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Madison Beer’s Guide to Soap Brows and Easy Blush | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Apr 20, 2024
Hey guys, it's Madison Beer and I'm here today to show you my daily skincare and makeup routine. The first thing I do when I wake up is wash my face immediately. I put this on and then this is my cleanser. I have had problems with my skin for the last three years, I would say I never had acne in my teens, it affected me when I was 19 and 20 and now I am almost 22 and my acne is starting to set in and go, I used to have acne on my forehead all the time and really horrible deep cystic acne on my cheeks and I was very insecure about it and it was like I didn't know it could be crippling, obviously and you don't want to. putting makeup on it because then it makes it feel and look worse and it was just bad so I'm really glad I found something that works for me so the next step in my routine is a toner that I just put on it.
madison beer s guide to soap brows and easy blush beauty secrets vogue
Toner my friend uses and it's Naj Cream Skin Toner and Moisturizer and it feels so good you don't even have to use cotton pads which I had no idea you could do, I thought you had to use toner. a cotton but you just put this on and I'm not kidding when I tell you it feels like I want to say milk but I don't know if that's an attractive thing that you want on your skin and it feels so nice and then I feel like most people has one of these. I love it. I don't really know if it works or if it does anything, but I feel like it does.
madison beer s guide to soap brows and easy blush beauty secrets vogue

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madison beer s guide to soap brows and easy blush beauty secrets vogue...

I think it deflates my face. I swell quite a bit. I eat a lot of sushi, chips and salty things, so I get quite bloated when I wake up. Currently I also have this little surprise. That's my friend. Sometimes I also have to remind myself every time I get a pimple. I'm like you used to. You couldn't even count the amount you had, so be thankful it's only one? Now I feel like when I do it, I might be making it feel better, maybe I'm making it worse, but this does something to my brain that makes me think it feels better.
madison beer s guide to soap brows and easy blush beauty secrets vogue
The next thing I do is my moisturizer and I really like this moisturizer, it's like it's whipped and it comes out in this really cool and elegant way. It's interesting, you would think that having acne would make you want to get into skin care, but it actually scared me a lot because it hurt and I was terrified that it was going to make things worse because sometimes it would and sometimes I would have a really bad reaction to something. and then I was terrified at the thought of wearing anything. again, so I stopped playing with it when I was going through it and then I was like, like mentally quarantined, I was going through a really hard time, as I'm sure a lot of people were, so that was nice. how I spend time with myself at the end of the day and just like I thank my body and my heart for working so hard and over time every day and I think skincare is a big part of that because It's like thanking my skin and my body for protecting me and it's cheesy, I know, but it definitely makes me feel better and I think everyone should do things like that because they can really help improve your mental health.
madison beer s guide to soap brows and easy blush beauty secrets vogue
Moving on, this is my favorite face spray in the entire world. I'm not even going to try to figure out the name because I'm going to fail miserably, so the last step of my skincare routine before I move on to makeup, which I'm going to do. I rave about this Lemare i concentrated eye cream and it makes me feel really fancy every time I use it because it has this little thing that really preps my skin for makeup and I like when my skin feels really clean and ready to go. I feel like my makeup sits on my face much better, sad moment, I take off my cute headband, which I miss the moment it comes off my head, the first step of my makeup routine, which is something very, very new which I've started with my I haven't always done this and I'm obsessed with makeup.
I just have my eye


really out of control so I started plucking them and I immediately made them too thin for my own good and then I started letting them grow because any makeup artist I would work with would always be like you have such great eye


so I I let it grow out and now this amazing


brow trend that whoever came up with it is so cool it's literally a block of


take a brush and actually put soap on there just brush your brows and again I don't know if I do this good.
I really like how it looks and I really like soapy brows now. Technically I don't use foundation, it's a skin. tint is what it's called, it's supposed to even out your skin tone. I actually really like how it looks. Yes, I know I aggressively slapped my face when I do this, but that's okay, next up is the lord and savior of concealers, which is the Nars Creamy Concealer that I've been using forever and I feel like I've started wearing a little more makeup. in the last two years. I never thought I was good at it to be honest with you and I used to have eyelash extensions and I didn't really mind wearing makeup because I felt like the makeup fell on me enough so I didn't really wear any makeup.
Actually, 99 to be completely honest, 99 of my days I don't wear any makeup. I'm too lazy to be frank, but when I'm in the mood and have time to do a full face, I do it because I like to do custard makeup and then I used ginger too. I use it. For more, I just covered my spots and then took a


blender and just blended everything together. I think my pimples are generally masculine. I mean a lot of things like her. These are keys. Okay, now that I have the concealer on I'm going to have to accept this guy as he is.
I enter with Charlotte Tilbury. I think they are called contour glow sticks. I use them sparingly because a little goes a long way, so that's my cream contour. Start with all cream-based products first again. This could be criminal and really wrong to do it this way, but this is the way that works for me, so this is the way I do it. My favorite product in the makeup period is


