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Lying to Each Other for 27 Minutes Straight | Jackbox: Faking It

Jun 10, 2021
everything is fine because this position in the store, yes, merchandise in the store, we are all stuck inside and we missed the outdoors, wait, don't think about it, stop reading about it, yes, there is merchandise in the store, a cute and great in the shower. I mean what I am, I miss the human size, rich in the storm, you stagger in the store, this game sucks, well hello again and welcome back to a time of quarantine, we are all together but alone in our own apartments and houses, and hey, you're not with us - and we're all going to have a good time despite all this in today's game is pretend we didn't want to play this before like on the channel yes, we - - in the bedroom - we switched to Courtney I was wearing this and then you went and put on a jean jacket.
lying to each other for 27 minutes straight jackbox faking it
No, I'm dead. Kourtney is the fake one, that means we are ready for this game, so basically those are the rules of this game. Every round there is a faker and one of us will do it. we won't be given prompts, the rest of us will answer them as best we can, the baker will just have to guess and play along, mix it up, lie, cheat and do whatever and our goal is the rest of us. They will unanimously choose who that Baker is, if we don't we will lose, if we do we will win, so those of you at home will probably be able to see more than we will see playing right now, so try to guess the faker. before I get there, you know, I see you're ready for some McCoy, come on, a patient chooses a category, number pressure, oh yeah, this involves holding up several fingers, I'm probably 1 to 10, one as many leaders as my only one It's a kind Jersey on it Courtney What are the three that Mike's tractors recommend?
lying to each other for 27 minutes straight jackbox faking it

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lying to each other for 27 minutes straight jackbox faking it...

Like a motorcycle racing t-shirt and the Clippers idiot. Well, I own my Twitch buddy's eSports jersey. I only have one of the Broncos. A t-shirt in no way. I only have one. Jersey, but you love the Oakland Athletics more than anyone. I have met Jesus. I guess I will, I guess I won't, yeah that's tough guys, I'm Damien. I have Facebook, I have Twitter, I have Insta and then I have discord, what about Snapchat? LinkedIn Twitter five hit with the business, yes I'm thinking it's the Ladies. I don't have Snapchat there. No, I'm fine, come on, fun Z Spice platform.
lying to each other for 27 minutes straight jackbox faking it
I don't feel like Damien has it. that a lot of social networks don't play ice, that's the right number, but I was


, if they were mobile games I'd be like aha, hey, I don't play those during quarantine. I get very sad, let's start by choosing a category. I've never felt like this. I assume someone has blocked you on Twitter. I'm just saying that with how much we're there and how much people see us, someone has to have done it right. I'm answering yes I'm sure, I think Sara would be very smart if she pretended to be very confident and know what she is, oh actually I know, I know who blocked me but she kept her name, um and Shaymin, so you know, I'm very angry because I'm assuming you're not really sure.
lying to each other for 27 minutes straight jackbox faking it
Oh, Damian is assuming that someone has to have done it at some point. I had to have played some stupid joke on people, okay, keep an eye on Damian, we have two more chances to catch that fake he cried on film. theater recently exact I don't think Shane is in a movie or what I recently saw little women this year little woman is amazing and making you cry I cried in the movie yeah just because you saw Timothy salivate once I saw my parents always Cry when I see Timothy will obey me Sarah, what am I not?
I cried in the parasites of Little Women so long ago that you didn't find the faker and didn't really learn anything definitive. Last chance to catch the faker I tried to keep slam. Okay, there are a lot of stories that need to come out, which has to be outside, outside, in an area where


