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Madrileños por el mundo: Jerusalén (Israel) 2017

May 10, 2020
from Madrid where from Pozuelo de Alarcón of ambassadors from Plaza España I was born on 45 Huertas Street and I created the world from Monte Moría they offered him to be the president of the state of Israel the first president says sahin without hysterics people kneel and kiss where he was born in this hospital is the largest skin bank on the planet han coli skin we are entering territories for destinations it is the place where the last supper was celebrated the most important place in christianity because jesus died here dead sea is the lowest point of the world 2 2 I am not in Jerusalem, one of the oldest cities in the world, its origins date back to 3000 BC - a sacred city for Jewish Christians and Muslims, it has been conquered 26 times and today it is one of the most disputed places of the world begins


ños around the world


em and today i am yourself santiago is the eldest of six brothers he never imagined that he would end up living here in


em santiago santiago and recognized from madrid where the one from pozuelo de alarcón 11 years ago years ago he is a priest i am priests and Well, in Madrid I studied law at the Complutense University and then I went to Rome to study theology and I even did my doctorate and I was ordained a priest.
madrile os por el mundo jerusal n israel 2017
The bishop asked me if I wanted to come to Jerusalem. I was totally surprised and here I am, you were dedicating yourself to madriz before coming I worked for a year in advertising I worked in getting publicity for a hotel I didn't finish angel since I was little I'm going to be one no I don't want to you have now I just turned 50 which is the best age now is when you start to enjoy the life of True, these are the Franciscans, you are dressed, I am dressed as a diocesan priest, which is what I am, 'those, this is the clergyman, is worn to show that you are a priest and that they can come to your services just like a taxi, well, it looks like a taxi so that They can stop him, I'm dressed so he can stop me, I mean sometimes people ask me to bless them so I can confess a name, they asked me in a supermarket in the ppt aisle of the supermarket, I confessed, I mean, it's not difficult to confess to you sometime.
madrile os por el mundo jerusal n israel 2017

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madrile os por el mundo jerusal n israel 2017...

Did you fall in love with that priest before? Of course, I'm dating a girl. Well, when I was at school, because after school I saw my vocation to work and at the university I was already devoted to the god of the god for the world. Here you can clearly see what Jerusalem, yes, there is a great variety of all races, all cultures, all religions, there are many soldiers, it was clear, I tell you that this is a very dangerous place, but that is because all the stabbings are here and the attacks that occur at this point where we are and where we are well this is one of the seven gates of the city of Jerusalem it is the most emblematic one called the Damascus gate it is incredible the number of military points that there are to enter this gate that there is another clear thing is that already I tell you that this place is very dangerous and we are safe, I am here with insurance and I can't tell you that we are totally safe and they are with the weapon and they are wearing it, which gives a little bit of if you get used to it, they do searches lately 2 yes yes this is The entrance to the Muslim neighborhood this is the street that leads to the Via Dolorosa Total and well how many people there are on this street suffering from measures it is always like this here the Via Dolorosa begins and there is the first station which are the stations the stations are the different places where the Virgin Mary was stopping, reviving in the places where Jesus went with the cross, in this place they scourged him and the crown of thorns, which are thorns, which normally the thorns are from a tree, this was nailed to his head. with blows and this is the second station here is when Jesus is carried with the cross this is the third station and here the first fall is commemorated when Jesus falls with the prosthesis the fourth station is the place where Jesus meets the virgin when Jesus was carrying the cross and he goes out to look for Jesus in one of the little streets and that encounter is what happens at this station because so many people stop here at this point right here that Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross is in This point and it has begun its life we ​​will see how it is quite steep and towards the sixth station how long it can take to produce we know between 1 and 2 hours together you have seen it all with salt flats so it is a labyrinth the streets that cross here and the number of people This is the Holy Sepulcher this is the most important place in Christianity this is the only entrance here everyone enters exits because yes that's it and this is a machine where I know when there is a bomb an effective explosive inside so that it explodes and no to the bathroom the car is exploding nothing is happening one of the doors is bricked up because in the taking of jerusalem by saladin to brick up the door and they asked him but why does he wall up this door and the context for the few christians who are going to be left in Jerusalem with one door is enough to enter we are giving 1,244 which is when among the Andeans in the conquered they reconquered the holy land for the Muslims and Jerusalem this is the most important place of Christianity because here Jesus died look this was a hill with a big rock He called Golgotha, this is the stone of choice where they took the body of the Lord and placed the body of Jesus and anointed it for burial and then took it to the place of burial.
madrile os por el mundo jerusal n israel 2017
It is highly revered by the Russian Orthodox especially They have a lot of devotion to this rock. They kiss it. They pass objects in oils with perfumes. They put some coins in its eyes, which was the tradition. They covered a sheet with the holy sheet and we go to Calvary. This is the place where they nailed Jesus. But they don't go here. to let the camera pass through that is the hole where they put the cross of Jesus and in fact in those glasses you can see through them the rock that was there before and the crack that was made with the earthquake that occurred when Jesus died is a earthquake at the moment he died the earth shook and right there was the hole put your hand in and touch it was nailed without if there is below it to be in the frame and in front of it there is a hole you put your hand in and if your mind is all the way down you touch the rock and Inside is the tomb where they deposited the body of Jesus, who three days later was resurrected here in this same place, so of course, of course, then you are the people, well, it is a very small place where only 34 people enter.
