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Making Art with Distortion Goggles - 10 Minute Power Hour

Mar 20, 2024
Is it water on the knee? Give me the sight beyond the sight. Oh, ah, okay, I shouldn't eat chicken nuggies before this one. Yes, I was 18 throbbing around you. What are we doing? Oh my gosh, come on man, hello and welcome to the 10




. What are we going to do today? Okay, buddy, I have no idea every time you ask me and I don't know what's going on with your fingers there, I don't know, throw anything away, it's arteza clay by numbers, dinosaur clay by numbers kits that really sounds. very fun I will open it very gently so many treasures of clay is this really what we are doing we are just putting clay in them thank you thank you for this it is oh no what is that ah what is happening my hands are up here, oh I'm going to throw up, right? what is this, they're up there, they're up there, Aaron, can you explain what they're doing to our vision?
making art with distortion goggles   10 minute power hour
Yours looks different from mine, mine is really all the other way around. My mind is kind of stuck. but like, oh, I shouldn't have had chicken nuggies before this, which dinosaur do you want? What dinosaur do you want? He could also be blind. The smegmasaurus. In fact, I'm going to throw up. Can we prepare a bucket? What is in front of me? like i have a paint by numbers kit and you have to break that clay ok the heart can't make any promises regarding that it looks like someone else is doing this and i'm just observing that yeah remember it was john malkovich where it comes in his brain and they're all in the back and I think I can't have my own thoughts because I'm in the other man's thoughts.
making art with distortion goggles   10 minute power hour

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making art with distortion goggles 10 minute power hour...

Are they both purple? Oh God, why guide me through your process? Aaron, how are you? You are doing? I don't know if, how, this must even be what it feels like to have an out-of-body experience. You know what I mean if I really didn't have the ability to take them off at any time. I'd be freaking out right now you can't swear on the show oh what are you doing? I can't, I'm trying to like it, look what you've done, you've done a lot, what the hell am I? amazing artist open that for me please this one which one is uh this one here I can't even see what they are oh those are googly eyes there you go pass me the demons thank you oh I have a clear shot right now don Don't move your head, don't move your head, don't move your head at all, it's all happening, Aaron, put it on the refrigerator, dad, are you proud of your side?
making art with distortion goggles   10 minute power hour
Dan, can you hold my head in place? Just very strong, you know? uh right there okay yeah just wait yeah queen if I was Steven Seagal right now I'd be like no Dan oh did you lose it? My


, does this help? Oh yeah, that's amazing, in fact, I'm going to throw up. of wanting to know what's going on with yours oh, the colors were numbered yeah, it was supposed to be something in particular, I went rogue, well you know what you did because you injected a little bit of yourself, I'm going to make balls, right? that?
making art with distortion goggles   10 minute power hour
Is this, I don't know, oh, was it that you guys, where are you? I don't know, you're here, you look like a fool, I can see your eyes, you look stupid, you look like a friend, we can't swear you look like that. a fool, okay, I guess we can call him perfect. I'm alone, where are the demons? Where is the food? No, you're destroying Where did they go? What's that? What dinosaur is it? I did it? Am I pointing towards the camera here? It's really fast, let's high five, just do it. I'm so glad I didn't hit you.
Oh yes, me too, are we doing other activities besides this? This is really hard for me, okay, my brain hurts. Do you want to try playing? operation with us is something we can do yeah, great idea oh damn, i could see your eyes for a second uh uh did you see his eyes whoa oh this is really bad, this is really bad, what is it? water on the knee Is it water on the knee? Oh, okay, try it, come on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got it, you want to change your glasses, yeah, the world is a lot better like this.
At first it feels bad here, no, no, what have you been doing. this this is so much easier oh I could do it buddy these are so much easier do it do it and then do it without without triggering the thing okay okay horse horse time I'm just popping the wheelie will you try it then ? You're so smart, where are you? You try it and I will do it. I almost have it. I have an idea. Sit here. People will understand what it is. There is no way to describe it. You want to do one last activity.
What's that? Do you have another activity for us? You better believe we do. What is this? What is this? I don't even know what the same thing is, man, oh it's furry art, why would anyone like that? You did this? it came in the kit this didn't come in the kit you're liars folks at home i can see it can you show it dan hi ok thanks this is the worst form of art ever are you talking about furry art? or not, free art is the highest form of art,


