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Madara Uchiha VS Sosuke Aizen | Naruto Shippuden VS Bleach

Jun 04, 2021
Alright, we're finally going to do this, it's Christmas and here's my gift to all of you, Madara vs. Aizen, so you wouldn't leave me alone with this for the past few months since you even hinted at its existence to me. leave me alone on Xbox Playstation Twitch Twitter discord YouTube everything that I did you guys would always mention it so with me today I have my good friend Clyde yeah I'm here so yeah like we would tweet we would tweet basically anything where we can be seated. there like, hey, you know, sorry guys, I can't come up this week, my family just died in a car accident and you guys would be like a modder of us with your eyes and when the question mark essentially took us a long time because There were some delays, so I had to discredit Ichigo vs.
madara uchiha vs sosuke aizen naruto shippuden vs bleach
Narshall in the battle to the death and we wanted to investigate as much as possible. We want to make this video as a solid and talkative Mass. You know, we wanted it to be that way. We want this to be the end of the video. because the benefit of Akatsuki in a video is that that video essentially ends the entire debate and almost everyone who watched it agrees that it's the end of the debate, yeah moderate and Ison are basically the big two. old guys from your universe, they are the two known names almost everyone knows who the modder is almost everyone knows who Aizen is so this battle to the death is going to be really crazy so without further ado we will go over the eyes and the speed and I hope that all of you Enjoy guys, I'm going to start with eye speed and as SEF just said, I just want to say very quickly that Bleach is a series, it doesn't really have any official guides or statements from the author himself, Kubo or even from the characters to confirm how fast the characters in the series really are, which is quite annoying because if you look at series like Torico and Naruto, there are actually guides for both series and even parts of the manga for both series that really just say very Simple, hey, this guy is that fast.
madara uchiha vs sosuke aizen naruto shippuden vs bleach

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madara uchiha vs sosuke aizen naruto shippuden vs bleach...

I mean, if you look at Naruto, we have confirmation that certain characters are light or lightning speed and even sound, while in the bleed limit it doesn't even exist, so Seth and I had to do a ton of research. To find out how fast Aizen should be and after going through many ambiguous and controversial statements from characters throughout the manga, we came up with three ways to determine how fast Aizen should be with the math and methods we've used now. . The first one we have is the Ash Whelan light, which is used by Quincy's and, more specifically, Harbor.
madara uchiha vs sosuke aizen naruto shippuden vs bleach
She is considered a ray of light several times throughout the series. Actually, that's exactly what it is and how it is used. he snaps his fingers, does so, and steals Quincy abilities that he deems unfit to continue fighting and can give them to other Quincys or he can simply keep them for himself. Yes, we've seen characters dodge this light on multiple occasions, esp. the Quincy and even some of the high ranking Quincy, and one of the most key moments that happened in the manga, so we're talking about the Australian light, is actually the fact that Uehara used it from the top of the Palace from Seoul. and he used it all the way to get to the quincys at the bottom of soul society and if you're new to


ing, it's actually a ridiculously long distance and we have a way to scale this because Ichigo flew from Seoul palace to soul society and let's do it like that, I'm sorry if we underestimate Ichigo and comfortably say that okay he's just lightning fast traveling at 220,000 miles per hour because it actually took him 9 hours at the quoted top speed to fly from the soul palace to soul society using basic mathematics, it would be reduced to 1 million nine hundred and eighty thousand miles that it actually flew if it took nine hours to do it at lightning speed, but by simmering it like this, it is actually blatantly wrong because you're essentially saying that Ichigo with his true powers at that point in the series is as fast as he was again to be akhiya, which is actually stated in the official data books as lightning speed, it actually says that every attack against Byakuya was lightning fast in bankai when he first achieves it at the beginning of the series and honestly, if you say Ichigo is that fast, you're saying I can't even scale to Vast Lord, a form who fought against Yuuki's aura and you know, if you know anything about


, it should be common sense what I'm implying here, so we have a real way to scale how fast Ichigo should be.
madara uchiha vs sosuke aizen naruto shippuden vs bleach
Just doing it, it's pretty hard, but it works, so if he's bankai base, you know like a lightning bolt, you can multiply it by 10 with the Halla fication mask just for the fact that he could have been Grimmjow and the deal with Grimmjow is that Grimmjow is actually in his bankai only at his base. in shape and then with his mask he was able to compete with Diaz's grim resurrection, which is actually comparable to a multiplication because when he transforms and fights Ichigo, he seriously slaps him to the point where the strength is crazy, but Ichigo It's the fight. progress hits him with the mask on, so it can be scaled twice ten, this then puts Ichigo at 2,200,000 miles per hour if you do that multiplication by ten and then by throwing dirt you enter the equation scene, already which is comparable to Ichigo from the war arc, I think it's a pretty comfortable way to scale them because you know Ochio is still on his second release, a very impressive character even in the war arc and here's someone who can even be compared to the vast Oh Lord, one way because yes, he got along well with the vastest Lord, but he fought him pretty well to a certain extent, okay, your first throw times 10 because it's his first throw, like seriously Cooke slapped the Ichigo's hollow mask and you know that if you just multiply by ten and twenty. two million miles per hour and then you do the multiplication by ten one more time for the second launch of it and that's two hundred and twenty million miles per hour and one more time if you're going to say that Ichigo's war bow is actually more stronger than the second. drop or Kiara this would make a lot of sense and then by doing that we can use the speed two hundred and twenty million miles per hour basically based on Ichigo using the nine hours it took him to get there and then the distance should end up being one billion nine hundred million miles which actually traveled because let's be honest, Ichigo isn't just lightning fast in that part of the series and the benefit of doing this is that Aizen is easily scaleable towards Ichigo and to some extent is actually much more impressive. than Ichigo, so it's not that far-fetched to say and you'll see that the actual distance between the Soul Palace and Soul Society is approximately two billion miles, which is what I said before, this shows that the light of Osh Waylynn It's actually faster. than light or two relativistic speeds of light because there are panels in the manga where it is clearly shown that light is hitting someone within a couple of seconds away and it wouldn't make sense for it to be one minute or two minutes or even five minutes because The characters in the war arc aren't fodder at all, they would literally be standing there like, oh man, let me check my watch, this ah Suellen light that I have to dodge is taking quite a while, no, prove that Australian light is speed of the light. and it's relativistic with the speed of light if you want a low bullet so there you go that's the way and the second thing we have is actually Lily borrowed or x axis for those of you who know him like that and he's a Quincy which has a vole that basically revolves entirely around light based attacks, it's intangible and both of Nannerl's slashes should be swung to highlight that it's attacking with light and the third one actually touches a bit on the first method we used and it's pretty much Ichigo. and it is said that the data books are lightning fast against pyaar kiya during the Soul Society arc and it is incredibly easy for us to say that god T is in that verse three thousand times stronger than Ichigo in that fight that automatically puts them. around the speed of life because light is approximately three thousand times the speed of lightning.
