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Magnetic Locking WITHOUT a Superconductor!

Jun 03, 2021
Hello everyone, today I will show you how to create a


ally bound state, how to lock a magnet in space without using a


. I previously showed you an experiment where I used a type 2


and cooled it very much. and then we exposed it to a strong


field and in that demonstration what happened is that you can block the type 2 superconductor in space so that it is not completely attracted or repelled, but it blocks it wherever you put it. The experiment itself is pretty amazing if you have a homogeneous magnetic field, you can slide through it like it's nothing or if you have a non-homogeneous magnetic field, it locks exactly where it is now the ability to float something in place without any accessory.
magnetic locking without a superconductor
It's pretty amazing, it has implications for car levitation and future technology, but the problem is that it requires a type 2 superconductor and they are very expensive to make and they also require it to be at liquid nitrogen temperatures, which is really cold and extremely energetic. and efficient at keeping it so cool, but what if there is a way to achieve the same levitation effect without superconductors? Well, it turns out there is a way to do this because of a little-known effect called polarity-free magnetic repulsion, so normally if you want to keep one magnet levitating above another, you have to constrain it in one of its degrees of freedom, but what about it? what if it were possible to have both magnets free in the air and stick one on top of the other and just leave it there like that, it turns out you can do this if one of these spins extremely fast, so let me show you how it is possible to achieve stable levitation.
magnetic locking without a superconductor

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magnetic locking without a superconductor...

Take these two magnets, for example. I have taped the top of each one. of these represent where the north pole is in each of these, so normally the north pole is attracted to the south pole, so you'll want to stay together like this or like this, either of these is stable, so you'll want to rotate my hand and flip in the opposite direction, but to spin this has a moment of inertia, which means it takes a little time to spin depending on its mass, so if you can actually make a magnet spin in one direction with the right frequency where it's just out of phase with a different magnet, you can actually make them out of phase with each other, where they stay repelled from each other, so there's a repulsive force between them, but then if you tilt one of these slightly, it will have There is still a pulling force so you still want to go down into it, so if you can get the swing phase right and the pitch right you should be able to have a stable balance point where it keeps you locked in place with the other magnet during For example, if you look at this drawing, let's say the north pole is facing up, so the bottom is the south pole and then the rotating part at the bottom is actually a magnet that has the north pole on the equator and the south. pole on the other side of that, so the north pole is marked by that little dot that rotates, so the top magnet moves in such a way that the south pole faces down but deviates from the north pole of the spherical magnet, but the magnetic pair tries to align them so that the driving frequency is above the natural frequency of the system.
magnetic locking without a superconductor
In this cartoon, here the natural frequency is one order lower than the driving frequency, so this results in a z component of force which is basically a repulsive force, but the slight tilt provides an attraction of the z component of the top magnet. To balance the repulsion effect, what this means is that because of this rotating magnet and the slight tilt, you can actually get a stable balance that locks the top magnet in place. Now it seems like this would be very difficult to do, but it's actually not, you can do it right quite easily by just having a rotary tool sticking a magnet on top and then bringing it up to another magnet, so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to stick my magnet on the dremel so that the north and south poles are pointing in this direction, so you want the north and south to be in this direction and you have to turn it up real quick for this dremel here, What is a dremel? 3000 is around the eight marker here so let's see if I can actually get this to work and lift it up look it's locked in place that's cool let's see if I can turn it sideways no way that's awesome oh it worked , it was. locked in place just like the superconductor.
magnetic locking without a superconductor
Well, this is quite surprising. What we have created here is basically a novel repulsive force, so it is a repulsive force that acts only at short distances, from far away the attractive force dominates, but as you get very close, the repulsive force starts to dominate and then they balance each other at some stable balance point that locks the magnet in place and what we've done here is basically create a levitation that is stable now one note so this works well. I need to provide some cushioning to the magnet that will become the float, now one way to do this is to put it in water or something because that way when it starts to vibrate when you get close to it and it spins in different directions the water will wet it to so that it doesn't spin as much and you can stabilize it and then lift it until it reaches a stable balance and then locks in place.
An interesting method that was suggested to me was to just use copper or a piece of aluminum like this, so on this piece of aluminum the magnets don't want to move very fast because they create eddy currents in the aluminum which slows it down and it can't vibrate as freely as I would if it were simply on the table. so it's much easier to lock it into its stable balance if you place it on a piece of aluminum so you can see that if I just put the magnet on the table and try to lift it up, it's much harder to achieve, eventually I will achieve it. achieve it but it is not very easy now you can show this effect in a much more precise way using a rotating drum that has magnets.
These videos are from a man named Hamdi Ukar and he has basically dedicated the last five years of his life studying this effect, the really interesting thing about this is that he is not well known in the literature and he wrote a really good research paper that documents all of it. his research in the field and mathematically demonstrates how the effect works, showing the different frequencies that are needed depending on the weights of the magnets, he wrote an article that fully describes this effect and, to my knowledge, it is the only article I know of that describes this.
I'll put a link to his article in my description. It's pretty amazing, so you can achieve levitation almost that far. about three inches and thanks for watching another episode of action lab. I hope you enjoyed it, if so don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and also hit the bell so you can get notified when I post my latest episode. video and visit If you haven't seen it yet, you can get the Action Lab Experiment Boxes or the Action Lab Experiment Book. Thanks for looking and I'll see you next time.

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