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making keyboards for my italian viewers

Apr 18, 2024
I don't know what I've done, but Italians seem to hate me every time I check my YouTube reviews. My Italian audience is decreasing. I don't know why I did it. I set out to create a keyboard that would spark his love for me. by combining the most iconic Italian food risotto, oh no, no, no, pizza with a mechanical keyboard. I know


pretty well and at its core a mechanical keyboard is just a case board, PCB switches and some keycaps, however I don't really know pizza that well. It may seem like I'm wasting a perfectly good pizza, yes, not burnt, not overcooked, perfectly done, what I'm actually doing is finding structural similarities between a pizza and a mechanical keyboard, so it turns out that pizzas and


are actually very similar, let me explain each one to you.
making keyboards for my italian viewers
Pizza has a base, the dough to which all the other ingredients are attached, which is much like the bottom case of a keyboard. You see a pizza you like, you try to pick it up, what exactly do you touch? The cross, which can be thicker. or thinner, like the bezels on a keyboard, you start to see it now, you have your dough, you have your crust, what do you put in the life force of tomato pizza sauce? It's what makes the whole pizza work, which is like a PCB. Then we covered all that dough and sauce with cheese, but having the right cheese is paramount to enjoying pizza, just like having the right switches and platter is paramount to enjoying the keyboard, so I took some measurements and ended up with the keyboard brand. one uses a two piece design where the cheese box inserts into the bottom dough and crust boxes, then we connect our circuit board to a daughter board near the top of the pizza for easy USB access, the only problem is That it looks like a pizza from a PS1 game is the only thing missing from my analogy and, well, on the pizza they were ingredients, the reason is that I have no idea what to put on it and, as you know, the best way to learn is by doing it. research that's pretty good and it's actually pretty good too wow this is also really really good this is also pretty good you won't believe it but this is also pretty good about five pizzas in my lunch link to my tests I started to feel this crazy Synergy between the pizza and me, you know, I was really becoming the pizza topping until I ate all the pizza and the worst part is that I still don't know which one I'm going to make, this was actually the downfall of this whole plan because While I was sitting on my phone and decided I needed to do some field research and maybe talk to an Italian I don't know about what pizza means to them, unfortunately since I was away for the next three days, the only person who could do this was okay, so you're Italian.
making keyboards for my italian viewers

More Interesting Facts About,

making keyboards for my italian viewers...

I think they said yes, what exactly is it about Italians and food that they culturally seem to love? It's just that we make the best food, so no, I've heard that. and once again I don't know if it's true or not it's the love put into it it's the fresh ingredients The taste of the crispy crust the mastery of anything special water flour yeast