clay to color a 2D image.
I don't like it, that's also how I would interact with this drawing if it were in front of me, put it in front of my face, Aaron. Got it, wait, it's a little green, dogs have greens, right, it's a dog man, that's pretty cool there, eh, it looks good, look, we need eyes, I don't know where they are, there should be a whole bag of them , can? find the other eyes no I can't find anything yeah oh amazing here's eye number one it looks like a disease okay you didn't even do anything here's this I'm pretty sure oh there it is yeah , you can see it well.
I don't need three eyes, they already put one eye on them, well let's get on with it because we already committed, how does it look good? What do you think is beautiful? What are you furries, high five? Can they do rock, paper, scissors, yes, rock, paper, scissors? shoot, I really won, yeah, didn't you see, no, rock, paper, scissors, shoot, oh, I won, yeah, rock, paper, scissors, shoot, oh, I'm so sorry, where's the place where I still won? Yeah yeah okay rock paper scissors shoot I won wow really bad at rock paper scissors the yowie paddle tops it all yeah that's a lot of vowels I haven't found any more eyes we'll put them on , look, watch out here, make me beautiful, damn, that's what I'm looking at, look at me.
Two eyes ready to go, yeah, we'd be fast, we'd be slow, put them on me, wait, this is so horrible, oh, your eyes are so wild, I lost one right now, wait, so if it goes this way, ah . Okay, there's one, I have one, what about the other one? I have to undo like 40 years of learning and understanding how the world works, give me a vision beyond sight, okay, so this says that there is no direction that will allow my hand to get close to your face. Okay, what about the one you're not doing? Come on, I'm beautiful, who looks good?
I have one last challenge, but you said the last one was the last one. I want them to walk, challenge each other and give each other a hug. Alright? Okay, bring it on, I love you, Aaron, I love you, there's my special man, you're Mr. Special, that wasn't so bad, oh, there's a microphone right there, ah, wait, Dan, where is it going? I'll see you all later, okay? It's probably dangerous for her. You'd be alone. I thought these rooms are supposed to be soundproof. Where's my chair? thanks for um if you want to see us swear go to patreon I guess not gamegrumps this is so difficult and very strange but I'm going to try to walk with full confidence back to my seat without hesitation without fear I believe in you is okay here we go that's already showing signs of fear that's hesitation that's fear that's both hesitation and fear feel the chair feel the chair yeah, yeah, you're okay, you're leaving, you're so good, I'm not helping, I'm not helping, welcome back to the 10




, great job, it was really good, I still can.
I don't see the camera, let's try some baseball, did you see it? No, yeah, okay, here we go, that's my face, oh, one more time, here we go, everyone I ran out, this is the one, wait here, do you want a bat, yeah, yeah. okay, do you want to change your glasses? yeah it's a good idea oh oh no I know it's a nightmare where am I okay? one, two, three, aha, done, yeah, we almost got that job done, oh yeah, put your name down, Aaron, that's pretty good, honestly, I should. write it in relation to me wow that's pretty r not this way great job aaron up not bad i need a new sheet oh what are you doing please here we go that was great now write it in relation to you oh you're right says wow, says wow, so relative to me, yeah, that would be a d baby, okay, yeah, yeah, that was perfect, you're just jealous, it's perfect for me, it's the other way around for you, yeah, you better believe it.
Yeah, you just wrote it the same way. I didn't this is different dan high five what I admired I liked all the other people so it could be like hell yeah and there was no one there wait let me get a good look at you what's the problem ?, is this, yes, me. I had a great day today. We finally broke the chair. Wait. I have to surprise you. This is a momentous occasion. Aaron has been trying to break this chair for years. Well, thanks for joining us for the 10-minute power hour. We hope you have a good day, yes.
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