I mean, if you really compare Ichigo from the Soul Society arc who fought Byakuya to someone like you, you're a second version who is escalated so he can destroy California. with a single lightning bolt from Lance or destroying the Melbourne 7.8 times and then you even have good old Yamamoto, who was said to be capable of destroying the entire soul society that is scaled to the size of the earth. I think that puts into perspective how different the force is. The difference between soul society characters and current arcs is actually like this when talking about moderate hei speed, especially in the state of the six paths, there are a few feet, so you usually have to pass, so that the first one is some kind of misconception where he fights with Mike. boy now Mike runs so fast that his body mass increases to the point where he begins to warp gravity.
Now this doesn't necessarily mean something like, say, a black hole, if he gets to know the event horizon or a significant enough mass that he can't do that. I even see the inside of him, that's why it's black because light can't escape, yet obviously Mike was still visible, he was incredibly fast, there's no reason to say he would be as powerful as a black hole. I just wanted to debunk that misconception about anger. in fact, he is now coming at a different speed than bleach, which is very ambiguous, controversial, strange and debatable. Moderate has data books written by the literal author of the story just blatantly saying how fast the techniques are.
So moderate. It has a technique called send you to. stage bow storm release light hit a ninja to be used by those who gain the power of the six paths, emit a beam of light to split the enemy in two like a sharp and pointed fang, cut all things with the speed of the light, it may be impossible for the enemy to evade it. even a hit, this is moderated with a Rena GaN, so this is the same moderate that was bombed, dodged, you know, stroked by Naruto for six payments and then bombed and cut in half with socks.
Then he takes another Rena and can order. toy with Naruto and Sasuke is able to basically quadruple thin bows and is able to cast the infinite tsukuyomi and unlock the char rena gan yoke agnia Sharingan which increases his power even more exponentially now moderate he is not as fast as Kaguya however he does receive Many, many improvements beyond the Sage Art Light Fang, which was so weak that Sasuke Naruto could casually cut them in half, where he had to calmly walk away for his life. So moderate at this point it is easily faster than the speed of light that he is faster. this Light Fang, yes even if you look at the first part of Naruto before, in characters like Akashi, even when he was a child without chakra, he cut lightning in half, this is mentioned in all the databooks, even in the anime , the manga, is generally above lightning, even as a child fatigued with the lightning sword and then you have characters like Haku with his ice mirrors being able to reflect off the battlefield literally at the speed of light fast enough like to bombard Kakashi who is faster than lightning and most people have the misconception that Sasuke and Naruto are faster than light because they were able to tag Haku, however there are some things to consider as that Haku wasn't trying anything compared to Naruto and Sasuke; he actually he was setting up a ruse that he actually wanted to lose intentionally and this was provoked. by Zabuza and the databook says it's possible for Hawkwood to move at light speed which means he can but that doesn't mean he's always doing that and when Naruto fought Haku it's more like Naruto was using omnidirectional defense on offense and he was just blatantly overwhelming everything Haku did regardless of his speed so Haku keeps him at bay so you get the idea that even previous characters in the series where you at least know speed of light and it is really impossible to say that moderate stage. art light Fang can't be light speed, especially when the databook itself backs it up and of course there's even a power scale to back this up, so essentially all you need to do to prove that tears of the gods are the speed of light is proof that they are three thousand times faster or stronger than Kakashi, which is very easy to do in Naruto, the more chakra you have, the more power and speed you have.