people could be, what counts is sex in this situation. What I'm saying is I probably think I think I saw Tommy Reid, wait. I saw Tommy Reid this is so key in words I think it's time I don't know it's definitely a Ian is throwing so much shade all this time Nina has been like everyone with everyone has been like she looks like Sarah I think it's Courtney it's Tommy she started to say define public before the show quick, what was it, man, the faker, it's Tommy, it's Tommy, it's Thai, I told you I'm Tommy, me having sex in public, you're like Ian, he always accuses people like, yes, that's a white cup? true, yes, but you're in, you're also the first, you're the first to say something like that.
I bet it was Sarah because her face looked weird at that moment and we thought, "Wow, whenever I'm the liar, I usually get really serious." calm down, okay, okay, oh, no hands, honestly, the kid, I think it's the default, like everyone. I feel like Ian is saying that so that now he can prepare us and then he will do the opposite. Your head, if you've ever bathed naked. I used to have a pool in my backyard when I was a kid and I would swim Nicky from time to time yeah that's the same as me, it wasn't exciting for Tommy, what was your story?
The story is I'm from Florida so I think pool that's a good testimony I think it's Shane Thanks Shane Shane is helpless yeah yeah well he grew up in the pool he drowned in it so he was probably naked, so no, I definitely jumped naked into my pool, but I was like I was home alone. So it wasn't that exciting. I guess I've never liked skinny dipping. I've never skinny dipped with


people. It's definitely not me. I wonder if it's Sara, you know? I think I guess I've gone skinny dipping. because they connected the keys to me.
I was with Nikki in a hot tub, but I wouldn't equate it with raising your hand if you've ever lied about who you voted for. This is clearly Courtney. I think this is Courtney. because she was playing with her hair so she could go like that very easily. I have a feeling she might be Sara, she keeps accusing other people and keeps coming out of nowhere and every time I bring this up she does it. this is not going to change Sara Sara should be trying to get them together almost has to be squirty then he seemed to catch the faker what what how is it not Sara now how is it not that the two of them took forever we both have frogs in our house we're fine I think it's Sara for Sara let's all go Courtney I don't think it's Courtney I'm pretty sure less however I'll say if one of the guys is the fake, that was so easy but I'm saying whatever Courtney you need mr.
David's vote I think it's Tommy but I'm going for Courtney just in case and the votes were no way it's again I'm the same on the cigarette you say I'm very good at this game and then you don't believe me still, don't believe me, I send you a text message with three questions to


of the devices. The faker has three questions to answer, they just have slightly different questions than everyone else, so good luck the faker, that tartufo didn't take some tarpoon lords to the first text task. month to take vacation has to be May any term Jan because she writes I don't travel much I don't know why any term I was trying to say anytime during the summer I don't know why see and I would have done it I would have believed that even your excuse waits for everyone how to come up with a good reason except you and the main suspect was direct so I'll say I'll say Tommy wins this in this game it's either my favorite game or my least favorite game of all time depending on which side I'm on I think which is Courtney Shane Shane I need, I need, I need an explanation from you, look, I think it's very specific, you remember specific things and then other things you forget.
You're always very attentive to what you think you remember, that doesn't always mean it's correct, kind of funny for the way, yeah okay I only voted for you because literally the last round he was like I think I screwed up the pants. wait, wait, who is not unanimous, the summer fight is still on the loose, we have two more chances, yes, this time Shane, but not for long, Sonny Boy, you are in second place, you have a points task on your device, there are so many options now, well the problem is all of us can be used for almost every question the person who probably has the most speeding tickets I said Courtney - yes, I don't have any speeding tickets I see that the service He is irresponsible with his driving.
If Matt Robb was in this game then I would vote for him. Ian likes mountains or whatever to drive with his other fancy car friends. My spine and Courtney accelerate. I admit I've been in the car with her, but I think Sarah speeds up at the wrong times and she's also been unlucky and sweet. I've never had a probably probably not necessary because I've never had the worst memory. The worst memory and fines for speeding. The person with the smallest feet. I don't know, of course, she has big feet. Courtney has feet the same size as me.
I cut off her toes, so I have smaller feet; actually, that's the faker I've noticed, although with this, whoever the baker is, it's whether you already answer or Courtney. has been 80% of the answers throughout the whole interesting enn Courtney Tommy, if every time I pick Tommy I get yes I'll take it and practice smelling, now everyone will have a task that involves doing some kind of facial oh shit, we, we. I haven't done this one let's make a face you're going to make a face but do it at the point they tell you and then hold it until the message is revealed everyone get up he was just laughing your face was Sarah doing Sarah it looks like you've won everything time.
I'm doing the Robert DeNiro. I'm doing the Robert DeNiro. Robert DeNiro, yes, Robert bad, you know no, it's Ian, not him. Tommy with the same face voted for me. The face is the same as Tommy's, I just want to make it clear, it was the same face paper, let's see, okay, classic. I have bigger black lines but no dimples. I don't know what, I don't know what really makes him a liar, you have that fold, that, can you stick a sandwich in there and save it for later? Oh, it's almost like poaching, if you're not so sure why you would raise your hand then it would be equally questionable if you did.
I didn't do it regarding this, I thought so. I don't know the day I didn't have time to Google the definition of dimples because I kept smiling to see if I had dimples. Now I get the reaction of his boys because he doesn't appear. Up quick online so I just know my wife buys Ella the backstory, asks if you spit in someone else's food. I think Liam used to work at a Chuckie Cheese. You're telling yourself never. I've never worked on a Chuckie. cheating I've never spit in some food I think Johnny saw the Wendy's story before he was okay I think it's not Kourtney because I saw her looking for people's dimples in the first one before prom so I think it's Damien so cousin Damien has been very accusatory.
I have been very quiet. Courtney. I was trying to start this round. I think it will be Courtney, but we'll see. Well, I'm Kourtney. Kourtney said he has a W in his name and she voted for me. All the votes were. wait, I'm going to use