madrile os por el mundo jerusal n israel 2017
There is a boy, he feels, he feels, he feels, look. which is very impressive, in a few seconds they come out and enter the skull. This is the tomb where they put the body of the Lord and from where he resurrected and it is a very special place that has been opened after 500 years BC. two months ago and here is a special place where you can celebrate mass here you saw guti mentioned in the year 70 of being destroyed in the city of Jerusalem and in 135 the emperor Hadrian built in this place filled with rubble and built a temple to the goddess Venus and until 300 something 300 Constantine did not build this basilica but these columns are Constantinian, they are from the time, yes, they are from the time of Constantine and here we have a mosque and the hours where the prayers are held change according to Have a good time because they are right on the Via Dolorosa, a curiosity but I don't want to talk about Madrid, around the world, in Madrid, this was the main street in 2000 years.
It says that you can see Jews and Arabs together. It says that from here to the end of the street. There are about five minutes and there have been more than 50 terrorist attacks in two years. He tells him not to tell lies. We are going to listen to him clearly. We know the solution. For example, he says that there is no room for both of them because of the most visible part of what happened. He says well. would be the solution he says that he spoke against it and he only wants to unite the solution is that he cried it is not a political thing I am not going to talk about politics but it seems to me that the solution is that they live together that they learn to live together they say that there was I have a Palestinian mother and I always have a book with me.
It is the book that I wrote the year I went through the second edition. It is like a guide to the holy places but it also tells about the traditions of the Holy Land. Madrid, in the Neblí skill, you can get the book in stock. in the twenty euros children around the world as a souvenir of your passage through the holy land and we are next to the ancient city and this is my house, which is a rather large house in which several neighbors live. If I want to come to this street, no. I would know how because it is creating it has that street if this means angel you speak drunk there will also be a bit of brion especially talking to work with Arabs the house is very old it is a century old yes here is one this is a visitor room before not even three cinema the house because the house in total has two thousand square meters two meters the rent costs 1800 the most important room in the house which is the oratory whether inside the house you have if the chapel changes the stained glass we have brought from Madrid that we The Ukrainians who make stained glass in Madrid did it.
Well, under the altar we have a piece of the holy cross, millennium crucis, of the true cross, although only very large, and that cross is in control at Calvary, and there are pieces in different places in the world. This is the roof that It has impressive views, that is the entire old city that includes the Christian Arab neighborhoods. I look out the window and 300 meters away I see where Jesus Christ was verified. It is very impressive. The subsidiary is the maintainer of the house, his name is Jon and he is a very good friend of ours. that many people are not ours and there are many Christians Johnny was an Israeli police officer here where you see and was 22 years old and he was good when he was with the intifadas and such and then it left him dizzy because where he only saw the mother the ox to the car district This is the car that I bought here or if it is the cheapest car on the market we are entering the Palestinian territories right in Bethlehem and now we are going to see the Bethlehem exit checkpoint we have entered and here is the wall this is the wall that builds a king we have ours to separate he exhorted and controlling the camera the soldiers who are here are Israelis are being carried out under we are already in Bethlehem West Bank and in Bethlehem Bethlehem is important because it is where Jesus was born and they make more problems getting out look at the queue that You have to enter yes because what worries you is those who go to Israel, Jews are not allowed to leave and they cannot because they can be kidnapped and it is a big problem for the state of course there is about 720 kilometers of wall long and it is The separation of Israel and the Palestinian territories, this wall, this barrier, is very controversial in the United Nations and in international spheres.
Those who go to the father always tell him that the separation is about walls because they are not very moral. It is also true that since the wall was in place, there have been fewer. terrorist attacks Palestinian people also have to have a place to live they need a series of rights they don't have social security like healthcare they have their own police I don't know I don't know the muscles and they are making pizzas if it isn't the bread that is called pita pita and they do it like this it looks good I bought one from the car to sell a bag ok of course not this sum they will grab me to take reality if we just ate this is super typical here everyone is from real madrid or barcelona and always You see flags, even the buses, because this is a bus, it has the flag of Spain and the Real Madrid flag here, but I'm not going to show you the page of the best views of Bethlehem in Palestine, which is on the roof of a store owned by a friend of mine, because we can see To that kind of volcano that is a mountain where Herod builds a palace that is Herod's palace, it comes closer.
