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Jun 08, 2021
What's up, everyone welcome back to my channel? Hi, yeah, okay, I haven't seen Church in a while. A lot of things happened, so a Pomeranian and a Lamborghini we talked about the last thing my mom didn't let me have, sister, yes, I love it. That, first of all, I don't know what's going to happen, but you didn't really know why you're here, so I'm going to show you why you're here. Sorry honey, we're baking, but No, we're going to bake makeup, bring your own



, it's you. I'll do it if I film like I want to film this with someone, yeah, and I was, you're the only one who came when I saw this. everyone else trash and we can eat it look who else eats on YouTube no one you're the joke I definitely have stolen some of you are killing me like I want to try it broke records honey I really talk about everything I live for them okay yeah, so this is supposedly a science experiment, it's um, yeah, I know I failed at science, um, okay, choking hazards, small parts, cool, we like big parts, don't we love big ones?
making edible eyeshadow w trisha paytas
We love what I just say, they sell the Sun, that's how I. I got this at Target, so what the heck do we do? But my assistant looked at this and said, Hey, you don't have any of the ingredients. I thought all we're going to go into here is like no. Don't have. I know, I know why everyone is separated, yes, consecrating, but whatever happens, this is literally, it's a cheap family, well, sure, yeah, so this is what you get, why is it a lot, okay Oh my god, I'm the chef, we're the owners. Shut up, my goodness, that's a cute little blender.
making edible eyeshadow w trisha paytas

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making edible eyeshadow w trisha paytas...

I could use this in my room in my real life. You have a hand H. Shadow palette mm-hmm, okay, look, I said about them, what is that? I'm sure I'll find out how many I have. instruction Oh just close it oh so you're going to bake nice such a serious kit I have a microwave well it has instructions so we have these little ones what are these measuring cups called? Yes, yes, they are like hexagonal moments. Packaging actually later, okay, so should we dive in? Let's do this, so say where the box goes. We need cornstarch in the note.
making edible eyeshadow w trisha paytas
It's powdered sugar, thank goodness, and sprinkles from home. Okay, let's get started. I have never baked like this before. I've seen people help stir yeah I made rice krispies once they worked so basically you get more when you're in there yeah it's that weird no but if you're feeling really lean and ready to go that's it like I do when I mix. starving Michael skinny right now let's go oh my gosh okay okay step one ask an adult to help you gather the whole house together. I decided yes. Oh, last ingredient, could you read it out loud for everyone?
making edible eyeshadow w trisha paytas
An alpha rapper, ha, that's an ingredient, huh? It can't be yes, you think of the hot pocket. I see why it's broken. He wants us to rub it with alcohol. I like to clean it, but we are the trigger. Johnny, right? Yes, I'm from the gutter. The day I don't clean I never clean like cloths when I go out I only use them What will it do when you buy a new shirt? Wash it before bed bugs appear. I don't mind the next step in a bowl pour 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 3 teaspoons of powdered sugar mix with the spoon I'm already lost I hate things like this I hate the instructions Do we just shoot, do we just throw?
Yeah, let's make this a small bowl. Oh, I don't know, taking the risk of adopting. Oh, this is a lot of work. alright we do it join us buy first buy no I love it take a photo before we start well you'll get a chance anything you don't drink I need this with you oh god what will this guy be like by doing it?, oh no. No, let me look, wait, this is a really big shot glass, so let's skip the formality. I might need a chaser, maybe oh, okay, we at Red Bull are going, yeah, okay, I'll join you.
What's that? Oh man, he is. like I'm not convinced that I have no makeup, I haven't wasted it, so let's do 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. The answer we are supposed to make, if I know this, appears great. I want to pause, okay, so one. of these, okay, now we need three teaspoons Maddy Maddy is helping us, okay, okay, I think we're really doing a Breaking Bad, oh yeah, I'm starting with three green ones, three, okay, okay, I love Levi, he's real gold , yeah, those are Hermes ponies, what if I just dropped it before we put it there in WA, whether it tastes like it's iconic, never get in my house again, open up, wait, vodka and sugar, oh yeah that's probably good get it oh my god so good.
I'll be fine, there's one. three and there are three. I have never done anything baking on my channel. I'm so sorry if everyone hates us. I'm just kidding, oh really, no, this is good, we're coming out like the worst cooks or something. I haven't heard of him, have I? Oh, open this barrel, okay, so next up will be the food coloring, so I'll watch my set when Shane is in full swing and he's talking to me like, oh, that was a long set, like I loved it. you paint red yellow and how many can we make?
That's bullshit, does that mean here? Yes, and then they sit together one, two, and then one more color. I mean, it's poor, why don't you drop the color and mix it with the driver? Yes. Are we doing this for each pan? Well, probably not, no, yes, it's one color. Okay, now what do we do? You're going to say that my shadows fill the glass with water and pour a few drops of bavarian slowly and mix it until you're. I'm going to get it to a consistency, just slowly pour it into the glass and mix everything together and you'll get it to a smooth dough like consistency and mix how you're doing it, oh wait, why slowly?
I would never do it much, a little more. What do we do now? How much water were you supposed to make? It doesn't say there are no real addresses. You don't see how much water I let the glass say to fill the glass. This is your ringtone. I'm sorry. you wanted to come see the mass this is the dome Lake that is not my voice next to a drop of water like a drop of saliva and yes oh yes, maybe we put too much water but it is a beaker and this is the key most big.
I'm confused Maddie, well we know what we did wrong so we'll harvest it with the cornstarch, powdered sugar and food coloring. I'm just thinking about putting the donuts out like I don't need them. A shadow that I made for you. oh oh that's beautiful mmm I'm McMichaels oh my god sprinkles oh my god dad oh my god yes mm-hm