or gay standards here, whatever you want, okay, wait, since many is the word, it should be 1, it could be 2, what should is a little strange, whatever you're into feeling, here's why it's definitely Ian because Ian keeps going. on date after date, after day after day, just meeting people and I don't think he's on all of them, yeah, and you guys specified, you guys specified that you guys think you can't see nudes unless you're boning it's not about how many updates there should be, it's before there should be nudity, it's like there could be some nudity and not sexual stuff, I guess that's fair, that's fair too.
So you say: let me see your butt. Crazy, it's hard, see you next time you message, you'll set up the number pressure task on your device because I've seen the camaraderie. I've definitely seen the camaraderie a few times. I think I've only seen The Return of the King. twice I don't believe, I don't believe Shane is


. I remember one time we were both invited to an all-day Lord of the Rings marathon. I couldn't go, he could, that probably definitely does. I wonder if Sarah has I wonder if Sarah has ever seen The Lord of the Rings Wi-Fi.
I think she's using it as a teaser. Wow Wow Courtney, you're wrong Wow, that's it. I don't think everyone voted for that. Don't know. I don't know what is normal or yes, no, no, that's why I say I think Sarah could be free because she actually had someone living with her. Courtney doesn't have anyone. Wow, wait, Sarah, you were her roommate in Australia and that was part of this month. Should have been going down, yeah, tell us hands spill the beginning I stayed on the tour and became unanimous is Courtney, we have a vote, we have a code.
I'm uncorking, despising who's on me, who's on me, she was slow on that last question. I had to approach Courtney real quick with three questions, but it's me, everyone's on lockdown, we need me to be sleeping and bad, visit the family, well, I don't know, I'm going to literally, Jamie would say streaming, I'd saystreaming or something like that. So, oh yeah, you're right, yeah, what are you saying, Ian, I stream Sundays at noon on It would be more like everyone had a vote. I felt like all the answers fit, you know, yeah, I'll have a second. answer, but I won't have a third answer.
Most of them, uh, you had in your room when you were a kid. Damian Lyons. I saw the price of the original when I was five years old. You know, those like inspiration. You wouldn't have boys. We got a vote. I got one vote, I think it's Damien. I saw it when I was five and I love the clowns Sarah's that says Disney I did it it just says I didn't register it, I changed it one of us doesn't vote, so we have no ideas, the same place you would like to take a date with friends, what?
I am right? I have some because she answered the same thing twice, it's not Sarah, it's B apple votes, they all go to have room for maneuver is that you survived, look how many of us correctly voted for Damien every time I found out, thanks guys, thanks, I can lie and I can also find a liar, guys, thank you so much for joining us to pretend, while we are in quarantine, you guys did very well. I'm especially proud of Shane and all the lies he made today. Bravo, we've really pushed them. to your limits, if you want to see more Smosh gaming videos, you can click here and listen to one of our cheap shows and one of them we choose, watch all our videos and stay safe, bye, it's a Szabo from Pokémon.

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