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Mac vs Windows - Who Wins in 2024?

Mar 14, 2024
Then last week, my teammate Joseph decided he wanted to become an editor. He wanted to get him the best computer to handle it, but it was a bit of a dilemma, yeah, we couldn't decide whether he should choose Mac or Windows. that in 2023 there are now big differences between what the two can do so I ended up buying both types of machines so we can try them out and find out which one is really better oh yeah and Joseph is editing this video using the We chose the computer so You can experience the results from now on, so our total budget was £1600 here in the UK, which if you go Mac will get you the new highest-end 15-inch MacBook Air currently available and with This With the same budget, you can also afford to go for one of the best in Windows, so this is the Dell XPS 15 2023.
mac vs windows   who wins in 2024
And I must say that I have unboxed many Windows laptops in my time, this is one of the best presentations. I've always found, as always, that Apple's unboxing experience is not generous, but I love the quality, the braided magnetic cable that now also matches the color of any laptop I choose and then a couple of manuals and stickers and the wall adapter, the Dell power cable is a little less pretty, but you get a free little USB hub that gives you a full size HDMI and USB and the other side of the cable is a brick, so of all The quality of presentation of Apple products is a big part of why so many people give them as gifts, but in this particular case I think the Dell surpassed very slightly in the unboxing experience.
mac vs windows   who wins in 2024

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mac vs windows who wins in 2024...