If we continue advancing we have the Dead Sea that cannot be seen but is there behind and a little further to the left begins the desert of Judea all this is Judea Bethlehem is nestled in the mountains of sad Judea and there are Israeli settlements beyond that they access very close together mosques church there is a mosque and you can see the moon above the crescent and then to the left is a church that is Syrian Orthodox and a Protestant church behind everything that is behind is southern gap which is an almost totally Christian population there are Palestinians a Palestinian flag and that there instead of the Palestinian authority it is called Christmas music of course here it is always Christmas always in action Jesus here It is sold many times this costs about 35 minutes dollars of this he says that I was told no although since they are doing it 2500 to make about 300 402 euros dollars a month we are in the Nativity Square pilgrims come from all over the world it is steam of many I think they are the first Russians come by boat and they are here one day since all this is like a cloister yes this is a cloister yes if they stop us we will stop but because they may not let us here we can try to enter on the fly like Paloma Ferre had our director on the reporter's file Paloma signed up as a reporter to throw her head very happy and above this is the entrance to the Nativity Grotto the place where Jesus was born there is a very long line of people and we are about to enter In the most important place people kneel and kiss the place of the star where 2 on the left is instead of the manger in this place after Jesus left it here they normally have Christmas Eve mass and here they also come to attend a part of the ceremony plus much more that he is the president of the Palestinian authority although he is Muslim but but since he knows that this is so important for Christians he comes to spend a while at the mass and they are going to assign themselves they also came from work here I come here to confess every week I am going to confess therefore I wanted to be much more happy and thank you very much and to see you in Madrid the daughter of a jeweler industrialist surprised her parents when she told them withJust 26 years old, she converted to Judaism and she was going to live in Jerusalem, Raquel, my mother, and where I was born on Huertas 45 Street, how long have you been here, and Raquel, you're already 37 years old, but here you are, today is your 65th and why did you come here raquel well I came because as a jew I wanted to be able to follow the religion to be among jews let's say and you are jewish I was jewish and in madrid well I converted but I had been converting for a long time i.e. the converts if your parents are jewish and why I was studying political science, it was the Yom Kippur War in '74 in class we did a simulation of the United Nations, I had a chimba I started to study about Israel, then I thought that Israel cannot be understood if it does not understand Zionism, I started to study Zionism Later I understood that you cannot understand Zionism if you do not know Judaism.
Yes, then when I started to study Judaism you came alone without earning, I did not come alone and after 7 years of being here I met my husband and what does your husband do? Well, he He is a chemist and also a Jew yes yes he is a Jew from Guatemala from Guatemala we have above all that you are my husband is above all and so am I but the dead man like this my husband wears a hat and I also have ringlets a little bit but he puts them on behind and he looks like that boy who goes around well yes but more handsome because my husband is the most handsome but let's see if the skirt has to go well below the knee wear stockings for example which I wouldn't be crazy about if not outside because of their customs and if you can't show it and then well you always have to cover your elbow even if it's 40 degrees and well there the sports wig I hope so in summer it's like wearing a fur coat because you can see the hair because let's say There are parts of the person's body that are considered to have their hair covered.
It is because they do not attract a man. In principle, yes, because they are married, any woman has to have her hair covered and your parents should tell you 100 about this to me. My mother, who was more religious, didn't like it very much, but she never made it clear to me, but it was worse when I got married, which is when she already lost hope that I would return to Madrid. and they stayed silent and then they told me hey but when we get together we will go to the same place right and where we are we are at the Hebrew university where I work I am a researcher who researches the history of the Jews in Spain and Portugal in Israel I think it is the best and in the world I think it is among the first 70 that this university studies law and sociology and education is public how much does it cost for a student to study here for a year it costs three thousand euros there are many Arab girls studying here and coexistence is good if these are all those who have been Nobel Prize winners who have some fairly direct relationship with the Hebrew University.
They have been students at the Hebrew University or they have only been professors and if they must have taught classes because they had a moment when they saw each other. forced to leave Germany although tawny and of course of course and it's curious but they offered him to be the president of the state of Israel the first president you tell him there if it wouldn't be like that but he said and I think it's easy to understand what I think he had other things to do and that he couldn't dedicate himself to all the good things this time Frank Sinatra's square what does the singer have to do with things with Jerusalem here is the university he gave a lot of money to the Israeli state and among them also to the university why because that relationship of frank sinatra with and a lot of jewishness in the entertainment world in hollywood and such but at that time there were many who not all had the jewish last name they changed it a little to make themselves look bad the americans frank sinatra was not jewish many friends who were by newman he was a jew here we had a pretty bad attack that killed several students with an arab who worked here because a bomb in the jewish restaurant right there he put the bomb there and then it killed six or seven and you were here at the university if you saw it and the world why because I work very close to here I work as if we were behind these from this part this is Jerusalem from here and you have there in front of the temple mount the mosque of the inhabitants has Jerusalem because it has about 700 thousand inhabitants and how many inhabitants does the state of


have 8 million inhabitants it is the sacred and disputed city in 37 years here you have had to see everyone here to be lived bombed if I have experienced more alarms then today is in the background it is not very pleasant but shots at a from one side to the other the road and you pass and in the army then you know where the fronts are with the Palestinians you don't know where the front is this is the synagogue of the Hebrew university there are no images there are no images because Judaism images are prohibited because they are Judaism is prohibited because God has no will seek men and women can be here no no no because this is an orthodox synagogue like many in Israel they are down here and the women are up here an important part of the prayer consists of removing the libs from the torah that perhaps you have seen if the torah would be like the koran for Muslims or like the bible for Christians a little if the book opens from back to front you know how to read this thing it's so complicated that it says here it's not that it's that I don't know what it says because there is no use.
