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Luenell on Jada & August, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones, Nick Cannon, Trump, Kanye, Kim K (Full Intervi

May 29, 2021
close, oh I know, and that wasn't the last dance either, yeah, yeah, I mean, Jordan stopped playing right after that, he retired and started playing on Facebook. His father had been at every game, yes, and at every championship, and he was there, yes, and then they were. showed the first game he played when he came back the first game he played since his father, yes, his mother is sad, yes, you know, rest in peace too, John Lewis, died recently, yes, a giant in civil rights, yes Yes, he has been with that mother since I have. I was young, I knew about him, yes, they just made a movie about them too.
luenell on jada august mike tyson roy jones nick cannon trump kanye kim k full intervi
The Washington Redskins are changing their name and the current name is Washington Football Team. I swear by this it sounds like a triumph like oh we can't we can't. use that racist name anymore you can't say anything else just call them the damn football team why is it your football team? I thought there were supposed to be some kind of generals or Washington's generals or Washington's someone who knows yeah, I mean I always thought The Redskins was a racist title, well I didn't know that, but I wasn't thinking in those terms at that moment. Well, they're certainly moving fast on that.
luenell on jada august mike tyson roy jones nick cannon trump kanye kim k full intervi

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luenell on jada august mike tyson roy jones nick cannon trump kanye kim k full intervi...

Well, what are they going to do with us? Yes, they change the name. The football team wants to keep everyone happy but meanwhile they keep killing us like drowned flies and they haven't even stopped with the choco yes, they keep throwing people to the ground, they keep breaking heads, they keep hitting and shooting women. and black and white men, old and young, it's a power trip and um, I just can't see not having compassion like that or insensitivity, which is why Nick said some of what he said, yeah, I mean, there's a lot of frustration. I get it and the police have really been abusing their power from the beginning, as I looked for it.
luenell on jada august mike tyson roy jones nick cannon trump kanye kim k full intervi
New York passed the law allowing you to view the pensions of certain retiring police officers. There is a policeman who receives five hundred. a thousand a year these cops will have salaries of a hundred thousand dollars and they'll do overtime in quotes, which probably just means they're on call, probably means they're just sleeping at home and you know if they get a call, they'll get it, but they'll count it as extra hours and they will take a quarter of a million. salaries of a dollar a year, uh, and when you say defund the police, I think that's what people talk about, like the amount of money these people get for six months of training and the ability to kill people and destroy lives plus the way you have to train more than that to be a hairstylist exactly you can't just do your hair after six months you have to spend about a year hours and hours and hours yes, long before our


ew you told me that in actually you take uh dr staby products uh some some I'm not a big fan of dr savey I was saying well he's dead so it's not really these products this is his son right