This is shown in any NARR, so it becomes a bit qbf his power and speed increase as vs. Neji does things like that so one thing Naruto does is he goes around the entire shinobi alliance, touches them on the shoulders and increases all of their chakra by more than three times the amount of chakra Kakashi normally has and this is indicated when Kakashi is . planning with shukaku how to deal with theten tails and Kakashi calmly states that he should be at least three times as powerful with the amount of chakra Naruto gave him, so how many ninjas did Naruto power up at three times Kakashi's level now at the beginning of the war there were 80,000 shinobi in the war and there were 100,000 zetsu and there were five divisions of shinobi so I think it's important to go over all the divisions and have a general idea of ​​how many shinobi are still alive so you can have Kakashi's unit or platoon in which usually he didn't flinch, he basically soloed all these swordsmen with just the guy and when he returned to the battlefield and fought the tailed beast, he generally wasn't fatigued, calmly spamming lightning bolts, all sorts of things he wasn't. tired at all, even after fighting all that time, his Hisle platoon was generally fun, at least fifteen to twenty thousand shinobi, right there the daughter squad was the one on the beach. he generally had no problems with kinkaku and ginkaku , he sold them basically just with SUCI and of course you have Choji and his father Choza alone in the Mazo ghetto and generally they didn't suffer that many casualties either and then yeah he joined a squad or the commando units either Many squads suffered, actually the only squad that suffered major damage would be the Gaara squad, which ironically was shot by moderate meteorites, so it is very clear that there are still at least over 10,000 shinobi, all amplified by more than three. times lightning speed, so even the power scaling itself you could call it calculation buildup if you want, but it's more like supporting evidence that these characters could easily scale to at least lightspeed and, Of course, self-restraint beats this numerous times over and there is no reason to doubt that he is capable of reaching those levels of speeds when even the gay Reika has synapses that activate at the speed of light, so let's move on to the eye strength and I just want to clear up some misconceptions real quick so that the real isin that is sitting in his chair in the War Ark, is actually stronger than against Ichigo in Ichigo's Donga form and this is very important because Not only is it highlighted by multiple characters but it is actually stated that by just sitting in his chair he managed to become stronger over time as if he wasn't actually doing anything, he was sealed the entire time in his chair and managed to become stronger. , he flexed his eraser and stopped that mini Hoggy as if it were an eyeball with which he was able to hit a Kido without even saying that he can't be Asian and was even said to be stronger than the one he used against Ichigo and in This point in the series actually retained the hogyoku's immortality ability, whether it was still inside his body or not.
At the point in the series he isn't necessarily shown, but he maintains the ability of immortality because soul society couldn't execute him. This is why he's still in the chair and not executed like they normally would have, and if I don't know how executions work in soul society, they actually have this kind of execution stand with the Phoenix Sword where has the power of 1 million zanpakuto so whether they've actually tried that on Aizen or not is kind of a headcanon but let's just say for the sake of common sense that they tried that on Aizen it definitely didn't work and central 46 says it has lucky that he is actually immortal, otherwise he would have been quite executed and the really important thing is that it is not just him. stronger than he was when he was transcendent or whatever, he also stays sealed for the most part while fighting and while he's sealed he's stronger than he was against Ichigo and another really important thing, this is actually very interesting, a lot of people It's like you already know. where is


's bankai and stuff?
Why do you activate his bankai now? The thing about Aizen is that his zanpakuto is actually two levels above a bankai. Do you have kai bankai and then you have transcended where your zanpakuto fuses with your hand and this is shown with Don Guy and trance Eisen and then there is the fourth level shown with the final getugatensho and Aizen after Ichigo in which er zanpakuto is fuse with your being and it is shown how Aizen can put people under kyoka or his illusions without even drawing his sword and he is also able to manifest his sword seemingly out of nowhere, so he was able to pull this against you with absolutely no effort. .
He came out of nowhere. However, he shouldn't even have a sword on him when he's in the chair. he still brings it out if through this same being you have low spiritual pressure, you don't call him because your zanpakuto just sits really well like it did at the end of Ichigo versus Aizen; in fact he was actually fusing with Aizen at the end of the fight now that we've gotten him out of the way and people are saying whoa bankai would be multiplied tenfold because he's already two levels above bankai that's why he's so much more powerful than all the other characters and that is why he transcends.
Shinigami and Hollow now, to get into their DC, it's a very important thing to go over when talking about the destructive ability of bleach, they are the most powerful gods here, so the main one is you, ha, so your heart was going to destroy earth, soul society and hollow world with just their pure energy so basically their energy was going to engulf the three of them and this actually shows their physical energies leaving the planet and it should also be noted that yes, uhaah itself was going to destroy it because a lot of people like oh well just the balance of the planets is going to be destroyed, however this is not true because this very act of his energy leaving the planet was going to kill Ichigo as well and obviously Ichigo has nothing to do with it. to do with the balance of the planets or something like that, it's not some kind of natural balance, it's just a character that will be engulfed by this tsunami of Yuhas energy and to further demonstrate that the American energy was engulfing all these planets and kingdoms different in recent times. chapter I think it was like 10 to 15 years later, you can quote me on that or not quote me on that this round is a good time to jump in, his energy is still sticking out from random parts of soul society and the earth and Aizen .
Even you know, it suggests that the last vestiges of Yuha's power have finally disappeared after all this time because his energy was actually in every realm in the Bleach verse, at least the normal ones, not like every galaxy or everything. the universe, but less in this one. new normal planets that we know and of course Aizen adapts to you, huh, now he is not as powerful as you, however, he is still relative, he is still capable of causing damage, he is still capable of casting illusions on him, no is crushed by spiritual pressure. is still a relevant threat to you even if it is multi planet level or large planet level and to add to what SEF just said if you actually scale Aizen - yamamoto who is scaled to a GMO engine because he fought against Yamamoto before when Yamamoto actually activated his bankai and art of war while suppressed, it dried up every drop of water in the soul society, all the water in the atmosphere and all the water/ice zanpakuto users couldn't even activate their swords .
Yamamoto was also confirmed to have bankai. The heat of the Sun's core, which reaches around 15 million degrees Celsius or 27 million Fahrenheit, Yoha also specifically said to get out of the way of the sword, clearly implying that they can not only be harmed but also potentially killed. . by said sword and while he was suppressed, just by having Yamamoto activate the sword itself, he said that he would end up destroying soul society if he continued in that way by suppressing himself, so just put that into perspective, he was suppressing himself and I had to do it. I clearly declare that if you do not know this and this flight in a couple of minutes or seconds I will end up destroying the soul society that is scaled to the size of the Earth and considering the fact that the soul society is the self-explanatory afterlife himself and many of his captains support this and say that if you don't hurry you are going to destroy everything so please do this quickly, that's what everyone was saying and everything on the planet was drying up and affected, we know it has a reach planetary because it is drying up all the moisture on the entire planet, so yes, it has a planetary reach and everyone agrees that it is going to destroy soul society by existing now.