The Jew always prays looking at Jerusalem even though he is in Australia then and inside Jerusalem he always goes to the temple mount because on that mount is where the temple was, the temple of Solomon, of course this chair that is There, this chair is where the man who takes a boy to be circumcised holds him on his knees. To this day, children continue to have their circumcision done eight days after birth, yes, and every man, the boy. Jew is circumcised of course in principle yes and Israel for that people are quite traditional here near the Judean mountains we have this hospital that is one of the most important in Israel it even has two heliports so it is there and another one that is above the all because it is prepared for any emergency that there may be, even a case of war, although I bring it here especially because in this hospital there is the largest skin bank on the planet, a bank of skin, that is, of floors and human skin, there is a lot of control to go through here, right? doctor max idiot works in water it started in 1986 gonzález was the war in lebanon and verón 26 cases of burns with a very extensive body surface and he had not had the level here to treat the patients and he had to bring emergency skin Holland and from that year it was decided that I had to see a skin bank in Israel available for any emergency.
We helped by entering the skin bank, which is the largest skin bank in the world and where it is in the skin there are six containers of skin ah and as if it does not have gas, it is not kept frozen with another gene or liquid at minus 180 degrees Celsius to the stream that you will see here in rolls rolls of 10 x 40 centimeters where does this skin come from, most of it is skin from the corpses of people who donate their skin a temporary coverage that is used in burn patients are patients that we have very few minutes to keep them alive who have their body profiles that are very extensive and once that artificial mono skin is removed because it is donated skin every time it gets skin from your own body where it is usually taken that skin is normally taken from the thigh the anterior and lateral thigh what I see here is the roll that I have brought to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum which is, together with the Washington Museum, the best in the world practically each of these trees is dedicated to a person who put his life in danger to save Jews during the world war here is the name and country of each person who helped this look is a place that commemorates and simply the 6 million We are not dead, it is a very special place perhaps unique in the world and they have the names of the extermination camps and everything is made of mosaic yes and each of the pieces of the mosaic represents a person and is made with 6 million pebbles many tourists, thousands and thousands of tourists who come here a year, everyone who comes to Jerusalem comes to see this museum and this is a memorial dedicated to the Jewish children who died in the Holocaust, one and a half million children under 14 years that we always pass by here in that in the pse and we had come that ever not this area not because it is quite new like the end of the month and we are in one of the many orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem romeva problem that they are doing well they are naming Well, we are in a party called their semantic preserve, which is the festival of the cabins for the Jews.
If you have to cover the cabin with it, they really put them in the house and then they make the cabin on the riba. Each floor in principle has a little cabin because you have to live eat sleep in the cabin men commemorates the 40 years that the Jews spent in the desert until they managed to reach the land of Israel to the promised land let's say well to remember our ancestors lived in the desert in a way very precarious, we also live one week a year in the desert, it's not a desert, we live on the terrace of our house and if it doesn't have a terrace or the terrace is very small, then they do it on the street, so in Spain there are people who quite admire me. shelf with wii is already more advanced how beautiful barefoot and oh how beautiful water in football icon it is considered that the voice of the woman attracts everything that is an attraction towards the men of the or towards men is prohibited but but The girl is a girl, let's say a lot of children and the birth rate jumps and more or less 485 babies are born daily in Israel. 485 babies are born every day.
There are a lot of babies. For example, in my house, the neighbors upstairs have about 12 children. I don't have any more. had when well look like it's not Saturday and I can a car so you can get something clear of course casamadrid yes at some point I will return saberelli to God thank you m with diplomatic studies and a resolved life in Madrid' a task has decided to leave everything to help the people Palestinian told me that I would meet him in this neighborhood of Jerusalem for you in Madrid where in Madrid and Plaza Espanya how long have we been here two years I came to do the internship at the consulate and after learning to work in an NGO now I am working for a company that works for the consulate we have visas for people from ramallah and gaza for palestinians for palestinians who want to travel to spain you are a christian or it is acquired it is preceded by a practicing christian on the other hand I started volunteering at the palestinian embassy in madrid and I spoke with the ambassador and he told me if you want to help Palestine you have to go to Jerusalem and what did you study the master's degree in internal diplomacy of international relations at the diplomatic school in Madrid 5 the master's degree in development cooperation in quotes and then business administration and management of technical computer engineering in Germany but how many degrees do they ask for, two degrees and two masters and you are 35 and now I am also learning what the seventh language is I am sexy seventh language Spanish English French and what did your parents tell you when you said you had here I will change, they don't want to be wishing for me to return to Spain, especially my brother, my sister, my birthday to see if he could get me out of here, literally, literally, I really don't want him to be here, where we are in the neighborhood, the old city of Jerusalem is to observe in his hand.
Of the four neighborhoods today, the river and the fruit are more expensive, cheaper than in Madrid, how much does that visit of grapes cost here, two euros, two and a half euros, it is expensive with salt, you are very expensive, do you know how much these people charge per day, 30 out of 30, I know that the day for carrying cars this child then that a five euros five euros and the day is spent working how about you dedicate yourself well the journalist wrote for the country after him an expert in Jerusalem everything today there is more security than usual because as they are The Jewish holidays of your court, people also go to pray, some of them, so that's why, well, this is the main street that leads to the hotel, we are already in the heart of the Muslim quarter, right now it's prayer time, that's why all these people go to the aqsa.
On Jewish holidays, tempers always get a little more heated because you know that there are extremists on both sides and for the Jews, the esplanade of the mosques is the temple mount, so for them it is the most sacred place. In reality, they pray on the wall because They cannot pray clearly within what the saga of the messes is, it is all very complicated. There have been some attacks in days like this street specifically, there have been several because you are the psuc al qahtani is not one of the main entrances to the esplanade We will not be able to enter the mosques because it is one of the entrances through which only Muslims can access the esplanade.
