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Machine Gun Kelly x Yungblud | Band vs Band

Jun 02, 2021
This is this part of your set. I'm Youngblood Machine Gun Kelly and this is




. Wow, and how many times the first time we walked into my house without knocking on the door and all my dog ​​armies were in the living room, like who. It's these eccentric British guys that I didn't think I had to go in, don't you see, I just recite all these doors open, so I thought you would have left it open for me, life in the studios on the slide came into your living rooms are it guys, do you know what you know where the


gun is guys in the back and then I played it and then I played it on my thing like the guitar course, but I think I'm good and he came in and we did it.
machine gun kelly x yungblud band vs band
What do we do when we are together? Drink, drink alone and laugh, laugh. Like, this is my friend, he has an orange as part of his outfit, so everything was very hectic the last time we were at karaoke together, Tony broke his hands, yeah, the last time. time I fell off a table at karaoke, oh, we don't do what you do at the table, but about that I remember someone saying something to me, okay, let's go skating. I was like, no, man, Coulson is going to show me and everyone was like. what for six four five a lanky guy is going to show you off and I was like I knew it and apparently he really got it oh yeah I'm a good vibe, a good skater, I think Roxy was pretty mad oh yeah we went to uh we We called each other and said, "you and I like each other," yeah, and we thought we should meet at the Roxy tonight and tell everyone to meet us there.
machine gun kelly x yungblud band vs band

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machine gun kelly x yungblud band vs band...

Yeah, we had Travis come out and then like 500 kids into a room that could fit. about 100 on any polar link, he's tall, he crowd surfed from the top to the front door, he went up the stairs and he was European or Messiah when you got there, everyone said and then and then I just caught him, I think someone was sick with someone . I remember seeing someone get sick too in vomit oh yeah I remember yeah some of you told someone Travis was just playing in a room like I like a little bar spinning around in the freestyle this end this freestyle this ending about the about the ending that we all ended up, we all ended up stealing for our own show, yeah, it was crazy, yeah, I think the highlight is what she accomplished during the nights together.
machine gun kelly x yungblud band vs band
I think seeing someone get sick in someone's face while singing Pretty Man, oh you know, yeah, I'd probably say that. What did we just do together and what we assassins did with his supersonic by oasis oh yeah yeah we assassinated that was definitely putting one oh no you'll even prevent you had a what did you do that blew me away Taylor Swift 22 22 by Taylor Swift, I mean, yeah, that was great, we made a hit, often pretty good. I remember being like, I don't know, we just put out this song and I was like I was nervous, I didn't know what it was.
machine gun kelly x yungblud band vs band
It was going to be like and you touched it I was out of that God, he scares his bag like he didn't write any of that, he just came in and came up I was really weird, yeah man, I remember you were recording it, I know . It's like okay, cool, put it in my tit and you like what you've been here for like two minutes and then it just came out and then and it's been crazy, like it's been crazy to play it like all over the world. On that, yeah, well, I sent him a video, but the other day in Germany I liked it and they were screaming every word and it's sublime madness in your room, which is a complete disaster, yeah, but then my room is like that, yeah Yes, we jump everywhere.
Yeah, why don't you like these massive beats like this? What do you think you have this huge stereo that was so loud and was like a sublime oasis, artistic monkeys, a lot of things? Yes, I think I love the candy man. sweets I feel like I'm dying ah buddy don't I? Come here I like to go - yes, come on Cameron again second cameo this is Tom my cameraman How many times do you play sweets a day at least twelve? Dude, yeah, thanks Tom, that's crazy, clap for Tom, lonely, lonely, yeah, and a


gun, the guitar like a machine gun, yeah, where are you?, yeah, yeah, I think I'd feel like the poison is Like where are you, boy, they're pretty funny.
So I understand everything that is happening. Do they have any money? I can buy weed. Oh, thanks for the connection. Do you have someone who could die? I was like, yeah, God bleaches, so hahaha, wait, I'll call, yeah, I'll go. Through customs in Japan, now forever, what about yesterday? You were facetiming for like an hour in this position, stuck in the corner of a patch of grass in a field, yeah dude I was laying on the ground, remember I was like what are you? I was just talking I like I feel like that I feel like Spider-Man sat for an hour doing that yesterday so I don't know what it looks like when he's confronted by telling me where he is because to me from the other angle it would have seemed normal but in The reality is that I was seeing an idiot Gollum gremlin, it's that all of us evil people have nailed it, I'm sorry, you already know yourself.

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