One very interesting thing about Yamamoto is that this is not the tax. This bankai is not some kind of extract, it is not some kind of exaggerated fire, it is not even shot, it is literally his spiritual energy, it is literally his, simply the energy within him is so powerful that it releases kinetic energy capable of destroying everything the planet. and evaporating all the water on a planet is just its existence because, if you remember, heat is not itself kinetic energy, so the mere fact that its energy is causing this means that it's actually just its destructive power in essence and is not just doing this. simply by existing, he is trying to avoid this consequence, he is deliberately suppressing all the power and kinetic energy of his sword as much as he can, he is not trying to let it flow and destroy everything, he is trying to suppress it and even then he is going to destroy this .
All over the world now the question is how exactly does Aizen scale to Yamamoto? We know how it escalates to you ha, because he obviously fought you at the end, he was able to perfect it by casting illusions on him and Aizen at one point even said "now I have the means to destroy you, so who knows what Aizen is really capable of if he was actually pushed into a full battle with you, ha, and Ichigo didn't show up and if you're still not comfortable with the fact that Aizen can be scaled up to Yamamoto, who is one of the strongest characters in the series overall, when Aizen is first introduced in the series in the Soul Society arc, there are actually guides that claim that the Aizen right there in that arc is scalable towards Yamamoto with stats showing his strength, his speed, his intelligence,. etc. and then tells Ichigo, when he reaches his transcended form, that he has actually surpassed both Hollow and Soul Reaper in terms of raw strength, so that implies that he is saying that he is stronger Sorry, but. at the time and to some extent it's not that far-fetched because while he was in one of his first transformations, Silver Surfer mode, he was actually able to take on Shane or now Yolo a chi and Ichigo. all at once, so I wouldn't be surprised if the actual way he was fighting Dong Guy Ichigo could take most of the captains at once, if not each and every one of them alone, which includes Yamamoto yeah he even considers himself a dimensional level above Shinigami in a gap he thinks it's a whole different league now obviously the dimensional level is there because he's basically just saying oh they shouldn't even be able to sense my power like that that by that logic Ichigo would be like sixth or seventh dimension just because Aizen couldn't sense him, which is a little off by that logic since Shinigami would be like higher dimensional levels than normal people and it's just not very likely, but regardless of that, you're basically stating that you should be in a completely different world. level in which he was going to challenge the royal palace, who by law are stronger than Yamamoto.
He also knows that Yamamoto has a bankai and stuff like that. He said that he is aware of these abilities, that's why he tried to confront him on the basis of it. why I use it in Folie surpasses this as a transcendent zanpakuto, it is very capable of fighting a little even though in each fight there is probably not even in its final evolution there is more scale for that, so Ichigo in the hell movie see now the hell movie see in Actually, the box set is confirmed to have been supervised and written by HUBO himself and it should be noted that Kubo didn't actually say that he didn't like the outcome of the story until after the film and writing were finished, I heard rumors that It's about the shipping issue, well, let's not go into it too much that the movie itself is a very credible source.
In the movie itself it is said that Vasto Lorde destroys the chains of hell and opens the gates of hell after destroying almost all the layers of hell. Now we don't know the exact size of hell. Basically, some people claim that Albert says that if Ichigo unlocks his vassal or warps him again or lets him go, the entire world could be destroyed, he could destroy the entire world if his vast Deloria powers. he appears and this is also supported by Yamamoto saying that I thought the chains of hell were unbreakable. I thought they were indestructible and here is Vasto Lorde who can destroy the world with lore, cut those same chains and most likely surpass Yamamoto who himself destroyed the world and of course Don Guy is basically Vasto Lorde, a hollow or Weitz, whatever you want to call it, mixed with her Quincy powers and some kind of transcendent state.
If that Don Guy transcended the level versus Aizen, he is what surpasses Yamamoto, since Aizen's application there. there would be noinconsistency there would not even be a lankey radio there would be no reason to refute what I am saying because I do not contradict anything with that way of escalating and this makes a lot of sense because there are actually two situations in which Yamamoto is afraid Both of Aizen and of the Lord more quick, the first is the fact that he was surprised that the great Count could cut the chains of hell and the second situation is when Yamamoto discovers that his heart tried to recruit Aizen to his side and he is visibly not very happy with the situation , yeah, and on top of that, he goes out of his way to recruit Eisen into this war against fighters who are basically all over them, so anyway, at the end of the day, Aizen is just destructive. power is easy at these planetary levels, possibly several times with scale, there is no real exact number to give without too much head.
Canon just knows that it's beyond the basically planetary level just existing if you use Yamamoto and look guys, we've given you multiple. alternatives to show Aizen escalating to these characters and I know most people want to see some visual evidence of a large beam attack blowing up a planet, but just escalating Aizen to Lord Bastard who can apparently destroy how Yamamoto can destroy the world and yaku can destroy multiple worlds. That's basically all we have to say. Look at this from the author's point of view. Does the author prove to be someone strong without spoiling the entire plot?
How can I get you to Planet level without him actually destroying the entire planet and plotting the way you do it is a repeated and supported statement? That's essentially how it's done. You have like eight statements that say he's going to store the planet and it's hinted at physically at the end of the story. It is more than likely what will happen. An author can't always destroy a planet or go to an alien world to destroy it like a Dragon Ball character or something, a lot of things happen on that same planet, so they can't just destroy the world or anything else, everything. the plot is hindered and we know that Kubo, as a writer, Bleach was definitely in a time is limited, so you definitely couldn't get distracted just because he needed to prove to his fans that you have a planet destroyer, so the ability Moderate destructiveness requires much less effort than proving that Aizen, as I said before, Naruto is more.