Tourists cannot enter here. Only Muslims can enter. Non-Madrid tourists. I can see the dome from here. From here, yes, I can. Ok. If you remove the little head, there is the dome. It is the dome of the rock. No, that is the dome of the rock. This hard thing is covered in sheets of gold. It was made by the grandfather of the current king of Jordan. Below it is supposed to be the stone of the rock. creation where it all began that is another of the houses that the jewish settlers have in the old city specifically in the arab neighborhood the llama is there instead they hunted because the prime minister ariel sharon who was in charge of acquiring it and handing it over to the settler associations and There is the headquarters of Tereco Gaming, which is an organization that works for the Judeization of Jerusalem.They are the ones in charge of buying buildings for them to live in to increase the presence of radio stations in the Arab areas and their children playing there these are Jewish children these are the Jews who live in the old city Jewish settlers who live as you see everything is fenced there There is a sentry box, probably inside there is an armed security guard, that is, a soldier, blacksmiths, and just below that is the Muslim neighborhood and we are in the Christian neighborhood, these are the people who come in procession, action of the Way of the Cross, there are more and more Asian Christians.
What they call the Holy Land, we have put this together a lot in recent years as Jesus did exactly the same, so its weight wants to carry it away and the people who do the Stations of the Cross carry the cross on their backs and leave them. I have the children, it is the comforter of the old consulate the first the first that was here in Jerusalem it is known the second brought it because we had attorneys so it is Taurus a Spanish consulate the first in 1853 made many donations to the holy land and then in 1923 which was when the British empire came because its varied color already screams the exact one so we had to move the consulate for security reasons outside of the city wall and right now this is a school the pilar school and this is sister martha dead ass like this one will continue to be limited where are you from because you speak perfect Spanish how many years have you been here 16 16 years thank you very much this all because they are classrooms these are the elementary classes in this school we have Christian and Muslim Arab girls who speak Arabic therefore all the teaching is given according to the curriculum of the ministry of education for how many girls always come around two hundred 200 girls around two and what is the situation of these girls the girls are from poor families in which the children suffer a lot many girls who come perhaps without having had any breakfast in the morning and without a penny to buy a little bread when I observed that some girl in another in nothing and fill their stomach when the others are eating jr there is no need to go down I expected it the truth holds me the camera that they are already sir has gone what to give a kiss of truth this girl is there is no this young woman and you this one who live here the begin to make the sacred of those days for the like the things to the consecrated society like and that we continue to do we live of the with grace in our missions are missionaries he met a missionary in Uganda she told me until she fell in love on one occasion that is possible mark on the roofs of Jerusalem a mass in the heart of the Christian neighborhood we will make the entire Mount of Olives that was here all this or this is very close to the holy sepulcher it takes us five minutes from here if the religious, some privileged ones, come alone and that in the background with the flags is the gate of jafa which is called the tower of david this area that rises almost like a mountain is what What they call the Muslim neighborhood, this is clearly growing by the day because here everyone tries to make the classes bigger.
The Arab custom is that when their children get married, the married child stays at home with the parents and starts where they have to. give a house then they build something on top of it so that she can stay and they go up the daughter's house she goes to the house where she spends for Jerusalem seeds so they identify it seven times and they have and what was there was a guard enchanted good job yours thank you this is the Spanish consulate it looks like a castle in a way yes that is a property rented to an Arab family since all these streets of consulates and this is the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah is the photo of given which this is the Turkish consulate When Palestinians want to travel to Spain to watch a football match to study, they need to apply for a visa, so they go to the consulate, but there are some who are at home and those who are in Ramallah who cannot access Jerusalem, they cannot get here because they are stopped.
In the control, what the consulate does is work with an external company that manages the visas and sends them by mail or by transport. You are in charge of making it easier for Palestinians to leave here, exactly if this is one of the areas. most expensive in jerusalem what it can cost to rent an apartment for about three thousand dollars three thousand euros a month we were in the american colony hotel it is a good hotel this is where they met at the time of the oslo agreements yasser arafat and isaac rabín not in 1993 met in this room here in room number 16 and this is pure history, it is assumed that after 5 years it was going to give way to the permanent agreement and this puts the number 93 in 93, many years have passed and Without there being a permanent agreement, they never reach a permanent agreement because it is not interesting here.
They met to plan it, like the many agreements that have been signed that in the end are never carried out and to this day we are still the same here. many famous people and richard stayed here kofi annan uma thurman robert de niro has also stayed here he is 70 years old it has passed for being a hospital a hospital was also good during times of war and was converted into a hospital how many meters is the room 50 square meters and what does it cost to spend a night 870 dollars the bathtub is cool what a beautiful bathtub yes we are going to see the Shuafat refugee camp which is the only refugee camp that is in Jerusalem so you can also see that Jerusalem also has refugees 85 thousand people here in the field and here we are accessing from the top but if we are in a settlement here you can see all this and surely it goes around that is the wall that this refugee camp was built there in the year 1967 this was a military camp for Jordanian soldiers so what they did was when in the six day war of 1967 they settled the people of the old civilian city and brought them here there are no ambulance services there is no police electricity and water The controlled Jordan pay is already in action Ramallah.