Now, regarding the build quality. My preconception was that the MacBook would be a notable step. Every MacBook I've used in the last 10 years has felt structurally unbreakable with its 100 aluminum cases and very few individual parts, while I've used many Windows laptops, even expensive ones. cheap plastic that literally starts creaking the moment you take them out of the box, but that's not really the case here. The XPS 15 is machined aluminum combined with a carbon fiber palm rest. It has these really stylish shiny details on the sides. The hinges are very firm and can, most importantly, be opened with a minimum of fingers and although both laptops will make a bit of noise if you apply too much pressure because the material is very thin, neither one feels like it is about to fall apart in the short term, so However, I'll give them a tie, the Dell has more ports and will tend to find this when Windows versus math in general, considering it's such a slim laptop, it's really cool to see them fit not just three ports Ultra-fast USBCs but also an SD card slot and a security lock port for chaining it to a desk compared to just the two USBs and no card slots that the Mac has as a rule.
mac vs windows   who wins in 2024
Apple goes for ultra-minimalism in everything they do, so they will tend to get exactly what they think you will need and nothing extra, in a very superficial way, Windows also takes the category of ports, but it is not a cover-up, there are a couple of Redeeming factors for this almost portless Mac: Instead of using a USBC charger it uses Magsafe, which I prefer to snap into place. It feels satisfying, but more importantly, if you accidentally walk into it, you're less likely to pull your laptop off the table and break it in Oblivion. This is what happens if you walk into Dell. cable, yes, I have covered the floor with bedding because I don't trust this, it's a pretty elegant pull, there's a little twist at the end, two, that the Apple charger is a nice, slippery, neat thing that you can fit in a pocket, which is only possible. because Apple designed their laptops to have lower power requirements compared to the Dell brick, which is literally like carrying a second device with you at all times and then three, the fact that when you plug in your Dell because the charger is USBC you are losing one of the three USB ports that you could have used for something else but then you turn them on and you are faced with the components that you are going to spend the vast majority of your time looking at the screens and for In this case, The Mac is much sharper.
mac vs windows   who wins in 2024
Windows laptops tend to stick to industry-standard resolutions, which in most cases is 1920 by 1080 or, in this case, 1920 by 1200, but Apple pays very little attention to what the number itself is. and instead you just focus on doing what you want. Call a retina display a resolution such that from the distance you'll be viewing any display you shouldn't be able to see any individual pixels, so you'll end up with some strange sounding resolution numbers, like in this case 2880 by 1864, but Hey , I mean, in the end, that's two and a half times the number of pixels compared to Dell.
Plus, you can probably tell this even through the camera. The fact that it's a glossy screen also helps with how it renders color. Is it a two? screen one and a half times better no, there are definitely diminishing returns to having more pixels, both screens are equally bright with each other and I obviously prefer the bezel-less look that the Dell XPS 15 has instead of Apple's dreaded Notch, but the Mac still it's a little better here and I guess if you're going to have a notch, you'll at least benefit on the MacBook as Apple has more room to slide in a better webcam, so this is the Dell webcam, it's 720p. look at this, it's pretty bad yeah, like the way it renders skin tones.
I look bad, you look pretty bad and this is the Mac that is 1080P and that is a factor that definitely makes it look better, but it is not just a question of resolution as the skin tones look better the exposure is more consistent the background behind us actually looks like the background behind us oh yeah and then there's an icing on the cake you'll also sound better on the map the audio has a level of richness what the Dell lacks. This sounds like you're using a built-in microphone. One thing that very few people seem to consider when buying a new laptop, but really should, is the keyboard.
I actually managed to put myself through some pretty severe repetitive strain. injury last year from using a keyboard that had a high level of impact. I don't think this is a problem for everyone, but if you feel like you're susceptible to this then I'd go off the map a bit. I would say that In general, Apple just doesn't like their keyboards to be soft, so they press a key with a fairly sharp click with minimal damping which makes it nicer to use and more satisfying than the noticeable springiness that comes with it. you get on the Dell keyboard. but it's also conducive to having more screen in your hands if you're going to spend a lot of time typing, to be honest, anyway, if you use your laptop at home then you'd better go for a proper ergonomic mouse and keyboard like this one .
It is from the Logitech Ergo range because holding a trackpad in your hand all day is not the best for you either, but if you had to, between these two, just like the keyboards, the Apple trackpad is the most pleasant to use, do not misunderstand. It's great that Windows has caught up with how you can use your trackpad to fluidly interact with your machine, but this is something that feels really satisfying and intentional about the Mac click that Dell just doesn't have. a dull Holo press with a hint of something loose inside, so it's pretty even so far a couple more hardware comparisons before we get into the juicy software comparisons, well one thing you can be sure of in any current MAC system is the speakers won't be bad, I mean the ones in my 16 inch MacBook Pro are easily some of the best laptop speakers on the market and the ones in this air aren't as good but they aren't far off either, It is not like this. it has massive speaker holes like the Dell ones and all the sound comes out of this space here so it actually bounces off the screen towards you instead of coming straight at you, but it's a six speaker sound system compared to Dell's quad speaker. and hear the difference. 2021 has been an incredible journey for the Mr Who's the Boss channel.
I'm still in physical shock from what we managed to do this year. It sounds pretty good and the audio seems to have room due to the fact that you have larger speaker grills, but the first thing I noticed when I heard that is that my voice doesn't sound like it should sound, so this 2021 Mac has been a trip incredible towards the mysteries of Boss Channel. Still in physical shock, uh, what we've managed to do this year, okay, you may have been able to hear here that the audio feels a little tighter, but the tuning of my voice feels perfect and it's also a little more clean now. that is the fact that this entire laptop is made of aluminum and therefore there are less micro-vibrations that interrupt the desired sound or simply an audio algorithm on Apple's part.
I have to admit that the result speaks for itself. Well, we just looked. is active and Microsoft's YouTube channel has 1.12 million subscribers which means Apple is completely crushing them just like us but we are actually beating them so if you want to help us get there then it would be a subscription to the channel. lovely, but perhaps the most important hardware question of all is performance, if you spend the same amount of money on Mac or Windows, which gives you the faster machine and it's a more confusing question than ever because Apple doesn't already use a day when Mac and Windows had the same Intel processors and the same AMD video or graphics and life was easy, but almost everything Apple uses now is custom, that's what it said, I don't believe.
It's a stretch to say that on the specs front, Windows feels like a clear winner. I mean, you have a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 that has 14 cores and can go up to 5 gigahertz compared to only eight CPU cores that can go up. to 3.5 if you get 16 gigabytes of RAM compared to eight plus a terabyte of solid state storage, which again is double what you get in the air for the same price and as long as you're in the apps that can take advantage of that . power, you will see the difference as you open a CPU benchmarking app like geekbench and you will be able to very clearly see a 35 higher multicore score by diving into a storage speed test and the s on Dell will come out on top just slightly and run a game even though this Dell is using Intel's own graphics which aren't the best, you'll get like 20 higher frames per second so that should be fine.
Windows takes it away from you, well the numbers aren't the whole story for the vast majority. of your daily tasks we've already passed the point where the limiting factor is your hardware, it's all about the software and the advantage of Apple making their own chips is that they can build software around that hardware, so if you make your work or you can do your work with Apple apps like Pages and Keynote and Safari, some encoding and editing platforms like Final Cut, those Apple apps will run extremely well on Apple's M2 chip which actually has better than any Windows counterpart because, as I mean, Dell has nothing to say about how programs are specifically optimized for the hardware selection it chooses and most of this, what goes unnoticed so far is that Apple's hardware power requirements are much lower. stays fast when you remove the cable from Windows laptops, in fact simply unplugging this cable without changing any of the power management settings turns a 35 performance gain into a 40 loss and a laptop whose only purpose is to be a part of all that is a big deal, so I'll call this very broad overall performance category a tie and that's a nice segue into the overall efficiency of this thing.
This Mac is quiet, it has no fan because Apple made the M2 chips in This case is based on phone chips that have had even less space for making calls than laptops, allow the MacBook to start up almost instantly and the battery life It is the biggest advantage that Max has in 2023 over Windows. I want to give you an idea. An average high-end Windows laptop can give you five hours of Internet browsing. This Dell will actually be above average, giving you about seven hours, the 15-inch MacBook Air can do 10 to 12. And because Windows laptops have to do that too.
They have much larger batteries to try to keep up with, they are bulkier and take longer to charge, so we talk about this apple brick, this is a 30 watt charger which is not some generous stretch of the imagination from Apple, I mean, I have phone chargers with three timesmore power, but still this thing can fully charge the MacBook in 140 minutes. There is an optional 70 watt block that can do it at 80, but Dell even with all this, that is bigger than Milo's face. around 150, which leaves it far behind overall in the efficiency category, but okay, time to shift gears to software to get the Mac running Mac OS Venture uh Dell is on Windows 11, they'll both do the same core things of the computer, but each one will have a couple of clear advantages, if you are used to Mac, you are never lacking, but Windows is the one if you are someone who really wants to get into the bowels of your system to make it yours if you want the themes easy as you want. a Legend of Zelda wallpaper that reacts depending on where you place your mouse, sure you want it to look like a Mac.
You can also do it in Windows so that Windows takes the customization point only with a small caveat that I think outside of the box without any. Mac OS customization is the nicest. I guess the only advantage to the lack of customization is the order, as the file explorer feels less cluttered with apps. They have more consistency in design because Apple forces them to work a certain way if they want to be on the Mac and there is a very clear priority on animations, which makes the Mac feel less like a tool and more like an experience, the other advantage of this stability control.
The fact that Windows is made for everyone, from the hardcore gamer with their colossal twenty-thousand-dollar rig to the person who simply wants to make their TV smart with a literal finger-sized stick, means there are plenty of possibilities for find unexpected things. problems not to mention that Apple offers much more experience, whereas in Windows you have to rely on third party developers who create their own drivers that tell your computer how the hardware should interact with the software and they get it wrong and then the cherry. The best thing about all this control is that the Maxes are harder to penetrate with viruses, they are not invulnerable as I have heard many people say, but there is less malware for them because I mean, if you are a hacker, you are going to want to create your hacking tools to target the operating system that has the most users, so Windows and because Windows is so widespread across countries, versions and devices, it naturally has more vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit speed, It's a little bit complicated.
The strange thing is that on the one hand, this is where you really feel the benefit of an operating system that allows you to do whatever you want with Windows, the fact that you can snap Windows to full screen and half screen is much faster than on Mac , where Basically Apple just said no and instead you sit there tinkering with your