Straight up with what they think the characters are capable of doing, they also have plenty of guides to back them up. I want to start by saying that it's a bit anachronistic to say that these characters and Ototo are only on the level of a mountain, a lot of people. I think for some reason, because the tailed beast destroyed mountains, that's all they are capable of, even after being outnumbered numerous times by our seemingly limitless ten-tailed beast, which was compared to the size of a small planet on only chakra reserves. by the shinobi sensory unit or how it was stated that the nine tails in the original databook could turn the world into ashes, whether that means a life wiper, etc., is supported by the fact that Kaguya was seen herself. in order to destroy the planet with her true expansive city standard, then this is what the four states data book about cognitive jutsu, the true expansive stigma appears as a keck a in jutsu, it says that she uses the divine tree to absorb chakra of all shinobi and create a maximized true egg or the equivalent black orbs that appear behind our toes when we use six path sage mode and cannot be compared to its dimension composed of the five elements in yin yang who had the power to destroy the world and return. was reduced to nothing and in fact he was told that he would create a completely new space-time and it should also be noted that every little true search or behind Naruto's back is stronger than a bijuu lady, every one of which he is actually said to be.
There, each one is stronger than a bijuu lady and here is Kaga with the true sign of so big that it will engulf an entire dimension and recreate itself in an entire space-time that is beyond a planet of large size and dimensions that hit omnidirectionally and can contain a moon. gravitating around the planet and many people are also like the shinobi alliance or what gave him that power, however as we discussed earlier, Naruto powers the shinobi alliance twice, once he did it with uh with mini toe and the other . the size of the nine tails, yet he also did it alone long before Sasuke showed up and as I said before, he powered every member of the shinobi alliance with three times Kakashi's chakra, the shinobi alliance is absolutely nothing compared with Konya. and while it could well be said, the experience of truth in York takes time to reach planetary levels, that is true, however, it says something about your overall chakra and that the sheer essence or mass of your chakra is so great that it has the potential to destroy the Plus Size planet.
Dimensions and some people even go and say that there was a star in that dimension, however, we're not going to go too far here, we're not going to go a little crazy, okay, she was able to destroy the entire world, at least like that he stated it. the databook itself and of course tempering itself obviously scales if the double Rena GaN Madara is stronger than Naruto and Sasuke individually and they are K bula fighting Kaguya then tempering with three eyes should be quite a bit relative to the conceited and pure chakra is now obviously conceited is more powerful.
However, Madhuri is not infinitely weak or anything, she is still on the same level. Some more things that support this as well is that in an ad in the last one, he casually cuts the moon in half which is above the continental level in power with just one swing of his sword, I don't even think he does it on purpose, he only does it to try to kill Naruto, then he absorbs solar radiation, at the end of the movie it is said that with just a little bit of solar radiation absorbed, he will destroy the entire earth. with a single attack and Naruto even says I'm not going to let you destroy the earth, implying that Naruto is a cat and trusts that Toneri really has the power to destroy the planet.
It should be noted that the shinobi in that same movie is only a few hundred of them from the cloud village, mostly the clouds will also disappear since their entire nation was destroyed, only a few shinobi from the cloud village They had the power to destroy the moon and these guys didn't even know the moon was hollow. I thought it was a full moon, they will teleport and destroy the moon, like only a few hundred of them said and as we know, tailed beasts are capable of feeding these guys. I looked at tens of thousands, so it's very, very, very clear. that at a constant level the god rips in Naruto or above the planet level and it should also be noted that weaker characters like King Chey who fought a very fatigued mid power Sasuke is stated in his own book of Bo Toto data with a forbidden power that can divide worlds. and erase all the things that kimchee ki hopes for the otsuki clan towards the prosperity of the ki clan and that means that kimchi ki can divide a world beyond its gravitational pole so that it will not be reunited, which means that it can inflict planetary strength levels and he's basically fodder compared to a three-eyed Madara, at least he wears scales, so by this logic his moderate abilities easily surpass planet power levels, at least in terms of attack power , and this is also backed up by Naruto and Sasuke simply holding their Their abilities together casually moon Co Kaguya without even losing energy, they actually have a whole battle after this as if nothing happened, they became stronger, in In any case, so yes, it is very clear that it is above the level of the planet and, in fact, it seems to have a relative. power for



okay so I think we've covered almost everything in terms of how pure strength these guys really are, how much they can destroy, how powerful they are when you scale them to other characters and with all that.
He said we're going to jump to who would win the fight and talk a little more about their techniques, so one thing we need to go over is that the powers of these characters are very relative if you have to notice. both vaguely above planet level and both vaguely fast and light, you know you might be able to, you know, flashing your own calculations about why so and so is 7.89 x fashion light, the others like seven point six three , but for the most part you should just keep in mind that they are usually at the same level of powers, however it is easier and more logical in this case to say that moderate has more power, so for example you have who is going to destroy , you know, the three worlds are just pure energy. and then obstructed, it will destroy a large sized planet that possibly has a star, although we're not going to use the star because obviously that's a little bit higher and it's not, it's a little bit out there even for Naruto. it's not even the databook, someone backed it up, regardless she's going to cast a large planet size dimension and Madara actually just directly scales this ability, this is way beyond the planet level, while Aizen scales to Yamamoto, who will basically destroy the planet. exists or his power goes to Albert it's very difficult to discuss how high or above the planets Hillary, you know, Ison really is and what comes to be faster than light, Clyde and I really had to try hard and even in a moment resort to a little. calc stacking at one time we use a consistent stacking for Michalak like we use kalak stacking.