There are several towns. We did not reach Ramallah, which is about nine kilometers away. that the people of the people of the camp do not leave this exact campus for 120 years the people there are people who have not left there there are people who have never left there have never left there are 59 refugee camps like this in total countries column before so many refugees There we know the number of 6 million 6 million refugees how many square kilometers of field do you have about five square kilometers in five square kilometers and 25 thousand people of all this is the lion's gate they call it papers they go every day everyone especially on Fridays This is the most important challenge of the week.
This is the cemetery where one of my best friends is buried. It is right next to the back of the al-Aqsa mosque that you can see over here. It is guarded by the military. Everything is also guarded. How much people who are coming to the cemeteries yes because after the prayer what they do is go to see their relatives and here they are all buried together so let's see if we can go in to see my friend and I come to help him he had An NGO was the first person I contacted when I came to Jerusalem, Palestinians and then they welcomed me into the refugee camp and let me live in their house for free in exchange for me helping them with the NGO.
When I arrived I told my friend that some Mariah day, people from Madrid around the world and we would have to aggravate the field and help them in the NGO. Seriously, you told him that you were going to appear on this program. They are duplicates of the years. Well, I already told you that we are going to come and I am sorry that we have arrived a little late. You know if you want to help and they didn't leave you links to the point of giving your life and you are in danger of helping them and today everyone and everything to be here I want to go out between we are in the first church of Christianity is the Syrian Orthodox church the first What was there about Christianity and the first this is the house of the apostle Saint Mark Jesus Christ has been here and all the apostles have sat the only church that still celebrates the mass in Aramaic in Aramaic which is super complicated no yes well it is the original language of Jesus Christ and they continue doing the rite as it was at the beginning, that is, here in this place the last supper was celebrated with the twelve apostles but hello this is for me it is the serious orthodox element difficult at their disposal distraction according to the Syrian church this is the place where the last supper was celebrated here here jesus christ with the twelve apostles washed the feet and the brain the last supper the last supper proposed before being crucified the saint installing the mass if the palestinian of bethlehem but he has been there since he was 10 years old in the convent people in the world will talk about me three million people in the whole world you have to listen to him sing sing like the angels no no and no we will take you to madrid you will return thank you better how beautiful in the past at 60 years old pilar still remembers the first time he visited Jerusalem since then he has come to change forever peel but to here in Madrid where ambassador is strong for a long time we have been here for a little over 30 years 30 friends and why did you come because of my father when I was 17 years old my Father brought me to Israel and it changed my life.
He arrived at the airport so that when I got off the plane I felt like I had returned home. I came to live in Israel almost ten years later. I met my ex-husband in Israel. We are going to the same place. learning Hebrew we met we got married and we went to Australia because he is Australian I convinced him to come here you have two children and the Australian where he is we got divorced what happened well the love ended from using it so much once I had a relationship like that with someone but not what practical religion if it is in a child's day and you are Jewish and my ex-husband's mother was the only one in the family who survived Auschwitz what are you telling me she was in the concentration camp there they killed the whole family she was the unit survived, the brother and the parents were killed as soon as they arrived at the camp, they were put directly into the gas chamber and the crematorium oven, and where we are, suddenly we are in another gas, walking, walking, talking, talking, we have gone from the Jewish neighborhood to the The Muslim quarter in the old city has four neighborhoods, the Jewish quarter, the south, the Armenian and the Christian fight, you don't lack work here, as you saw, I'm here for nothing, thank God, this incredible wonderful man, I have a degree from the Hebrew University, Ministry of Tourism, University. from Tel-Aviv and the languages ​​in which I can guide that is Hebrew Spanish French and English as you would say welcome Madrid in Hebrew witch fairy witch not a witch but that springs saint can be born with this woman do you like being a tourist town I love my profession in Hebrew guide is madrid with jota at the end that is to say in madrid madrid day and angel cantú salary as a tourist route which in jerusalem is about 200 or so dollars per day how many buses arrive here every day is like that every day that is to say they come to you from the most remote place in the world place you were surprised that they came here to comanche indians comanche indians have come here to jerusalem and you have taken them for today we are right now on the mount of olives we have a fantastic view of the city of jerusalem incredible man this is the place where faith is breathed by all the poor of the city of which someone has been in the history of humanity has been here from Alexander the Great to Napoleon you are looking at an artificial esplanade made more than 2000 years ago look at the dome of the rock with the golden dome what rock are we talking about mount moria god creates the world from mount moria down here we have the jewish cemetery it is the oldest jewish cemetery in the world it is more than three thousand years old myth and it started it King David and it continues to be used to this day when we come to the cemetery we do not put flowers but we put a stone the tombstone and stones and because the Bible says dust you are and to dust you will return it must be the anniversary of a family member they have come to hug The body must be buried on the same day that the person died.