manually until they are exactly 50 50. but on the other hand, the lack of customization in Max allows for further optimization, the software feels as a lesser burden for them. than Windows and tend to run better on equivalent hardware compared to Windows, plus they age better, you tend to find that Windows computers get very clogged over time with mountains of Windows updates, so they attack you and the file fragmentation.
That happens as you install more and more programs. Max also slows down to some extent as new updates introduce new complexities, but in my experience it hasn't been as noticeable. Here's the key thing I would say it comes down to, though well, actually first. You can't get a new Mac for less than a thousand dollars or so up to that price. Windows is your default answer, but then between a thousand and two thousand dollars I think the Mac as a light computing device overall feels like a more luxurious experience than equivalently priced Windows in the sense that I think Apple prioritizes the little things That adds up, like the sound and feel of the trackpad, the stellar hardware build, and Apple also optimizes its own apps in a way that Windows hasn't yet.
I found a way to compete, but Mac lacks compatibility. This is the biggest redeeming quality of Windows' compatibility with many working programs, especially those that involve servers and also games, if you want a game in any serious capacity on your computer, the choice is made. for you, I would instead use this £1600 to specifically buy a Windows gaming laptop like this Rog strix; You'd sacrifice a bit of the elegance of the games at much higher settings, so generally the scores on Mac have more points, but they are obviously worth different categories. different amounts so for you which one is the winner, well I think the scoreboard is off and the Mac one in all the areas I'm interested in and there's nothing I need that's exclusive to Windows so I think I should follow Go ahead with Mac, right? right now, okay, I apologize for the last 15 minutes of editing, whichever one you choose in the end, one tool you should definitely set up is Guard, not a word of a lie, today alone I have received 50 fishing emails from spam and if so, simply clicking on a bad link within them is enough for someone to gain access to my accounts and my data, so guardio is a browser extension and mobile app that acts as a digital shield that seeks An overview, scan all links before you click on them. scans all files before downloading them, traces the source of all intrusive notifications you receive to make sure they are not actually coming from viruses and can delete them from the source as soon as you install it, it will run an initial scan will show you what threats already have and then as soon as you start your seven day trial you will remove them, but actually continuous protection is the key as scammers are reinventing themselves every day and that is genuine.
Malware now lurks in legitimate places like Google ads and what I like about Guardio is that it is an all-in-one solution that tells you whether the site you are about to click on is legitimate or not and will alert you. in real time once your data is leaked online so you can change your passwords immediately, they have a multi-device feature that alerts you in real time when a malicious email bypasses your spam folder and now they offer us a test seven days and 20 off. the already super affordable subscription price for a guardio account that covers five users and will be applied automatically if you go to guardio.
The head of dot IO found it. How do I download Final Cut Pro?

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