It was supported by the story of the series, but we really had to stretch, you know, get to this point where isin is faster than light. I mean, it's definitely fast in the light, however when it comes to sheer consistency and how blatant a power is, it's tempered just blatantly bastardly, possibly by several times a scale, yeah, that's the problem with a lot of this research that we had with Naruto, which had like The facts, the statistics, and the statements that were really blatant and direct actually told us how fast or how strong certain characters were, but as far as the eyes were concerned, we had to do a lot of things to find the answer and make sure this video was correct and as for the benefit of this matchup is that these characters in terms of overall abilities and speed are quite comparable and I think that's what makes this so interesting, but just to say it once again, compared to Madara there were a lot of problems. around that was dedicated to finding out how fast the eyes are and actually yes without a doubt so I think when you break it down Madara is more than likely more powerful than Sosuke Aizen however before of your heart stopping, there are still techniques halfway and there.
The intelligence in this battle is still moderate, there are no god levels ahead of Aizen now, as I said before, Mara and Aizen are very comparable. I mean, it's pretty clear that they're considering all the things that Webb said in this very video, but the example I like. What I use when I think about these guys fighting is actually the hypothetical fight of how Madara would have fought Pacquiao. Now an ear to me is a glass cannon. She is strong, she has a lot of chakra, she has a lot of destructive capabilities, but no. they have a solid foundation in terms of intelligence and everything else like Madara.
I think Madara might be cocky because he's a slippery banana while Koga is basically a gun wielder and the reason this is relevant to this issue is because Aizen is the same thing when it comes to facing Madara now. They're both very intelligent, so I won't take that away from the assassin at all, but Aizen isn't someone who just fires off big explosive attacks, knocks down mids and you know. controls tailed beasts and things like that, he's much more precise and powerful in the way he fights if you take for example this, a lot of people don't know this, but Aizen is actually considered a Kido master, which means he can use Every Kido and jato technique in the entire series is now actually listed as over a hundred different techniques that you can use so you have anything from teleportation, there are multiple Kito teleportations that he can also use without any sin, which means You can basically use them instantly just like using Instant Transmission by focusing on where it will move.
Aizen also has things that can override a tax, he has an attack or the black coffin that can bend time and space and he also has a service that can stop time itself within a certain vicinity and considering that like I said, no he has to do what Asians can't do because of the level he's at, he can literally just snap those techniques out, he also has far superior hypnosis, so if you were putting a moderate character versus an Aizen character , most likely Aizen would instantlyI would put this guy under hypnosis and we know that his hypnosis works on people much stronger than him, like you, ha, and with moderate, moderate is more.
Like, oh, I'll put you back under jutsu if this situation requires four or maybe I'll put it as a subtle illusion. You could argue that he could use the infinite tsukuyomi, but I'd also say that Aizen would hit him with the illusion of it long before he's tempered. I thought about using infinite tsukiyomi. I guess an opponent, especially with moderate, moderate, somewhat arrogant, has this very strong complex that he is the most powerful being, so he probably wouldn't need to resort to that fight, yeah, he definitely has a Vegeta type personality. which is what I like about him personally, because he's the kind of guy, if we were to put these characters on the rise, I'd actually want to see what Isaac does, that's something people need to keep in mind if this is going to happen. be a real fight between With these two, I'm pretty sure to say that Madara would want to see what Aizen could do, either that or time is going to be wasted and because there will be a distance between them, Aizen can easily activate his ability because to activate your hypnosis as much as you can. he has to draw his sword, that's all, and in fact, in his chair state, he doesn't even need to make his entire body technically his sword at this point, so all the moderate has to do is simply look at his general direction, yeah, it's Like I said, it's actually a good point because a lot of people are going to think, well, you know, the moderate can just jump up, grab his sword and cancel it, but here's the deal, although Aizen in the war He doesn't even have a sword because he pulls it out like the studs of the rena gun like he can appear wherever he wants because it's a part of his body, that's how he turned you on under hypnosis from the beginning because literally all that happened was that he did you visit. in jail he says hey man how you doing and then when he's fighting later in the war he says wait my sense of time and everything is distorted what's going on and that's because Aizen just happened to do it. put him under his hypnosis without even doing anything, if you believe. moderate has too good intuition to believe that you have the almighty that could literally see all possibilities and future timelines simultaneously and he still hit him, he still didn't know if he hit him even though he could see a free future timeline at the same time he still didn't see her and that's what I love Madara but for you guys to jerk him off in the I feel like oh he wouldn't know you know he would definitely have a plan for that situation like this we're talking about your heart , just like this is the guy who can see, like Steph said, basically any possible reality that could happen.
There's no way that assassination is going to think that this guy just activated an ability. I'm definitely under hypnosis right now, oh, and another thing is that he actually fights people who are like masters of hypnosis and that tough, and they still never realize that. they're under this because Aizen actually commits it as hypnosis which makes his opponent look like he's winning so he doesn't actually suspect anything and that's how you manipulate them and there are multiple instances of this in the series, like if you look at Shinji who he had a sword, which is very comparable to Aizen's sword, but what it actually does is it just distorts your visual perception of what's happening, not like Aizen's five senses and basically Shinji was fighting him all the time thinking.
Yes, I have Aizen on the back foot, you know he's under my hypnosis, but the whole time Aizen had him under his right and another thing with Aizen, especially with this vague little power gap, is that he still has hogyoku. abilities and it is very likely that if Moderate even messed with him or gained even a slight advantage despite this mass hypnosis that even worked on New-ha, who could see all futures, then Aizen could eventually adapt to surpass Madara White lately. you know he has regeneration and he can't be executed no matter how many times they try and he adapts, that's how he probably became more powerful while he was in a chair, it's just that the hogyoku was simply adapting and making him more powerful, it's very evident . this vague power gap could actually be overcome even if the moderate somehow tagged Aizen now.