In general Judaism, it is prohibited. The number of tombstones is that the entire Mount of Olives is full of anger, full of tombstones. There are more or less 150,000 to the Nowadays people continue to bury us, we can't get a hole here, there is, and it costs a lot of money to bury a lot between 10, 20,000 dollars, 20,000 euros, very very expensive. Now we have to understand why people want to bury themselves here. Look below, we have the valley of the Cedron at the end of days when God judges us the judgment is going to be here in the Cedron Valley that is why they are buried here look between the trees you see that kind of Welsh pyramid it is what is known as the tomb of Absalom one of the sons of King David and that is one of the oldest, that is, the oldest are at the bottom and also in the valley this is the garden of olive trees and it is known as Gethsemane which comes from the Hebrew gathers manning which means prey of oil this was a business in the time of jesus here pure olive oil was produced 2000 years ago 2000 years ago and this is the place where jesus is arrested that night after the passover of the passover meal where they subtract when you enter the army gives you your rifle and tells you this is your girlfriend for the next three years so even though he is not in the army right now he will surely be at the party asking at their house and he has the obligation to go with them and they steal it from you They put them in jail and as girls on the beach in their bikinis and with their rifles hanging over their shoulders, the little ones you see here belong to the police.border are the ones who go looking for where there may be terrorists and hours to socialized sounds in those lived some attack here I will go if we go that I am saved by a pure miracle tell me what happened to you my children were small and they had to have a total x-ray of their mouth I thought Well, when we finish, I'm going to take them to Yafo Street and there is a pastry shop that they like, I'm going to buy them a chocolate, in short, that took them to the doctor and so on, and I'm leaving the portal, I think, no, there wouldn't be the street.
Well, I better take them to the neighborhood. In a moment I changed my mind and instead of turning left I turned right and I hadn't even taken five steps when behind me a huge explosion occurred, a suicide bomber had blown himself up in a of the bus stops, that is, if I continue, I continue with my original plan, my children and I would be dead today, how many people died in that, sincerely, 20 people, we are in the Jewish neighborhood that was rebuilt around 1970 after the six-day war. Look how old the door is, look at how old all this is, all these arches, that is a private house, this is a private house, how much can it cost a lot, from a million dollars upwards, these alleys are very reminiscent of Jewish Toledo, if it's true, of course, it's a kind of uniform that no one has agreed on is a law but well it is a tradition everyone is dressed in the classroom be careful with that because they do not want to be recorded what they wear on their forehead is the little box where the blessing goes inside from deuteronomy 6 the main prayer is on a small parchment and it is rolled up inside and this is the stone from the hills of judea this was a law that the government made that in jerusalem all the houses were covered with what is called the stone of jerusalem then notice that when the light hits it it changes the tone of the city it is very beautiful jerusalem they call it the city of gold the golden city because of the light that is reflected in the houses here in the heart of the jewish quarter we have the first replica What has been made of the menorah is the seven-branched candelabrum since the destruction of the second temple at the hands of the Romans.
This has cost two million dollars, two million, two million euros. It is made of gold. It has all been donated by a Russian Jewish family because it has seven arms for the seven days of creation the seven days of the week also now exactly biblically speaking 7 is the number of divine protection look here where I bring you now this is the most spectacular thing in the world this is the dream of millions of people both Christians and Jews here is the wall and the lamentations how much control to enter the lamentation wall of course because you have noticed how far it is in the world no we are not going to let that happen if we can avoid it they look at us all to Make sure that no one carries a gun or a knife or anything that could make the mistake.
Well, here we have the wall, which is what everyone knows. This is the famous destruction of the wall that appears on television in the movies. This is where it comes from. people to ask to give thanks and to pray to enter the men have to cover their heads that is called here for that little hat to remember that God is always above you this part is also very special here we have a series of what We call add-on codhes, which are closets and inside are the scrolls of the Bible and look, the men are here praying.
Moving back and forth also comes from Deuteronomy. You will love the Lord your God with all your body with all your soul. work goes away everything moves behind what they put there we put a piece of paper with those are requests prayers or blessings you ask for your family or for someone who is sick in the Jewish new year the face heals and on the Passover festival we clean all the requests of the wall yes and then we bury it together with the sacred books that you can no longer use because they are broken or too used and we bury it in a special cemetery for sacred books the women's area on the right the men's area on the left of being separated comes from the book of Leviticus when the woman is menstruating if she touches the man it can make him impure almost everything religions have a point of machismo or you do not consider it that way yes of course of course of course we are talking about a religion that is about 5000 years old because these girls turn their backs so as not to turn their backs on the holy saint who has come out, you have to go out with your back turned.
It is a custom if you want, do it, if not, no, I always do it out of respect. Let's start to see the continuation of the wailing wall or it stayed underground is the strangest thing in the world is getting permission to enter here here people come and there are not many people watching us you can't imagine that the wailing wall is so big at about 500 meters 500 meters that is going to show us something that is not open to the public all these stones all these stones are from King Herod it is not a first for Madrid residents in the world but total idiotic favor to the total this is where they are going to to be the scrolls of the torah is the old testament the word actor means to teach those who teach god that is to say that this place is very very sacred man we are very close right now where in the temple was the ark of the covenant in the ark of the covenant We have the set of tables of the law that Moses breaks.