lip gloss sprinkles sprinkles cupcakes we should have had now we failed oh we know each other well, yeah, so we're back to where we were, so a couple drops okay let's try to do this okay just stop there yeah pray there's a consistency.
Did you put color there? Yes, co-star there. Hey, that noise. I'm very sorry, I sincerely believe it. It would taste better if we also put a little bit of sugar in it, you know what I mean and then it will be a little more vegetal for free, that's a lot. I got really dizzy. You're okay, you want to call a gonzo, stranger, laganja estranja. saturday laganja I'm so sorry yes I live for this is a strange car what you see in the strong jaw a strong jaw is correct we live for all of them I need to get caught yeah they nail them for you Trixie Mattel is like your cousin okay , Whats Next? my foot, we're having a Nickelodeon slime moment, yeah, okay, so what's next?
No, next thing, next thing, press down and flatten the mixture in the bowl with your fingers, okay, Trish, you're going to pour this into the one I get this. yeah I'm gonna do this instead of using my finger like there's a mime walking around like you think this looks good and I think you got too full oh I love getting filled yeah this is a little doughy but are you all green, friend? limits three, that's four, I'm channeling a new one, that's four, oh God, what is this form called um gangrene? So I was saying put sprinkles in here hmm I love it now Maddie the sprinkles look the shovel didn't work at all now you or you can close the oven turn on the ovens over there okay baking oven no no we do it right, there's no way with plastic, imagine waiting for me to dip it today, oh hurrah, this looks like the candy apple fries we talked about, still speaks to my openness.
Calabasas, why are they remodeling, oh yeah, we went to go one night really late at night and then it was like looking down on the fence and I thought I left town for two days, the guy was traumatized, I really went to yes, so they. We're just remodeling it and


it more current since we're not moving it and they realize what an asset they really had to renovate it as possibly millions of people saw it and say, oh God, what obsolete places like us. We're embarrassing Jeffery and Tricia, we get on our bus, yes, my goodness, an off-camera Madison tried her own recipe, drop them.
Oh, Trisha, we failed. I'll be honest, that was a failure, an infuriating failure, as you say. I want to get a smaller spoon hmm, well yes, if I can go for it, oh, you are selecting white sugar, palate like playdough, oh my goodness, oh, they go for watermelon, yes, do you think this works, I want I mean, like looking for a friend, okay? I'm going to try this, it doesn't taste like anything like sugar, sugar, a little bit, yeah, oh yeah, palates aren't complete right, you don't even like that error in the samples, yeah, I can't put that on my eyelids like me. actually i didn't use eye shadow for its purpose but i can't without my permission yes i just did my eyelashes it's going to drip no it's very halloween don't do more there is no beauty in your eyelashes and tomorrow you will regret it .
You're going to text like you remember we're talking about going to Greece, yeah I need a little more, maybe it's just wetting the brush if you're going to oh oh oh God, I got it, I didn't know, neither me nor failures . beauty donor your lashes just didn't make a cut crease Oh oh awesome pigments oh my gosh let's leave that on yeah let's see how it looks and like it's at Wendy's darling cool cuz it's red yeah Oh, man, let me. Okay, so obviously this isn't a meal, she and I are hungry. By the way, I want to see your car.
Oh yes, I have a Lamborghini. Hello, yes, I am very sick, congratulate him before ruining me. I'm starving. starving starving where do you want to go at all the fast foods around here Wendy yeah we left a vanilla frosting and chocolate both double dipped right now opportunistic circle wait okay so we're about to go actually We're doing part two on Trish's channel so we're about to say goodbye to you guys if you want to see our epic Wendy's mukbang. I don't know what's going to happen, but let's eat, oh my god, did you ever make the video about washing my throat?
My secret surgery, no. but my mom told me that you can't swallow food. The first time we filmed our video chat? Did you ever wonder why I didn't eat more food? he doesn't eat and I love to eat it just slower and then when I was with you I didn't want to, I didn't want to stop talking because I was like, "okay, my God, my lawyer, okay."

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