I think the most important thing the moderate has are the limbo clones. How do you think Aizen would deal well with moderate limbo when it comes to the limbo clones that a lot of people have? this association with limbo is strongly tied to shadow clones, that when you imagine a shadow clone you can prick it with a pin and it just pops like a balloon, you know they don't actually hit you, you were a powerful thing, but the clones Limbo can actually attack tailed beasts in one shot with just a punch. Think about how just one punch can knock out a tailed beast and you see that the thing about Aizen is that he doesn't have any visual skills to help his vision, but what he really does have is a variety of kids like the ones I mentioned briefly before and one of those kids is a key that Shinji used in the past to open an invisible barrier that Aizen had around him when he was just a lieutenant, so at the time it was fodder, but the technique itself is used exclusively to stop illusions and can even open something that is actually invisible and if you said that the real Limbo clones are on an astral plane or that they are actually made of an entire truck instead, then I have no doubt that if he hadn't opened them where they were, he could make them visible with that Kido technique and if that's not enough, the real fact of the matter is that if Aizen has Madara under hypnosis since the beginning of Into the Battle, which is probably In the case, the Limbo clones and Madara would have absolutely no idea where Aizen is at all times because their hypnosis would have affected the killer and would be completely playing with his mind and if you doubt, how strong Aizen's hypnosis really is ?
He used it on the visors 100 years ago and when they appeared in the color-coded city arch they were still under hypnosis from him? Yeah, and for the most part, Aizen wouldn't even be visible to moderate, so we're actually being very generous. with what is visible or not and everything must be taken into account that the second mother has the illusion that her limbos will also be interpreted as not functioning at full efficiency and it is very unlikely that the moderates will be able to do anything beyond obviously , Aizen has the power to hurt moderates, even Sakura and Zetsu could hurt Six Paths characters if they are not on guard, so it is very clear that Aizen with his slippery banana tactics actually has the intelligence to fight against people who are eons of years old, have eons of experience, geniuses who can create, you know, devices that can hinder all of reality and he's outsmarting all these guys, while the moderates just fight, you know, a warring race of ninjas basically almost almost barbaric, so I mean that's them.
They have their own intelligent beats, they're smarter than most people on our planet, yet they just don't compare to eons of studying or, you know, meditation like many of these, you know, Bleach characters have done. , so it's very clear that, in all honesty, there are more of us. that we are smarter than the moderates with their illusions about relative power, there is just no real reason to say that the moderates win, so you could say that you know that the moderates could be used as a soul-stealing technique, however , it should be noted that all Bleach Battles are based in Seoul and if you want to go to Seoul against Seoul, Aizen's own zanpakuto attacks Seoul, attacks your soul, so if moderated it has no astral defense, which is most likely he doesn't actually have any, then Aizen would take a shot. if we are talking about soul battles and even the eyes and spiritual pressure attack the soul in your very existence and I would also like to argue that due to his spiritual reiatsu covering a massive area, Aizen could actually hinder the limbo clones even if They existed, so in all honesty, if we're talking about a character battle where moderate, he just likes to witness his opponents even against Naruto and Sasuke, he was testing them.
The demonic goat tries to do everything possible until you tame the third eye. in that case Aizen just absolutely does subtlety and flexes in moderate mode, however in a bloodthirsty battle Madara might accept it because moderate would obviously be bloodthirsty and one will obviously probably attack him and overpower him and probably seal him, however, in a character battle, a normal one. Aizen would take the day and another argument that people are going to make right away is oh the battle would end from the beginning because as soon as they look each other in the eyes Aizen would start the jutsu but here's the deal we're talking about in the sense of personality in this fight because if we just jerked them off like there's a lot of different outcomes that could happen and that's not how we want to do this, that's boring, but essentially what's going to happen is because moderate is not someone who flexes and You can use.
You always like to last fights like Vegeta does, that's why I compare you to Paquita before. He has had very similar personalities. He did this to my boy. This is the guy who used BR that eight doors to death's door as one of the most powerful techniques in the series and all the modern thing I wanted to do was sit there and masturbate and watch him throw his hands like he loved it, so I don't see why he wouldn't want to do that with Aizen, especially since when they confront each other right away. Aizen doesn't even have to draw his sword like I mentioned before, like if he just existed, just standing there he would already have an assassin under his hypnosis and that's what we've seen many times in the Bleach series, that's how Aizen fights, it's incredibly snake and that's just what I would do tomorrow to be honest, yeah, and if we're talking about Aizen's character, basically in every fight except against Ichigo, he puts his opponent under illusion, especially if he's stronger than him. like a you ha he instantly pushed him under an illusion, every single character in the beep verse he knows, he tries to put them into an illusion so yeah it's an Aizen character putting a character under an illusion and Ichigo he's like an outlier in the plot so that ichigo is a shot and just to add to the way Aizen actually fights if we compare Aizen to the Ichigo in just his old bankai that he fought in the Cutta Cutta Town arc when Ichigo trained with his father, he actually trained for three months without stopping just three months straight of training with his zanpakuto in the dango and this is also proven by the fact that Ichigo was suffering physical damage while sitting there meditating the whole time, for which was definitely straining him all that time and Aizen's base form during That part of the series is before he went through any of the Hogyoku transformations and this is even before the actual time skip when he's much stronger in the chair .