They are the ten commandments. This stone is the second largest stone in the world. It weighs more than 600 tons. And this group of gentlemen are already dancing. They dance to the rhythm of the psalms of another and David. women do not dance alone this group is orthodox jews so men do not dance with women those who come from the north of morocco see you later this is my neighborhood we are in armon hanatziv this building is where I live it is a jewish neighborhood this building like all the buildings here in Israel we have a bunker where we can take refuge when unfortunately they launch missiles or things like that at us, it is closed of course because this is not a game thing, I mean you have seen missiles pass man of course this is the bunker this is the bunker so Inside we have everything that could be needed Israel has one thing for security we prepare very well others we have a system in place that if a missile comes either from Lebanon or from Syria or from Gaza at the moment the missile hits it They have launched we already know where it came from and then we sent the iron dome the iron dome and it finds the enemy missile in the air and destroys it in the air so there is no need they got down we got off it always gets lowered because we don't know if it is a normal and ordinary one or if it could be a missile with a radioactive warhead and here we see they are like real vents if apart from that we see gas masks in our houses this house is bought the purchase of the crater was made about 20 years ago at the time it was 250 a thousand dollars this is a gas mask every so often the government changes it so that it is always good you can show it I can't open it, look, it is sealed so this saves your life so it can only be opened in case of need There would be a new train here, yes because this is very curious.
I was guiding the community of Madrid. I didn't know it, but the ambassador's wife was on my bus and two weeks later the ambassador who was coming to Aznar on an official visit called me. They had received a very good reception. Tell me and if I was free to guide them and this you if I have hired a taxi that is going to take us to the Dead Sea taxi for the whole day it is about 300 euros as soon as we leave Jerusalem we already enter what is the Judean desert but this is close to jerusalem jerusalem is in the hills of judea this is already the judean desert through which jesus walked when he went up to jerusalem from this moment on we are going to be descending below sea level the dead sea is the lowest point in the world based is one of the many fortresses built by king herod this was built more or less around the year 30 BC - today it is a world heritage site it is the second most visited place in


after jerusalem of leo Going back, I wanted in the land of Israel to be part of the Egyptian empire, Herod has problems because a bear in the Jewish people who does not accept him, the other, as I told you before, is Cleopatra who wants to take away the kingdom and a psychopath, she was so beautiful As they said, he was a real donkey thistle, Cleopatra coins have been found with the effigy and the profile does not look like Elizabeth Taylor.
The profile is closer to that of Snow White's stepmother who flirted with his girl so much, surely children watch this program because You should be very good in certain areas of your life on top of this mountain this is the mountain of Masada look look at the little path that goes up yes like whitish that is the path of the exactly because it looks like a snake and it wasn't until 1970 that the first one was built funicular the only way to get up and down masada was by foot there are people who go up on foot and it's crazy if you're not prepared for the heat and if you're not prepared for the climb it's heavy and it's ready it's ready look at all that land in front of us All of that is part of what has dried up from the Dead Sea, which are the times it was the Dead Sea until here, that is, from here to nowhere, we will be able to walk to Jordan, which are the mountains in front of us, calmly, to what height do we climb, well, look.
We are going to climb 800 meters above sea level here we have reached more than 100 thousand people in one day in one day he sends it calmly and we are already entering dear I have passed by here we entered the fortress good for archaeologists this is this It's a candy this is a sweet look here I'm showing you the entire area of ​​King Herod's northern palace there are three levels where that group of people is this is where he organized banquets and sybarites this other round one this is where Herod had his Roman baths just for him and the level where we are now is where he had his rooms where he lived his life now this is the only place with everything packaged that always with a little breeze look what a super swimming pool is made here King Herod came with his entire family he had ten wives ten imagine we have already reached the dead sea this is where people come to float my mother perales this is it but if this looks like the beach of benidorm true at what speed is the margin of death being lowered it is estimated to be one meter per year one meter or meter per year if nothing is done it is a lot it is a lot it is very worrying this rate of the Dead Sea disappearing if the canal that is projected to bring water from the Red Sea is not built Scientists calculate that by the year 2050 there will be no more water left in the dead sea and the ecological catastrophe that is going to occur here we are all going to pay for it all in the world half of the sea belongs to jordan half of the sea belongs to isora ​​and the mediterranean has 3% salinity this is more than 33 percent One of the things they do here is lie in the water reading the newspaper or reading a book because there is no current, even a pot can reach it, but I always say that it is a sea with instructions.
People have died here, if drowned, you can't splash around here because when you If you get into the water, it is preferable that you get in two or three people together because sometimes there is this water due to the density it has with the minerals and the salts, the same water can turn you around and that is the dangerous thing because because then you cannot get up you can't get up so on some occasions there have been people who have drowned here because they were face down and the more txapote you have to turn around again the worse the worst is hays getting in like this turning around so as not to fall camet s you can't move forward and look and you have the lifeguard there is a property lifeguard this water is very good for things like psoriasis and the air is very good for people who have respiratory problems and also people who have arthritis who have rheumatism make poultices with the mud of the The Dead Sea is very good for you or not, but the truth is that it's a bit difficult to submit to a fight.
I can't get into it because I have high blood pressure, so when you have high blood pressure, my doctor told me not to even step a foot out of the water. The salts and minerals get through the skin into the blood system and that causes problems. I can think of a good one. They love it. People have a great time. year about 27 or 28 degrees that people take the bottle no one should buy it if they do because they don't understand that the minerals are so strong that it ends up like eating the plastic of the bottle or you love being here alive I love this land I love what I do.
This land has given me a lot. It has been very good to me and very generous. You give me Lamah's hand. You come to Madrid to visit whenever I can. That was done to me when I thanked my Madrid for a kiss and a hug. cibeles living room living room

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