is working on the dr savey documentary which I know how it was funny, I know it too and I actually talked about, uh, my man, Carl Jones, who was the uh, you know, he was associated with, uh, you know, he did a lot of the animations and the voices in the boondocks , he and dr. sabi were really very close and he kind of As he and I had a long conversation about he just broke down, look, the thing about Dr.
luenell on jada august mike tyson roy jones nick cannon trump kanye kim k full intervi
Savey is that a lot of his products are just foods, they're essentially not drugs, they're not like miracle ointments or anything else you know. I think he often had a bad reputation because, you know, he claimed that he could cure cancer and AIDS and that kind of thing. Well, I think his son Abdul has documentation about that and that he actually did it and I think Sabi. I went to court for some of that and it was proven that he did that, not exactly, I actually looked up all of that, okay, yeah, yeah, the whole thing that he brought all these people that you know to testify like that, that It's just not true.
I looked at the court transcripts. They sued him for essentially claiming to be a doctor when he wasn't, we didn't have a degree, and ultimately I think he just proved that what he was prescribing was just food and it wasn't. It's not really medicine and they and the case were dismissed. You know, if people believe, I understand the power of your mind to heal your body. Yes, I understand that I went through very serious stomach problems. You know, when I was in my twenties I lost a ton of weight. and at the end of all that I realized it was all in my head and I gained all my weight back and I got my health back, so I get it, I get it, I guess just curing AIDS and stuff like that yeah It's real, yeah this guy could really cure, could have cured AIDS, would revolutionize everything.
Well, they would have killed him and taken the recipe from him, but they would still have used the recipe afterwards, maybe unless having AIDS and having cancer is more profitable than curing it. because all they do now is treat it, this is true, I don't think they are really trying to cure it, but do you want to tell me that with all the scientists around the world who would love to be known as the scientists who cured it? Well, I think maybe a couple of people probably said that and I think they might have been shut down because, like you said, of all the people that are there and all the donations to cancer research and all the donations to the cancer center and and see Sinai and this, do you think they wouldn't have done it by now?
I've been alive for you know 30 something years and you want to tell me you haven't found one that's that mysterious. I think cancer is a difficult thing to cure, yes, well, you know, but it's not that difficult to perpetuate the medicine and the treatments, yes, that go along with that and that make everyone so much money. I get it, but there are so many competing companies, etc. You don't think a company that creates a cure would gladly release it so that its competitor can no longer sell the treatment. I don't know because I don't know what to believe.
There is no monolithic company if there is only one drug. company period in the world, I would agree with you, yes, this pharmaceutical company does not want to cure because they are the only pharmaceutical company and they are making all the money, but there are literally thousands and thousands of pharmaceutical companies that are trying to compete with each other. another, for sure, who would love to say: Hey, listen, you don't need to take this Pfizer pill anymore. Just go take our pill and you know, but I don't know what to believe about anything anymore. I know it's hard.
Do you know what it is. It's one of those things and of course you compound it with things like just the tuskegee experiments, yeah, you know, and black people feel like they've already experimented on us and they've already done a lot of things, so yeah, we do not do it. We don't really trust anything, we don't trust the vaccine, we don't trust the corona test itself, people feel that if you don't have it, they will put it here, they will give it to you, yes, yes, yes. I mean, I took the corona antibody test and it ended up being negative, which means I haven't had it, I've never had it, yeah, I wouldn't be here after that, right?
Oh, I'm making a deal. Interview with Hewley. next week and he already had it, I was with him, yeah, last week too, yeah, yeah, he was masked, although I bet he was, I bet it was a scary video when I saw him faint, that was, uh, that It was terrifying. I called it. right away, yeah, I mean, me too, of course, I just got up his ass because we called you out of concern, you can't send an emoji or something to say, hey, thanks, but not only did he have it and he was asymptomatic. . but then he infected everyone at his radio station too except his daughter who had a mask but his son got it and his co-star co-host got it the technician yeah yeah listen I met Fred the godson who died.
Yes, he died. I have photos with him. I have


ews with him. We knew that if we ran into each other, we would catch up for a minute like I knew a person who died. I know. A lot of people have had it now, but I know one person has actually died. You know, this is not a joke. I've been perfect, but I think I've been better than most people. They have ruined me. Upstairs, I haven't been dating, I thought you'd say masturbating works because yeah, it should be good, I mean, it's still here, here we are, California has surpassed New York in the number of cases the United States is doing. absolutely horrible job compared to most other countries, uh, Trump has been leading, you know, this whole crusade against him, he recently said masks are fine, he recently put one on, I know, it's a disaster and, personally, I feel like I would leave this, yeah, yeah, I feel like you're coming back tonight, I hope you know in our next interview that there has been a cure or a treatment or that it's all over because you know 2020 has been difficult, this year is literally, yeah, and you know it shut down athletics, it shut down the entertainment industry and it shut down.
I feel terrible for small businesses and small delis and stuff. What about the people who opened their businesses in March and had to close them in March? Yeah, there was actually a suicide on this sort of somewhat famous restaurant tour that just opened their restaurant right before Kovit ended up killing her husband and then killing herself, damn, which is probably due to the opening of this restaurant, yes, yes, that's suicide, murder, suicide. murder suicide well why can't people stand being broke? I think she was Indian. Oh, they definitely can't stand me and we're not going to be broke.
I will kill myself first and you will do it. We will be rich in heaven. Lunell. It is always a pleasure and honor to have more interviews that you will do for Flat TV in the future. We're not going to announce them yet because they're still in the works, that's right, but you know, it's always a pleasure to have you. here and thank you for the great interviews you have been bringing to the platform also listen I appreciate you people like why are you with that vlad why are you with vlad I like vlad with me I am interested in anyone who is interested in what I have to say there you go, you know, until next time, until next time, brother, peace.

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