He told Ichigo that he could kill him in an instant if he really wanted to. and he approached him and scared every girl, so I have no doubt that Aizen's resistance could last much longer than three months of non-stop fighting. Now another thing is obviously the real sticking orb, now the real seeking orbs. for the most part they are just said to negate ninjutsu, however one could argue that they are stronger than B's u bombs for a good portion, however as I like it I said they are actually just based on ninjutsu , like for example, the Second Hokage's tobirama was capable of doing.
I actually grabbed one and gave it back to Obito and we know that Minato was able to even have the truth or touch his jacket and he teleported away and his jacket didn't even have holes in it afterwards so the idea of ​​truth in orbs absolutely erases all when there are no limits, I mean you could jerk off, you could say that happens, however even if one hit Aizen, I said he could still regenerate, obviously it's not because it's not a reanimation, it's not based in chakra. more biological or spiritual and we have never really seen it in seeing the orbs hinder on a spiritual level or basically a physical level, we have only really seen it on a reanimation chakra level so Aizen would still adapt and in Anyway, if it suits a certain Seymore who could destroy anything that would make it even worse for the moderates and another thing I want to add is that a lot of Bleach fans are going to say, well, the killer would die in the case of that gets too close to Eisenhower.
The eyes and spiritual pressure are at that point in the series and that's not true, okay that's definitely not true and it's important because people like Renji Ichigo and Newhart were able to resist the eyes and spiritual pressure and very specifically, Renji because it was within that fight at that time and Aizen has said that if he flexes his spiritual pressure,you can pick what you can, destroy it, whatever you can and it really comes down to whether the opponent is weak enough, they will disappear or if they will be destroyed. strong enough to support it because even it shouldn't swing, for example if it's too close to your eyes and when you were removing the seals following bleach fan logic, you should have banished it or lost an arm or something like that . said that it all comes down to how strong the actual opponent Aizen is fighting is, so I'm going to say right away that that's not how Aizen could beat Madara, it just doesn't work that way, that's just shameless fanboying and even if we take that away from the eyes and honestly it's not a big deal because let's say we want to milk Aizen as best we can, we just want to wake that guy up right away, rip his dick off, we can give him the hogyoku and all his abilities . so he has immortality, he can adapt to almost any situation, so for example, if we say that the assassin pulls out his perfect Susa nose that is also polished by formless rigor and literally just kills Aizen right there because that's not very That's crazy to say considering you'd get a benefit from the ricca display and all the sage chakra if you just bombarded it with it and sliced ​​it like sushi, the hogyoku because it has a mind of its own. it actually transforms Aizen into a being that is stronger than the perfect Susanoo and the assassin himself; continually during the fight he adapts and becomes stronger and then progressively becomes stronger than


to the point where he is too strong for the assassin to take on and also what he benefits from hogyoku is that it can take him out of genjutsu so Let's say that in a hypothetical situation where Madara is the one who knows that he achieves hypnosis before Aizen, the entire team can get him out of there for two reasons, one he can literally bend reality and do basically anything at once and the second thing is that we know for sure that genjutsu in the Naruto series can be distorted by another person's power, so for this fight we can't say that.
Aizen has charged and then the hogyoku also has chakra, but if we are going to work the skills in the same way, we can say that the hogyoku can distort your spiritual pressure or we can simply say that the hogyoku can just blatantly break. get him out of this. I also think another thing worth mentioning is the fact that a lot of Naruto fans are going to say, well, what about Jabbar up to ten? What about the almighty push? What's up with all the pubs? weapon that you can use now, we've basically highlighted most of them, but I also think it's worth mentioning, okay, look, when Mara is in her own Rickard mode, all she has to do is put her hands together and she can make twenty meteors appear. the sky with absolute ease.
I'm sure Seth and I agree that yes, if you really wanted to, you could probably make something the size of a moon, if not the size of a planet, and it probably wouldn't even be that big. a deal for him but the problem is that it's not really relevant in this fight because Aizen's flying skills are incredibly useful, he's fast and those meteors don't move at the speed of light or even double the speed of light. light or even at a relativistic speed, so the media is very useless. Chibok, who tends to say that he could be useful, but the problem is that he will be under hypnosis and the other thing is that Aizen could probably destroy the debris, the meteors and the rock that will cover him not only with the spiritual pressure from him. but also. look, even if the killer put him in a position where he is covered by 22 Bakri 10 says he is behind, he can't do anything even though he is immortal, he is literally stuck there like a magnet to a rock and that's where hogyoku is coming. at play because if he was trapped in the chibok ooh ten days he would transform into a lightning bolt that could come out of him, as we saw the last time he was transformed by the hogyoku, he could do this and show that the hogyoku has his own feeling is that he says that he is a master and then he will like to serve that master faithfully, even from a distance, he will understand his master's feelings, what he wants and give him what he wants, which is why Aizen continued to get stronger. he got the ball to regenerate and became one with the zanpakuto because the hogyoku felt that was what Aizen wanted and in fact at the end of the day the only reason Aizen really lost, this is dated by Ichigo is because Aizen wanted to lose deep down, he actually didn't even want to win and deep down he felt lonely because of how strong he was at that moment, so the only time we've seen Aizen lose weight is when deep down he really wanted to lose and obviously he doesn't want to. losing to Madara, that already happened in the chair state anyway, guys, I think that's all we have to talk about.
I hope you enjoyed the video. I think we did a pretty good job with this. I just want to say that I'm You know, Seth and I apologize for the wait, but the problem is that this is a huge video and we had to make sure we did it right, so to all of you who waited and watched until the end. part of the video thank you all very much for watching thanks for me on the Seth channel. I appreciate it. This was a really good video. I hope this answers the question of Aizen versus stronger moderate moderate.
Aizen is a better fighter anyway until next time. we are cut off but the Scottie that is very good I like that I like that I really like that I like that

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