s italians italian cheese Italian word I always thought it was English from this list of Domino's pieces What would you say is the best Italian pizza? Did you know that Domino's closed in Italy and went bankrupt?
making keyboards for my italian viewers
Wait, I really thought Dominus was the best, most authentic pizza in every way. I'll test that theory by coming to the pizza for the homeless Naples Italy those just wanted an excuse to eat pizza and this is a great reason to do it well, that was really good, quite nice, you have someone in your bed, let me go outside , you spent £300 on a day trip to Italy because I actually spent £300 of your money on a day trip to Italy. When did you receive my mug? I didn't give you this and secondly, going to Italy it became very clear what kind of pizza you have to eat.
making keyboards for my italian viewers
There was an incredible variety of pizzas available with the freshest ingredients and decades of experience and you don't have the skills to adequately convey the rich array of colors and textures on a mental canvas; However, there is one pizza that is Italian and especially American. Italians online will always recognize you and always gravitate towards you, and that's Hawaiian, instead of trying to make them like you, imagine their visceral anger at seeing your thumbnail forces them to click on the video and leave a comment telling you how bad it is. is. the sense of taste is too much for them to resist do you want me to make a piece of pineapple keyboard yes, yes, sort of yes, okay, laugh, Hammond's pink and yellow pineapple screws into the pizza, oh joy, with much regret in my heart I went to sent my parts to a CNC factory who then quoted me a price a couple of hours later but it turns out I can't be right, yes that's a real number, turns out I don't like it both the pizza.
I pivoted slightly by selling some other foods to raise a little money, luckily Shopify offered me an ice pop to sell glasses using their Lincoln bio tool link, open the box. Can I interest you in a delicious and refreshing palette of glasses? No, I don't like blueberries. a good start so might you be interested in getting the blueberry flavor which one has my face clearly drawn on it so linkbot is like a link aggregator proper curator for all the links you need be it for likes ? you know your Twitter Youtube, obviously the added benefit that if you have your Shopify store it's very easy to link to your direct articles, put them in your bio and people can immediately get what it is that they're trying to decide see the analytics of what people are putting up more and buying and they like other things, you might get charged for putting up store links or certain things and although I finally made some sales, honest thoughts, it's fantastic, it's pretty good, isn't this Edge open ?
Good morning, what flavor is it? This, there were a couple other creators selling their palettes, you asked for blueberries and they gave you. I can give it back to you if you want us to take away my potential income and guess who I run into during the afternoon when, um, I want to ask. What did you base your uh, your pop on? So this is what I call a fun drink, okay, I love this man, this man here spent the next 17 minutes telling me about every trial he had gone through, every thing he had. something he did led him to create this fun drink.
Little by little you will get the most sales, oh yeah, I mean, I'm hearing things that might be, you don't want me to be here, no, no, you know, I hope we all can. sell a bunch I'm definitely not trying to sabotage you or sell more of mine so I can get more money to fund my failed business or anything it's weird it sounds like you're saying that sarcastically I don't know this guy he was To me it's very funny, but I still managed to sell enough to make my pizza, so I went home and it looks like this.
I move on and I don't really have it. In fact, I sent it to Texas. The reason I sent it to Texas is because I wasn't sure if the most common method used to color a metal anodization could get the kind of vibrant colors I wanted on this pizza, but there is another way Sarah coats the I sent it to you from my friend Reagan in Texas. he sees if he can do it, but he waits, if I need to get keyboard images that means I have to go to Texas to see him cerakote, okay Google, how much is a ticket to Texas from London?
It's a hundred dollars, oh my God, I'll do it. I never confirm tonight, that's nothing for the ice cream truck and encourages people to play my istolic, but what I will confirm is that my personal link shows links to my YouTube channel, Twitter, patreon and store, so yeah Do you have any, I mean any link you need. curator, see the popup link in the description below, Texas time, Reagan, how are you today, sir? I got the thing, oh, Apple Pizza fan, no, no, I'm not a fan, okay, you know exactly what we're going to do today.
I need you to find a way. to make this pizza, that pizza, do you think we can do it? Yes, mixing paints is definitely not what I thought. My only real point of contact with painting dates back to about 20 years ago. It was very simple. You take red paint. You take blue. paint, you have the glasses logo, the sour layer is more like mixing a shade of yellow I've never seen with another shade of yellow I've never seen and throwing up again and again after doing this many times. Reagan had done it. I finally diagnosed the problem to which I came to the conclusion, you know, maybe you can go ahead and achieve the perfect crust color, but in reality we are never going to achieve one crust color because in our mind the crust is made up of multiple beige and taupe tones?
It's like an illusion that the crust is one color and that's too deep for a keyboard video about pizza, but we finally decided on the color of the crust, placed it on our applicator and got to work on my pieces finished and my deeper understanding of Italian. culture, it was time to build people, welcome back to glass gluttony binges, today we are going to cook the world's first pineapple keyboard pizza, as you know, every good pizza starts with the dough we have carved from the best pizza Italian. aluminum, so we can put that aside and start preparing our stabilizers, so I want to go ahead and season them with about two grams of crypto two or five grade zero, you know, really let the plastic casings and Greece meet and then take about 90 of your favorite switches and mount them on your board and once they're all mounted, apply the generous layer of solder wire to the switch pins,


sure not to overcook the joints once you've screwed them in. your plate in the top box with cheese you want. take extra care and mount your daughter board on the base and connect it via jst to the main PCB.
Now you need to assemble the keys randomly. Which keys to get constantly wondering which combination of red and yellow looks best. there's too much pineapple, you know what it is, it's the space for, oh, beautiful tapa, everything with a pinch of pineapple and ham, and look, there you have it, a pizza with a pineapple keyboard and what pizza was really finished without looking for the opinion of your Dwindling Italian audience, why do you say that you used to set out to make a proper piece with this instead of perfect, foreign, Italian beef?

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