. This is my favorite. The


of all time is the Charlotte Tilbury cream blush. I wear a lot of these things and people always ask me if there is a makeup product that you could only use for the rest of your life.
It would be 100 this one. I don't care if I had it. pimples and no concealer, I would wear blush no matter what and I know it seems like a lot, just please bear with me, I also completely blush on my nose like I'm a cartoon character, it makes me happy so now I'm going to get into it. With the dust, the strange order of operations is about to go down, I'm just warning everyone that this is Charlotte Tilbury's dust and I'm going to try to make that guy relax as much as possible, although it may not be possible and I also just put myself underneath. my eyes and in my T zone so now I'm going to move on to my bronzer and I'm using my queen Rihanna's only Fenty Beauty bronzer and you can see how dirty it is I would use it all the time and I'm just going to go in lightly , this is in the shadow of a private island.
Shout out to Ree for doing the best makeup ever and I never really do nose contouring because again, fearful of the unknown, I have no idea what I'm doing. Whenever it comes down to it, but again, this is kind of the first thing that's given me confidence over the last few years to be able to do it. I do it very, very lightly because it still scares me. I use a brush like this and I'll just do it. Get in there and I'll do a little bit on each side of my nose and I'll look very uncomfortable and focused while I'm doing it and then I think it was Kim Kardashian who I saw do this once and it blew my mind. keeping it in the family we're going to use the Fenty Beauty blush that's on Ginger Binge and Moscow in the meantime this is the best blush ever and you can never have too much blush in my world so I just put it on and just do it as unpleasantly blushing as possible without looking too crazy.
It's been really amazing to see how much the makeup has developed. I think, especially with tick tock, I see a lot of people getting incredibly creative with the things they do next. The step is my beloved Morphe Madison


palette so I'm going to use a lighter shade and social media is obviously a great place where I think there's been an overflow of creativity and positivity and I think it's brought a lot of people in. together that otherwise wouldn't have come together, but there's also a really difficult part. I've had to take a lot of breaks.
Sometimes I don't post for months at a time and won't even continue. for a while because it has a really bad effect on me so I'm using this shade in my palette and I'm going to use a little bit of this too and I'm just blending the two together and I'm going right in the crease of my eyes right here and I'm wearing. I keep coming back to this lighter shade just to put it in the corner of my eye in the middle so I've been using this mac 224 brush since I was in 6th grade I'm not kidding I think this brush has literally been with me for 10 years, talking about brushes, one that I made that is my savior is this morphe



brush, this is the best eyeshadow color in the world, so I use this brush for my inner corner and that's it and this is what I do, so I look.
I always try to look down or towards the center. This is the only thing this brush is good for and then it disappears and then I have a little bit bigger brush. to do my eyeliner and I haven't always used eyeliner either, but once I get into a routine I can't break it. I'm a creature of habit and I use the exact same shadow color. What I do is I look and I'll imagine if I had a really long eyelash coming out of here, where it would sit and what it would look like, then I see like a line in my head and I just follow it so you can see how it lines up with my eyelashes I think that one It's the goal at least, so once I put the eyeliner on I start to feel a little more complete.
Next up is my highlighter. My cream highlighter, which is the Charlotte Tilbury highlighter wand and I just like two little dots right there. and I love highlighter. I feel like it makes me feel like I'm a wood nymph and a fairy and who doesn't feel like a fairy. I double the highlighter a little. I really like this brighter one, it's called playing. I think and it's something very similar to what I just did, but it's a little variation in the pigment, I guess, and I put it on with my fingers. I'm going to apply my mascara.
It's called Lash Slick by Glossier and it makes my lashes look like lash extensions, it just fills them in a lot, so anyway now I have my highlighter and I use this color here, which I made sure I had something I could use on my inner corner on this palette, so I throw this in the inside corner. I don't do it too much, just a little bit, just enough to survive. This is my favorite lip liner because it matches my lip shade and I can over line them. a lot and it really doesn't show and you can see here is where my lip is and I go under it this lip gloss that I found on tiktok this is the ulta


juice infused lip oil it's very nice and I really like that one Cupid, although I put it as my lip liner on my skin, but once you put lip gloss on top, it looks like your lip and the last thing I do and this is, if I'm feeling really fancy, give myself a spray of what same I use at first a light spray a light spray is nothing crazy but my finishing touch the final step of my daily makeup routine is my earrings.
I can't leave the house without my earrings and I do leave the house. Without my earrings it is a very strange and strange day for me. I think I've been wearing gold earrings every day since I was 15. I probably completed my whole vibe because now I can wear sweatpants and still feel like I did something right, guys. it is for me thank you very much peace

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