first we have to make the potatoes, yeah, this is here faster, okay, I'm going to go slow, I can do it, try to grate my fingers, did you really do it?
making latkes for our jewish friend   10 minute power hour
No, yes, you are so stupid. Dude, yeah, I mean, I wanna feel bad for you, I really need a bandage, dude, mm-hmm, I'm sorry, I didn't feel bad for you, are you sad, are you bleeding, dude, let me see it, let me see it, oh yeah, you destroyed a piece of your finger he's embarrassed we have a little bit of me I'll tell Dan you know he put a lot of love in there it's my drawing hand man Oh, a lot of potato here you want to know yeah, it was like it was pretty close I was already at point to stop and say we weren't going down this bump and then you were there and then it's there, look here, do you want to see what the finger looks like?
Okay, I think we're good at this I think this is the right amount of potatoes Be careful with that biting thing, it's going to bite you Are you still reeling from this? No, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, dad, dad, I need bandits. Oh, and it hurts. yourself often okay buddy let's do it yeah is this in the recipe? breathe well, no strip, yes, I don't need a nose strip, you can put it on, how do they work? You put it on your nose, on the top, yes, well, like that. more, yeah, that's okay, but your nose is probably pretty greasy, so sorry buddy, let's go next, I need to get the liquid out of the potatoes, oh, they're bleeding like me, it's amazing, oh, this is a Christmas hand towel, Brent, are we using your stuff? which you valued as a treasure considering the blood and everything maybe we shouldn't show Dan this video for Inkman monsters so long here damn humidity.
I dare you to drink it, no, double dog, I dare you to know. I'll buy you a bag of magic cards drink it drink it drink it it just tastes like potatoes okay let me try it it's just like potato juice potatoes shouldn't have been juice okay this is fine this is great look at this I went like a whole bull Wow , get out of there, look at this bonk ooh, okay, what do I do now? Well, in a large bowl combine the potatoes with flour, egg and 1 teaspoon of salt. I have it. Look. I'm professional.
It simply is. just a whole egg, right, yeah, white, okay, I got this, why are you using another container? Because it's like you can easily take it out, break it on a flat surface, break it on your Dan, it probably took a bullet glob right here, oh yeah, this is what's next. you have to get the flower how much flour this says flour says one how much but half a cup so in the ko that was actually perfect right yes, it was good I admit a little salt just break it just grind it the day, well, there's so much salt that it put it in the spoon and not on the plane, please help and don't be a slightly annoying human being for once, where does salt take so long?
Oh, it's the back. She was doing the top. Well, now it's going to weigh. quick, you can just grind it over the spoon and not beat it back and forth, that's good, you know, that's great, you just know I don't have salt in my blood, so let's stop that from happening, we have a mmm, a tool to the mixes just use my hands, but I think Dan wouldn't like that to be true, he doesn't know that no, oh, you haven't washed your hands, you can't do that. Gordon Ramsay follows me on Twitter, what if he sees this?
This is how my mom does a block kiss, any mom does this every year for Hanukkah no, I didn't know you were Jewish, oh how cute, your mom is a culture of respect, she is a very respectful woman, I learned a lot of it, I need a bigger Bowl I can't I can't mix in this small bowl What is this? This is going to spill over the sides. Brilliant. There's a lot of crap there. I think it hurts if you want to do it. Do you want to help mix this, yeah, you're doing great, let me see it like this, yeah, like this, this is fun, hey, we're friends doing things together, you're like friends, you do it, okay, that's a latke mush, look at that now.
That's good if we don't put onions in it because go ahead, we won't put onions in it because I'm allergic to onions, what's the next step? Friends, here you need oil, baby, here is oil, first it will be hot, what is medium? anyway it doesn't taste halfway sprinkle a little flour a little flour if the flour bubbles and dissolves immediately the oil is ready well, first you have to put oil, well, let's sprinkle it, hopefully we won't put too much oil, right? OK? I'm cool, but I did that, you know, you get it and it doesn't come out, so you're going to say something like, okay, perfect, I have something in my mouth, I think it was eggshell, we have our perfect, our bait, right ? pack the fun I'm having anyone should eat them now one more little potato stop in the oil so three


s per side so it's starting to look pretty good it's cooking and I easily make them they really look great they were those three


s. okay, let's turn them over oh no no no no no no no don't turn that over in my lap maybe it's so much flour my lap and I lost one I lost the last one a latke are you doing? you're so dumb you want to get him hurt at this point you're the one who wants to hurt maybe I just want to feel something oh we have a fever in our toes yeah yeah oh it's all done there are my blood yeah they're all used Do you think it was done well?
I mean, yes I can kill you so you can eat raw potatoes, okay? I drank potato juice. I feel a little dizzy. How much is your Oh Oh stay so long just turn up the heat? Who cares if it goes up some, it certainly goes up to 420. honey, oh yeah, I don't want to touch that, oh, okay, there's more problems with the oil, oh, I probably didn't put enough in it, let's make room for the oil, put a little bit of oil in there and then we'll move it, no, I'm. the pancake, well, they're going to be there anyway, so what the hell is the problem?
I need to change that over there, a little bit of oil, yes, I have oil on my finger, now they are getting crispy and golden, are they ready, but flip them? You know, they say you're not supposed to flip a pancake twice, sometimes progress is made on the shoulders of giants, flip it, flip it, alright, we're good, we're done, they're fully cooked, but damn, look at Apple, let's look at them, it's covered. really hot oil to drain them, silly, it was really my wringing towel, drain your hand with very hot juice, don't touch it with mine, okay, throw it across the room now, no, no, that's dangerous, Wow.
I've been on both



s where we use the electric frying pan I have, which was not plan like Dragonheart, where my similar heart is connected to the frying pan, look at this, look at this, what an injury later, here are some


and now we are. let's enjoy our loot want some applesauce damn bras wear some just for yourself Ross my best friend in the whole world who I would never forget the name Ross Ross would you like to wear your Ross hands and have a latke with Yo, Ross, my friend, whose name is Ross, I'm just doing what people do who don't remember the person's name and keep saying the name.
Many times, over and over again. A little bit of salt. I'm fine. I'll take some salt. What do you think is pretty good? Yeah, didn't we do this for Dan? Oh yes, there is a little blood in mine, it is very tasty, mm-hmm, yes, if you want to know what we will do next, how to get rich and leave a comment, this is a notification and you can subscribe to us using the button that says subscribe, silly, it's probably merged too. I don't know how to get space in Stockholm/Mert. You say it is a website where we sell our merchandise and that you can consult.
Russert, rubber ninja, televisions, less shrinkage, period, rubber, your televisions Woodstock, rubber ninja, on everything, on everything, everything, go to any website. I'm there. Friendster, yeah, Digg probably laughs, what's that? Shine, you're just saying words, no flag, then you definitely say where Morton is, Morton student. that's another website

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